Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I have, just now, sat down to write this edition of ‘Notes From behind the Keyboard’ for today and it is nearly 7PM Pacific Time. That means that, for all my readers in Mid-West and Texas, it is already 9PM. This is not how I had things planned out, for today. I really wanted to have this puppy published by 9PM Central time. Regardless I am going to write this and publish, tonight. Most likely I will promote this article tomorrow, Tuesday July 29th 2014.
Well, My Dear Readers, today was my first visit to the surgeon. This is the surgeon that I was referred to by my Infectious Disease & Oncologist, Thursday of last week. Here’s what I managed to find out, today. First, the ‘growth’ on my jaw line is not; a lymph node, an infected salivary gland, or anything “normal” or “naturally occurring”. Bottom line? There is more of a probability of this “growth” being cancerous than not. Still, there is no evidence (so far) to definitively state that I “have cancer”. Conversely, there is no definitive evidence that I do not have cancer.
This is about the point, in the conversation with a doctor, where they ‘remind’ you that ‘medicine is more of an art than a science…”. Between you, My Dear Readers, and me? Horsefeathers! Next, the ‘placement’ of this growth is “highly problematic”. In that it is actually sitting right between my parietal gland and the ‘nerve bundle responsible for movement of the left side of my face’! JOY! Translation: one ‘false move’ and I ‘could’ find the left side of my face… … … (drum roll, please) “Paralyzed”!
It is about this time that I start inspecting (what soon be) my surgeon’s hands. I quickly notice; he does not have his fingers manicured (nor maintain them well on his own), his fingers (on both hands) are dry and slightly chapped, and that just between the knuckles of his third and forth finger there is a good sized scrape on his hand. I express my concerns on the maintenance of his hands, being a surgeon and all. [Remember my father worked for three orthopedic surgeons for more than 30 years].
I, respectfully, express my concerns noting the scrape on his left hand. At this point Dr. Nguyen start a conversation that ends up lasting nearly and hour. I discuss my medical history; father X-Ray technician worked towards Radiologist prior to his death to cancer, mother who (at age 58) became an R.N. and my five years as a ‘Level Five’ Pharmacy Technician at Long Beach Memorial Hospital
(FYI the clinic I am in at this time, and the all the doctors I have seen about this problem so far are all Memorial Hospital doctors)
And I explain my medical background and knowledge, as well as my story of the typewriter dropping on my head in August of 1987. After the hour-long conversation ends, I am more comfortable with Dr. Nguyen being my surgeon for this ‘lump removal’. We have reached an understanding that if the placement of this lump is such that he is concerned that there could be nerve damage that he is to “just get needle biopsy of the growth and close”. We have reached an ‘understanding’ that has left me confident that I will not come out of this surgery… ‘damaged’ to the point I would have to stop making videos.
As well, Dr. Nguyen tells me that I am a ‘very astute’ patient, and he is somewhat impressed with my “outlook on life” considering the adversities I have faced. I express my deep and heartfelt thanks for his kind and generous comments. Hang on, let me backtrack… The whole conversation about the surgery, today, STARTED with Dr. Nguyen asking me “how are we going to put you under?” This is a question couched in his serious concerns about the state/condition of my cervical fusion.
He expressed, to me, his concerns that I might (under general anesthesia) I might relax my neck and cause my (damaged) spine to… stop my breathing. We, later, conclude that he is not going to ‘put me under’ but rather just get me “really relaxed” and use local anesthesia, instead. I agree with his decision… this is also a ‘Good Thing’ for him keeping his distance from the nerves in this area. I really do not want to end up with a lopsided smile… or face. I am working against enough ‘deficits’ right now… I certainly do not need my face to look like I have experienced a stroke!
So, My Dear Readers, I am scheduled to have my surgery at Memorial Coast Hospital on Friday August 1st, 2014 at 12:30PM. I will check into the hospital about 10AM so that they can get a chest X-Ray… (YES, my doctors have concerns about me having cancer… I smoked for thirty years… and nobody has called for a chest x-ray in more than two years!... Brilliant, yes?), and they want to run a cardiogram. These are very good ideas to have these tests done prior to any surgery. I expect to be discharged later Friday evening, Friday night.
I will make sure that I have finished writing and published ‘The Horror in Smithville – The Missing Chapters – Part Three’ prior to leaving to the hospital Friday morning. I know how many of you, My Dear Readers, are… ,like, addicted to this intellectual property and I do not want to put anyone through an uncomfortable weekend! However, quite honestly with all this cancer stuff and surgery on the mind I am not too sure just how much ‘other’ writing and publishing I will get done… this week. Honestly, My Dear Readers, I just cannot (right now with the ‘cancer’ thingy hanging over my head) get excited about ‘The Mars Report’, ‘Lost In Space’ or ‘Sunday Funnies’.
I am NOT abandoning any of my regular article series. However, I am going to take a bit of a step… away, and devote more of my time to writing ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and… well relaxing and trying to get my head wrapped around… ‘Cancer’. I really want to be mentally prepared for the worst-case scenario. I do not want any ‘Bad News’ to send me into a spiral of depression. Seriously? If I am diagnosed with any kind of cancer?
I want to; engage the best resources that I can get on Medicare and Medi-Cal, spend any & all spare time writing and finishing ‘The Horror in Smithville’ so that I might be able to send it out to publishers, and spend as much time as is humanly possible engaged in the pursuit of writing ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia – Part One – The Healing Light’! You see, My Dear Readers, I really want to make sure that (if I am diagnosed… and I find that my time here is limited) I have finished writing as much and as many of my intellectual properties as I can! I do this for several reasons, not the least of which is that I really want to provide for Allen (my partner for the past 27 years) to the best of my ability.
I am hoping that I am found CLEAR of Cancer! That is my deepest hope and dream! However, if I am found to have cancer… I would like to get enough (quality) cancer treatment so that I might have several – five years of life. You see, My Dear Readers, I have given this whole situation a great deal of thought. If I were to have three to five years I could finish all the intellectual properties that I have planned, at this time. I have (in my head) the workings of; three novels based in/around Timmy & Archer of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. The very next book, after the one I am currently sharing here at The Other Shoe, will take place later that year around Christmas.
I have, right now, three books outlined in my head based in/on ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and ‘Timmy & Archer’. I, also, have the plot lines, and outlines for three (of the five I want to do) novels based on/around ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’. Just to make it all fun, and to add some commercial viability to these IP(s)? I have intertwined the two intellectual properties, at several points, in ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and have plans to do the same within the first two books of the ‘Adventures of Princess Nadia’ series, too. This is why I would prefer to have some time… for to be found cancer free!
I mean, honestly, everyone wants to be cancer free! That is a given… It is just that I am thinking about this a lot… and (now) two doctors have expressed their (grave) concerns that I may have cancer. I know it is ‘reckless’ for doctors to express concerns about a patient having cancer before they know. It is, also, kind of ‘reckless’ for a neurosurgeon to express his concerns about me becoming a Para Quadra pelagic from a simple slip-and-fall… and that has happened, too. Honestly, I would rather my doctors feel comfortable expressing their concerns.
I would rather hear that my neurosurgeon thinks that my previous surgeon, the one that performed the cervical fusion, “created a hinge in your cervical spine between your cervical and thoracic spine”. I would rather know these things. I would rather be prepared, than not. Thing of it is? By August 7th I will know if I have cancer, or not. Further, just as soon as I know, My Dear Readers, I will publish and let you know too. I no more want to keep you all in the dark, than I want to be in the dark myself.
That brings us to the end of this edition of ‘Notes From Behind the Keyboard’. In closing, I would like to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude that Dr. Thang Nguyen is to be my surgeon, this week. I was very flattered by the compliments he paid men, while we were talking today. I have the utmost confidence in his abilities, and hope that if I am diagnosed with cancer… and need further surgeries that he would continue to be my surgeon, in the future.
My Dear Readers, I want to express my deep and heartfelt thanks to all of you for your time, your ‘Likes’ your ‘Shares’ (on social media) and your continued support in this, my time of greatest need. I look forward to continuing this great and fruitful relationship for just as long as it is possible. Even with the worst possible outcome, I want you to understand that I will press myself to provide the best and most entertaining and enjoyable content and writing as long as I am able.
Thank YOU!
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