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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As well, welcome to this the third edition of what is now a regular here, 'Coming This Week'. It is in this series I preview the articles to come in the following week. Now, My Dear Readers, I am just coming off one of the single most prolific week's in recent memory, here at The Other Shoe. With the publication of nine articles, in just seven days, last week. I have my sincere doubts of my ability to produce nine articles this week, too.
How does that old saying go; 'The mind is willing, the flesh is weak'. That is very much the case for me, and this coming week. Just reviewing my sourcesfor material. I can quickly see that I will have sufficient materials for; 'The Mars Report' and 'Lost in Space'. A quick visit to NASA and JPL shows that Curiosity has delivered so fresh images for your review. Already late, here today... Sunday, I am tempted to engage in beginning day after tomorrow (Monday's) edition of 'The Mars Report'.
Curiosity has reached the approach to its next way point; 'The Kimberly. As well, I am not sure if you saw this in the news. Mars is the closest, to the Earth, that it has been in over two years. For the next several days, even with your bare eyes, we will be treated to some of the best views of Mars in years .
The distance between our Earth and our sister planet, Mars, can be as much as 250 million miles. However, starting on the 8thof this April Mars will approach Earth and only be 56 million miles away. That is, roughly, 1/5th the distance for the next few days. For all of us in the Northern hemisphere you can find Mars, just after dusk, hanging close to the Moon. For more on this event, and how and when it is best to view, be sure to check out 'The Mars Report' on Monday.
You can look forward to an all new edition of 'Lost in Space' for your reading pleasure. Form just a cursory search of potential images, I have found several that are just as spectacular, and maybe even more. As always, I will include background information, some of the science involved, and links to all the sources and more. I really have fallen in love, with this series of articles, and writing and publishing brings me great joy.
This coming week will bring us yet another edition of 'The Deep Web' for your edification and review. I am hoping to have made the time, and effort, to nail down everything you need to know to create a 'Virtual Machine' on your Windows computer. By creating a virtual machine you create a whole new shell between your computer and the 'Black Hats' that there dewll.
Coming to the end of next week, already, you can look forward to more thrills and chills with the publication of the Second Half of Part Four. Part Four of 'The Horror in Smithville', which I hope to conclude, will take up just where we left off with the boys; Timmy and Archer. After falling asleep way too early, the found themselves sharing a dream. A dream that brought them terror, and fears they did not know. Unsuspecting, they will climb back in bed. Shut their eyes and retire, with visions of Blueberry cobbler in their heads. It will not be sweets, that they encounter once asleep. I will not share spoilers, I will just say. Their night of terror, and horror, has only just begun!
Well, My Dear Readers, that brings us fully round. Another week of fine reading, only here at The Other Shoe, is to be found. Now, all I ask, in return for these fine works, is that you PLEASE SHARE what you have found. Share with family, share with friends. Share with co-workers and In-Laws, both favored and not. Share with church goers, and neighbors... and even strangers around. For all that I do, all that I research, all that I download and upload. For all that I write and edit and, finally, publish for you.
I only ask that you make it well known, that my work... you do enjoy. I am trying, so very hard indeed, to grow my readership from just me and just you. This past week, for the very first time ever. I saw my visitor counter go up to 59! That is the highest I have ever seen, this counter to show. Now, I am afraid, I am possessed to see if we can do better in the weeks to come. I would give just anything, for this counter to show, One HUNDERED visitors to The Other Shoe they did come. This goal, I am afraid, cannot be met by just me... and you.
I will tell you quite honestly, that the world it would mean to me, for this counter to venture closer to triple digits. With my health failing, my pain increasing great happiness it would bring. To think that 100 readers, I did bring. So, I beseech of you, My Dear Readers, to assist if you will. In a tiny competition, this week, for most visitors I will.
And, with those words and that challenge, I leave you this day. This preview of coming entertainment and images, I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for your time, and you efforts. I hope to see you, again, soon.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank YOU!
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[…] Coming This Week, to The Other Shoe – April 6th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As well, welcome to this the third edition of what is now a regular here, ‘Coming This Week’. It is in this series I preview the articles to come in the following week. Now, My Dear Readers, I am just coming off one of the single most prolific week’s in recent memory, here at The Other Shoe. With the publication of nine articles, in just seven days, last week. I have my sincere doubts of my ability to produce nine articles this week, too.” Not ambitious or anything, was I? I managed to produce just about everything I had promised, except for one article. I was unable to bring you this week’s edition of ‘The Deep Web’. Mostly because I just could not move my hands, either of them, for two days. I am on a better, stronger, pain medication. For the most part it has been an overwhelming success. However, as it is with all things there are days when even this new drug fails me. Starting late Thursday night, this failure plagued me, I found myself in terrible and unrelenting pain. This went on until earlier this morning, when I managed to find some relief. I am still finding the use of my hands… difficult, at best. I hope to be back writing everyday… soon. Thank you. […]