Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Final PLEA!

[caption id="attachment_2868" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014 Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014[/caption]


                      Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. In just under Thirty-Six hours my ‘Cancer Treatment Fund’ campaign will come to a close. Over the past 43 ½ days I have; worked my finger to the bone writing a ‘record number’ of articles (some setting their own records in length and the number of ‘Likes’), spent 12 to 14 hours each and every day behind a keyboard, promoted and ‘pimped’ the campaign in every way imaginable (spending close to $100 of my money to advertise), and caused myself no end of pain and suffering sitting and writing and promoting. I have done this not out of greed, it was done out of fear. Fear that I would not manage to garner enough support.


Enough to support me desire to return to treatment, and not chance loosing the roof over my head in the process. That is not hyperbole, it is a simple mathematical fact. Allen is the primary ‘bread winner’ in this family. Each and every day he takes off to tend to me. Help me get to; appointments, treatments, therapies and the like is another day he looses pay from his two jobs. That adds up rather quickly, and shortens our ability to pay bills, food and rent. That was the whole reason for the campaign.


I think I lost your, My Dear Readers, support when I (wrongly) included my desires to; leave California, and get a means of personal transportation. For that I deeply and sincerely apologize. It was never my intent to pollute the purpose of the campaign with desires of the flesh. Yes, I just hate being stared at on public transportation. Somehow, a person in a power chair… is a target of people’s stares and (sometimes) angry insults. On top of the advent to this cancer… my patience is/was wearing thin. Honestly, I think I have had my fill of; falling typewriters, spinal injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, degenerative disc disease, nerve root damage, spinal stenosis, loss of mobility, loss of use of my left hand, and now the finale of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.


I (honestly) feel like a modern day Job. I broke down… all I wanted was to be away from Southern California. To enjoy four seasons again… and to be able to drive myself to chemotherapy. Aye, there’s the rub! For (I think) in expressing those desires I might have lost the help of many people. Now, I will not have enough money… to return to treatment, much less to leave California or get my own transportation. I have no one to blame but myself, blame for polluting the genuine needs of seeking treatment for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer with selfish desires. Selfish desires of wanting to be rid of the hurtful stares on public transportation (one time… a person actually spit on me in my power chair… for taking up “more seats that you are worth…”), and my selfish desire to be rid of Southern California… to watch seasons change, leaves turn, and maybe see a ‘White Christmas’ again.


I/we will never know, for sure, if that was the reason I could only garner ‘token’ financial support. However, I am willing to shoulder the blame, and keep moving forward. I apologize to all of you, My Dear Readers, that did pledge your support. Apologize that, whatever I did or didn’t do, that is responsible for the shortness of support.


Now, I would just like to make one final plea for assistance/donations. In a little less than thirty-six hours my campaign will come to a close. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you, My Dear Readers, for your donations and support.


“Please, won’t you take a few moments and contribute to help me pay the growing costs of my battle with cancer?”


Any amount will help. I know that this blog reaches many nations, many peoples around the world. I am deeply thankful of My Dear Readers all over this world for coming here and reading my work. I would not ask if this were… any other situation… but cancer. I just need help with the growing costs of; transportation, medications, and time for my roommate to act as my caregiver. I just want to live.


Thank you! Thank you for your time… for your careful consideration… for your SUPPORT!




Thank YOU!


Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo


The Other Shoe eBay Store
PLEASE Shop at The Other Shoe eBay Store!

PLEASE SHOP at The Other Shoe eBay Store!



Danny's Cancer Treatment Fund @ Indiegogo


Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014
Danny in Rolling Hills Estates August 12, 2014



© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx and The Other Shoe

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