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Welcome My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe & ‘Notes from Behind the Keyboard’. This article series is started to replace the monthly/weekly ‘Personal/Medical Updates’ I have, previously, penned here at The Other Shoe. For the longest time I have really wanted to replace the title of these works, today I stumbled upon the title.
Little, as far as content, will be changed. However, today I have a little tale of courage and faith to share. Hopefully, I will have one of those to tell, on a regular basis. As you may well have noticed, I have recorded and published a short companion video with this edition of “Notes…’. I have wanted to get behind the camera, again, for the past several weeks. Not that I have any great revelation to share, just to say “Hello” face-to-face, as it were.
First, doctors suck. I am still waiting for the results of one blood test. It simply must be complete, prior to the C.T. scan with contrast. Seems I will be spending a lot of time, next week, hounding my new doctor. Just as soon as I have the C.T. scan complete, I will relay any known results, just as soon as I have them.
Next, I am genuinely flattered by the obvious success of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. My Dear Readers, not since ‘The Story of Daniel’ have I placed so much of myself, into a work. Even when I am not behind the keyboard, I am working on ‘The Horror…’ in my mind. Working out plot lines, character development, and crisis points. Until the moment the boys are finally home, safe and sound, at the end of their adventures? I will be working on this piece.
My health? What can I say, at this very moment I am in terrible pain, in my neck. I awake to pain, pain is my companion is sleep. My days and nights are filled with pain. It is my constant companion, till death do us part. I hope to see a couple of doctors, over the next weeks. I hope to have a “growth” removed from the side of my face. I hope to find out why I have fevers, nearly daily, and am so very tired and drained all the time. I am not holding my breath.
Now, for the tale I have to tell. Thursday, of this week, Allen took a trip to the nearby Target to purchase some items I was of need. The Target is on the other side of the freeway, from home. It is a walk of about four to five city blocks. Now, My Dear Readers, I live in rural Orange County. Well, it is more suburban than actual rural… but you get my point. I moved here from urban Los Angeles. Where your feet never touch the earth, life is a journey from concrete to concrete.
Being suburban to rural we see wildlife here, from time to time. Our journey to my bank, takes us past the local Community College. Directly across the street from the college is a large open field. Home to many wild rabbits. Most likely, then were pets released from captivity, to the pseudo-wild by disgruntled owners. They are wonderful to see, and quite relaxed around humans.
Well, as I was saying, Allen was on a foot journey to the local Target when he came to a very busy intersection here on Beach Blvd. Beach is a very busy north/south passage boulevard with three to four lanes going each direction. Allen was going south, on Beach, when he came across the most heart wrenching sight!
Sitting, confused… dazed… in the far right lane of traffic… just inches from being crushed by waves of traffic, was a lost and old… mole rat. Now, I am not sure what kind of rat Allen saw, I was not there, and I take him at his word. It had a very short tail, a brown and blackish coat and was quite old.
As I said, it was in the street… in the middle of a lane of traffic on Beach blvd. It was lost and very confused, and was going to get run over and killed if someone didn’t stop and help her. So, Allen, the man with the big heart that he is; stepped out into traffic! Then, he signaled all the cars to stop while he shepherded the; old, tired and confused mother mole-rat off the busy boulevard and into some bushes nearest the street. At one point, she was unable to get up into the sidewalk Allen actually reached down and picked up the mole-rat to place her in a quite and safe place.
He told me that; she was very nice… but got slightly upset with Allen when he went to pick her up. She did not try to bite Allen, but barked and snarffed at him, squirming in his hands to be let down on to the sidewalk. Once Allen had finished getting the old and confused mole-rat into the neighboring bushes? Allen was meet by cheers and applause from passing motorists and some people standing in line at a local roach-coach. (Those food vans that frequent malls and construction sites). Yes, many people applauded Allen for his act of kindness, once the mole-rat was safely in some bushes.
Once Allen told me his tale, I too applauded his actions, his kind and gentle heart and the courage it took to step into traffic to save a life. For, to me, all life is precious. Even a lowly mole-rat’s life is of value and should be protected. I am very proud of Allen.
Well, My Dear Readers, that is going to about wrap it up for me. Now… my pain is increased and I am getting very nauseous. That is happening all too often, as of late. So, I simply must rest and see if I can get this nausea to pass… and maybe find so relief from this terrible pain.
I want to Thank YOU all for dropping by, today. For taking a few moments out of your busy day to spend with me. “Thank you!”
Until we meet again, Adieu!
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