Friday, January 10, 2014

The Forces That Bind Us ALL! Video

Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I wanted more for the article of the same name published yesterday. Late today, I read the article aloud for Allen. I was awestruck at how great it sounded when I read it out loud. I do enjoy how I read… how I place inflections… how I can breath life into written words. Allen told me that he enjoyed my spoken version better than the written version.


Therefore, I just spent four more hours on this article. It is now 3AM Friday January 10th, 2014. I have, finally, completed the upload of the video I made of me reading the article. Now, I am publishing this article as an introduction to the video of me reading this pivotal article. I do believe that this article has a power to change. I know that I still need to work out some bugs in the way I presented this work and the underlying ideas. I am willing to keep working on this presentation. I hope that you understand… I hope that you see the potential of what I am sharing with you, My Dear Readers.


I well may not change anything… However, change comes from hidden places… and often from as few a one person with a deep belief and the will to see it through. Here is ‘The Forces That Bind Us ALL’ as read by me earlier today. I did NOT get the mistake of ‘Powers’ corrected to ‘Forces’ prior to shooting this video. It took four hours to; shoot the video, add the effects title and ending credits, save and upload this video. Therefore, I am unable to completely redo this video just for ONE word change.


You ALL know that I am talking about ‘Forces’ of nature. I apologize that due to my pain and weakness I failed at getting this all prefect the first time. As I indicated, I am going to be working on this piece for some time. Thank you for your understanding and support.



1 comment:

  1. […] The Forces That Bind Us ALL! Video : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I wanted more for the article of the same name published yesterday. Late today, I read the article aloud for Allen. I was awestruck at how great it sounded when I read it out loud. I do enjoy how I read… how I place inflections… how I can breath life into written words. Allen told me that he enjoyed my spoken version better than the written version.”II find it rather revealing that a fourteen page article, in Word, can (by me) be turned into a half-hour video. My Dear Readers. I REALLY did my best to bring what I WANTED this article to BE… to this video. However, if the rewrite of the article is majorly different than it is, today. I WILL redo the video, as well. I am doing my best to set the tone for the blog, this year. I genuinely want more humanity in my work. I do not ‘shy away’ from the hard work I know it will require to bring humanity to my humanist works. I believe in YOU, My Dear Readers, and I DO believe that IF I can put my vision into words and videos… we stand a good chance to leading… leading ourselves and our nation to a better… brighter and more humane future for ourselves and our posterity. […]
