Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I am very happy to announce that this is my 500th article published here at The Other Shoe! I sit here in a state of complete amazement that in just four short years I have managed to write and publish Five Hundred articles for you, My Dear Readers. Though, I feel I must be candid, it is just in the last year that I feel my writing has come into its own.
With the publication of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ (now in its 13th part), ‘The Mars Report’ and ‘Lost Is Space’ (now with two “Gargantuan” editions, recently) I feel that this blog has ‘found its legs’. Over the past two months my readership has fluctuated right around Fifty unique visitors each and every week! Even with my daily struggles with pain, I manage to write and publish one a regular enough schedule.
For the next several days I will be putting my regularly scheduled articles on hiatus while I pen and publish reviews of my most popular series here at The Other Shoe. With my health and pain being my major concerns, I will work as hard as my body will allow, bringing you a series of five to six ‘review’ articles. Each one of these reviews will showcase one of the most popular of the many series here at The Other Shoe.
Today, I am going to start with an overview of one of the single most popular article series ever! ‘Lost In Space’! This article series started March 26th of this year, but recent editions have catapulted this series to the very top of my traffic reports!
With interest growing with each and every edition, this view of; our solar system, nearby stars, and universes near and far has captured the imagination of hundreds of you, My Dear Readers. This is the reason that I have decided to place ‘Lost In Space’ at the top of the list of article series to be reviewed for this ‘500th Article Published’ celebration!
Quite honestly the ‘Lost In Space’ series was started as a bit of a lark. I was desperately searching for something ‘new’ to help drive traffic. I realized that ‘The Mars Report’ enjoyed a certain amount of success, and wondered if another ‘space based’ series might fill the need and find a ‘sweet-spot’ for readers. Little did I image that, over just a matter of a few months, that this series would find its way to the top of my traffic reports! Then, to accomplish this feat in only twelve editions… well, that is a major accomplishment!
So, when it came time to pick which article series I was going to showcase… well, ‘Lost In Space’ was the very first to come to mind. In just the past two weeks I have published two “Gargantuan” editions of this fine article series. Each of these was over twelve pages in length and with at least a dozen images from all over our solar system. This article series may be one of the ‘new kids’ on the blog, but it has quickly some into its own!
Now, without further adieu… I give you a review of ‘Lost In Space’ here at The Other Shoe!
(Below is THE image that started it ALL...)
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(Hubble Looking into the Heart of the Milky Way)
- Lost in Space #1 – March 26th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today, and with this article, I am launching a brand-new series of articles for The Other Shoe. As you can see from the title of this article the name of this all-new series is ‘Lost in Space’. Yes, I lifted the name from a TV series I very much enjoyed as a boy. However, every month I find more and more articles, about space, that just do not fit into ‘The Mars Report’. Therefore, from this day forward every article about space exploration, space flight, experimentations and space flight, the potential commercial colonization of Mars, and/or any other article I find about space will be found here every week in ‘Lost in Space’.” And, with that, the single most popular article series (to date) was born! Little did I know with within a few short months that this article series would leap to the top of my traffic reports, and find its way into the hearts and minds of so many adoring readers. Today, every week when I look at the traffic reports I find ‘Lost In Space’ either #1 or in the top THREE articles! My Dear Readers, if you have not been around for the past couple of weeks, the last two editions of this revered article series have each been ‘Gargantuan’ issues! Both issues with a dozen, or more, images and twelve to twenty pages in length! I am very happy to place this at the top of my ‘500th Article Review and Celebration’ this July 4th weekend!
- Lost in Space – April 2nd, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. A very special welcome, indeed, to this the second edition of ‘Lost in Space’! I am quite proud to announce that last week’s, premier, edition of this article helped spearhead the single largest increase in visitor traffic (at both locations) for my blog(s). It would seem, that I am not the only person that enjoys looking at beautiful images from outer space. Kudos to all of you, My Dear Readers, which visited between Wednesday and Sunday of last week as your visits helped. You helped propel my work to ever-growing levels of popularity. That’s a ‘Good Thing’!”
- Lost In Space – April 9th, 2104 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. My Dear Readers, it is not often that I take time to revel in my achievements, bathe in the glory of success. That changes, for today, now! Last week saw the second edition of this article series ‘Lost in Space – April 2nd, 2014’. By today, Sunday, this second edition has garnered more ‘Likes’ than the first. It is this success that I celebrate and enjoy. In the past two weeks I have painted this blog with stellar images from distances many can hardly conceive. Scrolling over my creation, I feel a sense of great joy and overwhelming pride.” It is here, My Dear Readers, that it has become clear that this article series was well on its way to occupying the #1 spot… the TOP spot on my blog. There is no arguing with ‘Likes’ or traffic reports. The numbers quickly showed that this series was on its way to the top… with a rocket!
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(Galaxy M106)
- Lost in Space – April 16th 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe, and welcome to this week’s edition of ‘Lost in Space’. As with every week, I have already picked out the images for your viewing pleasure. Boy, do I have a great batch of stellar eye-candy for you to view. Just like every other week, I have also done a bit of research for each image I present. Having said, I simply must tell you, My Dear Readers, that the universe around us is a wondrous place filled with amazing sights and incredible science.” With each and every passing week I bore witness to ever-growing numbers of readers of this wonderful series. Not only that, this article was pushing the traffic of my whole blog into, previously, unknown territory. I was seeing weekly traffic head up to, and passing, FIFTY unique visits per week!
- Lost in Space – April 25th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I would like to welcome you to another fine edition of the space faring series ‘Lost in Space’! I have some pretty spectacular images, again, from the space telescope Hubble. As well, with each image I will do my best to share information about location, and what it is that we are looking at. However, before we get started today I would like to as just how many of you, My Dear Readers, have taken the plunge?” And, YOU, My Dear Readers, WERE “taking the plunge”! Every week I would sit amazed that the numbers… the visits and my readership continued to climb! This is just what I had always wanted for this blog… and you, My Dear Readers!
- Lost In Space – NEW May 2nd, 2014 : “Welcome back MY Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As well, a big ‘Other Shoe’ welcome to the very first May edition of ‘Lost in Space’! Fighting back a fever and sounding like I have gravel in my lungs, I am here to do my best at delivering another enjoyable edition of this wonderful article series. Today I have prepared four images from the Hubble Space Telescope and one video.”
The STAR of 'Lost In Space' The Hubble Space Telescope!
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(Hubble Space Telescope Reaches Orbit)
- Lost In Space – May 6th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. An amazing fact came to my attention, just today. You see… I have been In LOVE with; Space, Space Flight, Space Exploration, Space Images, Star Gazing, Star Maps… you get the idea, since I was like an aware human being. Like most star-nuts I have a favorite constellation. The amazing fact is that in all the editions of ‘Lost in Space’ I have not once featured my favorite constellation. Therefore, the image you see above addresses this shortcoming!”
- Lost In Space – May 20th 2014 : “From that day forward, unfortunately, the Hubble Space Telescope is on its own. There will be no more repair or upgrade missions for this twenty-five year veteran of the space program. It is gravely unfortunate that the end of the ‘shuttle era’ also spells a certain end for this member of the NASA/JPL family. My Dear Readers, I promise that so long as Hubble transmits images from orbit I will share those images with you right here on a weekly basis.” Little did anyone know, at this point, but ‘Lost In Space’ was about to make a huge change! This was the last article, of this series, that lacked… direction. To this point I had just shared images that struck my fancy, from the Hubble Space Telescope. However, starting with the very next edition… we began our ‘Tour of Our Solar System’! This was a real turnaround for the article series, and I saw traffic only IMPROVE!
- Lost in Space – Solar Tour #1 – Mercury : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Now, My Dear Readers, I promised a bit of a ‘Solar System Tour’ for this article series, many weeks ago. I explained that while I completely enjoyed showing all the wonderful images from the Hubble Space Telescope of galaxies near and far, I have long wanted to write and publish a tour of our solar system. That even now, in the 21st century, all too many people have never seen the most recent images of all the planets in our own solar system.” This was the very first of the ‘All New’ direction for this storied article series. From this point on, this series had a direction and it was well received by all of you, My Dear Readers!
- Lost In Space – Tour of Our Solar System – #2 Venus : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Welcome to the second article in this series ‘Lost In Space – Solar System Tour – #2 Venus’. First, I would like to express my ‘Thanks’ to the NASA/JPL Magellan Team & Web Site[2] for all of the images shown here, today. Let’s start out with some of the basic facts and figures about our ‘Sister Planet’ Venus. Venus is named after the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty. Babylonians in 1581 BCE did the first known observations of Venus. Previously known as both the ‘Morning Star’ and the ‘Evening Star’ it was the Babylonians that discovered that they were one in the same.”
- Lost in Space – Tour of Our Solar System #3 : “We leave the orbit of the planet of our birth, to pull our Ship of the Stars into orbit of our nearest planet. Now, as many of you, My Dear Readers, know we visit this planet every single week. We visit with my series of articles names ‘The Mars Report’. Just click on the link, behind you, and check out the latest edition of this wonderful series. Now, we leave the orbit of Mars, headed for our next solar destination. However, to get to our next destination of Jupiter we must pass through the ‘Asteroid Belt’!” It is here, My Dear Readers, that the BIG change started for ‘Lost In Space’! Instead of going to: Earth… then Mars… then to the ‘Asteroid Belt’? I decided to turn our ‘Ship of the Stars’ towards the Outer Reaches of our solar system. This is the 1st of the ‘Gargantuan’ editions of this wonderful article series. As well, My Dear Readers, this is the article that really catapulted my blog’s traffic to previously unknown levels!
- Lost In Space – Tour of Our Solar System #4 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today we resume our journey in our Ship of the Stars at the very edge of our solar system. We are here, out at the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud and we turn our ship back towards the center of our solar system. Yet, before leaving My Dear Readers I want to spend some time here among the Kuiper Belt and the three ‘Dwarf Planets’ that make up the known parts of this distant sector of our solar system.” Another "Gargantuan" edition of 'Lost In Space' thanks to the huge subject matter I picked. The 'Kuiper Belt' and the 'Oort Cloud' are the largest... areas(?)... sections(?)... PARTS of our solar system. The Oort Cloud, by itself, is larger than the whole area taken up by all of the 'Terrestrial' planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars). As a matter of fact the 'Oort Cloud' extends to nearly HALF the distance to the NEXT STAR! I know evry difficult to wrap your head around the sizes that exist at the outer reaches of our solar system! Thankfully, the next several editions will be about single planets. They will be about the largest of the planets... the 'Jovian' Gas Giants!
That, My Dear Readers, brings us to the end of this review of ‘Lost In Space’. In just twelve issues, this series has managed to push itself to the #1 position on traffic reports and readership. Right now we are at the outer reaches of our solar system. Here among the Dwarf Planets of the Kuiper Belt and the stellar gases and debris of the Oort Cloud we find the very building blocks of the terrestrial and Jovian worlds.
In upcoming issues we will keep moving, in our ‘Ship of the Stars’ back through the Jovian planets and then to the terrestrial planets. I hope that everyone keeps coming back to enjoy the continuing journey of our ‘Ship of the Stars’! It is the real success of this series that has gained it the position of #1 in this the ‘500th Article Review & Celebration’!
My Dear Readers this is the very first article of this wonderful celebration of the publication of my ‘Five Hundredth Article’ published here at The Other Shoe! I must admit… I am really surprised that I have managed to write and publish 500 articles. That I have managed to meet this lofty goal in just four years? Is a tribute to my deeply held desire to inform and entertain you, My Dear Readers.
I hope that you, My Dear Readers, enjoy this article… this celebration and choose to ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ this article and this blog! Every week I work, very hard, to increase readership and attendance here at my blog. My Dear Readers, I an not sure if you realize… that every single time that you ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ my work… my articles… my blog… it goes out and out and out! It is seen by an every growing and ever widening group of people.
That means that more and more people have the opportunity to read and enjoy this blog and my work. I am very proud of the work that I do here… and I work to keep the quality of my work the best! I take a great deal of pride in my work, in the articles I write and publish. I hope that every day… every week.. and every month my desire to publish the best shows through!
Thank YOU!
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