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(FIRST Full Map of Mars!)
Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Now, I know that it is Wednesday but I wanted to be sure to get out an edition of ‘The Mars Report’ this week. It doesn’t look as though I will be able to; research, write and publish an all new edition of ‘Lost In Space’ this week. For that I am extremely sorry. However, I am working on animation, making appointments for doctor visits, and making sure everyone had a copy of the radiology report from my most recent C.T. Scan. Just a little excerpt fro that report; “there are no signs of extreme spinal stenosis in the cervical spine…”. Oh, ok.. that means that there is ‘signs of’ mild to moderate spinal stenosis, right? Great… thanks for sharing.
Now, for the first share of this edition, we are rapidly approaching the Second Anniversary of Curiosity on the Martian surface. That anniversary will happen on August 6th, 2014. So, we are just a few weeks away from that celebration. Before we get to that day, I thought that I might share a little overview of the First Year of Curiosity on Mars. Below is a video, that NASA/JPL made, that is a great overview of the very first year of Curiosity on the Martian surface.
(Curiosity One Year On Mars!)
In other news Curiosity has just discovered an iron meteorite! That’s right our intrepid voyager, Curiosity, has stumbled upon a large iron meteorite! Like the meteorites found by the previous generation of Martian rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, this iron meteorite measures 2 yards in size. Named, by the NASA/JPL staff, Lebanon and Lebanon 2 (for the smaller piece in the foreground). This is the kind of chance encounter, and discovery, are what makes sojourning on Mars so fun! Below is the image of Lebanon and Lebanon 2.
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(Curiosity's Discovery of Lebanon & Lebanon 2 on Mars)
That, My Dear Readers¸ brings us to the final picture for your viewing of today’s edition of ‘The Mars Report’. Now, one would think that after more than a hundred years of mankind staring at Mars, that there would be a complete map of the Martian surface. Now, there is! The United States Geological Survey, working with NASA/JPL have released the most complete map of the Martian surface to date. Collected by three NASA spacecraft — Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter — plus the European Space Agency's Mars Express probe. The map covers the entire surface of the planet, piecing together various data to reveal some new insights! Below (and at the top of the page) behold the new map of the Martian surface!
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(Complete Map of Martian Surface)
My Dear Readers, that just did not seem like enough of a picture of Mars. Therefore, I have (below) also included a video of the same map of the Martian surface. This video is a composite of all the images you see above in a repeating loop. So, just click on the Play button below and enjoy the globe of The Martian Surface!
That, My Dear Readers, brings us to the very end of this week’s edition of ‘The Mars Report’. I hope that everyone has enjoyed this little visit to the Martian surface. Enjoyed viewing the very first images of the very first meteorite found my Curiosity. Hope that you have enjoyed the first complete map of the Martian surface and the video of the globe! Every week I strive to bring all of you, My Dear Readers, the best of images from Mars and science, too. Thank you for all your time, and support.
Thank YOU!
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[…] The Mars Report – July 16th 2014 : “Now, for the first share of this edition, we are rapidly approaching the Second Anniversary of Curiosity on the Martian surface. That anniversary will happen on August 6th, 2014. So, we are just a few weeks away from that celebration. Before we get to that day, I thought that I might share a little overview of the First Year of Curiosity on Mars. Below is a video, that NASA/JPL made, that is a great overview of the very first year of Curiosity on the Martian surface.” Well, My Dear Readers, this was an extra-special edition of ‘The Mars Report’! Not only was I able to share the ‘Special’ commemorative video, by NASA/JPL, used to mark/celebrate Curiosity’s First Year on Mars? I was, also, able to share images of Curiosity’s discovery (its first) of a meteorite on Mars! As if that is not enough? I also included the very first complete mapping of the Martian surface by the USGS! This map is the very first of its kind and a real find for me and this blog. Over the next two weeks I am hoping to share a lot more from Curiosity to help celebrate its Second year of exploration on the Martian surface! […]