Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Hey there, My Dear Readers! I had just finished writing, and publishing… well you won’t ‘see’ it until tomorrow; July 25th, 2014.. BUT I just finished ‘Part Two – Ralph Simner – The Horror in Smithville’ – Part 8-B’. As I stated it will be available to read as of tomorrow; July 25th, 2014. I should have it up and visible… but about ‘lunchtime’ Texas time. I just, really, felt like I owed you all some more of an explanation. An explanation of why I didn’t write or publish for, like, three days. So… I made this video.
NOW, I would like to be back to writing and publishing; ‘The Mars Report’, ‘Lost In Space’, The Horror in Smithville’ and ‘A Week in Review’… like, tomorrow! However, that is not the reality… it’s not going to happen. The reality is; Monday I have ‘surgery’… to remove stuff… biopsy stuff… then there is the (seems like forever) wait for the results of all the biopsies. Now, once I have that in hand I will get the results to you, My Dear Readers.
Thing of it is? I am hoping that I do not ‘have cancer’… if I do? Well, let’s start with ‘if I do NOT’! If I do not have cancer; I will still need to find out why; I am lethargic, loosing weight, have a loss of appetite, why the nightly fevers and ‘night , and all the ‘other’ symptoms I am experiencing. SO! If it is not cancer (YEAH!) I still need to find out what is going on. BUT imagine that I will be back to writing and publishing pretty darn quickly after finding out the cancer is a negatory!
NEXT! If I DO have cancer… If the biopsies show cancer… whatever… I will take some time… away. I will not be; writing, publishing, promoting or on the internet… except for maybe playing some MMORPGs. I will be available for people to; call, write, send smoke signals, anything. I am not going to isolate myself and any and all contact with the outside world… is welcome!
Most importantly… ‘if’ I have the results that I do ‘have cancer’? I WILL BE working to raise MONEY! Yeah, I do NOT want to try and ‘fight cancer’ on Medi-Cal and Medicare! NO flipping WAY! I am going to need the understanding and support of EVERYONE! That means YOU! I will ‘fight cancer’… but only if I can ‘stack the deck’ in my favor… and I do think that everyone would do the same.
Like I told Allen… my Biggest fear in life is not ‘having Cancer’… it is ‘having cancer’ WHILE POOR! That’s just not ‘right’! anyway, If you see me post that I have been diagnosed with ____ cancer? EXPECT me; starting an Indiegogo Fund Raising Campaign. EXPECT me asking YOU for your support… don’t make me come down there!
That is all for now… WATCH the VIDEO! It is actually funny! Sometimes I can be funny.
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