‘Bad News’ would be that the blog had poor traffic. I was afraid of seeing that only a handful of people were actually reading my work. I had that fear, however, the number of ‘Likes’ on my articles are mostly in double digits. When combining the number of ‘Likes’ for the ‘War On Poverty’ articles reached 50 on one and 40 on another. So, I was pretty sure that I had, at least, 50 people visit in the last month. That is nothing to get excited about, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, either.
- Traffic Overview Nov 24-Jan 12
[caption id="attachment_2157" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Traffic from November 24, 2013 to January 13, 2014)
I was happy to see that, over the past month, 189 people have visited my blog (at blog.com) with 374 page visits. My Dear Readers, I apologize. I have been sitting here, behind my computer, for the past thirty minutes and my pain… and my ability to use my left hand has… become worse… much worse. I am going to do my best to finish this article, and explain the following images, to the very best of my ability. Again, I apologize for the brevity of the rest of this article. It was never my intention to diminish the content of this article.
[caption id="attachment_2162" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Traffic Totals by Month at Word Press)
The image above shows that my blog located at Word Press saw 1,567 visitors in 2013! Only 386 visitors for The Other Shoeat Word Press for the five months of 2012. Below, is a year long traffic report for The Other Shoeat blog.com location.
[caption id="attachment_2163" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(January 2013 to January 2014 blog.com Traffic)
I am much happier with the year-end traffic totals for my primary blog location The Other Shoeat blog.com. With 2,105 visits by 650 unique visitors racking up 4,195 page views in just twelve months my primary location wins hands down. Now let’s combine the yearly totals of the two blog locations. I am proud to announce, that in the twelve months of 2013, my combined total visits is… (drum roll, please)… … … 3,672! That, roughly, equated to ten visits each and every day for one whole year.
[caption id="attachment_2165" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Traffic Flow The Other Shoe Primary Blog)
I genuinely wish that the happiness I feel, over these numbers, helped abate my pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I really am doing my best to keep working, and I really want a repeat of last week… seven articles in seven days. Please, bear with me as I endeavor to keep writing, in spite of the tremendous pain I find myself. Gender breakdown, for the primary blog location, is the next graph found below.
[caption id="attachment_2153" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Gender Breakdown for The Other Shoe @ blog.com)
Our next little statistic is the breakdown according to age. Now, I really have no idea just how they get all this information, I just have to say, right here and right now, that I am really happy that they do.
[caption id="attachment_2152" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Breakdown by AGE for my primary location)
Next, well… next is the statistic that the one that I find the most entertaining… and enlightening. LOCATION! The first image is location information for The Other Shoe, at my primary blog location, at blog.com.
[caption id="attachment_2155" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Traffic by Location for blog.com The Other Shoe)
England, Canada, Indonesia, Sweden, Singapore and South Africa are just some of the places people live, that have visited by primary location ofThe Other Shoe. The very next image (and the one after) show were all the people are from that have visited the secondary location of The Other Shoe.
[caption id="attachment_2159" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Word Press International Traffic Locations #1)
[caption id="attachment_2164" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Word Press International Traffic Locations #2)
FIFTY… People in fifty different nations have come to my secondary blog location and read my work! Next to hearing Bob Shieffer read my question to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell… seeing that people from all over this planet have come to read my work… is only second to hearing my words on national television. However, My Dear Readers, I feel a responsibility with that knowledge, too. A responsibility to provide honest and professional work, to these readers, on a regular basis. That is an awesome responsibility.
Next, I would like to share visitor engagement statistics. This tells me just how long you, My Dear Readers, stay at my blog… and how many articles you read.
[caption id="attachment_2158" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Visitor Engagement at The Other Shoe at blog.com)
Unfortunately, the majority of visitors spend less than ten seconds… This tells me that, Danny, has the very same problem he had in journalism class. I “burry my lead”. This will help me to refine the structure of my articles, and put good-to-great teasers within the very first paragraph of every article I write, from this day forward. Wish me luck, My Dear Readers! Next up… is… New visitors vs. Returning visitors.
[caption id="attachment_2156" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(New vs. Returning Visitors to The Other Shoe blog.com)
I do not know if you can see enough… but let me just tell you. I have 23.2% of my visitors are New, and 76.89% are Returning visitors. I am very happy that 77% of my visits are from people… from My Dear Readers! However, I am being told that I really need to get UP my New Visitor percentages. I need to expand my readership… and expand, and expand… and, finally, Expand!
This is where YOU, My Dear Readers, come into the picture. You, My Dear Readers, are integral to expanding my readership. IF you enjoy my blog… my work… my writing? I ask you to SHARE my work with; Family, Friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and anyone that you think enjoys reading… and just might enjoy my work. I know that I am asking a lot. However, I trust you, My Dear Readers. I know that if we work together that we can expand awareness for my blog… for my work… for our dream.
It is with this request that I bring this article to a close. So, whenever you see me post a link on FACEBOOK… SHARE! When you see a new article, and you ‘Like’ it? SHARE! Whenever, where ever, however… PLEASE SHARE! I do not ask this out of greed. I do not ask this out of vanity. I ask this out of… survival. You see, My Dear Readers, I look forward to the day that my work… my novel(s)… my blog… my political writing is my source of income. I do not like being on disability. I do not like asking for the assistance of others. IF… IF I can expand my readership… IF I can gain more regular readers… I CAN find a way to make my work.. SUPPORT MYSELF!
I will never again be able to work… in an office… a 40 hour work week… job. Many doctors have told me this, more times than I can count. That does not mean that I can no longer support myself… That just means… I need to be creative. I long for the day that my writing is my single means of support. That my writing supports MY FAMILY. This IS the dream. I am willing to work just as hard as my body and pain allow. I CANNOT do this ALONE. Please… help me… help myself become self-sufficient. Thank you!
AS always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work!
Thank YOU!
P.S. My Dear Readers, IF there are ANY images where you CANNOT read the numbers or names just CLICK the IMAGE and it will take you to a FULL SCREEN IMAGE. Thank you!
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