Enough about me, on to ‘Sunday Funnies’! My little boy, Alexander R Hanning, is one of the light(s) in my life. Just holding him brings a smile to my face. When you watch this video, and others of Alex, watch his mouth. Alexander is my first rat to do this, but he talks all the time! His little lips are moving all the time. He grinds and pops, growls and barks, from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to sleep. He even ‘talks’ when he is asleep.
All rat (especially the breed ‘Fancy Rats’) ‘talk’to each other, and their humans. ‘Fancy rats’ communicate with a series of; grinding, pops, gnashing and even little barks. Even the wild breed, rattus rattus and rattus norvegicus, communicate with each other. IN the wild they limit themselves to just the ops and grinding I have mentioned. However, when ‘fancy rats’ spend time with humans? They begin to vocalize more and more. Honestly, I really do believe that all my rat, since Naktia, have worked hard to try and… speak!
Alexander is almost a year old and he is, obviously, trying to communicate with vocalizations. He, often, tries to bark and growl and make sounds in his throat. When I play with him, especially late at night when we are alone, I will say something to him like ‘I love you, Alex!’ and he will look me right in the eyes and grind and pop enthusiastically. I will speak more, and he responds. This will go on for ten to fifteen minutes, or until he needs water or gets hungry.
In this video Alexander is not doing anything funny. I just thought he looked so handsome, and was so happy and excited. I am really hoping to get some footage of him; hopping, skipping and cavorting. When he is really happy, in a good mood, he will literally hop and cavort. He just loves to play. He makes me smile... so much. I am working to get some footage of his antics. Just as soon as I do, I will gladly share them with you, My Dear Readers.
Thank you for dropping by, and I hope you enjoy the following video.
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[…] Sunday Funnies January 26th, 2014 : “In this video Alexander is not doing anything funny. I just thought he looked so handsome, and […]