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(By Walter Burns [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons)
Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. The title says it all, the top two ‘Golden Boys’ of the GOP both find themselves in the ‘Dog House’ surrounded by investigations and scandal. It was just two years ago when Governor Chris Christie and (Former) governor Robert McDonnell were top contenders for the VP seat with Mitt Romney. The RNC and Reince Priebus (yes, I DID spell that correctly) were bent over backwards kowtowing to these two juggernauts of the Republican party. I am amazed at how things can change, for these two ‘Golden Boys’, in just the past twenty months.
The newly inaugurated Governor Chris Christie funds himself at the center of two storms, built out of revelations of abuse of power. The first, ‘Bridgegate’, swirls around allegations that Governor Christie and his administration used the George Washington bridge (linking the state of New Jersey @ Fort Lee to New York city) as a tool to extract revenge on the mayor of Fort Lee, Mark Sokolich, and the people of the city of Fort Lee. Revenge enacted because Mark Sokolich was not playing ball with Governor Christie’s reelection campaign and redevelopment funds connected with Sandy Relief.[1]
Last week I sat in amazement as the first of those to be questioned by members of the New Jersey State legislature, David Wildstein repeatedly took the Fifth Amendment and refused to answer questions as obvious and simplistic as
“this email has redactions in it, correct?”
Within hours of his hour and a half appearance Mr. Wildstein signaled, to the House investigation team, that he would be ‘willing to spill the beans if offered immunity from prosecution…’
“Wildstein's lawyer Alan Zegas told The Associated Press on Friday that there has not been any offer of immunity from the U.S. Attorney's Office, which is reviewing the matter. "If he has immunity from the relevant entities, he'll talk," Zegas said.”[2]
There is an old saying; ’If there is smoke, there is fire’, so one can safely assume that if Wildstein thinks he should be offered immunity… then illegal acts were committed that require iimmunity from prosecution. Wildstein was just the very first to be brough in front of this investigative committee, and as of last week the new legislature has extended the authority of the investigative committee. That means, Governor Christie’s efforts to wait out the clock, failed!
My Dear Readers this is just the single investigation by the State House in New Jersey. There are pending investigations, of ‘Bridgegate’ and Governor Christie’s involvement, pending by; The State Attorney General’s Office, The United States Senate and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Seems Governor Christie interfered with interstate commerce by toying with the traffic on the George Washington Bridge. Now, My Dear Readers, this is just the Number One investigation against Governor Christie. Seems the Governor, and/or members of his staff and/or Cabinet, had their busy little hands in more than one pie.
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(By Bob Jagendorf from Manalapan, NJ, USA (NJ Governor Chris Christie) [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons)
Hoboken. It’s not just another funny name of a city, any more. Hoboken is the center of the second scandal and investigation centered on Governor Christie and/or members of his staff and/or Cabinet. The Mayor of Hoboken, Mayor Dawn Zimmer, has come forward and given sworn testimony to a Federal Prosecutor. [3]
This the second scandal revolving around Governor Chris Christie, boils down to the allegations by the Mayor of Hoboken (Dawn Zimmerman) that the Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey (Kim Guadagno) threatened:
“…that Sandy aid would be contingent on moving forward with a private development project,…”[4]
See there is lots of money, coming from the Federal Government, for redevelopment in areas damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Commonly referred to as ‘Sandy Relief Funds’. These funds should just be going to the communities most damaged by the floods and hurricane. However, it seems that there is a lot of gamesmanship going on in New Jersey about where the funds will end up being spent. As well, there are (allegedly) political ties to these funds. The Mayor of Hoboken has given sworn testimony (to the U.S Attorney for New Jersey) that the Lt. Governor relayed word from Governor Christie that either Mayor Zimmerman “got the ball rolling” with approval for a specific redevelopment plan or ‘there would be no Sandy funds, forthcoming…’.
There is much more than just the word of Mayor Zimmerman against Lt. Governor Guadagno. It seems that the Mayor made contemporaneous notes of this meeting, and what she was told, in her personal diary. This personal diary has been turned over the U.S. Attorney’s office. This will all, over the coming weeks and months, unfold in the public eye. Regardless of the eventual outcome, these two scandals and following investigations will greatly hamper Governor Christie’s ability to govern without interruption and scrutiny.
I am amazed at just how far Governor Christie has fallen in just a matter of a few weeks. If the State Legislators give immunity to anyone then everything will come out on ‘Bridgegate’ and all paths lead to Governor Christie. I cannot miss the chance to compare these scandals to a double barrel shotgun pointed directly at Governor Christie’s administration and his second term in office. I simply cannot imagine that this Governor has the same standing, heading into the 2016 Presidential election, as he did just twenty months ago.
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(By U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Phil Beaufort [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)
Now, for the other ‘Golden Boy’ of the GOP. I am talking about ex-Governor Robert McDonnell and his wife, Maureen. Now, this scandal is actually further along than the Christie scandals above. Both Robert and Maureen Mc Donnell have charged with:
“illegally accepting gifts, luxury vacations and large loans from a wealthy Richmond area businessman who sought special treatment from state government…”[5]
The indictments allege that the Governor and his wife repeatedly demanded gifts of;
“loans and gifts of money, clothes, golf fees and equipment, trips, and private plane rides. The gifts and loans totaled at least $165,000…”[6]
They are facing a 14-count indictment coming out of a federal probe. This inducement alleges; fraud by a public official, giving false statements and obstruction on top of the bribery and accepting gifts in exchange for political favors.[7]
Fortunately, for the GOP, Robert McDonnell has left office. However, I cannot escape the grand reveal behind both of these stories. That, given time, the two ‘Golden Boys’ of the Grand Old Party are now both being soundly revealed as individuals that freely engage in untoward activities and display a propensity for skullduggery.
Let me be clear, neither party is made up of people and individuals immune from scrutiny. However, one can easily see a pattern of behavior come into focus. This pattern seems to cling to one party, one group of wealthy and powerful Republicans. Two Republican Governors that, only months ago, were top picks for the Vice President position and now in the forefront for the 2016 Presidential election.
This is not good for the Republican party. Quoting Republican Newt Gingrich (not something I often do) Newt said this on Meet the Press on one of the few times I was watching David…
““If [the Republicans'] competitor in ‘16 is going to be Hillary Clinton -- supported by Bill Clinton and presumably a still relatively popular President Barack Obama -- trying to win that will be [like winning] the Super Bowl. And the Republican Party today is incapable of competing at that level.” [8]
So, now the Republican party is facing this “Superbowl” of an election with its top two ‘Golden Boys’ greatly hampered by their own skullduggery and over-reach of power. :et me be crystal clear, Americans will forgive a great many sins, done by their favorite politicians. However, proven abuse of power is not one of those thiNGS Americans so forget… nor forgive.
As always I am deeply honored that you came here to read my work.
Thank you!
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