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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. First, and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere apology! My apology for just how late this edition of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ appeared, tonight. Earlier, today, I posted on Facebook that I would “do my level best to publish before ‘primetime’…”. It is now 8:05PM Pacific time, which means for everyone in Texas… and the mid-west, it is 10:05PM. For all of you, My Dear Readers, on the East Coast it is already 11:05PM. That is why I am apologizing to you.
Seriously, sometimes… as a writer, a story… or an episode of a story… just grabs you and takes you away! Away from; time, reality, friends, family, everything. That is what had happened to me, tonight. That is not an excuse, that is the reason… the reality. Want to hear something even move crazy? I am not even finished with Part Four. Really, I am going to have to break up Part Four into two smaller parts .
This will be the first half of Part Four of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. I am going to really try to get the second half written and published… either tomorrow (Friday) or this weekend. Seriously that is what I really want to accomplish. This ‘part’ just captured me and took me into their world. Into the world of; Timmy, Archer and… well, you simply must read today’s ‘part’ to find out… Timmy, Archer… and.
My Dear Readers, this story is turning out so much better than I have anticipated. There is a depth here that I had not planned for, and the characters… well, are coming to life! I don’t think that I could have planned this better if I had tried. This turned into something that I can really sink my teeth into and make me very proud. I hope that ALL of you, My Dear Readers, read this story.
If you are a casual reader here. If this is your first time reading my blog. If this was not what you had planned for tonight or ended up here by accident. I encourage you to read this whole story. Go back, read Part(s); One, Two and Three. Then come back and read this, Part Four. Honestly, this was just supposed to be a distraction. Something to fill in space, until I formulated something better. Then, it turned into the something better!
My Dear Readers, the adventure that Timmy and Archer have tonight, it just the beginning. The adventure that Timmy and Archer will have… will be frightful… and delightful. I encourage all of you to ‘Share’ this adventure with family and friends. Coworkers and social acquaintances and anyone and everyone else in your life and world. Believe me when I tell you, they will thank you in the end. By the end of this story… they will Thank you!
That brings me to the end of the intro for Part Four (first HALF) of ‘The Horror of Smithville’ Set back, grab a snack, turn off your phone… make some time and be prepared to be… thrilled! .
So, without further adieu, I bring you ‘The Horror in Smithville – Part Four’ First Half.
Part Four
Lightening filled the room with brilliance that shown like daytime. The room was plunged into darkness, followed by the low rumblings of thunder. The time between the two events, the lightening and the thunder was decreasing. Timmy knew that meant the heart of the storm was yet to arrive. Another flash of lightening, it filled the room. Geeze, it was so bright you could read your math homework with it. It was followed by deepening darkness, then the low rumble of thunder. All the time the sound of the rain, pounding on the back porch and the barn, grew louder and louder. This was going to be a heck of a storm!
The pattern was almost rhythmic, lulling him to sleep. Oh, Timmy was going to sleep. He really didn’t want to go to sleep. He had wanted to stay up and make plans with Archer. Archer, it was already asleep… how did that happen? They had only climbed in bed. Hardly had a chance to pull out flashlights and make patterns on the roof of the bedroom. Archer, asleep already?
More lightening, then thunder. They were nearly happening at the same time, now the rhythm only broken by the loud pummel of rain. The barn had an overhang, over the feeing troughs for the horses. It was made of that corrugated metal, and the rain beat down on it like a steel drum. Funny, Timmy didn’t hear the wind, much. There had to be wind, right? Now, for a moment, there was just the sound of rain. It was soothing, almost comforting lulling him to sleep. He felt the pulling, at his feet. Like someone pulling you into… water. FLASH! RUMBLE! Now they were happening at the very same time, the storm was directly over Timmy’s house now. He was going to count, the seconds between, when all of the sudden… they pulling came on strong. Like it or not, Timmy was going to sleep…. Right now!
Pulling… that just didn’t seem to fully capture what Timmy was feeling at this moment. It was way more than just being pulled down, like a friend playing in a swimming pool. This was much stronger and there was malevolence to the action, it almost felt angry. Timmy had heard, or read, about how, in the old gangster days, people who snitched would be drowned with cement galoshes. He had read how their feet and shoes cased in cement, and then thrown into a river for them to die.
That is how it felt for Timmy, as he lost consciousness. As if lead boots were dragging him into a deep darkness he had never encountered. FLASH! RUMBLE! The storm sounded almost angry. Suddenly Timmy was gripped with fear. Not from the storm, he had been trough bad storms. None had the feeling he was getting from this one. Then, at his feet again, the pulling started. Pulling him down, down, and down to where he did not know. The rain grew louder, outside, and suddenly he felt like he was being pulled… under water!
Just as Timmy was imagining his drowning, he thought he heard Archer… murrph. When Archer had nightmares, and he did have nightmares during sleepovers, sometimes they were doozies that he would have to go over and shake him, just to end his terror. That would be when he would hear, his good friend, Archer… murrph. This was not good. The ferocity and malevolence that brought him sleep. How quickly Archer had… well, like, blacked out. Now, Archer murrphing in his sleep all spelled disaster. Disaster while sleeping with thunder, lighting and pouring rain outside. Geeze, this was beginning to sound a lot like a horror story.
Pulling, then falling. Pulling… then more falling, all happening in complete darkness. Timmy knew that he was no longer awake. Other than that fact, Timmy knew nothing. It felt like it went on for hours, the pulling feeling at his feet and legs, followed by the sensation of falling, all over his body. Suddenly, Timmy felt very cold… and wet. Timmy suddenly realized that his eyes were closed, where ever he was, so he opened his eyes. Immediately Timmy wished he hadn’t opened his eyes! Timmy was surrounded by water. Water to the left of him, water to the right of him. Water all around and he couldn’t even tell which way was up! He looked around to see if he could see a source of light. There was no source, the watery environment was painted in twilight, but the light was even all around with no apparent source. Then, Timmy realized… he was holding his breath!
Archer hadn’t remembered falling asleep. He remembered finishing the incredible chicken dinner. He remembered helping Timmy with the dishes. He even remember helping Timmy finish his math homework. After that, though, things got really fuzzy. He knew that they had watched some TV. Evidently it whatever the heck they watched, had not made an impression. Archer kind of remembered going into Timmy’s room… and crawling into the sleeping bag. What had happened… next? Archer knew that when they had sleepovers, they sat up and talked for hours. They would take out their flashlights (Archer remembered packing his and extra batteries, too), and make ‘Shadow Puppets’ on Timmy’s roof and walls. He strained to remember… nothing.
Archer was cold. Like, really cold to the bones. He reached out to feel for the sleeping bag, or a blanket. Sometimes, when it got really cold during the night, Timmy would put a nice wool blanket on top of his sleeping bag. That always chased the cold away, and he would half-wake-up and pull it around him. Nothing. He felt around and around… then two things occurred to Archer. First, his hands and feet seemed to move in slow motion. The next, he wasn’t breathing!
Archer panicked and struggled. Against what, he did not know… but he fought it. Right then Archer, also, realized that his eyes were closed… tight. He tried to open his eyes. He thought about it hard. Open. Open. OPEN! Now Archer was really getting scared. We was freezing cold, he felt wet, he had no idea where he was, and he couldn’t get his eyes open for the life of him. This called for some extreme measures, Archer thought to himself. He hadn’t called out, in the night,to anyone since he was, like, four or five. These were not normal circumstances, and Archer had to get help fast.
Archer went to scream. He thought that since he was last with Timmy, and the last place he was, was with Timmy in his bedroom… Archer decided to call out Timmy’s name, he needed help, and he needed it fast! Archer went to draw in a breath, to scream, when he remembered that he wasn’t breathing. He started to panic, even more. Then he just tried to scream. Nothing, nothing happened. He couldn’t scream… This was too weird for words. Archer reached up, with his hands still moving slowly like through water, and went to feel his face. His hands touched… what should have been… his face… and Archer began screaming violently!.
Timmy had his eyes open, and he could almost see in the dark waters. He had to find up! He had to find the surface, and fast, or he was going to drown to death! Leaving behind any reason, forgetting to think ‘how did I get into this water, when last I was in my bed. Leaving all his reasoning behind, Timmy started to try and swim, around in circles. He had to gain his bearings, find which way was up. Then he had to swim as fast as he could… before he blacked out from lack of oxygen. He was just turning towards what should be down, when he saw a form in the dark waters.
Well, it wasn’t the surface but it was something. He started to paddle towards the object in the water. Timmy realized that, even though he was not breathing, he wasn’t drowning… yet, either. Yes, he felt burning in his lungs. Yes, he felt a primal urge to breath, even though his mind told him NO! Dummy, you are in water… If you breathe water, you will drown! Disregarding reason, and logic, Timmy kept swimming toward the object in the water. The object was taking shape in the gloomy darkness. He was drawing closer when he thought he could make out… hands and legs! This made Timmy paddle faster and faster. He drew even closer to the object… this was no object… this was a person!Where ever he was Timmy felt slightly comforted he was not alone.
He drew within a few feet of the person. Now he could clearly make out.. it was a small person. It was someone about his height and his.. age. He drew even closer… Timmy then started to be able to make out clothes. It was a boy… about his age.. and a little shorter. He realized he was coming up behind the person in the water. The body wasn’t moving, and that scared Timmy. Well, scared him more… He was already under water, freezing, unable to breath and unable to tell where the surface was… fear was all he felt besides the wet and the cold. He was now so close that he could almost reach out and touch this… guy. Hold on… those… clothes… they seemed strangely familiar…
Timmy finally came close enough to reach out and touch… the… person. A wave of pending doom washed over Timmy, as he reached out to touch the boy. He was just going to roll this person over, so he could see his face. He had gripped the clothes, and just as he was turning the body… it came to him. He did recognize these clothes. The clothes he had gripped belonged to… Archer! Timmy’s heart was racing as he slowly turned the boy, he thought was his friend Archer, over. Slowly the body came into focus.
It was Archer’s hands… it was Archer’s arms… it was Archer’s jacket and… Just as he finished turning the body over, as he strained to his right to see the face of his best friend reveal itself to him… Timmy was overcome with terror and fear. Timmy had finished rolling over the body of his friend Archer. However, when he looked down… between his shoulders… the front of his head Timmy saw his friend Archer’s eye… but when he looked down at his face. Archer had no face!
When Archer had reached up to feel his face… where his face should have been, there was no face at all! It was all smooth, like his nose and face had been sanded off! Archer was now screaming, uncontrollably, inside his head. ‘This is enough to drive a person mad!” Archer thought to himself, as his hands just kept moving over… where his face should have been. Everything was running which way and that, inside his head. Archer was being overcome with terror and confusion, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. The next thing Archer knew, his body was being turned around in the dark cold waters… and he thought… he heard… rain.
Archer felt his body turning, when he started to see a form come into focus. It was what was turning him around, yet he could only see the profile. This… form was turning Archer around. Realizing that gave Archer some comfort. Where ever he was… what ever was happening, Archer was not alone! Slowly making his way around Archer saw the hand turning him… then a foot… then a leg. Then clothes came into focus. Hang on! Those clothes, they seemed familiar!
Archer was about ¾ the way turned around when he could make out the size of the person turning him, and the clothes. Just about two seconds before he was facing this person Archer realized that it was his best friend, Timmy, that was turning him around! OMG, Archer felt a wave of relief wash over his body, I may be dying… but at least I am with Timmy, when it happens. Archer was now face to face with, what he now knew was, Timmy. He looked up at Timmy’s face, and was overcome with another wave of terror. Timmy had his two eyes, but Timmy had no face!
Suddenly the water around them, both, filled with bright light. So bright that it made both of the boys shut their eyes. Without warning Timmy’s supply of air… ran out! He fought and struggled against the imprisoning waters. Timmy reached up to his face, gripped in fear he half-knew what he would feel when his hands reached his face. Timmy’s hands moved through the waters, without opening his eyes. Timmy’s hands reached his face, and suddenly Timmy too was overcome with a wave of terror. Little did he know, but Timmy too had no face!
The blinding light was followed by a deafening clash of thunder, just as Timmy wrenched his body at his waist. He looked over at Archer, and his body too was wrenched at the waist. Timmy gave it all his strength and effort to draw in air, from somewhere…
Suddenly, Timmy found himself screaming out a gasp bolted up in his own bed! The air rushed into his lungs, burning as it went, all while thunder was still echoing in his ears. He was back!
Wave after wave of terror and fear washed over Archer, when he looked up and saw that Timmy, too, had no face. The waters flooded with light just as all the air seemed to just vanish from Archer’s lungs. Archer twisted and wrenched, at his waist, tortured to breathe,he fought against the freezing waters when suddenly his ears were blasted by the crack of thunder. In one final gargantuan effort, Archer pulled at his face (where his mouth should have been) and put every effort out of every muscle into breathing!
Suddenly Archer found himself shot str5aight up in bed! Without any knowing, without any rhyme or reason, suddenly Archer was back sitting up in his sleeping bag. Air rushed into his lungs, burning as it went, and he rapidly took breaths, one after another. He felt like he had not taken a breath… in hours! Slowly the reality of where he was came back to Archer. He was back! Back in Timmy’s room, and back in his sleeping bag.
As if rehearsed and planned, both Timmy and Archer turned towards each other. Panting and unable to speak, each boy put his hand up to the other. As if to say ‘Hang on… I have something incredible I gotta ask you… hang on…’ They each nodded, in unison, back at the other signaling that each would wait for the other to catch their breath. Outside, Timmy heard that the rain was now coming down in sheets, it sounded so loud he might have thought it was hail, if he hadn’t known better. Unless the temperature dropped thirty degrees, while they were asleep, it just couldn’t be hail.
AS Timmy and Archer are feverishly panting, working to get their breath back and stop the dizziness and feelings of suffocation, they both begin to smile. It started at the edges of both their mouths, and grew simultaneous, towards the center. Before they knew it, they were both panting and smiling, at each other. Outside the rain had reached the level of torrential downpour. As well, in the back of Timmy’s mind grew a concern for the livestock on the farm. He couldn’t remember, but he was sure that his father had properly prepared all of the animals for a hard rain. Archer interrupted Timmy’s concerns finally speaking.
“Timmy, did you dream you were drowning… and that I had no... like, face. No nose or mouth?”
Timmy’s thoughts, and breathing, halted when Archer asked his question. Now, in the back of his mind, Timmy had thought that they might have had similar dreams. However, for Archer to have shared that level of detail was more than a little unnerving. As Timmy formulated an answer, he realized that his jaw had dropped in amazement. Timmy reached up and closed his mouth, cocked his head to the side, and spoke.
“Archer, do you remember anything about before we went to sleep. Do you remember anything after us finishing our homework… and watching TV?’
This was important to Timmy because if they had talked before they went to sleep, that would go far to explaining just how they had just experienced a ‘shared dream’.”
Archer turned his head to the side, too, and made an oblivious attempt to remember more of their evening, together. He scratched his head, and a pained look came over his face. As Archer strained to remember, Timmy looked over at the clock beside his bad. It was ten till eleven. Timmy remembered that there was nothing worth watching at 10:30PM. Which means that he and Archer came to bed shortly after that, about 10:45PM and the clock, just then, read 11:15PM. Meaning, that even though the dream had felt like it lasted hours, in actuality they were only asleep for thirty minutes of less.
“Timmy, I remember us brushing our teeth… and us coming into the bedroom. After that…? I don’t remember anything till right now! Which is really odd… we usually sit up and talk and make shadow puppets for hours. I even brought extra batteries just for the shadow puppets!”
Just as Timmy had thought something had caused them to fall asleep long before either had wanted or intended. That pulling feeling… that was real. Something… or someone wanted them to fall asleep quickly. As well, Timmy was convinced that the dream, they both experienced, was no accident or fluke. The only question was who and why. As Timmy pondered the who and why the storm seemed to redouble its efforts. When he first awoke from the dream, it seemed that the time between the lightening flash, and the thunder was increasing. Meaning that the storm had passed over them, and was heading away.
Archer was very anxious, Timmy could see that in his face. Whereas Timmy wanted to understand more about what just happened, talking about it apparently was making Archer anxious. Timmy decided to change the subject, at least for the moment,, and get Archer out of the room.
“Archer, I think that my Mom had some of that Blueberry cobbler left over, after dinner. Want to come into the kitchen, with me, and see if we can get seconds?”
Archer was up, and out of his sleeping bag before Timmy had finished the sentence. There is no need for a verbal answer, when it came to Archer and Mom’s Blueberry cobbler. Timmy threw back his blanket and sheets, put on his slipper and grabbed his bathrobe from the end of his bed. As soon as he was out of the bed Timmy realized that this storm had come along with some very cold weather. Fall was coming early, this year, and it felt like it was going to be one for the record books. Wrapping his flannel bathrobe tightly around him, he looked over at Archer and saw him shivering.
That would just not do, for his best friend… and now, obvious, dream-partner. Timmy held up his hand at Archer, indicating he should hang on for a second before opening the bedroom door. Timmy walked over to his closet, carefully stepping over Archer’s sleeping bag, and opened his clothes closet door. He pushed all the clothes over the left, as he kept old or outdated clothes way over to the far right side of his closet. Sure enough, right there at the right end of the closet, Timmy saw his old (but favorite) bathrobe.
Mom had bought him a new bathrobe, last Christmas, and Timmy had put it here Christmas day. It was in very good shape with no rips or tears anywhere in the robe. It was a bit too small for him now, but it looked like it would fit Archer very well. Timmy took out the bathrobe, turned it back and forth to make sure there were no stains of food. Once satisfied that the robe was clean (he didn’t want to offend Archer by handing him a dirty bathrobe), he handed his old flannel bathrobe to Archer saying;
“Archer, you might remember this bathrobe. I used it for years, until last year when Mom bought me this new one. It looks clean and there are no holes or tears. You are welcome to use it, as much as you like, whenever you are over visiting or when we have sleepovers.”
Archer smiled from ear to ear, you would have thought that Timmy had just handed him a brand new bathrobe, and not his old hand-me-down. Archer put it on, without giving it the inspection Timmy had, and wrapped it tightly around him. Archer looked up at Timmy, smiled, and tied the cloth belt tightly around his waist.
“Dang, this is really comfortable, Timmy, thanks! It doesn’t even smell like it has been sitting around since Christmas… kind of smells like you, Timmy. Thanks!”
Timmy put on his slippers, and Archer put on his. Now they were ready to invade the kitchen and loot the refrigerator. Timmy really hoped that there was cobbler left, as he had quickly developed a hankering for some of his Mom’s Blueberry Cobbler. Timmy carefully opened his bedroom door, making sure that it did not creek. He stuck his head just out the door, and looked down the hallway left, then right. There was no sound coming from the front room, and no light from there either. He turned off the light in his room, before either one of them stepped into the hallway. He didn’t want light from his room getting them busted before they got to the cobbler.
Timmy tuned to Archer, lifted his finger to his lips, and whispered “Shhh” to Archer. Archer nodded yes and carefully stepped into the hallway, right behind Timmy. The two of them had just experienced an adventure… who know where, and avoided death by drowning. Now they were off on another adventure, to loot the refrigerator in the kitchen of anythingtasty namely some cobbler. Timmy approached the ‘T’ in the hallway. One direction headed to his parent’s bedroom, the other headed to the stairs and then down to the kitchen. Timmy held his hand against Archer’s chest, holding him back a little as he peered down the left side of the intersection towards his parent’s room. Fantastic! There were no lights on down the hall or coming from under the door leading into his parent’s bedroom.
Timmy motioned Archer to go forward, right, to the head of the stairs. He stood there for a moment. Not feeling Archer move past him, Timmy looked back behind himself to see if Archer had move on as he had indicated. Sure enough, Archer was not behind him and already waiting at the head of the stairs. Timmy remembered that, about Archer, he could move through pretty much any flooring, without making a single sound. That was something that he would like to learn from Archer, how to be so silent. Timmy took another look down the hall towards his parents room, no change. Then, for some odd reason… Timmy looked back behind, towards his room.
Under the door leading to Timmy’s room… there was light! He could have sworn that he turned the light, in his room, off before either one of them stepped out into the hallway. He always did, to make sure that… if one of his parents was up… reading or something, that the light coming out of his room did not get the caught. He turned to Archer to ask him if he remember Timmy turning off the light. Just as he did” He caught, out of the corner of his eye, the light switching off in his room! How the heck did that happen?
There was nobody left in the room! Ok… this was making his skin crawl. How the heck could the light be on, when he distinctly remembered shutting it off? Even better? Just how does a light get shut off, when nobody is in the bedroom? Just as Timmy was pondering this dilemma the whole stairway was flooded with light. Timmy stiffened and then there was a huge thunder clap! It caught Timmy so off guard that it made him jump, a little in place, and he actually squeaked! Like a rat caught by the kitchen light turning on, Timmy squeaked, in fright, at the thunder.
Archer, obviously, heard Timmy squeak. Archer couldn’t help it… and he started giggling under his breath. Great… just great! They were going to get caught. trying to get downstairs to raid the refrigerator, all because of Timmy’s frightened squeak. Timmy motioned to Archer to go ahead down the stairs. Just as soon as Archer took his first step onto the stairs, Timmy made a dash for the stairs and came up right behind Archer. He was so close, behind Archer, that he nearly stumbled over him.
Archer grabbed the banister railings and slid, with his hands, all the way down to the bottom of the stairs. He landed at the bottom, without making a single sound. Timmy followed suit, taking one step at a time, he made it to the bottom without making a sound, too. Timmy made his way around Archer, and zigzagged his way around his father’s recliner, around the ataman, past the couch and into the kitchen. Timmy turned around to see if Archer needed any assistance navigating through the living room. As if by divine intervention, just as Archer took his first step into the living room, lightening lit up the room. Giving ample illumination for Archer to make it through the room without the slightest hazard.
Archer came right up close beside Timmy and spoke;
“Timmy, the thunder is next… don’t get scared and squeak!” Archer could hardly make it to the end of the sentence, before starting to giggle, once again.
Timmy was not amused, so he took Archer by the shoulders and guided him the rest of the way into the kitchen. As if signaled by Archer’s comment, the thunder rumbled through the house making the windows rattle in their frames. All this stealth was for naught. Between the pounding rain and the rumbling thunder, Timmy doubted if his parents would hear their movements. He thought that they could probably use the can opener to feed the dog, and they wouldn’t likely hear. He wasn’t going to take any chances, but it was comforting anyway.
Timmy opened the refrigerator, and much to his relief, there was plenty of blueberry cobbler left. Timmy reached into the fridge and brought out the pie tin of cobbler. Passing Archer on his left, Timmy reached over into the silverware drawer and brought out two forks and a knife. With the knife Timmy cut out two slices of the cobbler. Then he handed one of the forks to Archer, pointed to the slice closest to Archer, and they began devouring their own slice. It was really cold, and it was really sweet and tasty.
Timmy motioned to the chairs, at the dinner table, for Archer to sit down. They both slowly pulled chairs out from the table. Unfortunately, the chair Timmy picked began to make a grinding sound, as he pulled it out to sit on. Archer lifted his finger to his lips and motioned ‘shhh’ to Timmy, giggling in the process. They sat in the chairs, each taking turn devouring their piece of the cobbler. Archer whispered, almost silently, that the cobbler was even better cold. Timmy nodded his head, enthusiastically, in agreement. Then Timmy spoke’
“Hope these late night sweets don’t give us nightmares!”
OK, in retrospect, that was not a ‘Good Idea’ making that joke while involved in a clandestine late night cobbler run. Archer first, then Timmy right on his heals, they both began to laugh at Timmy had said. After the faceless nightmare they had shared, to make a joke about nightmares… well, proved to be too much for them not to laugh. They did their best to not be heard, but by the time they were though laughing, Timmy was genuinely concerned that his parents had heard. He would know for sure, once they got up the stairs and looked down the hallway to his parent’s room. Archer licked his spoon, then put it in the sink. Timmy followed suit, and then placed the pie tin back in the fridge, closing the fridge door silently. He was not sure why, but Timmy reached over and ruffled Archer’s hair, then smiled at him… big. Archer looked up at Timmy and returned the smile. They headed out into the front room.
Again, as if by que, the lightening filled the living room with brilliance just as they were passing. They made it to the foot of the stairs, and Timmy went first. This was the moment of truth. Would the light in his parent’s room been turned on, or were they in the clear and the light would still be off? Timmy headed, silently, up the stairs with Archer so close behind he swore he could feel the heat of his breathing. The steps right before the top, Timmy put his hand on Archer’s chest, holding Archer back a little. Timmy went up first. For a moment Timmy thought of pulling a prank on Archer, faking seeing the light on and forcing him to run back down stairs. Then he decided that tonight was eventful enough and just looked down the hallway.
As Timmy looked down the hallway towards his parent’s room, the downstairs will with light as lightening made another timely strike. When he looked, that was light under his parent’s door. Timmy waited for another minute, sure enough when the lightening faded, so did the light under their door. Timmy turned back to Archer, nodded, and they both made their way up the rest of the stair and down the hallway in front of his room.
My Dear Readers, that brings us to the end of this half of Part Four. I hope that you will come back by, and check and check until I published the SECOND HALF. IF you stayed up… to read this work? YOU ROCK! If you are a regular and just dropped by? Thank you! If this is your very first time here? WOOF! You have some incredible timing! YOU should go out, RIGHT NOW, and buy some lottery tickets… because your timing is incredible.
Now, we are at the end of this half of this part and they boys… well, they are about to embark on another adventure… that will make the first… seem, bland. That is all I am going to tell you, for now. In story it is Thursday night. Part Five will take place on their Friday… at school. There will be; teacher to meet, fellow classmates to meet, and a bully to meet. We are just getting started here, My Dear Readers. I hope that you come back often… and
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[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Four: “Archer was cold. Like, really cold to the bones. He reached out to feel for the sleeping bag, or a blanket. Sometimes, when it got really cold during the night, Timmy would put a nice wool blanket on top of his sleeping bag. That always chased the cold away, and he would half-wake-up and pull it around him. Nothing. He felt around and around… then two things occurred to Archer. First, his hands and feet seemed to move in slow motion. The next, he wasn’t breathing!” This one is easy; I wish that they were so. Quite simply; if you haven’t read this, then DO! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Four : “Lightening filled the room with brilliance that shown like daytime. The room was plunged into darkness, followed by the low rumblings of thunder. The time between the two events, the lightening and the thunder was decreasing. Timmy knew that meant the heart of the storm was yet to arrive. Another flash of lightening, it filled the room. Geeze, it was so bright you could read your math homework with it. It was followed by deepening darkness, then the low rumble of thunder. All the time the sound of the rain, pounding on the back porch and the barn, grew louder and louder. This was going to be a heck of a storm!” To this day I am still unsure just where the lightening storm came from in this story. No where, in the first month’s notes, did I even mention a lightening storm. However, once I wrote it down… once I worked it into the story… and once ‘The Tall Man’ appeared with the storm… well there was no turning back and it felt as natural as a spring rain. You see, My Dear Readers, it was as if; the Carnival, the Haunter House Ride and ‘The Tall Man’ ALL ‘blew into town together’! See how it all just fits? Honest to goodness I am not fibbing when I tell you that it was not originally thought up tied together, it must have just happened one night when the pain robbed me of sleep. Now, looking back? Well, I just cannot see it working any other way. THAT is what makes my job…. A JOY! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Four : “Lightening filled the room with brilliance that shown like daytime. The room was plunged into darkness, followed by the low rumblings of thunder. The time between the two events, the lightening and the thunder was decreasing. Timmy knew that meant the heart of the storm was yet to arrive. Another flash of lightening, it filled the room. Geeze, it was so bright you could read your math homework with it. It was followed by deepening darkness, then the low rumble of thunder. All the time the sound of the rain, pounding on the back porch and the barn, grew louder and louder. This was going to be a heck of a storm!” To this day I am still unsure just where the lightening storm came from in this story. No where, in the first month’s notes, did I even mention a lightening storm. However, once I wrote it down… once I worked it into the story… and once ‘The Tall Man’ appeared with the storm… well there was no turning back and it felt as natural as a spring rain. You see, My Dear Readers, it was as if; the Carnival, the Haunter House Ride and ‘The Tall Man’ ALL ‘blew into town together’! See how it all just fits? Honest to goodness I am not fibbing when I tell you that it was not originally thought up tied together, it must have just happened one night when the pain robbed me of sleep. Now, looking back? Well, I just cannot see it working any other way. THAT is what makes my job…. A JOY! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Four : “Lightening filled the room with brilliance that shown like daytime. The room was plunged into darkness, followed by the low rumblings of thunder. The time between the two events, the lightening and the thunder was decreasing. Timmy knew that meant the heart of the storm was yet to arrive. Another flash of lightening, it filled the room. Geeze, it was so bright you could read your math homework with it. It was followed by deepening darkness, then the low rumble of thunder. All the time the sound of the rain, pounding on the back porch and the barn, grew louder and louder. This was going to be a heck of a storm!” To this day I am still unsure just where the lightening storm came from in this story. No where, in the first month’s notes, did I even mention a lightening storm. However, once I wrote it down… once I worked it into the story… and once ‘The Tall Man’ appeared with the storm… well there was no turning back and it felt as natural as a spring rain. You see, My Dear Readers, it was as if; the Carnival, the Haunter House Ride and ‘The Tall Man’ ALL ‘blew into town together’! See how it all just fits? Honest to goodness I am not fibbing when I tell you that it was not originally thought up tied together, it must have just happened one night when the pain robbed me of sleep. Now, looking back? Well, I just cannot see it working any other way. THAT is what makes my job…. A JOY! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Four : “Lightening filled the room with brilliance that shown like daytime. The room was plunged into darkness, followed by the low rumblings of thunder. The time between the two events, the lightening and the thunder was decreasing. Timmy knew that meant the heart of the storm was yet to arrive. Another flash of lightening, it filled the room. Geeze, it was so bright you could read your math homework with it. It was followed by deepening darkness, then the low rumble of thunder. All the time the sound of the rain, pounding on the back porch and the barn, grew louder and louder. This was going to be a heck of a storm!” To this day I am still unsure just where the lightening storm came from in this story. No where, in the first month’s notes, did I even mention a lightening storm. However, once I wrote it down… once I worked it into the story… and once ‘The Tall Man’ appeared with the storm… well there was no turning back and it felt as natural as a spring rain. You see, My Dear Readers, it was as if; the Carnival, the Haunter House Ride and ‘The Tall Man’ ALL ‘blew into town together’! See how it all just fits? Honest to goodness I am not fibbing when I tell you that it was not originally thought up tied together, it must have just happened one night when the pain robbed me of sleep. Now, looking back? Well, I just cannot see it working any other way. THAT is what makes my job…. A JOY! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part Four : “Lightening filled the room with brilliance that shown like daytime. The room was plunged into darkness, followed by the low rumblings of thunder. The time between the two events, the lightening and the thunder was decreasing. Timmy knew that meant the heart of the storm was yet to arrive. Another flash of lightening, it filled the room. Geeze, it was so bright you could read your math homework with it. It was followed by deepening darkness, then the low rumble of thunder. All the time the sound of the rain, pounding on the back porch and the barn, grew louder and louder. This was going to be a heck of a storm!” To this day I am still unsure just where the lightening storm came from in this story. No where, in the first month’s notes, did I even mention a lightening storm. However, once I wrote it down… once I worked it into the story… and once ‘The Tall Man’ appeared with the storm… well there was no turning back and it felt as natural as a spring rain. You see, My Dear Readers, it was as if; the Carnival, the Haunter House Ride and ‘The Tall Man’ ALL ‘blew into town together’! See how it all just fits? Honest to goodness I am not fibbing when I tell you that it was not originally thought up tied together, it must have just happened one night when the pain robbed me of sleep. Now, looking back? Well, I just cannot see it working any other way. THAT is what makes my job…. A JOY! […]