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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today January 24th, 2014 I am happy to announce that this article is my 350th article here @ The Other Shoe (@ Blog.com). Now, I have reached the 350 mark for my primary blog (location) @ blog.com I will be posting this article at both my blog locations. This article will mark my 253rd article (here) at word press. Once I reach 350 at the secondary location (at word press) I will be marking that publishing milestone, too.
I welcome this milestone in my publishing/writing career at this time. Lately, I have been writing articles… strong articles back in the political vein. Unfortunately, I know that there are some of you, My Dear Readers, that do not like my political works. I understand that this group of readers are, sometimes, even offended by what I write. That you feel my political work is not fairly balanced and that I lack objectivity. Whereas I respect your opinion? I fear that the case may be made that this may not be entirely the case.
Example, if you number among the few, My Dear Readers, that see my political work as lacking objectivity? I ask of you one question: Do you watch news on one of the three major networks, on a regular basis? Do you limit yourself to one cable news network? Do you allow yourself exposure to news from; BBC, PBS, or CNN? If, My Dear Readers, cannot answer any of those questions (or at least two out of three) honestly “Yes”? I fear that the lack of objectivity may not be on the part of the writer.
To any, and all, of you My Dear Readers that have taken offense at what I have written above. To any, and all, of you My Dear Readers, that may have taken offence at my last two political articles? I deeply and sincerely apologize for any offence, discomfort and upset my work may have caused. You see, it is not my intention to offend. I never write any article with the intent or desire to; offend, upset, denigrate or cause discomfort. In all of the 350 articles I have written, here at The Other Shoe, never even once have I started writing with ill will in my heart or the specific design or desire to insult or offend.
When I write, I write from the heart. I read a substantial amount of resource material prior to even naming an article. I do my level best to find out both sides of the issue I plan on writing. If you look at the bottom of any of the political works I publish? You will see a listing of all the resource articles and materials I have used to bring my opinion to fruition. I do my best to use materials from, what other people may consider, both ‘Liberal’ and ‘Conservative’ sources. That we do not always agree? Is a good sign of a healthy dialogue. How boring would it be, to only keep company with people that say the same thing as I do. That ‘see’ every news worthy event that ‘same’? To go through life in complete conformity and in lock-step unison would be to deprive myself and you, My Dear Readers, of the spice in life.
Honestly, go back and check out what I have told you. Look, objectively, at articles with which you do not agree. If you do so completely objective you will see that I share an opinion that might be divergent from yours, yet I do not insult or denigrate those with differing opinions. Take, for example, my article about Mike Huckabee’s objectification of women at the RNC winter meeting (seen here: http://theothershoe.blog.com/2014/01/further-objectification-of-women/). At no point do I; call Mr. Huckabee names (like Fox News anchors calling President Obama a “furbee”), do not insult Mr. Huckabee, do not misquote Mr. Huckabee, do not rail against or regularly demean Mr. Huckabee, nor do I make fun of his heritage, color of his skin, hair or lack of hair or any other sophomoric or superficial attack(s). I point out that the RNC had an objective third party company make an evaluation of why the Republican party lost the Presidential election and loose seats in the House and Senate.
I quote that this report told Republicans to halt their use of “biologically stupid” remarks about women, and point out that Mr. Huckabee did not heed the advice given. Honestly, My Dear Readers, it is NOT my intention to drive away any of you regardless of your party affiliation. It is my desire to write objective articles that challenge the status-quo and (perhaps) shed light in dark rooms. It is my deep desire to grow my readership, but I refuse to do that at the expense of my journalistic integrity. I will not publish attack articles toward either side of our political spectrum. I will not focus undue scrutiny on either side… undue. Now when on party does an internal audit. Publishes the results of said audit, then goes about repeating the same mistakes over and over? You had better believe that I cam going to write about that; again, and again. To the number of My Dear Readers that do feel I may be unbalanced against the Republican Party? You would do well to remember that I voted for Ronald Reagan… twice. I helped raise money for Arnold to run for Governor of California, and that (until recently) I considered myself a ‘Reagan-Democrat’.
I apologize for making what I intended to be one page… into three pages. However, I sincerely and genuinely desire to KEEP all of you, My Dear Readers. As well, if you could just trust me… trust that I am not a hatchet man for the Democrat Party, and that when I write about errant Republicans? I do so to help a Republican party that I feel has been lead astray. I, along with many political writers of all stripes, feel that many previous Republican Presidents could not garner the Republican nomination, today. People like; Teddy Roosevelt, Ike Eisenhower, Richard Nixon and even Ronald Reagan would be hard pressed to garner enough support in the Republican Party to get the nomination to run for President for the Republican party. That does not bode well for the future of our Republican party.
Now on with this wonderful celebration of three-hundred fifty articles published right here at The Other Shoe. My very first article was quite simple in its title and its content. Here is the very first article published by me here at The Other Shoe.
- · Welcome to The Other Shoe : “My name is Daniel and today is the first day of this blog. Over the coming; days, weeks, months (and hopefully) years I hope to share my view on current political and social events and news. I will be the first to admit that I a dyed-in-the-wool ‘Liberal’ American. I started voting in Pearland Texas in 1975 by pulling the straight Democratic ticket lever in the mechanical voting machines that were used in South East Texas at the time. I am not adamantly against Republicans or (reasonable) Conservative ideals, I just think that they generally work for the few, not the many.”You see? From the very beginning I have been; honest, forthright, and genuine in everything I write and publish. I did not lie about how I voted in my first election. Nor did I try to confuse My Dear Readers by capitalizing off of my eventual political growth into a ‘Reagan-Democrat’. I kept, and keep, my work as simple and as genuinely honest as I can. This is how it all began, back in March 22nd, 2010. now we are nearly four years later, and 350 articles since this very first one.
Next, My Dear Readers, is my seventh article. In this article I prove that I am not some lackey for the Democrat party and also show that not everything the Republican Party tells its base, is true. This article is a prime example of the integrity and honesty in writing that I work everyday to achieve.
- · The Truth about the ‘Individual Mandate’ : “Having said, I must be honest, I never agreed with the Individual Mandate. Even when it was first proposed in 1993. For those of you that were not paying attention in 1993, or just tuned into politics since the last election,we can thank Senator Orin Hatch and Senator Chuck Grassley for the first introduction of the ‘Individual Mandate’ that has ruffled so many feathers with the Republican party, and Tea Partiers. That’s right, two Republican Senators first introduced the wonderful Individual Mandate in 1993 and hear you have been told that this is some ‘Left Wing Conspiracy’ to ‘take over’ health care and destroy individual rights.” See, right there I am enlightening and explaining to my Republican readers that they are being mislead. Mislead by the ‘Talking Heads’ into believing that the ‘Individual Mandate’ is a Democrat idea, when the FACTS bear out that it was (originally in 1993) created by the Heritage Society and offered up by TWO Republican Senators and the Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich! I was working to dispel falsehoods, and if you read further… I do even MORE. I tell you, My Dear Readers, that I do not agree with Democrats in including the ‘Individual Mandate’ and that I ”hope they throw it out”. It was only my seventh article and already I was setting a tone of honesty and honor in publication that is (today) rarely seen.
I am very proud of those original articles. Early on I was setting a tone and raising the bar of journalistic integrity. I refused to merely kowtow to Democrats and lambaste Republicans. I had a deep desire to treat, My Dear Readers, with honesty and integrity from the onset. I knew then, as I know now, that I could have a larger readership… and even make money, if I would just go for the extreme of one side of the political debate or the other. I could plainly see how quickly Fox News was growing and just how much MORE Rush was making each and every time he renegotiated his contract.
I understood that IF I could write radically right wing rhetoric. Pump out hyperbolic hyper partisan writings that my blog would flourish, and I might even get picked up or absorbed by a larger blog or publication company. I just couldn’t bring myself to writing in a way I did not believe in, or write anything that I did not believe in. Today, I am starving for the third day in a row… yet, I still refuse to write and publish anything just for popularity… just to make a buck!
My Dear Readers this brings us to the end of Part One of my 350th article here at The Other Shoe. It is ten o’clock at night, and I haven’t eaten today. Late this evening my good friend Jason sent me $15 via PayPal. I have set it up so that his money will be transferred to my account ASAP. However, that could mean as soon as next Tuesday or as late as next Friday. I am extremely grateful for Jason’s generosity and support at this very difficult time for me.
However, since I have not eaten today. I am very weak… I had planned to finish up this article, today… Thursday January 23rd, 2014. Instead, I am going to publish this Part One tomorrow, Friday. Over the weekend I will be publishing as many ‘Parts’ as it takes to tell the story I want about this love of my life; The Other Shoe. Honestly, thought, I think that I have already made an impression on many of you, My Dear Readers, just with this Part One.
I look forward to the continuation of this series, and I look forward to you input and support. As to that last part… I am without food. I have not squandered one red cent since July of last year. Even Christmas was frugal. I am not complaining. However, at the same time I am doing my best to illicit your support… without actually begging for money. Now, if you would like to reach out and help? You can send me money via PayPal by using my name Daniel Hanning or my email Enzomatrix@earthlink.net. Now, if you would like to send me food… or send assistance any other way? Just use my email to contact me and I will work with ANYONE in ANY WAY you desire.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank YOU! .
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[…] 350th Article at The Other Shoe – Part One: “I welcome this milestone in my publishing/writing career at this time. Lately, I have been […]