This week I tried my best to keep ahead of the curve, in spite of a very important doctor’s visit and several lab visits. I must apologize, because I was unable to keep up the pace of the past three months, and meet my medical obligations. Unfortunately, the blog suffered and I apologize. This week I only managed to publish six articles in the given seven days.
However, to my credit I managed to publish the single longest episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ ever! Weighing in at 14 pages, in Word, this ‘Part Six’ knocked my socks off. For the past six weeks I have searched for pivotal points in; plot, character development, interweaving characters, and crossover characters in this horror story. This week I DID IT!
Within the fourteen pages of this week’s episode I interwove Timmy and Archer’s plot lines, developed both of these main characters AND I established my writing style further by crossing over characters from ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ with Timmy and Archer! If you haven’t read this week’s episode, then you have yet to experience one of the greatest examples of my writing style ever!
Now, without further adieu I bring you ‘A Week in Review’!
- Coming This Week – April 13th 2014 : “Now, for the upcoming week. I can promise that there will be another edition of; ‘The Mars Report’, ‘Lost in Space’, ‘The Horror in Smithville’, ‘Coming this Week’ and ‘A Week in Review’. Beyond that I am not really sure, My Dear Readers. As you all know, by now, I will do my very best to make sure I write all the regular articles. As well, when I have the time and my body is not preventing me, I will do my best to bring even more articles. I have been toying with several ‘New Series’ and bringing back so older article series.” I am happy to announce that I did manage to publish everything that I promised, in this preview of the week to come. Again, I apologize for not having the strength to publish more and bring you any more ‘New Series’ this week. I will do my best to bring… everything I can in the coming week. My health is really failing… and my doctor’s office is refusing to release the results of my blood tests! I am outraged and tomorrow I plan on calling and asking for legal assistance with this doctor’s office.
- The Mars Report – April 14th 2014 : “Anyone with experience with photography will understand; if it is does not appear in both camera images… at the same time. Then it is likely not a ‘Martian trying to signal our rover’. More likely that not, what we have here is a very shiny natural source somewhere in the foothills of Mount Sharp. A rock surface with a very shiny surface which, when viewed at this spot from a very particular angle reflects in a camera lens. It is quite likely that, if there were humans there, they might very well not see this reflection.” And, with that, I did my best to debunk the ridiculous rumors (on the internet) regarding the reflection Curiosity took an image. I know that some will never be satisfied, and continue with their claims of “Alien Encounters” and will never be swayed by reason and/or science. Therefore, I only devoted a portion of this edition, and will not revisit this subject in future editions of ‘The Mars Report’. Coming this week will be a review of a decade with ‘Spirit’ and ‘Opportunity’ rovers on Mars. I have already put together over a dozen images, from both rovers, to review. It is going to be a great edition of this storied series.
- Lost in Space – April 16th 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe, and welcome to this week’s edition of ‘Lost in Space’. As with every week, I have already picked out the images for your viewing pleasure. Boy, do I have a great batch of stellar eye-candy for you to view. Just like every other week, I have also done a bit of research for each image I present. Having said, I simply must tell you, My Dear Readers, that the universe around us is a wondrous place filled with amazing sights and incredible science.” I am really happy with the comments and feedback coming for this series. On Facebook, on Tumblr and even via email I am getting ‘Kudos!” and congrats from many of the regular readers, and even from new visitors. ‘Lost in Space’ has already established itself as a cornerstone of The Other Shoe, and my work. If I am able to keep up this pace, you can look forward to week after week, after week of this series, yet to come. Thank you for all you support and “Kudos”!
- Daniel’s Personal & Medical Update – April 16th, 2014 : “As I have mentioned, I have a lump on the right side of my face at the jaw line. It has been evaluated by an Otolaryngologist, just two weeks ago. It was his opinion that it was an “enlarged lymph node” and gave me a order to have a C.T. (computed tomography) scan of my jaw and neck. I had procrastinated setting up this imaging, due to scheduling conflicts with my caregiver. Now, back to yesterday.” A week has passed and I still do not know the results of the blood tests. As well, I have yet to schedule the C.T. scan… or have the much needed surgery scheduled! Tomorrow I am planning on calling the doctor’s office and demanding that I be given the blood test results and move forward with the scan and surgery. THIS is the reason why I do not want to change doctors. I was, initially, impressed with this doctor’s office. However, the initial shine was worn off and I realize I am best served (and my health is best served) by staying with my doctor of the past eight years!
- The Horror in Smithville – Part SIX : “Not only was this a rat riding a ferret… this was a smart (and fully clothed) rat riding a ferret. Archer was still taking this all in, but did not want to appear rude, so he answered Alexander.” And that is all you are going to get, from this fantastic episode, without going and reading the entire story! My Dear Readers, I am very proud of this episode and the inroads I made in just one chapter. I have gone far in defining my writing style, and created trademark literary devices. Already I have next week’s episode forming in my mind. Now, for the down side… I poured so much of myself into this one article… Part Six of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ that I failed in writing several other articles. I apologize and will do my best to better balance my workload. However, I am extremely happy with this week’s episode… If you haven’t… READ THIS EPISODE! Thanks… J
Well, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the end of this article and to the end of this week. Thank you for all your support and understanding. Again, I apologize for failing to publish all seven to nine articles I usually manage. To my credit?
I did keep up that insane pace for over six weeks… all by myself… with no help from the outside… at all! At this point I do not have any doctor’s appointments scheduled. However, I simply must get these tests results, get the C.T. scan scheduled and the surgery scheduled. If I end up in the doctor’s office several times, next week, it will reduce the amount of content… number of articles, I will be able to publish.
I hope that everyone understands and keep coming back for more and more of ‘The Other Shoe’!
Thank YOU!
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