Now, let me warn you… this first part is a little dry… and ‘sciencey’. Bear with me… cause, I am going some place… important… and I think you are going to want to be there when I… get there... k? Yeah, I know… this whole article feels different, right? My Dear Readers… this is ME!
Nothing between us… just me sitting and talking to you… OK?
Okay so, like, in our reality there are, like basically, four forces. They are;
- · Strong interaction:: the interaction responsible for holding quarks together to form neutrons and protons, and holding neutrons and protons together to form nuclei. The exchange particle that mediates this force is the gluon.[1]
- · Weak interaction: a repulsive short-range interaction responsible for some forms of radioactivity, that acts on electrons, neutrinos, and quarks. It is governed by the W and Z bosons.[2]
Now those two aren’t going to figure much in this article. I am kinda familiar with what they’re talking about there, but it has nothing to do with what I’m writing about today. I include them just because, well, they are forces. And that’s what I mean to talk about here today, forces.
- · Electromagnetic interaction: the familiar interaction that acts on electrically charged particles. The photon is the exchange particle for this force
Okay, now this one is really really important. Because of Electromagnetic interaction I am able to put these words up for the whole world to read. And, it is because of Electromagnetic interaction that you’re able to read my words on whatever device you’re using right now. So, like, this force is majorly important to the electronic society we live in today. Without us harnessing electrons, nearly 100 years ago, we wouldn’t be able to share and read the thoughts we do, and take for granted today. However, side thought… we enslave electrons to do this… food for thought.
- · Gravitational interaction: a long-range attractive interaction that acts on all particles. The postulated exchange particle has been named the graviton.
This force, Gravitational interaction, is the reason why we don’t all float out in space. It’s what is keeping your feet griped to the floor… you’re standing on, or your butt, griped to the seat you’re sitting on. So, like, this force is majorly important for life. Without gravitational interaction all of reality would be just one clump of stuff. Gravitational interaction keeps the planets in orbit around the sun. It keeps our solar system in the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. And it keeps the Milky Way galaxy separated from the other galaxies that make up the universe. We can see gravitational interaction is kinda like majorly important.
What nobody tells you. What, thank God, science has yet to be able to identify, quantified, categorize, manipulate and capitalize off of. There is another force to nature. And that’s what we’re talking about here, people, is the fifth force of nature that dictates our reality.
For us, humans… Human beings, this last force? It drives our whole lives. This last force is why you go to sleep next to the person you do… or don’t. This last force plays a huge pivotal role in each and every one of our daily lives. In the paragraph above I said that science hasn’t learned how to categorize, calculate, manipulate, and capitalize off this last force. But science is not all there is.
Thousands of years ago bitter people did learn… Did figure out, how to manipulate this force. This last force is the reason, I believe, there is a God. Now, the God I believe in… might not look exactly like your God. There might even some of you, out there, that would not even recognize what I believe in as God… as what you believe in as God. And that’s okay, that’s all right, because you see thousands of years ago some bitter people… Some very bitter and very intelligent and very power-hungry people did something, did something to this last force in nature.
They did the most heinous thing in the world they could, they ripped this last force of nature, and God, right out of us. Because, you see, I believe in a God that lives within each and every one of us. I don’t so much believe in a God sitting up where somewhere in the sky… on a throne… behind a pearly gate. And that’s because, thousands of years ago, some bitter and powerful and intelligent people ripped God right out of each and every one of us and stuck God up in the sky! And then… then they put themselves in-between us and God.
But… that wasn’t enough. They soon learned they had to take something else from us. The last and most recent thing they took from us? Is the fifth force in nature. The fifth force in nature is love.
Love is the fifth for the force of nature. It binds us to the people we hold dearest, and it repels us from the people we choose not to love. And of all the forces in the world. Out of the force that enslaves electrons to our service. Out of a force that keeps our feet on this planet, and this planet revolving around our sun… and the sun revolving in our solar system… and the solar system revolving in our Milky Way galaxy… and our Milky Way galaxy revolving in the universe. This power... love, for us humans, is greater than all of that.
The year is 2014, would you be surprised to know that marrying out of love is only something we been doing since the late 19th century? That’s right for a little under 200 years mankind has been allowed to marry out of love. Before that who you married was dictated by; your status in life, your parents, their church, genetics, geopolitical forces, or family conflict and conflict resolution.
That last one… That last one there… family conflict and conflict resolution that is the very crux of one of the greatest love stories in the history of mankind.’ Romeo and Juliet’ the story of two star-crossed lovers each coming from a different family, at war with each other. This tale is been told since antiquity, but was put on paper by William Shakespeare in 1595. This was the beginning of the end of the arranged marriage that had literally dictated mankind’s marriage for the previous 1400 years.
The first marriages actually happen in the Roman Empire. It was some time it in the 15th century that marriage was defined as something that had to happen with a priest in front of a group of people. From the time of its definition, and the inclusion of the church in the process, marriage had been an arrangement for a purpose. For the first 1,500 years of mankind’s existence the thought of marrying out of love was foreign.
You see what they did, they took love away from us. In antiquity, they took God away from us and said… ‘No he doesn’t live in each and every one of us, he lives up in the in the sky above you in a chair behind a pearly gate’. And they took love away from us so we couldn’t marry the people that we loved. We had to marry who were told.
Do you know why they did this? They did this because they were afraid of the power of the fifth force of nature. And they took God away from us because they knew they could use a belief in a God, outside of every one of us, to separate us. Religion is the device early mankind used to separate us. Arranged marriages were the logical offshoot of the organization of religions to further separate man from himself.
And boy, say howdy, has it been effective. In many parts of America, and in some parts of the world, it is un-thinkable for a Christian to love and marry a Jew. For a Jew to love and marry a Hindu. For a Hindu to love and marry a Muslim. For a Muslim to fall in love and marry a Christian. For a Christian to fall in love and marry a Hindu. Need I go on?
The act of ripping God and love out of each and every one of us… in setting is some ambivalent third party between us and our God… and between us and our love… well, has been an engine of commerce for centuries.
To this day there are great many people, on your radio, who make millions upon millions upon millions of dollars each and every year advocating that you; should hate Muslims, that Hindus are different, that the Christians are persecuting the Jews, that the Jews are persecuting the Christians, that you are any different than your brother halfway round the world. Mankind has been a thinking animal within agrarian-based society for 40,000 years!
Isn’t it about time that we took back the fifth force of nature? Is it about time we took God back into ourselves? Love is the single greatest force in nature. Love is one of the single greatest forces any man or woman will allow to dictate the course or nature of their existence. For human beings love would exist without gravity. Love would exist without enslaving electrons. Love would exist without gluons and quarks!
I’m writing this article today, I hope, to start a revolution. If only in the mind… But… hopefully in the heart and the soul. I hope to start a revolution in man. My Dear Readers… God lives within you! He doesn’t only reside within the four walls of a church, or a synagogue, or a temple, or a mosque. Take him back.
Take him back and let him live within you, and while living within you let him guide your actions with out blinders. Let him guide your mind your heart and your soul without bigotry, without prejudice, with out hatred, without anger, without division, without separation, with out everything that blocks you from loving your fellow man.
Take your love back! Love is not some holiday to only be celebrated on the 14th of February, it’s bullshit. Take your love back! LET it live within you! Let it live within every action you take, let it live within every word you speak, let it live within everything you do in every moment of every hour of every day of your life!
It’s funny, I studied every religion I can find books on. And it’s funny how few Christians realize the 10 Commandments were NOT even meant for them. How few Christians realized that the single most integral icon to their religion died on the cross to remove the burden of the 10 Commandments.
The 10 Commandments were written, by the hand of God, for a guy named Moses for a people called Hebrews. Christians have only one law to live by, love. Anything you do out of love is not a sin. But then that wouldn’t let people do things out of anger. Then that would let people do things out of hatred. Then that would let people do things out of bigotry. Then that wouldn’t let people do things out of prejudice. Did you ever think that’s what Christ and God had in mind?
I hope to start a revolution within our species. I’d love to start a revolution within our species, in my lifetime. A revolution where we take God back from the guys in the robes… and the people in the churches, and the temples, and in the synagogues. And the take God back inside us. And we take Love back! We take Love back from the haters, from the dividers. We take Love back from the embittered and the power-hungry, and the greedy and we give love to our fellow man. Love is the fifth force of nature. Love is the fifth force of nature and it is a been enslaved, just like the electron, to men.
The tie that binds us all, My Dear Readers, his love and the love of God. For one second envision God outside your holy relics and your church. For one moment visualize God inside someone you dislike or hate. Stop! I need you to do this right now! Stop whatever you’re doing wherever you are! I want you to put down whatever you’re reading this on and I want you to close your eyes … and I want you to visualize God inside someone that just drives you bat-shit crazy. Do it NOW!
Not so angry with them, are you? Not so easy to hate them, is it? Don’t you see that was the plan all along. For thousands and thousands of years this has been the plan. To separate us; by color, by language, by religion, and faith.
But if you really did what I asked? If you really did put down the device you’re reading this on, and visualize God inside someone that drives you bat shit crazy. You took a step outside of this world and in to the world we deserve to live in.
Aye, there’s the rub. For you see, My Dear Readers, even the modern Christian religion teaches us were not living in the world we deserve to. But they conveniently placed the world we all deserve to live in after death!
According to the religion you have to die to get into the world you deserve to live in. Okay objectively thinking is that power tripping… or what? I say to you right now this day you deserve to live in that world today!
You deserve to live in that world for the rest of your life. You deserve to live in that world today, and for the rest of your life and you do not deserve to have did die to live in a world we deserve to.
Only you can make it happen. I can’t do it. I’ve wasted my life trying. I have, in my left hand,’ zombie fingers’. Meaning that my left hand and lower left arm, on most days, is pretty much a grade just above ground beef. When I walk my left leg drags behind me. Honest to God? If you were to see me… trying to walk… down the street, by myself, without assistance and without my cane? You would think I was a zombie. Who can love a zombie?
And that’s when it all started falling into place… for me, My Dear Readers. That’s when it all started coming into crystal-clear focus for me. How the embittered and power thirsty few ripped God and love from our bodies and placed barriers between each and every one of us and the fifth force of nature. Without love, there can be no God. And for most, without God, there can be no love. They are the fifth force of nature.
Are you prepared? Are you strong enough? Do you have the will? Can you see it? If you didn’t do it before? Do it now! Put down this device, close your eyes, visualize the single person in your life that drives you the most bat shit crazy, and... NOW... see God and love within their heart. If you can do that, My Dear Readers, you just cheated thousands of years of oppression. You just freed yourself in this lifetime. You just gave yourself permission to live in the world that you deserve, before you died. Congratulations!
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank you!
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To ALL of you, My Dear Readers, I extend my apologies... I found that I worte 'Powers' yet I MEANT 'Forces'. I made the change over at Blog.com? And it ERASED ALL of my 'Like' and 'Tweet' counts and EVERYTHING... Therefore, I apologize that HERE it is STILL 'Powers'. I do NOT want to loose anymore 'Like's as they tell me how well I am working... and honeslty... the more 'Like's and 'Share's... make me feel better. I hope that you udnerstand...
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