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Including today’s article I will have brought five articles to you, My Dear Readers, in seven days. That is not bad, but it is far from what I am used to bringing to you, and what I expect of myself. Granted, My Dear Readers, that in the past seven days? I have taught myself some of the basics of animation! As you will see, in this review of this week, I have ventured into an all new medium!
Starting, this week, I have added animation to The Other Shoe! Granted for right now my work product has been limited to creating logos for one of the most popular article series. Hopefully, in the near future, I will add ‘Sunday Funnies’ that is an animation that I have done all by myself! You see, My Dear Readers, I am always looking for ways to improve the blog, entertain you more, and really make a go of this blog and my writing and publications.
Animation has always fascinated me, and today that is just as true as when I was a boy. Now that I have access to a software program, that helps and tutorials, I am finding that the art of animation is not really all that daunting! It is time consuming, most of all. Whereas I can write, and publish, written word in one day? Creating, executing and publishing an animation can take up, and exceeding, a week for just a matter of a few minutes.
Finally, I had promised to publish two episodes of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ this week, when I published the ‘Missing Chapters’ on Thursday. I apologize that when push came to shove I was unable to publish the two episodes that I promised. For that I deeply apologize. I will work hard to see if I can make that happen, this week. However, Tuesday I am scheduled to see (at least one) doctor to review the results of the C.T. Scan I had done last week.
Honestly, just how much I manage to accomplish will (greatly) depend on if I get ‘Good News’ or ‘Bad News’. Sorry! I do not expect to publish on Tuesday, as getting to my doctor’s appointment(s) usually shoots a whole day. However, I will try to make sure I have more content, for you My Dear Readers, this week. Thank you for your understanding and support through this difficult time.
Now, without further adieu I give you ‘A Week in Review’!
- A Week in Review – 500th Articles A Week’s Celebration! : “So I decided to write an edition of ‘A Week in Review’ to cover the week of celebratory articles for the publication of my FIVE HUNDREDTH ARTICLE! Yeah, I am very proud to have reached this milestone in publication. I do not know of many other people that have written and published over five hundred articles… much les in just four short years. IT was my pride that pushed me to write so very much last week. I am pretty certain that the push to publish is the reason for my woes.” I really am hoping that the lower, than expected and ‘normal’, traffic numbers are more to do with the problems with the web site and Blog Dot Com than… with me. I really am pushing myself… writing when I am in pain and working just as hard as my body allows. Granted, the depression has become rather crushing… as of late. However, I am hoping the Tuesday has ‘Good News’ that will chase away these storm clouds and give me a more ‘sunny’ disposition!
- Daniel Hanning Breaks into an All NEW Medium! : “Over the past several days I have been teaching myself… … … (drum roll, please!) ANIMATION! That’s right, over the past several days I have been working to learn the basics of Animation! I have struggled, over the past several weeks, over just what I could add to The Other Shoe? Add so that I might drive more traffic to my site. The other day I was talking with a good friend and they asked me…” “Danny what can you add to the blog that you ENJOY and might drive more traffic?” ANIMATION! Well, it didn’t happen exactly like that… but it was close! Regardless, here I am presenting (in this article) my work product from a week of; reading, watching tutorial videos, experimenting, and ‘getting my feet wet’ in the world of animation! Already I can tell you, My Dear Readers, animation is something that I will work with… dabble in and play with for the rest of my life! This week, alone, has shown that I can ‘do’ animation, that I enjoy working with animation, and that I will be able to find a way to work it into my articles and publications at The Other Shoe! SCORE!
- The Mars Report – July 16th 2014 : “Now, for the first share of this edition, we are rapidly approaching the Second Anniversary of Curiosity on the Martian surface. That anniversary will happen on August 6th, 2014. So, we are just a few weeks away from that celebration. Before we get to that day, I thought that I might share a little overview of the First Year of Curiosity on Mars. Below is a video, that NASA/JPL made, that is a great overview of the very first year of Curiosity on the Martian surface.” Well, My Dear Readers, this was an extra-special edition of ‘The Mars Report’! Not only was I able to share the ‘Special’ commemorative video, by NASA/JPL, used to mark/celebrate Curiosity’s First Year on Mars? I was, also, able to share images of Curiosity’s discovery (its first) of a meteorite on Mars! As if that is not enough? I also included the very first complete mapping of the Martian surface by the USGS! This map is the very first of its kind and a real find for me and this blog. Over the next two weeks I am hoping to share a lot more from Curiosity to help celebrate its Second year of exploration on the Martian surface!
- The Horror in Smithville – The ‘Missing’ Chapters! : “Now today I am not breaking with that publication schedule, but I am shaking things up a little. Today I am going to publish… a missing chapter of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. Missing in that when I, originally, wrote parts two and three I had not yet imagined just how I was going to create the conflict I needed. Since that time I have figured out just how to create the desired effect in my story. That has resulted in me writing two (or more) chapters that, actually, come earlier than we currently find ourselves!” Honestly? My Dear Readers, this is really pretty exciting, for me. I am doing… something that is completely out of the ‘norm’ for a writer, or a publisher. By adding these ‘Missing Chapters’ WHILE we are still enjoying the ride? (We are about half-way through this novel) I am adding; a whole new character… well, rather, promoting a background character to one with his own plot line, character development, and iatrical role in the main story line. This is what I am talking about, I have never witnessed an author actually try something like this… like, ever before! Thing of it is? If this works… is well received, then I have TWO more characters that I would just LOVE to do this same exercise, with. This, for me as a writer and publisher, is really exciting. I hope that everyone that is enjoying ‘The Horror in Smithville’ gets a chance to read ALL of these ’Missing Chapters’!
Well, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the end of a very short publication week, and a very long week in reality. Now I need to start getting together had copies of images from my scan, put together the clothes that I will wear, call and order my transportation, and generally get ‘ready’ for my doctor’s visit this Tuesday. From what I was told I will be ‘seeing’ two doctors this Tuesday.
I will see my ‘Infectious Disease’ specialist and I will, also, have a visit with my ‘Oncologist’. It is the latter that gives me pause, and the reason I am not sleeping. You know, My Dear Readers, I forgot how writing takes my mind off of these woes! While I have writing I haven’t given as much thought… well, except for writing about it every other paragraph… lol.
Anyways, I really hope that I can get the time… make the time to write and publish editions of; ‘Lost in Space’, ‘The Mars Report’, ‘News from Around the World’ (BOY there is no shortage of that right now, eh?), and ‘The Horror in Smithville’ this week. I want you all to know that I am going to do everything that I can to present these regular articles to you, this week.
Let me back up, a bit. I added a day of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ for one very good reason. When I got past the thirty or so pages I have ready to publish, I realized that I had totally left out; a character progression, a plot line addition, and a little bit of ‘drity business’ that… well, is very important to the story going ahead. Rather than just bluff my way through and ignore the consequences?
I decided it would be best if I did my best to integrate the ‘Missing Chapters’ into my weekly publication schedule. That would give all of you more of the story to read, and give me a way to bring the whole picture to life! It is a great idea, if I say so myself, the problem was I had failed to anticipate my failing health… the problems with the blog… and that irritating little distraction called depression. Lol.
My Dear Readers, I will do my best to bring you the two episodes of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ that I have promised. I just know that, once it is published, you will just love what I am adding to the story line. Further, we all get to know another character in Smithville! Well, that brings us to the end of this week’s publications… and the end of the week.
I hope that everyone had a great and productive week. I look forward to seeing you, My Dear Readers, here next week! Until then…
Thank YOU!
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