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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe and Part Six of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! I know that a lot of you, My Dear Readers, have been waiting for this to be published. From what I understand? From what I am HEARING? This story has become rather popular. That, in fact, it has its own little following! And, for these people… each and every episode is met with much anticipation.
First, I am very flattered that something I write has garnered some popularity. Second, I am pouring everything I have into this story. This week… was very difficult for me. UPDATE – My doctor’s office called… the doctor that wants me to have the surgery? NOW? They want me to “come back in and discuss the test results…”
There is only one thing I hate more than BS by doctors. A doctor, or the office, being CRYPTIC with me! OK.. forget all THAT!
Today’s episode IS one of the very best, so far, out of the entire series! I have worked very hard on this episode, and it shows! Seriously? I really do hope that everyone takes the time to drop by and read THIS episode!
Now… this… ‘hangs’ @ the end. It is supposed to ‘hang… It is a ‘cliffhanger’… Yet, next week’s episode… is a ‘MUST READ’ too! What happens.. NEXT? Well, it is really incredible… and the single most… gory… bloody… intense episode ever! PERIOD!
Now, without further adieu I give you Part SIX ‘The Horror in Smithville’!
Part Six
And we are not talking about a really nice graveyard, eight. This graveyard looked to be from long long ago. The headstones were mostly broken, the names of the dearly beloved long ago forgotten to time. Gnarled trees, leaning half out of the ground, were the only remaining landscaping. Above, the moon hung full in the sky while a deep rolling fog moved over the ground.. It just then that Timmy felt the first deep chill, it was very cold and damp outside.
It was at this moment that Timmy took note of his clothes. He was not wearing his pajamas, as he was when he went to bed. Instead Timmy was fully clothed; wearing heavy denim-type jeans, a thick burlap shirt, a jacket made out of a heavy canvas, and a scarf wrapped around his neck. He thought that they were amazingly appropriate clothing, for his surroundings. He pulled the jacket tightly around him when it occurred to him. Something was missing, rather someone!
Archer awoke to the sound of growling in the near distance. He is leaning up against a half-dead gnarled tree, dressed in light doeskin tunic, trousers, and jacket. He had calf-high boots that appeared to be made of the same light leather. He was in the tick of a forest, and rain was falling lightly, when he heard the sound again. It was a very low growling sound, which was coming from behind. He made his was, slowly, to his feet.
Archer quickly looked around where he was sitting, making sure he wasn’t leaving anything, he might need later, behind. He reached into his pockets, to see if he had anything with which to fight. In his pockets he found; a long length of waxed cord or heavy thread, a tool of some kind made of bone, and in the other pocket he found a folding knife.
The knife would be good as a tool, but insufficient to use for fighting. Looking up from his hands, he saw the trees to his left… rustle. It was not the wind, something… something was in the trees just off to his left. Whatever it was, he was in no position, yet, to fight. He turned, ever so slowly, to his right and took a step. He should have looked before he stepped.
He set his right foot down on a branch, unknowing; he broke the branch beneath his foot.
Just moments before, Archer was sitting at the end of his bed. Now, looking around, Timmy could not see Archer anywhere close. Maybe he wasn’t close enough to see, but he was willing to bet he was close enough to hear. Timmy decided to call out, maybe Archer was close by, this time too.
“Archer! Hey, Archer, you here?”
Timmy stood silently waiting for Archer to respond. Several moments passed without any reply. Just as Timmy was about to give it another try, something moved by his feet under the fog. Brushing against his right foot, Timmy went to move to his left only to find his feet unable to move.
‘Great… what is it this time… I don’t have feet?’ Timmy thought to himself.
He reached down to his lower leg and tried to pull up on his right foot. His foot came, slowly, upward making a glurping sound. Timmy quickly came to several realizations. First, he did have feet, and he was wearing boots… now covered in mud. The ground beneath his feet was soaking wet and turned into mud. He placed his right foot on the remains of a gravestone, and pulled his right foot out of the mud. Timmy began walking, the direction he was facing, towards a broken tree in the center of the graveyard.
Archer set his right foot down on a branch, unknowing; he broke the branch beneath his foot.
The sound was so loud it echoed in the forest. Just as Archer was thinking he could have yelled for Timmy and made better use of making noise. Something jumped towards him… lunged is more like it, at him and snapped at his left foot. Archer bolted off to his right, running just as fast as he could manage in the forest. Right now, he was navigating his way through; brush, trees, fallen trees, logs and all the stuff that clutters up a forest floor.
Archer needed to find his way out of this forest and into some open ground. There he could break into a dash and gain some distance on this… thing. That is when Archer took a moment to think about what he had seen. Whatever had stuck its head out of the brush… well wasn’t normal. Its skull was barren of skin or flesh, with only its ear remaining on top of a skull. It looked like it had been a wolf, at some point. It had a snoot, like a wolf and canines at the front of the snot. What was chasing him looked like it was already… dead. Great, Archer had only been in this new world a few minutes and already he was alone and being chased by some kind of zombie-wolf.
Archer kept scanning the forest to his left and right, trying to find the edge… a clearing. It was just when Archer was giving up hope, that he heard it! It came from far of to his… left but he was certain of its origin. There was only one possible source for Archer hearing;
“Archer! Hey! Arrrcchherrr! Answer Doofus!”
Timmy yelled at the top of his lungs as he made his way out of the bog like area of the graveyard. Glurp, goosh… Walking through the mud his feet made some… entertaining sounds. Timmy looked around, surveying the landscape around him, could not see any sign of Archer. As Timmy approached the large gnarled tree, at the center of the graveyard, he had an eerie feeling of being watched. He climbed up the small mound surrounding the tree. Sitting on the head of a broken gravestone, he picked up a broken tree limb and scraped mud from his boots.
The graveyard surrounded, on all sides, with a thick forest. Timmy peered into the edges of the forest, hoping to catch a glimpse of what he knew was watching. Eyes moved over him, capturing his every move. Timmy kept working to get all the mud off of his boots. He was going to have to run, soon, he felt. He would be able to move much faster, once he removed all the mud.
“Where the heck is Archer?’ Timmy thought, as he finished scraping the last of the mud from his boots. This was not like the first dream, in that one Archer was very close to Timmy. As this thought crossed his mind, hackles went up all along the back of his neck. Deep from within the forest behind him, a long angry houl sounded.
The sound of it made Timmy’s blood curl. That... whatever had just howled… that is what had been watching him since his arrival. The hair on Timmy’s arms were standing on end, and he shivered more out of fear than cold. Timmy stood up and did his best to figured out which direction he heard the howl. It had come from behind, and over to his left. Timmy slowly walked back the way he had come. He really wanted to call out for Archer.
Timmy had been in this new place for almost an hour, now, and still there was no sign of Archer, anywhere. Timmy has nearly back to where he had entered the graveyard, when he heard rustling in the trees just beyond the graveyard. Well, this should be good… what is next in this dreamland? Timmy walked in the direction of the rustling, picking up a large piece of a broken headstone as he walked.
“Howwwlllll!” Followed by loud barking sounds… raspy barking sounds…
This time, the sound came from directly in front of Timmy. ‘Well, what ever is going to happen next, at least I am in the right place!’ Timmy thought to himself, gripping the piece of stone in his hand firmly. Within seconds, the forest, just beyond where he stood, burst into a flurry of activity. Timmy strained to listen… he thought he heard foot falls in the forest… someone running. Man, if that is Archer… he is running faster than I have ever seen him run in gym class. Timmy raised the stone piece of headstone high over his head. Whatever was going to come out of the forest? Timmy was going to brain it a good one.
The sound of the howl sent a chill through Archer’s veins. Whatever this thing was, it was fierce and blood thirsty. Boy, Archer really hoped that Timmy was close… and standing in a clearing. Archer was running out of steam, and breath. I had better yell out, now… before I run out of breath… Mustering all his energy left, Archer called out as loud as he could;
“Timmmmyyyy!” BINGO! That was Archer!
Timmy now knew what was happening, and he had a plan. Archer was getting chased by… something like a wolf. Timmy was going to stand right at the edge of the forest, just where he thought Archer and his attacker would pop out. Just to make sure, Timmy called out to Archer.
“Archer. Archer! Head towards my voice. I am ready and waiting… and RUN!”
The voice was very close and just to his left. Archer turned on his heals and headed in the direction of Timmy’s voice. Straining his eyes, he could just make out a clearing ahead. The open area was getting close and closer, when Archer yelled out; … … …
Ok, timing was going to be pretty important, here, or he would end up braining his friend… and getting attacked by an angry wolf. Timmy widened his stance, shifted his left foot behind him, and drew up the headstone as high as he could. Timmy took a deep breath… From the forest he heard;
“Ready or not Timmy… here I come!”
Just then Archer came busting out of the forest. Timmy called out to Archer;
“Duck and roll past me… to my left, Archer... NOW!”
As if practiced, time and again, Archer bolted out of the forest. Turned quickly to his right, ducked below Timmy’s waiting outstretched arm, and rolled past his left foot. Not a second had passed when the wolf bolted out of the forest, hot on Archer’s tail. The wolf didn’t understand Timmy’s directions, so he headed right under Timmy’s waiting arm.
BAM! Timmy brought the headstone down onto the wolf’s head as hard as he could. Timmy’s aim was true, and he hit the wolf right on the top of his head. The wolf yelped as his head fell to the ground. He was stunned, but not unconscious. Timmy realized, just looking at this wolf… thing… he had only one chance, it was them or the wolf. Without thinking further, Timmy brought the headstone down on the wolf’s head; again and again.
It was Archer that finally grabbed Timmy’s arm, bringing it to a stop, over his head.
“Timmy… I think it’s dead. You can stop now, I’m OK... Timmy.”
Timmy looked over at Archer, he was worse for wear and tear of running through a forest... but he was ok. Timmy’s arm came down, and the chuck of headstone fell to the ground. Almost immediately Timmy put his arms around Archer… hugging him. For a second Archer hugged back, then they pushed each other back, and took each a step backwards. Timmy spoke first;
“So… you are, like, OK’… Right? He didn’t actually bite you… or anything, right?’
As Timmy spoke those words he looked down at what had emerged from the forest. Timmy was looking it over, when Archer spoke;
“Yeah, I’m fine… but I almost wasn’t. This… thing… whatever it is came at me while I was walking trough the forest. I was just minding my own business… looking to find you. When it came out from behind some trees and tried to take a bite out of me!”
Timmy was listening to every word Archer said, but he was looking at what had come out of the forest. Ok.. Everything that had happened, so far this night, had been, well… pretty weird. Granted. What was lying at Timmy’s feet was not weird it was down right wicked. Yes, at some point in time it had been a wolf. Rather, it had started out looking like a wolf. However, what lay at his feet, right now, was not a wolf… by any stretch of the imagination. Most of the fur, one this animal, was gone. Its hind legs were nothing more than bones, and patches of fur, from the feet up to the haunches.
Its body was covered with hanging rotted feted flesh, where there was any flesh at all. The head, was nothing more than skull bones and teeth. Yeah, there was still plenty of teeth. Whatever this thing was, it was not alive in any sense of the word as we would use it. Timmy was thinking about that fact… when he saw one of its paws… twitch.
Archer had finished telling his tale of the how and what’s of his arrival here, and his encounter with this… thing. Timmy put his hand on Archer’s shoulder, and spoke two words;
“It’s moving…”
Archer had been so glad, to see Timmy again, he had totally forgotten the immediate peril that lay at their feet. Timmy had managed to knock, what ever the heck this wise, unconscious… For the moment. Now, again whatever the heck this sound the wolf is, was waking up again and Archer realized that he and Timmy had to make their escape. Archer had never been so sure of anything he said in his life before, is what he was fixing to say to Timmy.
“Timmy… whatever the heck this zombie-wolf IS? You need to brain the heck out of it, again… and then I think we should run! As fast as we can… towards that tree… and then out the other side of the forest. You game?
Timmy took no time thinking, before he responded. Not by speaking… but by beating! Timmy picked up the piece of headstone, he had let go of earlier, and began beating on the skull of the zombie-wolf that lay at their feet. Bam… BAM… Bam… BAM! Four good bashes into the skull, and even a couple of teeth fell out on the ground. Just as he threw down the headstone, Archer and Timmy let out into a mad dash towards the tree.
Side by side, stride by stride, the boys headed to the great gnarled tree in the very center of the graveyard. If they could make it there, before the zombie-wolf caught up to them, then they could climb up the tree and stand a chance at survival. The tree grew closer and closer, Timmy looked over at Archer... One thing! At least they were back together, whatever happened they would stand against it side-by-side. Archer looked over at Timmy, they smiled at each other… just as they both disappeared into an oval-shaped doorway of light.
Timmy saw it happen to Archer, as he too passed through an egg shaped… doorway, of light. Timmy took a bit of a tumble, as he found himself… somehow… transported to a entirely new and different place. ‘It figures…’ Timmy said to himself, upset; ‘just as soon as I finally find Archer… I am kicked someplace else!’ Timmy kicked at the ground beneath his feet, frustrated by this turn of events. He looked, up from his feet, and made a survey of this new area.
Archer had seen it happen to Timmy. They were running along, side-by-side, they had smiled at one another. Back together they felt certain that, between then both, they would find a way to outwit the zombie-wolf and get to safety. No sooner had Archer felt… safe, they were once again separated. Archer sat, with a huff, in the tall grass of the clearing he had appeared. He put his head in his hands, when he heard a voice…
Timmy started scanning his surroundings, right to left. He was at the edge of a long clearing, set at the edge of a… forest? Looking behind him, Timmy was confused at what he saw. There were the remains of buildings… old buildings overgrown and mostly taken back by a forest. Directly in front of him was a large, and wide, clearing. In the center of the clearing laid a long, dark… thing. It was too far to make it out clearly, but it looked like a long metal’ish strip. Dark gray metal band that lay in the middle of the clearing, it stretched as far as the eye could see to the left and to the right.
Timmy was completing his 360 survey, of this new area, when the most amazing thing caught his eye. Standing, to his immediate right, was… a rat! Not any ordinary rat, either. It was standing on it back two legs… and it wore clothes. Timmy went to raise his left hand to wave at the rat. When, just then, the rat took off its hat bowed and spoke!
“Good evening, kind sir. I hope the sight of me does not disturb. You are not of this world, are you? My name is Princess Nadia, and it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
OK! Now, Timmy had seen everything. This rat, Princess Nadia, was fully dressed. She wore a fancy hat with some kind of feather in one side. She had on boots that came up to the top of her legs, some denim-looking trousers, a very fine looking shirt or blouse, and she had a long-tailed jacket. Over her shoulders draped a cape, with a hood built into the cape. The hood was down so Timmy could see that Princess Nadia had fine flowing dark hair. Standing there, Timmy noticed that Nadia had her tail wrapped around her left arm. It curled and wrapped around her arm, looking almost like another item of clothing, it twitched as she spoke. Timmy was struck speechless, at first, then he spoke.
“Hello Princess Nadia, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance .My name is Timmy… and Yes, I am from another place… at least that is what I think. I was running… from a zombie-wolf… with my best friend… when… well, it appears we were both engulfed in a doorway of bright light.”
Princess Nadia listened intently to what Timmy said and did not even flinch when Timmy said “zombie-wolf”. Princess Nadia looked back towards the band that lie in front of them both, then spoke;
“Timmy, I am so sorry to hear that you and your friend… are being chased by a zombie-wolf… and that it, now, appears that you two are separated.”
Suddenly Timmy hears a great roaring sound, coming from his left, and the metal strip in front of them, begins to spark madly. Timmy looks off the his left and can barely make out something… riding the metal strip… heading their direction. His gaze is pulled from the oncoming object by the sound of her voice, again.
“Timmy, might I make two suggestions? First, there is a train coming on the track in front of you. You will want to turn away and shield your face and body as it passes. These trains often throw off debris, which can cause harm. Second, I am not sure that you are aware of it… Timmy, you have a large sword… strapped to your back. Our folklore tells that if you can separate the head of a dead, or undead, creature from its body. It will fall lifeless to the ground.”
As Timmy is listening, the train is drawing closer, he reaches around and feels the sword that is strapped to his back. ‘DANG! Why the heck didn’t I realize that… earlier.’ As Timmy is thinking this, he turns toward Princess Nadia, she speaks, again… this time almost yelling to be heard over the oncoming train.
“My dear Timmy… the universe only works when it is in harmony. It is my belief that, shortly, you will find yourself back with your friend… being chased, yet again, by this ‘zombie-wolf’. Timmy, stop running… from life, and this monster. Take your sword in hand, and with your friend, stand your ground against this beast. Separate its head from its body, and I feel sure you will PREVAIL! Good luck, dear Timmy, I hope that our paths cross, yet again!”
As Princess Nadia finishes speaking, the train is upon them. Timmy turns away from the train and covers his face with his jacket, ducking close to the ground for cover. When the train has passed, Timmy stands up again and turns to thank Princess Nadia. He sees that she has taken off running across the field, so he yells after her;
“Thank you Princess! Thank you for your help! I wish you well on your journey, too. I hope our paths cross, again, soon!”
Timmy strains, looking at her form getting smaller and smaller. He is pretty sure he sees he lift her hat and wave it back towards Timmy. He takes a deep breath, and pulls the sword out of the sheath. It sees that it is a light sword, not like the broadswords of knights of long ago. It is not very heavy, at all. Which helps Timmy to explain why it had been on his back, all this time, without his notice. Timmy swings the sword to his left, and then around to his right. It is quite light, indeed. It has a double edge, which should help to increase his chance of actually cutting the zombie-wolf. With sword still in hand, Timmy sets one foot in front of the other, forward towards the crazy snake-like band the train rode. No sooner had Timmy started walking, when another oblong doorway of light opened before Timmy. He drew himself up, mustered his courage, and stepped through the doorway ready to fight whatever lay in his path!
Archer heard a voice coming from over his left shoulder. He stood up, and looked in that direction. Archer was taken aback by what met his eyes. It was a really big rat… and it was riding a ferret! Archer just knew that his jaw had dropped open, and he was likely standing there with his mouth hanging open. The rat spoke, again.
“Hello there… I am sorry if I have startled you kind sir. I take it you are not ‘of this world’ as I just saw you emerge from an oval of bright light. My name is Alexander, may I ask what is yours?”
Sure enough, Archer was standing at the edge of a large clearing. A forest was reclaiming a deserted city, to his back. In front of him was a near human-sized rat riding atop a very large ferret. ‘Any why not?’ thought Archer, as he slowly closed his mouth. Where last he was, there was a zombie-wolf chasing them, hell-bent on attacking himself and Timmy. ‘Why not?’ A well dressed SPEAKING rat riding atop a bridled and reigned ferret?
“Alexander, my name is Archer, and it is my pleasure to meet you. May I ask… is that a ferret on which you ride?” Seemed like a perfectly reasonable question to ask, under the circumstances. Alexander… answered;
“Yes, my good friend Archer, I am riding a ferret! Now, on to you… You appeared out of an oval of light… and you feel… pretty hard, upon your arrival. You were running… from something, am I right?”
Not only was this a rat riding a ferret… this was a smart (and fully clothed) rat riding a ferret. Archer was still taking this all in, but did not want to appear rude, so he answered Alexander.
“Yes, Alexander, in my world… well… the last world I found myself, my best friend Timmy and I were being chased by a… … .. ‘zombie-wolf’! I know how that sounds, but it chased me out of the forest and Timmy and I are trying to get away to climb into a tree… to get away.”
The ferret moved restlessly under Alexander’s saddle. Alexander reached down to its neck, stroked the ferret’s neck and spoke soothingly into its ear. The ferret calmed, as Alexander pulled the reign to his left and rode silently up to Archer’s side. This gave Archer an opportunity to get a better look at Alexander. His face was black around his eyes, yet straight through the center of his face was a blot of white fur. Alexander wore a complete set of clothing; a fine white hat sat on his head. His upper body was covered by a shirt that was made of a fine shiny material almost like silk, his upper legs were covered by trousers that looked to be made of a very light leather. He had boots that covered his feet and went up to the top of his lower leg. Then, Alexander spoke again;
“Mr. Archer… I am not one to judge, however, it seems you would have two choices in the situation you faced. Either you can continue to run… make your way to the tree… and end up ‘treed’ like an animal with nowhere to go. Or, you could take that bow off your back, take an arrow from your quiver… and stand and FIGHT this ‘zombie-wolf’ that chases you and your friend. Personally, I would rather face death standing and taking my best shot, rather than meet my fate up a tree… like a cat!”
OK! Now, Archer had no idea just how he had missed the fact that, on his back, was strapped a bow and a quiver of arrows. Regardless, Alexander was right! Archer would much rather face his attacker, with bow and arrow. If he failed to hit… they could always make for the tree. Archer turned to Alexander to speak;
“Thank you, Alexander, for your kind advice. You are correct, it is better to face one’s foe… take your best shot… and fight! Now, all I have to do is figure a way to get back to where I was… back to Timmy!”
Alexander pulled the reigns in his hands, turning his mount to the left, preparing to leave Archer when he spoke, one last time.
“Archer… I think it is rather entertaining… that your name is Archer… and that is what you are! Regardless, Archer, I am a rat of science. In my studies I have found that the nature of the universe is balance. You being here, and not at your friend Timmy’s side, makes both our world’s out of balance. I would venture, that all you need do is strike out walking and the universe will find a way to return you to where you belong.” With that, Alexander smiled and tipped his hat at Archer. As Alexander rode off, Archer shouted out behind him;
“Thank you Alexander for your help! I wish you well on your journey, and I hope our paths cross, yet again!”
Again, Alexander takes off his hat to wave it at Archer. Then, Archer could have sworn he heard Alexander say just one sentence “In time, we will!” With that, Alexander rode off into the forest, and Archer started walking forward. Archer had not taken more than three steps, ahead, when the bright Oval appeared, again. Archer took the bow, from his back, pulled an arrow from the quiver, placed the arrow against the bowstring, and walked through the portal of light.
No sooner had Timmy appeared, back in the graveyard, that two things happened. The zombie-wolf made a leap right at Timmy. Second, Archer appeared at Timmy’s side! Timmy drew his sword back, in anticipation of the zombie-wolf getting in range of his sword. Just as soon as Archer appeared, he kneeled down on one knew, and drew back the arrow in the bow. Just as the zombie-wolf came to the height of its attack leap, Archer let go his arrow. Timmy raised his sword above his head, to his right side, ready to bring it down and sever the zombie-wolf’s head from its body.
Archer’s arrow grazed the left flank of the zombie-wolf, just enough to cause it to yelp and fall, instead of landing on its feet in attack. Timmy took a big swing at the zombie-wolf. He missed the wolf’s head and his blow clove the zombie-wolf in half at just below the rib cage. Now, the remaining head, shoulder and arms were pulling and snapping at Timmy. The back legs, and lower torso, could not stand and fell to the ground. Archer placed another arrow into the bow, and drew back ready to fire. Timmy held up his hand, against Archer’s chest, indicating that he should not waste another arrow.
The zombie-wolf snapped, a few more times, at Timmy. Then it seemed to realize it had failed at its task… and began to howl… and Howl…. And HOOOWWWLLL!!! This took Archer, and Timmy, by complete surprise, as well as set both their blood to curl in their veins. The howl was wicked and it seemed to reach inside the two boys, striking fear into their hearts. Just as Timmy turned to look at Archer, and Archer the same, they both heard more howls! This time, the howls were in answer and coming from the forest all around!
It seemed that many zombie-wolves would soon set upon Timmy and Archer! One, they could handle… immobilize if not end. Several, on the other hand, would represent more of a challenge than they thought they might handle. Timmy turned to Archer and spoke;
“Good to see you back, Archer! Like you bow and arrow! You are pretty darn good with it, too! Umm… I had a real story to tell you… a talking rat… a giant train… a talking rat! But, right now does not seem to be the right time. Looks like the forest is about to bust open with ‘zombie-wolves’. You have any suggestions?”
Archer laughed… a little… then he laughed really hard! He put the arrow back into the quiver, placed his hand on Timmy’s shoulder and spoke;
“Yeah… my ‘talking rat’ rode a ferret! Didn’t see any trains… but had a nice conversation with a ferret riding rat… named Alexander. Oh, nice sword! You sliced this guy apart like a hot knife through butter. Yeah, I do have an idea. The zombie-wolves are coming from all directions. So, I don’t think heading back into the forest is the best idea…. Right now. My idea? We both get up into the tree. I do my best to nail as many of these wolves… in the head. Slow them down or kill them. Once done, you should be able to jump down, I will cover you, and you slice and dice the rest. Sound like a plan?”
Timmy took a deep breath… sighed… Then looked Archer directly in the eyes, and spoke;
“Archer, I trust you… Seems we have little choice… outside your idea. So, let’s get up into the tree… and we will both give this the best we have to give. But, I gotta tell you, Archer… Of all the people in the world? I just couldn’t ask for a better person to have at my side… than you, Archer. Let’s do this thing!”
Both the boys climb into the half-dead gnarled tree. They climb as high as they can get, and Archer gets his bow and arrows ready. They turn to each other and shake hands… as the forest surrounding the graveyard bursts open with zombie-wolves!
Well, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the (cliff-hanger) end of Part Six – ‘The Horror in Smithville’. Yes, I did just leave you all hanging in a tree while waiting for an army of ‘zombie-Wolves’ to attack our two heroes, Timmy and Archer! Yes, DID THAT! J
It is, right now, 7:00OPM Pacific Time… and I am very tired. Actually, I ma very much surprised that I finished this, today… tonight. I have been working on this… off and on… ½ on… ½- ¾ off… ½ on… and so on. I can only write for so long before I have to stop… rest… take some pain medication… and return to writing. Now… PLEASE!
IF you see small mistakes… typos and the like? PLEASE UNDERSTAND? Tomorrow, or the next day, I will go over this at both sites and clean it up. I apologize for any and all mistakes. It is just that I just spent HOURS working… and I promised to have it published today! Thank you for your understanding!
Finally, this chapter… it really is some of the very best work of my recent life. I am VERY proud of what I have done here; mixing two character’s timelines together, weaving characters from TWO DIFFERENT stories together into one story. I am doing things I have just imagined before in my life. I am breaking barriers, here My Dear Readers. As well, I am creating MY writing style! One that will prevail for the rest of my writing career.
I hope that you enjoy every word… I hope that you KEEP coming back for MORE.
Thank YOU!
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[…] ← The Horror in Smithville – Part SIX […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part SIX : “And we are not talking about a really nice graveyard, eight. This graveyard looked to be from long long ago. The headstones were mostly broken, the names of the dearly beloved long ago forgotten to time. Gnarled trees, leaning half out of the ground, were the only remaining landscaping. Above, the moon hung full in the sky while a deep rolling fog moved over the ground.. It just then that Timmy felt the first deep chill, it was very cold and damp outside.” This, My Dear Readers, THIS is when it all started coming together. In THIS chapter… the MAGIC started happening. Let me explain a little. First, in part six I started interweaving the boy’s reality with their dream world! Things, and people, from one part of their lives began showing up in the other part of their lives! This gave me all sorts of creative opportunities. NEXT? Next the boys were taken to a different dream world! More than one ‘dream world’ freed me up, as a writer, and gave me the opportunity to begin interweaving their “Dream Worlds’! This was a huge gift to me, as a writer… but the best I saved for LAST. In Part Six… I did something that reached off the page! Now, My Dear Readers, if you are a frequent readers then you have (no doubt) hear about my most favorite… my PRIZED novel; ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ book ONE to be ‘The Healing Light’. I have written about this upcoming work for the better part of the past FOUR years. In Part Six, I managed to create a ‘Trademark’ writing dynamic exclusive to Daniel Hanning. IN part Six… I brought Princess Nadia and Alexander into the ‘dream world’ of Timmy and Archer! That’s RIGHT My Dear Readers, it will be a trademark of my writing style that MY characters Cross Over into other literary works of mine! Never before have I read of this being done by another writer. Not only that, but it is not just a chance encounter! That’s RIGHT Princess Nadia and Alexander will have full roles in ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and Timmy and Archer WILL APPEAR in ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’! My Dear Readers, when I made this happen on the page… and it WORKED! I was just THRILLED at the possibilities! I am not going to give any spoilers… but this is going to happen… and BIG! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part SIX : “And we are not talking about a really nice graveyard, eight. This graveyard looked to be from long long ago. The headstones were mostly broken, the names of the dearly beloved long ago forgotten to time. Gnarled trees, leaning half out of the ground, were the only remaining landscaping. Above, the moon hung full in the sky while a deep rolling fog moved over the ground.. It just then that Timmy felt the first deep chill, it was very cold and damp outside.” This, My Dear Readers, THIS is when it all started coming together. In THIS chapter… the MAGIC started happening. Let me explain a little. First, in part six I started interweaving the boy’s reality with their dream world! Things, and people, from one part of their lives began showing up in the other part of their lives! This gave me all sorts of creative opportunities. NEXT? Next the boys were taken to a different dream world! More than one ‘dream world’ freed me up, as a writer, and gave me the opportunity to begin interweaving their “Dream Worlds’! This was a huge gift to me, as a writer… but the best I saved for LAST. In Part Six… I did something that reached off the page! Now, My Dear Readers, if you are a frequent readers then you have (no doubt) hear about my most favorite… my PRIZED novel; ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ book ONE to be ‘The Healing Light’. I have written about this upcoming work for the better part of the past FOUR years. In Part Six, I managed to create a ‘Trademark’ writing dynamic exclusive to Daniel Hanning. IN part Six… I brought Princess Nadia and Alexander into the ‘dream world’ of Timmy and Archer! That’s RIGHT My Dear Readers, it will be a trademark of my writing style that MY characters Cross Over into other literary works of mine! Never before have I read of this being done by another writer. Not only that, but it is not just a chance encounter! That’s RIGHT Princess Nadia and Alexander will have full roles in ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and Timmy and Archer WILL APPEAR in ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’! My Dear Readers, when I made this happen on the page… and it WORKED! I was just THRILLED at the possibilities! I am not going to give any spoilers… but this is going to happen… and BIG! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part SIX : “And we are not talking about a really nice graveyard, eight. This graveyard looked to be from long long ago. The headstones were mostly broken, the names of the dearly beloved long ago forgotten to time. Gnarled trees, leaning half out of the ground, were the only remaining landscaping. Above, the moon hung full in the sky while a deep rolling fog moved over the ground.. It just then that Timmy felt the first deep chill, it was very cold and damp outside.” This, My Dear Readers, THIS is when it all started coming together. In THIS chapter… the MAGIC started happening. Let me explain a little. First, in part six I started interweaving the boy’s reality with their dream world! Things, and people, from one part of their lives began showing up in the other part of their lives! This gave me all sorts of creative opportunities. NEXT? Next the boys were taken to a different dream world! More than one ‘dream world’ freed me up, as a writer, and gave me the opportunity to begin interweaving their “Dream Worlds’! This was a huge gift to me, as a writer… but the best I saved for LAST. In Part Six… I did something that reached off the page! Now, My Dear Readers, if you are a frequent readers then you have (no doubt) hear about my most favorite… my PRIZED novel; ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ book ONE to be ‘The Healing Light’. I have written about this upcoming work for the better part of the past FOUR years. In Part Six, I managed to create a ‘Trademark’ writing dynamic exclusive to Daniel Hanning. IN part Six… I brought Princess Nadia and Alexander into the ‘dream world’ of Timmy and Archer! That’s RIGHT My Dear Readers, it will be a trademark of my writing style that MY characters Cross Over into other literary works of mine! Never before have I read of this being done by another writer. Not only that, but it is not just a chance encounter! That’s RIGHT Princess Nadia and Alexander will have full roles in ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and Timmy and Archer WILL APPEAR in ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’! My Dear Readers, when I made this happen on the page… and it WORKED! I was just THRILLED at the possibilities! I am not going to give any spoilers… but this is going to happen… and BIG! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part SIX : “And we are not talking about a really nice graveyard, eight. This graveyard looked to be from long long ago. The headstones were mostly broken, the names of the dearly beloved long ago forgotten to time. Gnarled trees, leaning half out of the ground, were the only remaining landscaping. Above, the moon hung full in the sky while a deep rolling fog moved over the ground.. It just then that Timmy felt the first deep chill, it was very cold and damp outside.” This, My Dear Readers, THIS is when it all started coming together. In THIS chapter… the MAGIC started happening. Let me explain a little. First, in part six I started interweaving the boy’s reality with their dream world! Things, and people, from one part of their lives began showing up in the other part of their lives! This gave me all sorts of creative opportunities. NEXT? Next the boys were taken to a different dream world! More than one ‘dream world’ freed me up, as a writer, and gave me the opportunity to begin interweaving their “Dream Worlds’! This was a huge gift to me, as a writer… but the best I saved for LAST. In Part Six… I did something that reached off the page! Now, My Dear Readers, if you are a frequent readers then you have (no doubt) hear about my most favorite… my PRIZED novel; ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ book ONE to be ‘The Healing Light’. I have written about this upcoming work for the better part of the past FOUR years. In Part Six, I managed to create a ‘Trademark’ writing dynamic exclusive to Daniel Hanning. IN part Six… I brought Princess Nadia and Alexander into the ‘dream world’ of Timmy and Archer! That’s RIGHT My Dear Readers, it will be a trademark of my writing style that MY characters Cross Over into other literary works of mine! Never before have I read of this being done by another writer. Not only that, but it is not just a chance encounter! That’s RIGHT Princess Nadia and Alexander will have full roles in ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and Timmy and Archer WILL APPEAR in ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’! My Dear Readers, when I made this happen on the page… and it WORKED! I was just THRILLED at the possibilities! I am not going to give any spoilers… but this is going to happen… and BIG! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part SIX : “And we are not talking about a really nice graveyard, eight. This graveyard looked to be from long long ago. The headstones were mostly broken, the names of the dearly beloved long ago forgotten to time. Gnarled trees, leaning half out of the ground, were the only remaining landscaping. Above, the moon hung full in the sky while a deep rolling fog moved over the ground.. It just then that Timmy felt the first deep chill, it was very cold and damp outside.” This, My Dear Readers, THIS is when it all started coming together. In THIS chapter… the MAGIC started happening. Let me explain a little. First, in part six I started interweaving the boy’s reality with their dream world! Things, and people, from one part of their lives began showing up in the other part of their lives! This gave me all sorts of creative opportunities. NEXT? Next the boys were taken to a different dream world! More than one ‘dream world’ freed me up, as a writer, and gave me the opportunity to begin interweaving their “Dream Worlds’! This was a huge gift to me, as a writer… but the best I saved for LAST. In Part Six… I did something that reached off the page! Now, My Dear Readers, if you are a frequent readers then you have (no doubt) hear about my most favorite… my PRIZED novel; ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ book ONE to be ‘The Healing Light’. I have written about this upcoming work for the better part of the past FOUR years. In Part Six, I managed to create a ‘Trademark’ writing dynamic exclusive to Daniel Hanning. IN part Six… I brought Princess Nadia and Alexander into the ‘dream world’ of Timmy and Archer! That’s RIGHT My Dear Readers, it will be a trademark of my writing style that MY characters Cross Over into other literary works of mine! Never before have I read of this being done by another writer. Not only that, but it is not just a chance encounter! That’s RIGHT Princess Nadia and Alexander will have full roles in ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and Timmy and Archer WILL APPEAR in ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’! My Dear Readers, when I made this happen on the page… and it WORKED! I was just THRILLED at the possibilities! I am not going to give any spoilers… but this is going to happen… and BIG! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part SIX : “And we are not talking about a really nice graveyard, eight. This graveyard looked to be from long long ago. The headstones were mostly broken, the names of the dearly beloved long ago forgotten to time. Gnarled trees, leaning half out of the ground, were the only remaining landscaping. Above, the moon hung full in the sky while a deep rolling fog moved over the ground.. It just then that Timmy felt the first deep chill, it was very cold and damp outside.” This, My Dear Readers, THIS is when it all started coming together. In THIS chapter… the MAGIC started happening. Let me explain a little. First, in part six I started interweaving the boy’s reality with their dream world! Things, and people, from one part of their lives began showing up in the other part of their lives! This gave me all sorts of creative opportunities. NEXT? Next the boys were taken to a different dream world! More than one ‘dream world’ freed me up, as a writer, and gave me the opportunity to begin interweaving their “Dream Worlds’! This was a huge gift to me, as a writer… but the best I saved for LAST. In Part Six… I did something that reached off the page! Now, My Dear Readers, if you are a frequent readers then you have (no doubt) hear about my most favorite… my PRIZED novel; ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ book ONE to be ‘The Healing Light’. I have written about this upcoming work for the better part of the past FOUR years. In Part Six, I managed to create a ‘Trademark’ writing dynamic exclusive to Daniel Hanning. IN part Six… I brought Princess Nadia and Alexander into the ‘dream world’ of Timmy and Archer! That’s RIGHT My Dear Readers, it will be a trademark of my writing style that MY characters Cross Over into other literary works of mine! Never before have I read of this being done by another writer. Not only that, but it is not just a chance encounter! That’s RIGHT Princess Nadia and Alexander will have full roles in ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and Timmy and Archer WILL APPEAR in ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’! My Dear Readers, when I made this happen on the page… and it WORKED! I was just THRILLED at the possibilities! I am not going to give any spoilers… but this is going to happen… and BIG! […]