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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I continue the ‘Celebration and Review’ for the Five Hundredth article published here at The Other Shoe. So far we have covered the article series; ‘Lost In Space’, ‘The Mars Report’ and ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’. Three days and three articles reviewing a different series of articles published here at The Other Shoe. I am not going to break that trend, here, today!
AS well, just as a bit of a heads up tomorrow I plan on bringing you, My Dear Readers, a review… and something new… of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! For my regular readers, we last left off with a terribly injured Timmy headed, with his injured head in Archer’s lap, to the Smithville hospital! Tomorrow I will review the first thirteen episodes and give you a little taste of what is to come.
Now, back to today’s review and… at the end… I am going to share my views on a current problem facing our great nation. Yes, at the end of this article I am going to weigh in on the crisis at the southern borders of our great nation. My Dear Readers I started this blog on March 22nd, 2010 with the intent of bringing a voice of reason to our frantic national debate. I have never wanted to be just another voice of rhetoric. I never wanted to be a rhetoric parrot. I have my own ideals, beliefs and considered political and social views.
Nothing highlights this more than two occasions when words I wrote found voice on a nationally viewed political news show. Most Americans will live out their entire lives without once their words reaching beyond the limits of their personal world. A handful, even a smaller group than previously mentioned, will have the honor and privilege to hear words they wrote spoken on a national broadcast television show. On July 31st, 2011 I (Daniel Hanning) joined that small and vocal group of Americans.
That is because on July 31st, 2011 Bob Schieffer picked a question that I wrote and used it to question (then) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell! The craziest thing about this whole happening? My Dear Readers, I had received an email that ‘”your question may be used during Sunday’s broadcast…” so I was watching ‘Face the Nation’ with Bob Scheifffer on that Sunday! Oh… I try to watch ‘Face the Nation’ every week. Yet, honestly, since politics up ‘on the Hill’ has digressed to the sophomoric level(s) that we see today? I just do not watch the ‘Sunday Political Shows’ the way I did when I was in my 20’s and 30’s. I knew that Bob was going to be questioning Senator Mitch McConnell. They had advertise that fact on their Facebook feeds, and that is where they had asked for “questions from Facebook followers” that they “might use” for Bob’s questioning of Senator McConnell.
Well, I just had to submit my question! What I submitted was something that I had been asking all over the internet, for the previous two months. Here is what I posted… and what, later, Bob Schieffer used as a question ON TELEVISION July 31st, 2011.
“”Why are Republicans ALLOWING ‘Freshman’ Congressmen CONTROL this debate? They are the LEAST experienced members of Congress and know the LEAST about real governance. It is like letting teenagers control the family budget.”
Honestly, I thought that that question cut through all the claptrap, all the nonsense and all the rhetoric and got to the very heart of the matter. You see, My Dear Readers, when (as a boy) I learned about the Congress; The House of Representatives and the Senate, I learned that freshmen Representatives and Senators never ‘Controlled the debate’. Rarely did they submit bills (legislation), rarely did they head committees and never did freshmen Congressmen control the legislative debate! Yet, at this particular time? That was exactly what was happening ‘Up on the Hill’ and it was driving good Americans (like me) nuts!
Oh… here is the article I wrote.. link… excerpt and a little narrative;
- Danny Hanning Quoted on ‘Face the Nation’ : “That’s right, you read that correctly. TODAY on this Sunday’s ‘Face the Nation’ Mr. Bob Schieffer used WORDS I WROTE on his show as a question to Senator Mitch McConnell. Here is the posting I wrote on the ‘Face the Nation’ Facebook page (Comment on thread “Coming up tomorrow: Republican Leader Senator Mitch McConnell, and Democratic Policy Committee Chair Senator Chuck Schumer, both key players in the debt ceiling negotiations. What questions do YOU want answered on this week’s Face the Nation? Let us know…”):” The single proudest day of my adult life! I had finally been heard… my voice found a spot on the national STAGE! All the years of; reading, studying, writing, and speaking had finally paid off! Bob Schieffer had (on NATIONAL TELEVISION) used my question to put Senate Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell ON THE SPOT! Of course, Mitch NEVER really answered my question. His answer? Some claptrap about “there is no real division among Republicans… no more than our Democrat leaders…” That was not the question! So, my introduction to MY WORDS SPOKEN ON NATIONAL TV was also my introduction to the realities of nationalized political debate. Mitch McConnell ‘popped my cherry’.
Yet, My Dear Readers, I did not let that experience dampen my political spirits or my desire to be heard! Understand, My Dear Readers, at this particular time I am living ‘hand-to-mouth’, facing a rapidly deteriorating disease, and regularly fighting with the management of the building I lived in for ‘drinkable water’. Even with all that ‘on my plate’ I still wanted to be an active participant in our nation’s political debate. I felt a strong desire to my opinion heard.
That was July of 2011. Let us skip ahead two years to July of 2013. Since my words had been used to question Senator Mitch McConnell (back in July of 2013) I had tried) to keep a low profile… when it came to political writing and politically based editorials on my blog. You see, My Dear Readers, I was born and raised in Southeast Texas, Houston then Pearland, to be exact. A good portion of my readers live in Texas and the south. My Dear Readers, I want to always treat you with respect.
As readers of my blog, my work, my words you have earned my respect. However, the good people in Texas (and the south) are the people I grew up with… went to school with… preformed on stage in front of… first read my writings in the High School Creative Writing class’s yearly publication… and know and love me like no others. While running a campaign to raise the money I needed… to purchase a ‘Power Chair’ (I was, then, loosing my ability to walk… It has only digressed… since then). While I was running that funding campaign (Daniel's Power Chair Assistance Fund) I had an acquaintance (that I trust… I care about…. I respect) inform me that… well, that my work offended people, that I grew up with, that had done well for themselves… they were/are millionaires… and I was not to expect their help… their assistance… BECAUSE of what I wrote… because what I wrote was seen as “against Texas/Texans” and “against Republicans.. and them”.
Now, My Dear Readers, for one moment imagine. Put yourself in my shoes, so to speak. You have a degenerative disease that is, slowly, taking away your ability to walk… will take away your abilities to; write, hold things in your hands, stand alone, bathe yourself, live ‘normally’. Now, imagine that you have very limited financial means and you need a powered wheelchair (you are unable to use a simple wheelchair… because you are unable to grip things with your left hand). You try going through your doctor and Medicare only to find out that (due to severe abuse of the ‘scooter/power chair’ benefit within Medicare… previous to you needing treatment) that the procedure to get a power chair has turned into a gauntlet! That representatives within the vendors of powered mobility assistance devices tell you “We see that ONLY one in FIVE to one in TEN people that ‘have a genuine NEED” for our devices get approved”.
So, My Dear Readers, you take it upon yourself to raise the money you need for your power chair. Now, My Dear Readers, imagine being told that your work… your words… your beliefs are all that stand between you and the funds you need… is “your writing’? Judge me if you will… but, My Dear Readers, right then I changed! Since then? I have done my level best to not write or publish… ANYTHING that might offend or distance me from people that (have the means) to help. Well… that went on a little longer than I imagined… but as My Dear Readers… I believe you have the right to know.
Two years pass and, again, Bob Scheiffer asks (on ‘Face the Nation’ Facebook page) for “A question to ask House Speaker John Boehner”. I posted this;
“Why have the Republican Majority taken more time off than Congress during World War 2.. produced LESS legislation than ANY Congress in history…?”
In essence, “Why is this the single Least Productive Congress in History?” and I included a link to an article that proved that the 112th Congress was the least productive in history.[1] My Dear Readers? If I live to be One Hundred I will never forget the answer spoken by, then, Speaker of the House of Representatives (R) John Boehner;
“"We should not be judged on how many new laws we create," the nation's top elected Republican said on CBS. "We ought to be judged on how many laws we repeal."[2]
I guess that Speaker Boehner is/was not familiar with the title “Lawmaker”! Yet, My Dear Readers, again I sat transfixed by the television as a Republican Leader answered a question I WROTE! Twice, in two years, Bob Scheiffer had picked my question (out of many submitted by his Facebook followers) to use to question; the Leader of the Senate Minority and the Leader of the House Majority! Honestly, My Dear Readers, I wish my father was still alive to see what his son had done. Below is the link to the article I wrote, alter that day, to document (once again) that words I wrote were used on a nationally broadcast television show!
- MY TOPIC Opens ‘Face The Nation’ TODAY : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to another edition of The Other Shoe. I am very excited to see that Face The Nation has followed my lead and used Congressional Intransigence as its lead subject matter. See below, where Face The Nation asked for questions to ask the Speaker. Low and behold!? They used my suggestion!” I am very PROUD that my words were used to question (both) Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Rep. John Boehner. Honestly, My Dear Readers, I think about that fact nearly every week. Often I think about the responsibility that comes with this distinction. I try my best to think about that fact before I publish any article. One can never tell where something they wrote… will end up on national television! I am deeply honored… and… I wish that my father could have watched as Bob Sheiffer asked those questions. He would have been so very proud of his Danny!
Now, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the end of this half of today’s article. I have taken a look back, shared the two moments where I felt the most pride at my work and my words. This blog means the world to me, My Dear Readers! What I have done, here at this blog, both politically and creatively are the pride of my life… since my head injury… since my disability! Now, as I promised at the beginning of this article, I would like to share my view on a current problem.
My Dear Readers, since I was told… what I shared above… about how my “views” kept people… who have the means… and more kept them from helping me… when my need is genuine… I have done and will continue to try, to not write or publish articles that may offend people of differing political views and/or my be ‘seen’ as disparaging towards people in Texas and the south. Today, I fear that what I am about to write and publish may offend people on the ‘left’. That, after this article is published? I might just be marched right out of the Democratic Party. That I might be told “you are not a Liberal!’. To get my views across and my opinion heard? I am willing to take that chance!
The subject is? (Drum roll, please) The illegal immigration of underage children into the Untied States. I RARELY comment on ‘Current Events’ but this one just cries out for me to weigh in! Quickly (as my hands are failing me and my neck is… in a severe amount of pain) let me give a little history of this problem.
“The number of young illegal aliens flooding the border has skyrocketed in recent years. In 2009, only 6,639 unaccompanied alien children were resettled, and the number remained stable until 2011, with 7,120. In 2012, there were twice as many unaccompanied alien children at 14,271, the same year the administration announced its deferred action for young illegal aliens. By 2013 there were 25,498.
According to the Congressional Research Service, a total of 47,017 unaccompanied alien children have crossed the border this year.”[3]
Quick Math here = 100,00 + “unaccompanied minor children” have crossed America’s southern borders into our great nation! This is a BIG PROBLEM! So far, I do not think I have said anything partisan. I do believe that members of both political parties agree that this… ‘growing number of underage unaccompanied children’ streaming across our southern borders is a Big Problem! Now, let me share a couple of ‘other facts’ with you, My Dear Readers.
- 1. Roughly 1.6 MILLION American born children are homeless![4]
- 2. Roughly 16 MILLION American born children go hungry every night![5]
That I know of, those figures do not count illegal immigrants and the invisible Americans. I did my best to share the number of ‘American Born Children’ for both statistics. That is important for the argument I am about to make. Well, My Dear Readers, I do not think I have (so far) said anything that is partisan. I have not shared anything that is ‘controversial’ and/or would offend members of either party. Nothing I have, so far, written is directed at or against any of our Southern sates. Correct? I just wanted to get that clear… before I wrote… this.
My Dear Readers, it is my heartfelt belief that; considering the numbers I have shared above? America (Americans… We the People… and our government) have thoroughly proven that we are incapable of; feeding and housing THE CHILDREN BORN HERE IN AMERICA! With that in mind, My Dear Readers, how are we expected to feed and house ANOTHER 40… 50… 60… 100 THOUSAND children from ‘other’ countries? HOW?!?
To me, My Dear Readers, this is a lot like throwing fuel on a fire. Adding insult to injury, and biting off more than we can chew! America no more needs more children to fail than the number we give birth to right here in America. I do not mean to be callus. Honest! I am just looking at this situation analytically! If America cannot adequately house and feed the children born right here in America? We have NO business ‘taking in’ children from other nations. It is just completely illogical and can only make the living situation for BOTH groups of children (legally born here in America, and illegally smuggled into America) WORSE!
As well, until the time comes that we (the People) CAN adequately feed and house all the children born here in America? We have no business ‘taking in’ children from other nations. Period! It is irresponsible to AMERICANS, and to America! I understand that the parents of these children (it is generally believed) have sent these children to America to; Escape violence in their country of birth, escape drug trafficking, “find a better life for them in America”?
I’m sorry, My Dear Readers, but I am having a real difficulty wrapping my head around the logic of a parent ‘sending their children’ to America… by themselves... as some plan to give them a better life. HORSEFEATHERS! There is nothing altruistic about pushing a six, seven, eight or ten year old out the door! There is nothing altruistic about shifting the responsibility of the welfare and future of YOUR CHILDREN to people you do not know in a country thousands of miles away! Again… HORSEFEATHERS!
Here is my ‘Two Cents’ on this situation. This situation is not a ‘humanitarian’ situation, more like America is under an attack! Next, the ‘parents’ (and I use that term loosely when it comes to the people who sent these children alone into a foreign country) the ‘parents’ should be financially REPSONSIBLE for all expenses incurred by OUR GOVERNMENT(s) (and I mean ALL monies spent by; Federal, State, County and Local Municipalities) in the handling of these illegal immigrant children! That the nation(s) these children CAME from should be financially responsible for the HUGE costs associated with these children being sent to America.
Next. Let me ask you something, My Dear Readers, I have watched the news stories and the videos of these children coming ‘up’ (as it were) to America from the nations they were born. They are ILLEGALLY riding trains! They are exposing the companies that own these trains to HUGE liabilities and DANGER by riding; on top of cars, in between cars, and even MORE dangerous ways. Bottom Line? They are BREAKING LAWS just getting to America! So, what make ANYONE think that… ‘once they HAVE broken laws to just get here… that, once they are here… they are suddenly going to be ‘Law Abiding Citizens’? HORSEFEATHERS!
My Two Cents! These ‘children’ are (likely) going to suffer with ‘SOCIAL DETACTMENT DISORDER”!Meaning = at a very young age they disconnect from; the Society (they were born to), the FAMILY (they were born to), the COUNTRY (they were born to) and the COMMUNITIES (They were born to). BEFORE they even know what it is to be a part of; a community, a society, a country they are ‘shipped’ (ILLEGALLY I MIGHT ADD! NOBODY ‘PAYING’ for their transportation… FREE!) to ‘another’ country… ‘another’ society…. ‘another’ community! From a very young and impressionable age they are taught (by the actions of their parental units) how to function DETACHED FROM the society they live in!
Bottom line, these very young children are taught that it is ‘OK’ to; steal passage on a train, steal food to eat, steal INTO another country and yet ‘some’ people think that these children will grow up and ‘develop normal social relationships’? That they will develop normal respect for the law? I think NOT! These ‘children’ ARE ‘damaged’. There is NO WAY that they can make a journey of several thousand miles, STEALING; food, transportation, clothing EVERYTHING they need for the months that they travel… THEY STEAL! Yet, once they get here… they (like all the sudden… magically) are going to be ‘normal’ children able to develop normal relationships, become CONTRIBUTING members to their communities, LAWABIDING adults? HORSEFEATHERS!
That is my argument. Here is my ‘solution’. It is out responsibility (AS A NATION) to turn them AWAY! They should NOT be given… well… (here is where I guess I say “Good-Bye” to being a ‘Democrat’… a ‘Liberal’…) they should not be given ANYTHING! Again, My Dear Readers, America cannot feed SIXTEEN MILLION of our children that are BORN HERE IN AMERCA! America cannot HOUSE ONE POINT SIX MILLION children born right here in America! Yet, we are going to add to our; CHILDHOOD HUNGER… and CHILDHOOD HOMELESSNESS by MILLIONS? That is not only illogical that is just plain wrong! We are NOT doing any of these children any ‘good’ by throwing them into the grinder that is already chewing up our native-born children!
I am sorry! I know that what I am writing is not ‘popular’. However, I feel it is my responsibility to be honest and pragmatic. I am not ‘the person’ that is doing harm to these children! It is their ‘parents’! (and I use that term very loosely) It was their ‘parents’ that told them to; STEAL PASSAGE on a train, STEAL FOOD to eat, and STEAL THEMSELVES INTO AMERICA! It IS their ‘parents’ that ARE responsible for the ‘Social Detachment Disorder’ that these thousands of CHILDREN will suffer from for the rest of their lives! It is NOT America’s responsibility to suffer with the; theft, lies, violence and CRIME that is/will be the ‘result’ of the ‘Social Detachment Disorder’ these children will suffer with for the rest of their lives!
We do NOT need crime to increase in America as a DIRECT RESULT of the morally bankrupt actions of their ‘parents’. This is a simple one people. We must not allow these children to stay in America! NO! WE must send them BACK to the nation of their birth STAT! Now, let me ask you, My Dear Readers, a very pointed question.
IF drug trafficking became rampant in America? Would YOU ‘run away’? OR would you STAY AND FIGHT TO KEEP AMERICA SAFE?!?! Aye, THERE’S the RUN! If there were terrible problems in America? MOST Americans would stay and FIGHT to make America BETTER! I would (even in my messed up state) I WOULD STAY AND FIGHT… even DIE to protect what makes America great! I firmly believe that MOST Americans WOULD STAY AND FIGHT! We would FIGHT the drug dealers… we would FIGHT the tyrants… we would NOT ‘Run Away’ and abandon America!
Just how is it that these ‘parents’ think that they are doing ‘the right thing’ for their country by running away’? Just HOW are they going to make; Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, (yuda yuda yuda) BETTER by ‘running away’? Sorry but that just does not ‘fly’ with me! You stay and fight to make your; community, family, country better! We need to IMPOWER these parents by giving them their children BACK! Empower them to care enough about their CHILDREN to fight for their country!
Well… My Dear Readers… I simply cannot write anymore. I am in SO much pain and my left hand… well, it is just not cooperating anymore. I am spending more keystrokes correcting than writing. Thank you for coming by… I hope to see you here tomorrow FOR;
‘500th Article Celebration and Review – The Horror in Smithville’! Remember, at the end of tomorrow’s article there WILL BE an excerpt teaser!
Thank YOU!
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