Tuesday, April 8, 2014

New from Around the World - April 8th, 2014

[caption id="attachment_2693" align="aligncenter" width="400"]News from Around the World News from Around the World[/caption]


       Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. It is time, again, my friends to take a spin around the world and see what news there is to share. Today I will touch on several and varied subjects that reach from our own personal lives to the far reaches of the globe. My Dear Readers that is the goal of this weekly article series. To expose you, My Dear Readers, to matters close to home and around the world. A better informed; family, friend(s), co-workers make for better and stronger relationships that will last generations.


Now, as promised, my very first subject is one that is very close to home; our health. Having spent a decade in clinical health care settings and home health, I find myself drawn to subjects I feel some people my be lead astray, or harmed, by engaging in their personal lives. Today I am here to debunk a very harmful misnomer about diet. Today I am here to debunk the very harmful myth of ‘Gluten Allergies’.


The very first myth I would like to debunk is; ‘Going Gluten-Free can CURE Autism’. I wanted to start with this myth, because I feel it is doing the most harm. Families with Autistic children can feel tremendous pressures, not the least of which social pressures. I feel it is particularly heinous and disturbing to extend a possible cure for a genetic disease by merely changing the child’s diet. FACT: There is no scientific evidence that halting an Autistic child’s gluten intake will ‘cure’ their Autism.


Yes, it is true that a great many Autistic children suffer with gastrointestinal problems. Sometimes, these children can experience momentary/temporary relief by removing gluten rich foods from their diets. However, as I explain below, this is only a temporary measure and that extended removal of gluten has more and far reaching negative health effects. Again, there is no scientific evidence that a ‘Gluten Free Diet’ can ‘cure’ Autism.


NEXT. There are several myths circling the diet blogs and community all based in misnomers and myths about a cereal gain protein that has been the human diet for the better part of 40,000 years. Gluten is contained in three cereal grains; Wheat, Barley and Rye grains. It is a protein containing fibrous material. It naturally occurs in all three of these grains, yet is separated during this refining process.


First, the myth that ‘a gluten free diet is a healthy diet’ created by certain health gurus that are more focused on rapid weight loss than the health and welfare of their… ‘Customers’ (more like marks, from what I have read). Yes, if you completely remove all processed food stuffs with gluten from your diet, you will experience what appears to be weight loss. What you are actually experiencing, is so far more insidious.


What you are experiencing is muscle mass loss! Gluten is an essential protein and dietary fiber. Once you remove this source of protein from your diet, you will see muscle loss! Your body uses protein to create and maintain muscles in your body. As well, I told you that gluten is a dietary fiber. Once you remove any source of fiber from your daily diet, you will experience… weight loss… because of the ensuing diarrhea. That’s correct, once you remove a major source of dietary fiber from a human’s diet, you will end up with loose bowels. This is because of the loss of dietary fiber but also because these ‘Gluten Free’ foods contain more; saturated FATS, and SUGARS to make up for the lost fibrous material in the baking process. SO, by engaging in and purchasing ONLY ‘Gluten Free’ products? You are increasing the amount of sugar and saturated fats while decreasing your intake of; dietary fiber and protein.


However, you will also experience; significant dehydration, which looks like,weight loss but is actually just massive dehydration. So, you have an unscrupulous diet guru which is placing your health in danger just to create the illusion of ‘weight loss’ while damaging your overall health. Further, the American Medical Association has concluded a study debunking the myth of ‘Gluten Allergies’[1]. As well, they have sent out millions of letters to Primary Care Physicians to stop engaging in ‘Allergy Testing’ in their offices.


You see, My Dear Readers, you can be allergic to wheat… or barley… or rye. One can be allergic to a certain cereal grain but there is no such thing as a ‘Gluten Allergy’[2]. Any doctor that tells you that there is (and does not refer to it as ‘Celiac Disease’) is a charlatan and you should stop seeing that doctor. You see there is a disease that, if you eat gluten bearing foods, it can cause gastro distress. However, this disease affects only ONE in every One Hundred Americans.


My Dear Readers, engaging in a ‘Gluten Free’ diet not directed by a doctor can cause significant health damage! I am not kidding. You are robbing your body or essential proteins and dietary fiber! That is a crime and one that I hope that I can help to stop. Understand that yes it will look like you are loosing some weight… at first! After the first few days, all you really are doing is damaging your long-term health based on a misnomer now debunked by the America Medical Association. If you have a family history of Celiac disease, have your doctor check you out and do the proper medical tests.


Finally, I have included links (below) to one article and one video debunking this health harming myth about ‘Gluten Allergies’. I wanted to include some scientific proof of my assertions, and they are at the end of these links. I think that it is a crime that people are actually using their (limited) medical knowledge to cause harm to their fellow man. Honestly, I believe that anyone that furthers this terrible myth, without giving all the information available, just to take advantage of people that are desperate to loose weight are criminals and should be treated as such. I really do hope that all of you, My Dear Readers, take heed of my advice, read up on the science and protect your health. Thank you.


Next, I take you across the Pacific ocean to the single most isolationist regimes on the face of the planet, North Korea. South Korean news sources are reporting that O Sang-hon, a deputy minister at the Ministry of Public Security, was executed by flame thrower during a continuing purge.[3] This purge started last December when the current dictator’s Uncle, Jang Song-taek, was executed. Loyalists to Mr. Jang are now being rooted up and either summarily executed or sent to political prison camps. This follows the 2012 execution by motor fire of the ‘Vice Minister of the Army’. Dictator Kim Jung-un ordered the execution saying that “no trace of him should be left behind, not even his hairs…”[4].


This is just a continuation of the harsh, and at times sick, dictatorship of Kim Jung-un, son of the late Kim Jung-ill. North Korea is the single most backward industrialized nation on the planet. It is the only such nation with no internet access for its people. As well, astronauts traveling in the shuttle and/or the International Space Station say that when they pass over it at night, the country is completely devoid of any sources of light. It is said that the northern par of the Korean continent is a black hole in the continent. IMHO executing a person, regardless of their crime, by flamethrower is… well, it is sickening for sure… but it violates any sense of common decency.


Now, for some news… from, what I would call, the bizarre bag of news. This story comes out of Germany, today. Elements of Germany’s Right-Wing Extremist Neo-Nazi(s) are using… … … (wait for it…) The Cookie Monster to spread their hateful propaganda. That’s right, good ol’Frank Oz’s cookie eating creation has been corrupted and used to stand with, and for, Neo-Nazi and racist propaganda. If you haven’t really read much about Germany, in the past couple of decades, there are far ‘Right-Wing Extremeists’ that are having real difficulties with the changing racial make-up of modern day Germany.


Falling back on, banned, images of Adolf Hitler, and adopting much of the dictator’s (and the ‘Third Reich’s’) hate filled prejudiced rhetoric. Two German men, both in their thirties, have been arrested by police in conjunction with the crimes. They had been dressing in a Cookie Monster outfit and handing out leaflets that claimed ‘To be German is Cool!”. Following the arrest homes of the two men were searched and computers were found that had more Neo-Nazi materials on their hard drives. One of the images, found on the computers, was of Adolf Hitler and the Cookie Monster with the caption “Who Ate My Cookie?” Meant to allude to ‘ill-legals’ taking food from the mouth’s of German (white) citizens.


The use of the Cookie Monster is seen as just another new way of spreading their message of "Volkstod," or "National Death" campaign. This is how these ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ is used to describe what they believe as the degradation of the German society my multi-nationalism.


These extremists are trying to trivialize their dangerous ideology by using simple language, by creating ironic cartoons and by increasingly using social media to reach adolescents,…” [5]


And, in our final story for the day we take a trip to South America, Brazil to be exact. If you are not a follower of soccer, or the ‘World Cup’ you might not be aware that the competition is headed for Brazil! With the coming of this great honor the legal authorities in many of Brazil’s major cities are working together to crack down on child prostitution. Prostitution, for anyone over the age of 18, is completely legal in Brazil. However, child prostitution is not, but is prevalent in many of the major cities in Brazil.


Now, the government of Brazil has promised to eradicate child prostitution prior to the arrival of The World Cup competitions. This is no easy task, I have to tell you. According to estimates made by ‘National Forum for the Prevention of Child Labor’ there are a Half Million child sex workers in Brazil. The city of Fortaleza[6] in Brazil, is seen as the capital of the child sex industry. Many planes and charters have Fortaleza as their destinations with the resorts there acting as hubs for child sex.


There is widespread poverty in Brazil and few opportunities for education. There are many opportunities to make money, “easy money” (according to statements made by many of these children) in underage prostitution. Honestly, if you have ever read anything about Brazil, studied the history of the country or had visitors from Brazil, you would already know of the ‘Boys of Brazil’. That child prostitutions is/has been a huge problem for Brazil for many decades. European underground sex services offer sex tours in Brazil, featuring stops in cities like Fortaleza. The city police and the government of Brazil are stating that they will have the child sex trade halted in time for the beginning of the World Cup competitions.


However, if you ask the children on the streets and even the legal prostitutes, you will hear a different story. Their story is that they may succeed in getting the children off of the street corners, and out of the city centers but that the trade is so very prevalent it is unlikely they will end the child sex trade. Local police are cracking down on the underage street trade, local and national organizations are running new ads on local and statewide television. These ads explain the tougher enforcement and threaten severe penalties for continued trade.


Only time will tell if Brazil can finally take a substantial bite out of their child sex trade. I, for one, am hopeful that they will take measure to assure that this trade does not flourish, again, just as soon as all the footballers leave town. Truthfully, if more opportunities for education and employment are not created in Brazil? There really is no hope of ending this sick and deviant trade.


Well, My Dear Readers, that grings us to the end of another edition of ‘New from Around the World’. I would like to thank everyone for dropping by and sharing some time with me. I hope that everyone is having a safe and productive week. Be sure to drop by tomorrow for a new edition of ‘The Mars Report’ right here at ‘The Other Shoe’.


TTFN – Ta Ta For Now!




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