Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe! A very special welcome to you, My Dear Readers, to this Part SEVEN of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! When last we left our adventurous heroes, Timmy and Archer were ‘treed’ in the gnarled oak at the center of the graveyard. Our heroes were soon to be surrounded, by zombie-wolves, which were pouring out of the forest from every side. Greatly outnumbered, and already tired from a long ‘night’ (?) of running and exploring, they readied themselves for the oncoming battle.
My Dear Readers, this story has quickly become the single most popular article series in the history of this blog. The last two weeks, and two editions, have garnered over One Hundred ‘Likes’ from all over the world. This makes me one Happy Camper! Unlike last week, I did not wait till the last minute to write, edit, and publish this week’s edition. No, I started yesterday afternoon… and finished some time around 4AM this morning.
My neck… is a disaster area! I can barely move my frigging head and the pain is so bad it would immobilize a wooly mammoth. Nevertheless, I venture forward into the day and work tirelessly to present this week’s Special episode. I refuse to ‘tip my hand’ about the trials and tribulations that lie ahead for our adventuring heroes.
The only way you, My Dear Readers, are going to find out what happened to Timmy and Archer… do they survive the onslaught attack by zombie-wolves… Will they have further encounters with Princess Nadia and the ferret-riding Alexander? All that, and more await you in the pages below.
A word of warning for all of you, My Dear Readers. The following ‘Part’… more like a chapter, weighs in at fourteen pages in Word with a 12 pt. font. Yeah… that is why it took me nine hours to write, and check. Oh, yeah! Today is special for another reason! Since I started early? I was able to go back and proof read this article prior to publication! Yes, that means that there should be very few; typos, errors, broken sentences and other literary oddities that generally disrupt the flow of a literary work.
So, without further adieu I give you ‘Part Seven – The Horror in Smithville’!
Part Seven
Timmy had directed Archer to climb to the highest branch of the old gnarled tree he could manage. There he would do his best to; bleed, slow down and/or maim as many of these zombie-wolves as possible. You see, that is a common misnomer about archers, and archery, among the larger populous. Archers rarely ‘kill’ someone with an arrow to the heart. Archers are best to bleed your opponents, causing them to slow and reducing strength. Timmy had explained all this, to Archer, as they climbed the gnarled tree.
Timmy took his stand among the lower branches of the tree. There he could just reach the zombie-wolves, inflicting head wounds and hopefully an occasional decapitation. As the boys steadied themselves for the oncoming onslaught, they did a quick head count and spoke to each other. Timmy was the first to speak;
“Ok, Archer… I have to say it… least I forget or… and robbed of the opportunity. I think it ironic that your name is ‘Archer’ and you appear in this dream with a bow and quiver of arrows. Do you have any experience, or training, in archery? Perhaps?”
Far above Timmy’s head, and out of his line of sight, he heard Archer’s laugh. It took a special kind of courage to be able to laugh when faced with an onslaught of dozens of half-dead, or reanimated wolves, hell-bent on killing you. Archer had that kind of insane courage, and Timmy thanked the powers that be just for his courage. Archer, then spoke to Timmy;
“Funny you have never asked that question before, Timmy. Yes, my father first put a bow in my hand when I was, like, six or seven. Every summer we spend time, together, seeing how many arrows we can put in a target he have attached to some hay bails in the backyard. In six years I have become quite proficient at archery, or so says my Dad.”
Timmy was surprised, and immensely thankful of his father’s instruction. It was Timmy that spoke, next;
“Well, Archer, I have never held a sword in my hand. However, I have read enough to understand to one thing about archery. “Aim small, miss small” Which means, from what I understand, aim for a small target on the wolf… like right above the hind leg where the leg meets the back, that way if you miss you will still hit the wolf. Archer, aim to maim the wolves… and to bleed them, if you can. If they can’t jump I am going to last longer, down here in these lower branches.”
The zombie-wolves that came from just to the left and right of the boys had been running all this time, and were within a few yards from the boys. Although, there were dozens more still in a flat-out run, that came from the far ends of the graveyard. Timmy had tried to make a count, of how many of these animals there were. He had made it to fifty… when he lost the desire to count, further. Timmy spoke, one last time, before they engaged their enemies;
“Archer, I know you have only a fixed amount of arrows. When I can, I will try to reach and grab arrows out of these zombie-wolves and hand them to you, k?”
Archer replied;
“Don’t get your hand removed trying to get me more arrows, ok Timmy?”
Then Archer spoke with the most serious tone Timmy thought he had ever heard.
“Tim, I really hope that this isn’t one of those kinds of dreams… where if you die in the dream… you die… in real life.”
Timmy responded quickly to Archer’s fear laden statement;
“Archer, nobody is going to be doing any dying, here… K? Shoot straight, shoot well. I will slice and dice these zombies as fast as I can. We will awake, just fine, to take our Math test tomorrow. K?”
With that, the zombie-wolves set upon our two heroes.
Princess Nadia was sitting by the fire she had just built up. Ready to start preparing food for diner that night, when Alexander rode into the campsite on a visibly tired ferret. They had not seen one another since they parted company right before dawn, that day. Alexander dismounted from his ferret, nodded at Princess Nadia, and went about unpacking his mount. Princess Nadia had managed to capture a couple of rabbits, and found some potatoes in the bottom of her pack. If Alexander had brought some veggies, and maybe some herbs, then they would put together a nice stew of the hair, and eat well that night.
Alexander had finished unpacking, and was unrolling his bedroll, when he handed Princess Nadia; some carrots, a handful of green beans, a few more potatoes and the needed sage, and some thyme. Princess Nadia looked up at, a very tired, Alexander and thanked him. Alexander spoke first, of his curious encounter, by the Mach-One Train crossing.
“Nadia, I had the most curious encounter at the crossing. A bright white oval appeared, right out of thin air, and a young human boy stumbled out. Without any hardware at all, he spoke to me, and I to him. His name was ‘Archer’ and he looked as if he was in some terrible adventure, wherever he had come from. We spoke briefly, and then he vanished the same way that he appeared. A very nice Lad, indeed, and in just the few moments that we spoke I felt a fancy towards him… enough so I wished I could have helped!”
Princess Nadia looked up at Alexander, motioned for him to sit right beside her in front of the fire, and spoke.
“Curious, indeed, my dear Alexander. For I, too, had a similar experience, only the young lad I met was named ‘Timmy’ and was unaware he had a sword strapped to his back. I informed him that the sword on his back would make a better weapon than the large rock in his hand. Alexander, I think that it was no coincidence that we meet these boys, nor was it coincidence that we should both speak to them without aid.”
Princess Nadia took a deep breath, then looked Alexander directly in the eyes, and spoke again;
“Alex, I have a strange feeling that we will meet these lads, again, in our travels. I had a feeling that we are meant to help them, and they… us! Tonight, I want us both to think on what we might be able to give them, when next our paths cross. Something that might help them in their journeys and/or be of aid. I have decided to give the lad named Timmy… my duel ‘Dragon’s Teeth’ daggers. They have served me well, these past several years. With the path I have set my feet upon, today. I do not think I will have need of them, again, in the near future. As well I think that I will provide them with, some bandages and healing lotions. You, Alexander, think on it tonight and we will make our items ready, tomorrow. Now, let’s eat this stew and get some much needed sleep, eh?”
With that Alexander stood up and stirred the stew. Princess Nadia added fuel to the fire.
Timmy was reaching down, trying to grab an arrow out of the shoulder of a ‘close’ zombie-wolf’ when it happened. SNAP! Bite!
“OUCH! Dang blasted… That HURT!” Timmy exclaimed as he pulled his wounded left hand back, two arrows clutched in his bitten hand. Timmy reached up, with his right hand, giving the arrows to Archer above. Archer looked at the arrows, before putting them in to his quiver. They were covered in Timmy’s blood. Archer spoke;
“Timmy, just as soon as this is over, let me take a look at your hand. I will need to clean and bandage it. Now try and be more careful. K?”
Timmy was in no place to argue with Archer. Though, it struck Timmy how maternal Archer had become, since they landed in this world. This was not a ‘Bad Thing’, just kind of out of character for Archer and an overall role reversal for both of them. Timmy looked down at the ground below them and saw that it was covered with the decapitated and cloven bodies of dozens of these zombie-wolves’. Archer just had to be running out of arrows, at this point, and he wasn’t sure just how much longer he was going to be able to swing his sword.
They had to have killed over thirty of these undead, and it looked like there was at least thirty more left to kill. Just as Timmy was having this epiphany, he saw one of Archer’s arrows drive right into the left eye of one of the wolves. It was within reach, so before the zombie-wolf feel back in death, Timmy pulled out the arrow… and the eyeball with it. Timmy shuddered as he repeatedly shook the arrow to dislodge the eyeball. Once the eyeball flung off the end of the arrow, he handed it back to Archer.
Timmy’s sword, now feeling evenheavier, was drenched in black sticky blood all the way up to the handle. The black sticky blood was making it increasingly difficult to keep a tight grip on the sword. The arrow he had just handed back to Archer, as well, was covered in the brackish blood. Looking down, at the base of the gnarled tree, Timmy could clearly see that there were more than thirty bodies of zombie-wolves in various states of dismemberment, or death. Some still twitched and some, even, still tried to bite and gnashed their teeth. The sight was both gory, and disturbing, all at the same time.
Timmy feared that his ability to slice and dice these ‘animals’ would fail before they were all dead. Above him, Archer’s breath was more labored and the time between arrows taking flight, was increasing. Just as Timmy was trying to figure out a way that they could both leave the tree, alive, a tremendously loud and terrifying roar came out of the woods to their left. This sound had not come from another of the zombie-wolves; it was completely unlike any they had heard.
The roar was much like a cross between a huge lion… and an injured human. It rang out from deep within the forest, off to their left and behind them some. The strangest thing had happened, when the roar sounded. The boys had stopped, when they heard the sound, but so had the zombie-wolves! Archer was not letting loose any more arrows. Timmy was not taking any more swings, and the zombie-wolves stood completely still at the base of the gnarled tree. This went on for nearly a whole minute when the forest, directly from where they imagined that sound had come, shook!
The tops of the trees trembled and shook, as if some mighty creature was tearing tree from ground. Even though the roaring sound had stopped, the shuddering and trembling of the trees still happened. Deep within the woods, where they could not see it exactly. However, from their vantage point, it appeared that the creature making the sound was moving in their direction. The ROAR!!!, sounded again. Deep from within the dark forest. Trees shuddered, shook, roar sounds. Timmy motioned for Archer to try to get to the top of their tree, so that he might see better what was happening.
Timmy turned to look at the dogs, after giving Archer his direction, and the zombie-wolves had put their (remaining parts of) their tails between their legs and were backing away from the gnarled tree. Timmy almost laughed, when it happened again. ROAR! Trees shake and break! Yes, it was close enough, now, that Timmy could actually hear the trunks of the trees… break!
Timmy called up to Archer;
“What are you seeing, Archer? Tell me what’s is going on?!”
Timmy couldn’t ‘see’ Archer at all; the branches covered him completely now. All he knew of Archer was his voice, he now heard.
“I can’t see what is doing this… What I can see? Timmy you are not going to believe this!!! Something is throwing trees into the air! Full-grown trees are flying all around, Timmy. Something is pulling forty and fifty foot tress out of the ground and throwing them!”
Timmy was dumbfounded; he looked down at the base of the tree. Much to his surprise, the zombie-wolves had left the base of the tree and were still backing away. Out of the fifty or so that were left, almost half had left the graveyard, completely. The remaining zombie-wolves were, now, more interested in what was coming out of the forest, than the two boys they had been hell-bent on eating just minutes ago. Timmy thought fast! Then he spoke to Archer, again. Nearly yelling, this time;
“Archer, get down here… FAST! These zombie-wolf things are leaving! I think we should go down, together, and gather up as many of your arrows as we can… before whatever this is gets out of the forest.”
Archer didn’t answer Timmy, he just put the arrow back into his quiver, wrapped to bow around his shoulder, and started climbing down the tree. Once Archer was low enough to see, he clearly saw that Timmy was right. The zombie-wolves had left the foot of the three, and were backing away as they hit the ground. Timmy was on the ground shortly before Archer, so he started pulling arrows out of bodies. He used them to stick, in the eye, any remaining zombie-wolves that were snapping at their heals. Archer hit the ground and started pulling arrows from bodies, too. They had removed all the arrows from the bodies, when they saw a form come out of the edge of the woods.
Whatever was coming out of the woods… well, stood on two legs, had a head, and looked like it had two arms. Thing was? This thing stood over twenty feet tall! It was covered in black clothing… it had a tall thin hat on, and it had something in its hand... that was squirming… and screaming.
Before Timmy could say a word to Archer, he knew what was coming out of the woods. How it had grown to twenty, or more, feet was another matter entirely. It was dressed in shadows, had a stovepipe hat and was as thin as a railroad rail. Timmy knew… Timmy knew that Archer was about to meet… ‘The Tall Man’!
The remaining zombie-wolves were now running for the forest. One mistakenly headed to the forest too close to ‘The Tall Man’. The Tall Man then kicked the zombie-wolf. The wolf went up in the air higher than it stood, had to be nearly fifty feet in the air and traveled the distance of two or more football fields! Tommy had never seen anything like that, a wolf being kicked half a mile in distance and nearly fifty feet into the air.
As it grew closer, both Timmy and Archer could just make out what he was carrying. ‘The Tall Man’ was carrying a human man. They were not close enough, yet, to make out who... but it was a man and this man was screaming his head off. The man was yelling, “Please don’t eat me” and “Please don’t kill me!” and (Timmy’s favorite) “Please let me go!” Yeah, like that was going to happen.
Timmy looked over at Archer; just in time to see that Archer’s mouth was hanging wide open in shock and horror. Timmy, gently, used two fingers to close Archer’s mouth, and then he motioned up to the tree.
“Should we get back into the tree, Archer?”
Archer thought about this for, like, a half-second, and then answered;
“Nope, not really going to be that much safer… and if we need to run? I don’t want to be trying to climb out of the tree to start running.”
Archer made very good sense; they had a better chance of survival if they could break out running. Timmy put his sword back in the sheathe, on his back. Then he went about trying to wipe the black sticky blood off of his hands, on to his pants. Archer saw this and went about cleaning his hands, too. Just as Archer was finishing up trying to clean up, it got close enough for both Timmy and Archer to see who it was that was screaming. It was their math teacher, Mr. Albright!
He was wearing the same outfit he had on when they saw him in class, earlier that day. Black slacks, a white shirt, dark tie and a black and white argyle pullover sweater. Mr. Albright was one of the best-dressed teachers at their school. That and the fact he was single, made for fodder that Mr. Albright was gay. Why is it that any single well-dressed guy just has to be gay? Now Mr. Albright was close enough to see the boys on the ground. Below him, were Timmy and Archer. He called out to them;
“Is that you… Archer? Timmy? Boys, I do not know how I got here… or how you got here, but you boys need to start running away and not look back. Get home quickly and call the Sheriff. Tell him what is happening and where I am… PLEAASE?!?!”
Mr. Albright could beg all he wanted to, there was just no way the boys were ever going to speak of this night, to anyone. Just then The Tall Man stopped walking and was standing directly in front of the boys. He looked down, at the boys, and put his hand over the mouth of Mr. Albright. Obviously The Tall Man wanted to speak and he didn’t want to yell over Mr. Albright.
“Hello, boys! How are you on this fine night? I see you have met my pets… my wolves. Were you having fun with my wolves? Did I interrupt your fun with my wolves?”
His voice was very low and rumbled. Almost like if thunder could talk. Again, Timmy heard a rattling sound, in his voice, like bones tossed around in a stone coffin. It was making Timmy’s skin crawl… bad! The Tall Man spoke again, this time turning toward Archer.
“Your friend, I have already met. You, I do not know... you. Won’t you both introduce yourselves?”
This was kind of a really awkward situation. It was as if you went up to a lobster right before you put him in the boiling water, and asked the lobster its name. Timmy needed time, to think. Indulging The Tall Man would buy Timmy that time. Timmy was the first to answer;
“What? You don’t, like, already know our names? That is odd! I mean, like, this is your world, am I right? We are in your world and you don’t know our names?”
As Timmy spoke the last syllable, Archer’s foot came down hard on Timmy’s foot. Guess standing up to a murderous twenty-foot guy dressed in shadows made Archer a little uncomfortable. Timmy understood, but he wasn’t going to show fear to this ‘guy’. As well, anything Timmy could do to knock this guy off his game, Timmy was hell-bent on doing. Archer spoke, next;
“I am so sorry for my good friend, Timmy. He didn’t mean to be rude… Mister. It’s just when Timmy is scared... well, his bark is worse than his bite. I am Archer and this is my good friend Timmy!”
Timmy could have sworn that he heard The Tall Man… laugh. Great, Archer was going with comic side-kick in a life-or-death situation. He was going to have to remember to have a talk with Archer, when this was all over. Right now, Timmy had to see if he could keep The Tall Man confused, and off his game. Timmy spoke.
“Hey, Tall Man… can we call you that?Or should it be sick, twisted, gigantic murderous Tall Man? ‘The Tall Man’? Hey, ‘Tall Man’ why don’t you put Mr. Albright down here, beside us. He has never done anything to hurt anyone… like, ever. So, put him down here with us… and then we can part company. We can go back out, the way we came in, and you. Well, you can go and play and kick your wolves,murder other innocent people and create general havoc some where else, right? What do you say… do we have a deal, Mr. Tall Man?”
There was no laughter, after Timmy spoke. A dark scowl came across The Tall Man’s face, and Archer’s foot came down on Timmy’s foot, again. Timmy had kept him off his game, but it appeared that he haddrawn his ire, too.
“NO! No, thank you for offering ‘Timmy’ (said sarcastically… like to a child)I will not be putting Mr. Albright down. Regardless of how well Mr. Albright has lived his life… I will do whatever I see fit, to or with Mr. Albright. If that is all the same with you, Timmy!” (Again said spitefully, like speaking to a small child…)
Right then The Tall Man removed his hand from over Mr. Albright’s face. Mr. Albright began screaming to the boys;
“Boys, RUN! Run for your lives! Forget about me, just start running and don’t’ stop!”
The Tall Man shook Mr. Albright vigorously, thumped him on his head with one finger, like you would flick someone on the ear from behind to annoy. Obviously The Tall Man’s flick was way more than a human’s because Mr. Albright stopped screaming and went limp in The Tall Man’s hand. This obviously upset The Tall Man. Mr. Albright was no fun to play with in his current state. Timmy had been successful in pushing The Tall Man, now he had ended his toy before through playing. He grumbled under his breath, shook his head back and forth, and shook Mr. Albright’s limp body.
“Now look what you made me do, Timmy! Your rude behavior has made me knock your teacher unconscious! I didn’t want to knock him unconscious! I wanted to play some more!”
It suddenly occurred to Timmy. How did The Tall Man know that Mr. Albright was their math teacher? Neither Archer nor Timmy had mentioned that fact. Timmy wasn’t going to figure it out, right now, but he had to remember that, so later… he and Archer could figure it out! Timmy had a really bad feeling about what was going to happen next. He leaned over and got right up against Archer’s ear, and whispered (The Tall Man stood twenty feet above ground, Timmy doubted he could hear them whisper from that distance).
“Archer… get ready to run for your life. I got a bad feeling… things are about to spin out of control. I am going to run around behind the tree, then out the opposite side of the graveyard from where we came in, OK? When I say run… RUN like your life depended on it… it just might!”
Archer did not respond, he just nodded at Timmy, looking him directly in the eyes. Right then The Tall Man yelled at the boys;
“What are you boys whispering about? Are you boys up to something? I think that you are, boys! Here, let me give you an example of what I do to boys and people who plot and whisper behind my back! Are you ready? THIS is what I do to Bad Boys!”
With that The Tall Man took Mr. Albright’shead and neck between two fingers of one hand, and his lower body with the other hand. The Tall Man yelled “WATCH!”
Then, the boys watched in horror as The Tall Man pulled Mr. Albright’s head and spine right out of his body! The sound was something terrible. The sound of breaking bones, the tearing of the flesh, and the screams, which stopped when his head was removed from his body. Then The Tall Man raised the head and spine over his open mouth, and licked the dripping blood from the tip of his spine. The Tall Man then threw the head/spine down right at the feet of Timmy and Archer. Dumbfounded, they walked backwards to avoid being struck by the falling head and spine. All the time staring in terror at The Tall Man.
Next, The Tall Man put the remainder of Mr. Albright’s body in his mouth. With a great sucking sound The Tall Man sucked all the flesh and muscle right off his torso and legs. Leaving nothing but bones and organs behind, he loudly burped and used one leg bone to pick his teeth. Having finished with the rest of the body The Tall Man threw the remaining bones and organs to the ground… again at the feet of Timmy and Archer.
They hit the ground with a dull, but wet sounding, thud. Timmy thought he might puke, the smell… the sight of someone they both knew and had as a teacher. Now, was a skinless, headless hunk of bones and organs lying at their feet. It was just too much for Timmy. He was about to act, when The Tall Man poke;
“Now… You see what I do when someone tries to mess with my head? Do you, Timmy, understand that could… WILL happen to you if you upset me, any more? This Mr. Albright didn’t even upset me. Timmy you have already upset me! BEWARE!”
It was at that very second Timmy flashed back to his bedroom and his very first encounter with The Tall Man. “Beware” Was all he had said, standing in the center of Timmy’s bedroom. Now, with Mr. Albright dead, his body in parts at their feet, that is when Timmy understood. He understood that this Tall Man was going to torture and terrify he and Archer until he killed them, too! Timmy was not going to let that happen,. Not tonight, not any night. Timmy was going to do whatever it took to protect Archer, and get them home safely.
He had a plan. Timmy stared The Tall Man directly in his eyes, and spoke;
“You just killed an innocent man, for no good reason. In addition, you want me to think that it was some kind of lesson? What lesson am I supposed to learn? That you are a sick twisted, soulless murderer and that you eat humans? Lesson learned. Here’s a news flash for you Mr. Tall Man’ish (said with just as much sarcasm). You may be able to try to get me in your mouth. But I promise you that I will not go down easily… and I might just cut your throat in half, from the inside, on the way down. I am going to fight you every way I can, every chance I have… Bank on it!”
The very second that he finished speaking he turned to Archer and mouthed “RUN!”. As soon as he saw that Archer had started running, and in the right direction. Timmy fell to his knees, rolled on his right shoulder three times; ending up behind The Tall Man’s left foot. Timmy then unsheathed his sword and took his best and strongest swing… right at The Tall Man’s Achilles tendon. The Tall Man let out a terribly loud scream, it caused Timmy’s ear to ring. Then The Tall Man reached down and grabbed his left foot with both hands. Blood was coming out in buckets, and Timmy was covered from head to feet in his blood, within seconds.
Timmy, now covered in the blood of The Tall Man, shoved his sword back into its sheath, and broke out in the fastest run of his entire life. Within seconds Timmy was gaining on Archer and speeding up with every passing stride. Timmy pulled up even with Archer, and then he took a second to look back over his shoulder. The Tall Man was still bent over holding his left foot. Blood covered the giant’s hands, and his screaming had not stopped, either. Timmy turned to Archer, and through pants and gasps, he said to Archer;
“Let’s head into the woods just north of the gnarled tree. Once in the forest I think we will be able to slow some. Until then? Archer… keep running faster and faster. The Tall Man hasn’t started running, but I am willing to bet that he can walk ten times faster than we can run. So RUN!”
Archer didn’t say a single word, just nodded put his head down and doubled up his speed. Shortly Archer pulled ahead of Timmy, which was ok, Timmy was always a little slower than Archer in gym class. Archer had the short distance speed; Timmy had the endurance, long distance, speed. The moment Timmy had finished that thought, the earth began to rumble and shake under their feet.
The Tall Man had stopped holding his left foot. He had wrapped a piece of his clothing around the foot to stop, or slow, the bleeding. With his foot bandaged The Tall Man had begun his pursuit. Timmy was correct, The Tall Man didn’t need to run to catch up to the boys (it was a ‘Good Thing’ because with Timmy cutting his Achilles tendon, there was no way The Tall Man could ever run again) all he had to do was take large strides. Each of The Tall Man’s strides was about half a football field. He wasn’t even running and he was already catching up to the boys. Timmy put his head down, extended his strides, did his best to double his speed and he quickly pulled up beside Archer, again. Timmy glanced over his shoulder, then spoke to Archer;
“We have to get into the forest… NOW! Once we are in, Archer. Take a quick turn to your left. Stay within the forest, but double back the way we just came. Remember stay IN the forest. Try to not loose track of me, Archer. I will do my best to stay close... K?”
Again, Archer did not verbally respond, just nodded his head in agreement. Looking at Archer’s face right then, Timmy felt just horrible. Timmy saw a terrified Archer. It was written all over his face, palatable fear. Timmy had made the very best decision he could, with the limited time. Still, until they got someplace safe and he had a chance to talk with Archer… Timmy felt terrible at placing them in front of a wounded and angry giant.
Again, a quick look over his left shoulder showed that The Tall Man was closing, and fast! When Timmy turned back around, the forest was in his face. “Turn LEFT!” Timmy half-whispered to Archer, and then turned to his left, too. He could still see Archer as they made their way trough the forest. They had run for almost a two minutes when Timmy heard The Tall Man begin ripping out trees, one row at a time. The Tall Man was trying to discover the boy’s location. They had doubled back enough, Archer was right beside Timmy, so he (again) half-whispered to Archer, “Turn RIGHT!”
In unison, they both tacked to their right, heading them deeper and deeper into the unknown woods. Timmy was banking on the fact that the zombie-wolves were more afraid of The Tall Man than hungry, or anxious to attack the boys. So long as The Tall Man was hot on their heals, and the wolves could sense that, they would be safe… at least from the zombie-wolves. As time passed, the sound of The Tall Man ripping tress out of the ground faded in the distance behind them. Archer was out of breath and his pace slowed, gradually.
Timmy listening intently, turning to the left and then the right. Timmy put his arm up, in front of Archer, to stop him then he spoke.
“Archer, let’s stop. I think that we lost The Tall man. The last I heard him? He was still tearing up tress, out of the ground, going in a straight line from where we entered the forest. Stop and get your breath, I really do think we are safe… for the moment.”
Archer smiled, and then fell to the ground. Water. The next thing that they both would need was water. Timmy knew that his fear was waning, because his hand started hurting! Timmy pulled up a hunk of ground, right beside Archer, and sat down. They booth signed, at the same time. Timmy went to speak, to explain why he attacked The Tall Man and cut his Achilles tendon. Timmy opened his mouth to speak…
At the very same second Archer started to speak, saying his name. Timmy motioned for Archer to go first, if he was upset with Timmy… for risking their lives on a hunch that The Tall Man actually had and Achilles tendon? He didn’t want to force going first and add insult to injury. Archer began speaking;
“Timmy… what the heck just happened. You whispered to me to be ready. The next thing I knew… you rolled under The Tall Man… then blood was everywhere… and we were running and he wasn’t! What did you do?”
Timmy laughed, a little, under his breath. He sighed, again. Then… Timmy did something he did do often, at all! Timmy reached over and gave Archer a hug. Timmy didn’t hold long, at all, and started to draw away. When he realized something. Archer was, oddly enough, hugging back. Timmy put both his arms around Archer, and they sat there, for like... a whole ten seconds hugging each other. They pushed each other away, looked the other way, and then Timmy explained.
“Thanks for, like, not hating me Archer. I just took a huge risk, with both our lives… on a hunch. What I did, Archer, was cut his ‘Achilles tendon’ on the back of his left foot. I saw about the Achilles tendon in an old movie, ‘Papillon’. It is about a French prison for really bad criminals. If you escape once, they beat you really bad, If you try again, they cut your Achilles tendon… after that you can no longer EVER run, again. I didn’t ‘know’ if he would have and Achilles tendon. Evidently my gamble paid off, big! From now on The Tall Man can chase us but he cannot run after us!’
Archer smiled big at Timmy, then spoke, too.
“So, based on a hunch... and something that might or might not be true in a movie, you took a swipe out of The Tall Man’s left foot. Is that about right?”
Timmy nodded, and then laughed… quietly. Archer went to talking;
“Well, I can’t tell you just how happy I am that you were right about this Achilles tendon, in our giant. Until you did that, Timmy, I was certain that we were dead. The way he just tore Mr. Albright… apart… was incredible. Never in my life have I seen something more… gory, and violent and, well, bloody. I wonder if that means he will be, like, dead when we get out… if we get out, that is. That’s the other thing, Timmy. We have been in this world, now longer than the last time… by, like, a lot! Do you think we will get out?”
Timmy sat there and thought about what Archer had said. First, he was glad that Archer had forgiven him for the risk he had taken with both their lives. I mean, it did pay off, and from now on The Tall Man will not be able to run to chase them, but he didn’t know that when he cut hum. Next, Archer had brought up a good point. One that Timmy had, yet, to think about. They had been in this world… for several hours now. This time they were in… asleep… whatever for two or more hours. He wasn’t sure if they would be able to get out. We wasn’t about to let Archer see doubt, no way. Doubt could be very bad in this situation.
“Archer, I am sure that we will be able to get out. Probably soon, too. I know that we have been in a longer time, now. I think we would have left earlier, but we ran in to The Tall Man. I ‘think’ that when you encounter him, well you get trapped for longer… like, until you get away from him.”
Archer was hanging on his every word. Archer trusted Timmy, and Timmy would do anything and everything to honor that trust… and keep his trust. Timmy knew that, his actions, by cutting The Tall Man’s Achilles tendon he had just increased their chances of surviving not only this encounter, but any and all upcoming encounters. Archer, honestly, kicked ass with the zombie-wolves. It was time that Timmy told Archer how he felt.
“Archer, I have to tell you I was totally impressed with your archery… dealing with those ‘zombie-wolves’. There was no way we could have survived that attack without your kick-ass handling of the bow and arrows. I didn’t know that you knew archery, but we are here because you had been trained and are very good. Also, when it came to running, after I cut that guy, you were right on with turning and taking my que. If I have to be trapped in a life-threatening situation… with someone… I am really glad that it is you.”
Archer nodded at Timmy, and leaned back against the dead log. Timmy so wanted to lean back, and rest. Not yet, Timmy had to strike out and see if he could find some water, close. He lifted his nose into the air. Breathed in deeply, then tuned. Breathed in deeply, then turned. Timmy did that until he came full circle. He was happy that one time… he actually thought he smelled water. Timmy got up, and spoke to Archer;
“Listen, Archer, we really need some water, if we are going to survive. I just sniffed around and I think that I might have caught a whiff of some water, close by. Now, here’s the tricky bit. One, I do not want us to become separated in this forest… in this ‘dream’. Second, I do not want either one of us to fall asleep without the other one. We are more likely to survive if we both enter and leave this dream-state together. Now, I am going to scout around… really close byand I want you to stay awake.”
Archer nodded at Timmy’s every word, and he could tell that Archer was just as thirsty as he. The sooner he found water, the sooner they could get hydrated… and maybe fall asleep… and end up back home!
“So, Archer, I am going to head into the woods a few steps. Then I am going to call out to you. One, so I can keep my bearings with you and second to make sure you stay awake, k? Now, once I take the first few steps, I will take more, then more… then more. Each time I am going to count out the steps, in tens. If we are lucky I will get close to the water within thirty or forty steps. OK, you ready?”
Archer was willing, and wanted to, help any way he could. He wasn’t sleepy at all. The events of the past two hours had him wound up like an eight day clock. He was thirsty, and he knew that they needed water… bad. Archer answered Timmy;
“Yes Timmy, I understand. I will stay awake… that is not a problem. I am wound up like an eight day clock, right now. You are going to take ten steps into the woods, call out to me, make sure you know which direction I am, then take ten more steps. Right?”
Timmy was glad that Archer was keeping focused and keeping his wits about him. That fact, alone, would do more to help keep them alive than anything else. Timmy nodded at Archer, and headed into the woods. Counting… One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… TEN! That was it, he was ten paces out from Archer. Timmy stood in one place and called out to Archer.
“Hey, Archer, can you hear me?”
Archer heard him and responded quickly.
“Yes, doofus, you are only ten feet away from me, I could spit and hit you between the eyes. Are you still oriented with me in the right direction?”
Yeap, Archer was directly behind him, right where he belonged. Timmy took ten, more, steps in the direction he hoped there was water. At the end of the ten steps, he called out to Archer. Archer answered, and was in the right place. Timmy took ten more steps… and he heard the sound of running water! Timmy called out to Archer;’
“Archer, can you tell which direction I went? Do you think that you can follow my voice and make it to me?”
Archer was thrilled by the question, it meant that Timmy had likely found water! Archer immediately answered
“YES! I can tell which direction you went, and are, from me. Just keep talking and I will be right there!”
Timmy and Archer yelled back and forth as Archer made it the thirty feet to stand right beside Timmy. Together they pushed back some over hanging branches, and their eyes were meet with a pool of sparkling water, feed by a small water fall. They both kneeled down beside the water’s edge and drank deeply. They cupped their hands and filled them with water, drinking from their hands as quick as they could. It took, only, about seven or eight handfuls of water, and their thirst was quenched.
Timmy started fist, he took off his shirt and put it in the water. Washing it out, well, he then used the wet shirt to wash off his body; his hands, then his arms, then his chest and torso. Archer followed suit, and soon both the boys not only had slaked their thirst, they were cool and clean. Just as Timmy was putting back on his shirt, Archer noticed that the bite, on Timmy’s left hand, had started bleeding, again. The water had, likely, broken apart the scab.
Archer motioned to Timmy to bring his hand over. Archer washed out the wound, making sure to debris all the loose and dead flesh from the cuts. The bite was quite deep, and each tooth had created a long and deep cut into the back of Timmy’s hand. Archer tore off part of the tail of his shirt. Washing it in the water, again, just to make sure it was completely clean. Archer then fashioned the shirttail into a bandage. He twisted the cloth several times, doing his best to wring all the water from the cloth. He then folded the cloth over, double, lengthwise and wrapped the bandage around his wounded hand.
Archer tore the end of the bandage into strips. Taking the strips and wrapping them around the bandage, he tied the ends together closing the bandage around his hand. Bingo! That would do nicely, for the time being. The wound was clean, and now it was covered from getting dirt or other contaminants into the freshly cleaned wound. Timmy thanks Archer, and they both found a comfortable place to lie back, and rest. It had been a very long night, and they both needed to rest their eyes, and muscles. They, both, had closed their eyes and their breathing had slowed.
Timmy was drifting off… he thought that he heard Archer snoring… then he heard a beeping sound. It kept getting louder and louder. It was really odd, this sound. It was not something one would hear in a forest. Beep Beep… Beep Beep… Beep Beep… All the sudden it dawned on Timmy! The sound he was hearing was his alarm clack!
Timmy opened his eyes, and bolted up in bed! They were back! Timmy was in his own bed and Archer was curled up at the end of the bed. Timmy slapped the snooze button on his clock. Then he laid back in the bed, and just laid there looking at his room. He watched as the sun began to creep over the horizon and started showing through the curtains in his window. Archer had, again, fallen asleep at the foot of his bed. Timmy just had to buy the extra bed, for Archer. Just as soon as he had the money, it was the very next thing he would buy.
Timmy sat there, watching the sunrise, and his best friend sleep. He had never been so happy to be at home, in his bed, any time before in his life. He sat and waited as long as he could. He just didn’t want to wake up Archer. Archer had worked so hard, in their adventure. He wanted him to get as much rest as possible, before they tackled the day ahead. Just as Timmy started catching the wisps of breakfast being prepared in the kitchen below, Archer began to stir in the bed. As soon as Archer’s eyes were open, he bolted up in the bed. Looking right at Timmy he said;
“Timmy, we made it! We are home… and we are ALIVE!”
That was how Friday started for our heroes, Timmy and Archer. It was the Friday they had planned to go to the Carnival, and the Friday they had planned to ride… the Haunted House Ride! It was just the beginning of the weekend, and they still had three whole days, and two more nights of their Haunted House sleep over. But, right now it was 5AM, time to get out of bed and start getting chores done, before they headed off to school.
End Part Seven
Well, My Dear Readers, what did you think of that? Didn’t think I had it in me, did you? Well, I do! What’s more? There is tons more, where that came from. How did you like the part where Timmy pulls the arrow out of the zombie-wolf and the eye came out with the arrow? Cool, huh?
Well, I really do hope that all of you, My Dear Readers, have enjoyed this week’s episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. I look forward to presenting Part Eight right here, next week. Honestly, aside from the crippling pain… the terrible… sleep depriving and mind numbing pain? I do really enjoy bringing this faire, to you My Dear Readers!
Already… I have… plans… for Timmy and Archer. Will they include; another chance meeting with Princess Nadia and Alexander, will Nadia and Alexander help our wayward heroes, will The Tall Man catch up with the boys, will Mr. Albright be in class on Friday, if you die in that world do you still live in this world?
All those questions, and more, will be answered in upcoming episodes of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! Only available at The Other Shoe!
Until next we meet, I bid you Adieu!
Thank YOU!
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[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Seven : “The remaining zombie-wolves were now running for the forest. One mistakenly headed to the forest too close to ‘The Tall Man’. The Tall Man then kicked the zombie-wolf. The wolf went up in the air higher than it stood, had to be nearly fifty feet in the air and traveled the distance of two or more football fields! Tommy had never seen anything like that, a wolf being kicked half a mile in distance and nearly fifty feet into the air.” This episode… out of ALL of the previous six… THIS episode had it all! I am very proud of the work I did, on this episode. There is no way I am going to tell you any more… READ, or be left behind. […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Seven : “Timmy had directed Archer to climb to the highest branch of the old gnarled tree he could manage. There he would do his best to; bleed, slow down and/or maim as many of these zombie-wolves as possible. You see, that is a common misnomer about archers, and archery, among the larger populous. Archers rarely ‘kill’ someone with an arrow to the heart. Archers are best to bleed your opponents, causing them to slow and reducing strength. Timmy had explained all this, to Archer, as they climbed the gnarled tree.” My Dear Readers, at FOURTEEN PAGES in Word, this Part, Part Seven, is the single LARGEST of all the parts so far. In it I tie together all the new tools, tricks, characters, and ‘trademarks’. I interweave just about every aspect of this story, and this story begins getting dark. By becoming dark the story firmly plants itself into the Horror genre and leaves no doubt to the readers. This is a horror story, and one of a different and terribly original style and feel. This final part, for the first ¼ of the book, sums up Timmy and Archer’s experience in their ‘Dream World’, so far. Now, not only are characters from different IPs showing up in other intellectual properties? Events, and people, from reality are showing up in Dream World (OTHER THAN Timmy and Archer), events are carrying over from one reality to another. Now, I really do not want to tip my hand… I REALLY want you to READ THIS STORY… if you haven’t already… and (here is the REAL problem with reviews) I want to do this without giving away any of the surprises and without diminishing the suspense. However, weighing in at 14 pages THIS part of the story… is monumental! That is why I am taking my time working on, out, Part EIGHT! I do plan on its release TOMORROW… May 8th, 2014. Barring any totally unforeseen circumstances… like the A/C going out completely… I WILL PUBLISH ‘part Eight’ Thursday may 8th, 2014. […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Seven : “Timmy had directed Archer to climb to the highest branch of the old gnarled tree he could manage. There he would do his best to; bleed, slow down and/or maim as many of these zombie-wolves as possible. You see, that is a common misnomer about archers, and archery, among the larger populous. Archers rarely ‘kill’ someone with an arrow to the heart. Archers are best to bleed your opponents, causing them to slow and reducing strength. Timmy had explained all this, to Archer, as they climbed the gnarled tree.” My Dear Readers, at FOURTEEN PAGES in Word, this Part, Part Seven, is the single LARGEST of all the parts so far. In it I tie together all the new tools, tricks, characters, and ‘trademarks’. I interweave just about every aspect of this story, and this story begins getting dark. By becoming dark the story firmly plants itself into the Horror genre and leaves no doubt to the readers. This is a horror story, and one of a different and terribly original style and feel. This final part, for the first ¼ of the book, sums up Timmy and Archer’s experience in their ‘Dream World’, so far. Now, not only are characters from different IPs showing up in other intellectual properties? Events, and people, from reality are showing up in Dream World (OTHER THAN Timmy and Archer), events are carrying over from one reality to another. Now, I really do not want to tip my hand… I REALLY want you to READ THIS STORY… if you haven’t already… and (here is the REAL problem with reviews) I want to do this without giving away any of the surprises and without diminishing the suspense. However, weighing in at 14 pages THIS part of the story… is monumental! That is why I am taking my time working on, out, Part EIGHT! I do plan on its release TOMORROW… May 8th, 2014. Barring any totally unforeseen circumstances… like the A/C going out completely… I WILL PUBLISH ‘part Eight’ Thursday may 8th, 2014. […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Seven : “Timmy had directed Archer to climb to the highest branch of the old gnarled tree he could manage. There he would do his best to; bleed, slow down and/or maim as many of these zombie-wolves as possible. You see, that is a common misnomer about archers, and archery, among the larger populous. Archers rarely ‘kill’ someone with an arrow to the heart. Archers are best to bleed your opponents, causing them to slow and reducing strength. Timmy had explained all this, to Archer, as they climbed the gnarled tree.” My Dear Readers, at FOURTEEN PAGES in Word, this Part, Part Seven, is the single LARGEST of all the parts so far. In it I tie together all the new tools, tricks, characters, and ‘trademarks’. I interweave just about every aspect of this story, and this story begins getting dark. By becoming dark the story firmly plants itself into the Horror genre and leaves no doubt to the readers. This is a horror story, and one of a different and terribly original style and feel. This final part, for the first ¼ of the book, sums up Timmy and Archer’s experience in their ‘Dream World’, so far. Now, not only are characters from different IPs showing up in other intellectual properties? Events, and people, from reality are showing up in Dream World (OTHER THAN Timmy and Archer), events are carrying over from one reality to another. Now, I really do not want to tip my hand… I REALLY want you to READ THIS STORY… if you haven’t already… and (here is the REAL problem with reviews) I want to do this without giving away any of the surprises and without diminishing the suspense. However, weighing in at 14 pages THIS part of the story… is monumental! That is why I am taking my time working on, out, Part EIGHT! I do plan on its release TOMORROW… May 8th, 2014. Barring any totally unforeseen circumstances… like the A/C going out completely… I WILL PUBLISH ‘part Eight’ Thursday may 8th, 2014. […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Seven : “Timmy had directed Archer to climb to the highest branch of the old gnarled tree he could manage. There he would do his best to; bleed, slow down and/or maim as many of these zombie-wolves as possible. You see, that is a common misnomer about archers, and archery, among the larger populous. Archers rarely ‘kill’ someone with an arrow to the heart. Archers are best to bleed your opponents, causing them to slow and reducing strength. Timmy had explained all this, to Archer, as they climbed the gnarled tree.” My Dear Readers, at FOURTEEN PAGES in Word, this Part, Part Seven, is the single LARGEST of all the parts so far. In it I tie together all the new tools, tricks, characters, and ‘trademarks’. I interweave just about every aspect of this story, and this story begins getting dark. By becoming dark the story firmly plants itself into the Horror genre and leaves no doubt to the readers. This is a horror story, and one of a different and terribly original style and feel. This final part, for the first ¼ of the book, sums up Timmy and Archer’s experience in their ‘Dream World’, so far. Now, not only are characters from different IPs showing up in other intellectual properties? Events, and people, from reality are showing up in Dream World (OTHER THAN Timmy and Archer), events are carrying over from one reality to another. Now, I really do not want to tip my hand… I REALLY want you to READ THIS STORY… if you haven’t already… and (here is the REAL problem with reviews) I want to do this without giving away any of the surprises and without diminishing the suspense. However, weighing in at 14 pages THIS part of the story… is monumental! That is why I am taking my time working on, out, Part EIGHT! I do plan on its release TOMORROW… May 8th, 2014. Barring any totally unforeseen circumstances… like the A/C going out completely… I WILL PUBLISH ‘part Eight’ Thursday may 8th, 2014. […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Seven : “Timmy had directed Archer to climb to the highest branch of the old gnarled tree he could manage. There he would do his best to; bleed, slow down and/or maim as many of these zombie-wolves as possible. You see, that is a common misnomer about archers, and archery, among the larger populous. Archers rarely ‘kill’ someone with an arrow to the heart. Archers are best to bleed your opponents, causing them to slow and reducing strength. Timmy had explained all this, to Archer, as they climbed the gnarled tree.” My Dear Readers, at FOURTEEN PAGES in Word, this Part, Part Seven, is the single LARGEST of all the parts so far. In it I tie together all the new tools, tricks, characters, and ‘trademarks’. I interweave just about every aspect of this story, and this story begins getting dark. By becoming dark the story firmly plants itself into the Horror genre and leaves no doubt to the readers. This is a horror story, and one of a different and terribly original style and feel. This final part, for the first ¼ of the book, sums up Timmy and Archer’s experience in their ‘Dream World’, so far. Now, not only are characters from different IPs showing up in other intellectual properties? Events, and people, from reality are showing up in Dream World (OTHER THAN Timmy and Archer), events are carrying over from one reality to another. Now, I really do not want to tip my hand… I REALLY want you to READ THIS STORY… if you haven’t already… and (here is the REAL problem with reviews) I want to do this without giving away any of the surprises and without diminishing the suspense. However, weighing in at 14 pages THIS part of the story… is monumental! That is why I am taking my time working on, out, Part EIGHT! I do plan on its release TOMORROW… May 8th, 2014. Barring any totally unforeseen circumstances… like the A/C going out completely… I WILL PUBLISH ‘part Eight’ Thursday may 8th, 2014. […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Seven : “Timmy had directed Archer to climb to the highest branch of the old gnarled tree he could manage. There he would do his best to; bleed, slow down and/or maim as many of these zombie-wolves as possible. You see, that is a common misnomer about archers, and archery, among the larger populous. Archers rarely ‘kill’ someone with an arrow to the heart. Archers are best to bleed your opponents, causing them to slow and reducing strength. Timmy had explained all this, to Archer, as they climbed the gnarled tree.” My Dear Readers, at FOURTEEN PAGES in Word, this Part, Part Seven, is the single LARGEST of all the parts so far. In it I tie together all the new tools, tricks, characters, and ‘trademarks’. I interweave just about every aspect of this story, and this story begins getting dark. By becoming dark the story firmly plants itself into the Horror genre and leaves no doubt to the readers. This is a horror story, and one of a different and terribly original style and feel. This final part, for the first ¼ of the book, sums up Timmy and Archer’s experience in their ‘Dream World’, so far. Now, not only are characters from different IPs showing up in other intellectual properties? Events, and people, from reality are showing up in Dream World (OTHER THAN Timmy and Archer), events are carrying over from one reality to another. Now, I really do not want to tip my hand… I REALLY want you to READ THIS STORY… if you haven’t already… and (here is the REAL problem with reviews) I want to do this without giving away any of the surprises and without diminishing the suspense. However, weighing in at 14 pages THIS part of the story… is monumental! That is why I am taking my time working on, out, Part EIGHT! I do plan on its release TOMORROW… May 8th, 2014. Barring any totally unforeseen circumstances… like the A/C going out completely… I WILL PUBLISH ‘part Eight’ Thursday may 8th, 2014. […]