Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today January 24th, 2014 I am happy to announce that this article is my 350th article here @ The Other Shoe (@ Blog.com). Now, I have reached the 350 mark for my primary blog (location) @ blog.com I will be posting this article at both my blog locations. This article will mark my 253rd article at word press. Once I reach 350 at the secondary location (at word press) I will be marking that publishing milestone, too.
This is Part TWO of this milestone article here at The Other Shoe. Want to know something enlightening? When I started out writing this article? I had planned on it being about three pages long and I was going to include links to, like, three articles. As I started writing this piece… well, it just did not seem to do my blog… my work… me, or you, My Dear Readers to do anyting but my very best! Therefore, I am going to write this article just as long as it takes me to do this blog honor, to convey the genuine history of this blog, and the path that my work and my life have taken me over these past four years.
Here is a little bit of trivia. I did not notice, until I started this article, but I posted my very first work on March 22nd, 2010. Now, I am publishing my 350th article four years later within a couple of months. Really? It looks like I just might be publishing my 400th article right at, or on the Fourth Anniversary of this blog! Four hundred articles in FOUR years. That averages out to an article every three days for 1.460 days.
All math aside, My Dear Readers, I am very proud of the work I am doing here at The Other Shoe. I do not mean just the ‘numbers’, either. I do not know of ANYONE in my circle of friends… circle of writers… or acquaintances that has stuck with something, like my (a) blog, for four years. That has produced this much content on this many topics on a regular basis for this extended period of time, all without it being a job… all out of a love for writing and a love for YOU, My Dear Readers. I genuinely enjoy writing, and genuinely enjoy writing these articles for this blog.
Yesterday I did my very BEST to convey my innermost feelings about the political work that I publish. I did my level best to communicate that the political articles I do publish I do not want to offend or upset Americans of either stripe. I conveyed that I am a ‘Reagan-Democrat’ and that I am proud of my political beliefs. I shared with you that my beliefs are complex and that I do not merely parrot another person’s rhetoric and call it my won thoughts. I genuinely endeavored to explain why I write about the political topics that I do. I tried to explain that it is never my intent to; offend, upset, persecute, demean or insult people with whom I do not share the same political bent.
I expressed that when I write a political article I do so in a way, the best that I can, so as to not just insult the person and ignore policy. That I will do my level best to never personally insult any political candidate, and would much rather debate policy and outcome. That my most recent articles on ‘Bridgegate’ and Governor Chris Christie, I have never once go off and lambasted him over his weight or anything like that ever! Honestly, I have weighed up to 189 pounds and I am the last person that should be banning insults about a person’s weight!
That I, My Dear Readers, deeply believe that all too many politicians and political commentators (of BOTH Parties) all too often allow themselves to go into the gutter for momentary political gain. I want to show honor in my political conversations and want to honor all those that come to read my political works regardless of which political party you belong. Having said, I am working very hard to improve my political articles. I am doing my best to incorporate ge4nuine criticism I have received from some of you, My Dear Readers, as well as Facebook friends and even some of the fine people I had the privilege to grow up with in Pearland Texas.
Now, without further adieu here are the next article of note in this, my Celebration of 350 articles here at The Other Shoe.
- · In Memoriam to Nakita Rat Hanning : “Few people will understand the significant and enduring bound that I shared with Nakita, but then again few people have owned (and bounded with) his breed of rat. Nakita was a ‘Blonde Hooded Fancy’ rat. A breed created during the Victorian Era by the rich and elite to fight in ‘dog fights’ with terrier dogs. They were breed to be quick, intelligent, deliberate, and did not run from a fight with a larger animal (like their ‘breeder’ or ‘feeder’ cousins), they would ‘box’ them. They would last longer in ‘the ring’ with dogs than any other breed, but also were social animals. They were breed to seek out social ties and form communities. Something you won’t read much about his breed. They could; learn their names and respond when called, be potty trained/house broken, respond to and remember complex series of commands and (most importantly) develop deep and lasting bounds with their human counterparts.” I have not read those words since shortly after his passing. Having read them, right now, I simply cannot think of a better description of Nakita or the breed of which we was a fine and shinning example. I wept at the loss of this fine and loving companion. In ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ he lives, again, as King Nakita the leader of the D&A rats. The leader of the most advanced and intelligent breed of rats ever to walk the Earth, and father to Princess Nadia. It is Princes Nadia who, with her love and her efforts, irrevocably change the course of mankind’s future and that of the D&A rats. Her actions inextricably intertwine the fate of these two species and enhance the quality and duration of the lives of both people. I simply cannot think of a better way of paying homage to these individual rats, and to their fine breed. It STILL hurts to think of Nakita, and it has been four years since his passing. Rats have come after him, but none have nor ever will replace King Nakita.
With this article you, My Dear Readers, begin to see the depth and breadth of my writing ability and this blog. You all begin to understand that coming here, to The Other Shoe, could possibly alter the course of your lives… and enhance the quality, too. Standing on the stage in Pearland Texas, performing many plays, winning many awards (even getting PHS as close to ‘State’ in drama as they had in decades) I just knew that I ‘wanted to change the world’. Here, with this article, I begin to perceive that with this vehicle… I just might be able to approach that goal, again. I hope that you, My Dear Readers, stick around for the ride.
Next, my writing takes me to a place I once thought my voice… or my acting would take me. I never thought that the product of my mind, in the form of the written word, would bring Daniel Hanning…
- · Danny Hanning Quoted on ‘Face the Nation’ : “That’s right, you read that correctly. TODAY on this Sunday’s ‘Face the Nation’ Mr. Bob Schieffer used WORDS I WROTE on his show as a question to Senator Mitch McConnell. Here is the posting I wrote on the ‘Face the Nation’ Facebook page (Comment on thread “Coming up tomorrow: Republican Leader Senator Mitch McConnell, and Democratic Policy Committee Chair Senator Chuck Schumer, both key players in the debt ceiling negotiations. What questions do YOU want answered on this week’s Face the Nation? Let us know…”):
“Why are Republicans ALLOWING ‘Freshman’ Congressmen CONTROL this debate? They are the LEAST experienced members of Congress and know the LEAST about real governance. It is like letting teenagers control the family budget.” We never got an answer, to my question, from Senator Mitch McConnell. Instead he digressed into some diatribe about there ‘being no division within his party’. Funny, that, looking at the Republican party today his answer was fortuitous, yes? Since I was a little boy I have dreamed of being on TV! I dreamed of being on TV singing, in elementary school when I sang in choir each and every year. In high school, I dreamed of being on TV acting, due to my success acting on stage year after year. Little did I know… Little could I have foreseen that it would not be my voice that ended up on NATIONAL TV… but it would be my written words! It was prior to the taping of this show that Bob Schieffer asked, on his Facebook page, for FB followers to submit questions. “What would you ask Senator Mitch McConnell this Sunday on Face the Nation?” I submitted exactly what is underlined above. My HEART STOPPED when I heard Bob Schieffer ask MY question of Senator Mitch McConnell that July 31st 2010. I always took my work, here at The Other Shoe, seriously. After this day… after hearing MY words on NATIONAL TELEVISION… It changed.
Yes, My Dear Readers, if you were not part of The Other Shoe family, back in July of 2010, you missed out on the excitement and pride I felt and shared thanks to Mr. Bob Schieffer and ‘Face the Nation’. This was the first time that my words had ever appeared on national television… it would not be the last.
This brings us to the end of Part Two of ‘350th Article at The Other Shoe’. I am doing my best to bring the best and finest… as well as the most defining moments of the past four years of my writing and publications in this series of articles. I cannot tell you just how many of articles will make up this series. If they prove to have a lot of ‘Likes’ and ‘Shares’… and if the last sries I published is an example? That series consisted of nine articles and a ‘Conclusion’.
Stick around… I promise that I will do my level best to make each and every moment of your time spent here… well worth time spent.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank YOU!
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[…] 350th Article at The Other Shoe – Part Two : “Yesterday I did my very BEST to convey my innermost feelings about the political work that I […]