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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe and ‘Part Three’ of ‘The Deep Web’. My ongoing series about the other web, the darker side of the World Wide Web. Today I am going to talk to you, My Dear Readers about two new topics. First, I want to explain and discuss ‘Bridges’ to “The Deep Web’. Second, I want to explain and inform you, My Dear Readers, about creating a ‘virtual Machine’ on your computer as a means of protecting yourself and your computer.
Remember, venturing into this darker and hacker-filled part of the web is a venture fraught with danger and exposure. Exposure to people and organizations that would just a soon as take your identity and all your money, as give you the time of day. If you recall these darker recesses of the web are populated by (either); Black Hats [hackers with deception and theft only in mind] and White Hats [hackers that have made a conscious choice to use their computer skills to protect or improve the life of their friends and clients]. Most of the time, My Dear Readers, you will not know which you are dealing with… until it is too late.
That is why I have decided to focus today’s edition on two methods of protecting your self, your computer and all the computers on your network. Now, I might not have mentioned this in the two previous editions of ‘The Deep Web’. Though, thinking about it… I do not think I could mention this fact ‘too many’ times. When (if) you go to surf “The Deep Web’ you must bear in mind that you are exposing all computers on your network to risk! Not just the computer that you install Tor on, and connect to ‘The Deep Web’, rather all of the computers on; your home network, your company’s network (if you surf from work… something I strongly discourage), or the public or private network you use to connect. As well, if you improperly connect (like directly connecting) to ‘The Deep Web’ the risk will continue long after you have disconnected and turned off your computer.
See, the highly skilled ‘Black Hats’ can use information (collected from an improperly connected device to “The Deep Web’) to infiltrate and entire network. They can create ‘Back Doors’ to your home or work network, making it very easy for them to not only gain access. Not only gain access but even commandeer or take control of you; hotspot, Wi-Fi network, LAN network, either home or work public or private. This can occur each and every time you connect to the deep web. Please, keep that in mind every time you connect and all the time you are connected. Vigilance = safety.
Once you have downloaded Tor, from a reputable source like the ones I have listed in ‘Part One’. You need to now read about, and understand how to use Bridges (or Bridge Relays) to connect to ‘The Deep Web’. You do not want to connect directly to ‘The Deep Web’ using Tor and no bridges. As well, many Internet Service Providers (Time Warner, Clear Wire, Earthlink, AOL, and others) may work to block you connecting. Many of these companies ‘see’ merely your use of Tor and any efforts to connect to ‘The Deep Web’ as a violation of your ‘Terms of Use’.
They can, and many do, use this perceived violation to terminate your internet connection and any contract you have signed. Now, honestly, I have not seen this happen many times at all. However, there is a way that you can greatly decrease the chance they can ‘see’ you use Tor and your connection outside the normal web.
Regardless of the reason, be it your access is blocked or you just want to make sure your activities are not ‘seen’ the use of a ‘bridge’ is your best bet. My Dear Readers, I would like to make something abundantly clear! It is my suggestion that you, My Dear Readers, always use a ‘Bridge’ or ‘Bridge Relay’ to make your connections to ‘The Deep Web’. It is my humble opinion that one simply cannot be ‘too careful’ when it comes to surfing and accessing ‘The Deep Web’. I have heard some really terrifying ‘horror stories’ from users. Stories of private networks (at their well paying jobs) being infiltrated, and commandeered, by ‘Black Hats’ with just one connection and/or one transaction.
One individual, exercising very poor judgment, did so at their job over the weekend. He was there working on a project on a Saturday, and became bored. He and I had been discussing ‘The Deep Web’ that week while playing WoW together. He had the wherewithal to not use his home computer, and thought that the network at work had enough; hardware firewalls, software firewalls, anti-virus software, Malware scanners, and adequate configuration to protect him and the corporate network. He, not only, connected directly to ‘The Deep Web’ he engaged in a transaction! Yeapers, he connected via one computer to a ‘Bitcoin’ vendor. With another computer he connected directly to ‘The Deep Web’ and went about making a purchase of… (let’s just say) ‘an illegal product’ for his personal enjoyment.
See, he did not want his wife to find out he was purchasing… this product. Nor did he want his wife to know that he was using their money to purchase bitcoins and, in turn, the illegal substance. The transaction went through (so he thought) without a hitch. He left his place of work that Saturday afternoon about 2PM, thinking he had ‘scored’ something he really wanted… without a hitch and without anyone being the wiser.
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This is the lesson. He returned to work on Monday morning, bounce in his step because he had finished all the work on the assigned project ahead of time. Much to his dismay; he pulled into work to find unmarked law enforcement vehicles in the lot, a swarm of plain-clothes officers in the hallways, and an IT Director frazzled and sweating bullets. Shortly after getting to his desk he was called into the C.O.O.’s (Chief Operating Officer) office. He was informed that, sometime Sunday, their corporate network was infiltrated.
That, just in a matter of a couple of hours, these infiltrators had; managed to commandeer the entire network bypassing all firewalls and software/hardware protocols, hacking their encrypted client database, and stole the financial information of several dozen clients. They had managed to steal financial information of; clients, vendors, workers, contractors and even personal financial information of the Owner. It was a major ‘data breech’ and it looked like they had managed to transfer over ten thousand dollars of corporate assets. They were still contacting their vendors and clients, but it looked like several if each had experienced ‘data breeches’, too.
Once these hackers had finished they worked to cover their tracks. They had uploaded a worm, a ‘Logic Bomb’ that went about formatting all computers at the location. They had lost terabytes of information and were working to restore data from disc backups kept off property. However, they did have a time index for the infiltration. A time index that pointed a finger squarely at the weekend worker. Our cleaver ‘Deep Web’ surfer and purchaser of illegal goods. They also had some internal close circuit camera footage that showed he was the only person in the building and using a the computers shortly prior to the ‘data breech’.
Needless to say, this individual was immediately fired and escorted out of the building. Lucky for him they were never able to rebuild their servers adequately to directly connect him to the connection to ‘The Deep Web’ that lead to the horrific ‘data breech’. However, if they would have been able to connect this individual to the connection to “The Deep Web’ that lead to the data breech? That person would have been on the hook for; criminal charges and huge financial liabilities. We has so very lucky that those hackers had decided to use heavy handed techniques to cover their electronic tracks. This is the reason that you will want to make sure that you use Bridges or Bridge Relays to connect to ‘The Deep Web’ every single time, and never connect while you are at work!
Now, the very first thing you want to do is to download a version of Tor with the Vidalia Bridge Bundle. You can download it here:
Tor WITH Vidalia Bridge Bundle
For more information on how to use the Vidalia Bundle go here:
Further Information on Vidalia Bridge Bundle
For a video on how to configure the Vidalia Bundle and how to obtain Bridge Relays go here:
Video on Tor Vidalia Bridge Bundle
In the video is information on where to send an email (and how to address said email properly) to obtain ‘Tor Vidalia Bridge Relays’. In order to avoid problems with (both) of my blog(s) servers and administrators I am not publishing this information directly. If you follow the links above, you can read and watch videos that make this whole process very easy to follow and execute. If this blog was on my own server I would make my own (up to date) video with step by step directions. However, since I do not want to have my blog(s) blocked or removed for “violations of user agreements…” regarding the publication of “illicit or illegal information” this is the best I can do… at this time. Thank you for your understanding.
The bridges are simply a listing of URL(s) like this; https://555.1212. Once you have the listing(s) in the return email, or you know people in your area that are running ‘Tor Bridges’ input this information in the Vidalia ‘Network Settings’ after clicking the box “My ISP blocks Tor connections’. Clicking that box will open up a oblong dialog box. This is where you write/input the ‘Tor Bridges’ and press ‘return’. Once you press return the information you input will appear in the large box below the oblong input box. Once you have more than one bridge relay address’ just double click on the one you want to use and Vidalia will start Tor using the bridge relay of your choice.
YES! I know that this is a bit confusing, at first. However, if you feel it is too much effort… or you just do not think I need to? Read the story above, again. I am writing this separate article and stressing these steps and the use of ‘Tro Bridge Relays’ to protect YOU, My Dear Readers.
That brings us to the end of ‘The Deep Web – Part Three’. I was going to include the ‘creation of a virtul machine’ in this issue. However, considering the current length of this article and just how confusing this article will become if I continue? I have made the decision to move the process of creating ‘Virtual Machines’ until next week, and Part Four. I hope that I have presented this information in a manner that is understandable.
If you have any questions feel free to visit the links, above, and watch the videos and read more about it. I understand that it can be difficult, but we are talking about keeping your computer and your family’s network and computers SAFE! Come back next week for explinations on how to create a Virtual Machine' on your computer to add a layer of protection to ANY machine or natwork.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here to read my work.
Thank YOU!
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[…] ← The Deep Web – Part Three […]
ReplyDeleteAw, thjis was a really ggood post. Takking a few minute and actual ffort
ReplyDeleteto generate a great article… but what can I say… I hesitate a
whole loot and never managee to get nearly anything done.