Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Here we are, My Dear Readers, well into our ‘Celebration and Review’ in honor of the publication of my Five Hundredth Article here at The Other Shoe. I really feel that I am hitting my stride, with this series. Especially since, yesterday, I spent most of the day; with my head in one imaging tube or another,getting off or on various and sundry mass transit and getting any number of steel needles plunged into the veins in both arms. There is a very good reason I avoid; doctors, hospitals and all medical facilities. Seems once they have me in their grasp… they just do not want to let me go!
Regardless of my exciting and terrifying adventures, yesterday, I still managed to; write, publish and promote ‘500 Articles - Part Two – The Mars Report’. Honestly? I was very proud of just how that article came out! I covered the beginning, the middle and the end (most recent) of the series and included some of the best ‘news making days’ of both Opportunity and Curiosity. Even better? Their/OUR journey, with ‘The Mars Report’, is far from over! In the coming weeks, months and years I hope to keep promoting and sharing the best moments, the best images and the real science that takes place with these intrepid adventurers on the Martian surface.
Now, as a reward for going through all the… painful and humiliating tests and exams yesterday. I promised myself that for today I would reward myself by making today’s (Wednesday’s) edition of this series about something I really enjoy! Yes, My Dear Readers, that means that today we will be looking back on, reviewing and celebrating the most fun filled of all my series… ‘MMORPGs and YOU!’
These games put a smile on my face, and are the way I most enjoy spending my spare time. My Dear Readers, that statement was mostly true… as far back as I can remember. However, now… now, with my current… shortcomings these games have only increased in desirability. You see, My Dear Readers, in real life I can… no longer… run, jump, dance, play and use my body the way I was accustomed. Yet… once I am in these games? I CAN; run, skip, jump, hop, ride horses, dance and PLAY to my heart’s content.
These MMORPGs give me a freedom of action… a freedom of ability that I truly lack (with my current disabilities) in the Real World. I can long into World of Warcraft and hop onto a horse and take it for a ride! I can ride for a few minutes… I can ride it for a few hours! I can go fishing, fight ‘Bad Guys’, cast spells, and even DANCE! I have a freedom of movement that I sorely lack in this real world. So, now, these MMORPGs have all the appeal they had in the 80’s… PLUS they now replace a quality of life!
So, having been a ‘Good Boy’ yesterday and not biting anyone, or striking out at anyone, or taking out my pain and suffering on anyone. I have decided I will reward myself by spending today; writing, talking and sharing these games I so dearly love and enjoy. I am going to share all of the current reviews of these games, today. Now, sometime next week I hope to be adding to the article series ‘MMORPGs and YOU!’. I am hoping to add another article all about ‘Elder Scrolls Online’! This is the most recent MMORPG to be released.
Now, without further adieu I give you ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’ for this the third part of ‘Five Hundred Articles – A Celebration and Review’ right here at The Other Shoe!
- [youtube=http://youtu.be/YespFRJwuZI]
- (Enzomatrix in His Second Home - Rift)
- · MMORPG(s) and YOU – 1st Edition – Rift : “Rift was born of a culture already brimming with MMORPGs. There was the primary MMORPGs like; WoW and Everquest. The next tier of MMOs would include; Aion, Rift, Lord of the Rings Online, and Star Trek Online. These round out the middle of the market. Next would be the user designed games like; Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.”I had no idea, when I wrote those words, that over the next six months I would write an article about nearly every one of those games. Little did I know that Rift would end up being the jumping off point for the single largest and most popular series of articles I ever published at The Other Shoe. I still play Rift, though with my left hand spending most waking hours with a hot pack wrapped around it, I do not play Rift nearly as much as I would like.
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- [youtube=http://youtu.be/RDfEFuzbVNo]
- (Enzomatrix Riding Snow Mammoth in Age of Conan)
- · MMORPGs And You! – Part Two – Age of Conan: “The game that you’ve been seeing pictures and videos, above, are from the MMORPG ‘Age of Conan’. This MMORPG is based in the world of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As well, a lot of the characters the plot lines the story are lifted from the movie series starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. If, My Dear Readers, you enjoyed in the works of Doyle or the movies of Arnold Schwarzenegger this MMORPG is the one for you!” Once I saw that the article on Rift had garnered twenty-something ‘Likes’ I knew that I was on to something worth spending time writing and publishing. As well, getting the screenshots and in game videos was getting back in game with some of my favorite games. When I wrote this article, I had not played Age of Conan since it went to a Free-to-Play format. There were a great many changes. Some I did not like, but the vast majority I found enhanced the game play.
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- · MMORPGs and YOU! – Part Three – Aion : “Now when I tell you that Aion it is a stylized what I mean to say is that every character in the game is beautiful and dressed in fine silken garments. For guys, if you have issues with your masculinity then this might not be the game for you. If you have uncomfortable thoughts, when looking at attractive guys and men, this game is not for you. However, if you like looking at beautiful men and women dressed in fine garments and beautiful armor? Well then, Aion is the game for you! If the attractiveness of yourself and your fellow gamers is just a non-issue for you? Then this is the game for you, too!” Of all the MMORPGs that I shared with you, My Dear Readers, Aion is the single most stylized. Designed by, and for, the target audience of South Koreans this game is as distinctive as it is dynamic. In no other MMORPG I have ever played do you grow wings and fly! The costumes and armor are flowing garments seemingly made of gossamer. This game is not for everyone, but those who do take a venture into this realm will be greatly rewarded for their efforts. I would have to rate this game in my ‘Top Five’ of the genre.
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- · MMORPGs And YOU! – Part Four – Guild Wars 2 : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and another edition of ‘MMORPGs and YOU!’. Let me first take a moment to say “Thank You!” to all of you who have been reblogging this series all over the net. It is really quite flattering, and humbling to, to see this sign of appreciation of my work. I have been writing, here at The Other Shoe, for nearly 3 years and this is the first time I had one of My Dear Readers share my work with others. Again, thank you.” And, there it is, the highlight of my blogging life… right there in print. After nearly three years of writing I was finally seeing my work published at other blogs. Oh, at this point Bob Shieffer had already used my words on NATIONAL TV but… this was a very important moment in my life of blogging. This game, ‘Guild Wars 2’ had an advantage over all of the other MMORPGs that I shared with you, My Dear Readers. It was the SECOND game of the same title. This gave this MMORPG a distinct advantage over all of the other games I shared of this genre. This game is completely ‘Free-to-Play’ with no strings attached and is still played by millions each and every day. I still have it installed on my gaming computer, and at times I still play this game. It is a very enjoyable franchise.
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- · MMORPGs And YOU! – Part Five – Star Trek On Line : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to the Fifth edition of ‘MMORPGs And YOU!. Welcome to Part Five – Star Trek On Line. This edition, based on the Star Trek Intellectual Property seems to be timed by a larger force. Perfect Worldis the current keeper of this storied franchise. This title saw several hands during its creation and birth, but Perfect World finally brought it to the world, and spent the last two years refining STOL.” Of ALL the MMORPGs that I have shared, and played, this game had the single most difficult birth and launch. Of course, when you are dealing with an intellectual property with a history as long as the Star Trek world you are bound to have problems. I remember watching the inception and creation of the game for YEARS! Nearly a decade was spent brining this franchise to this genre. There were more people and hands involved in the creation of this game than any other MMROPG in history. Only to have its ten year conception and birth to be followed by one of (not the worst) single most difficult launches I have seen since World of Warcraft. IF you enjoy ANY of the storylines of this franchise, you WILL enjoy this MMORPG. ALL of the different TV series and movies are represented in this game. IF you like Star Trek, then you simply cannot miss out on playing this game!
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- · MMORPGs And YOU! – Part Six – Star Wars The Old Republic : “Lucas Arts excelled at that bringing a pioneering gaming moment to gamers just like me. The MMORPG ‘Star Wars – The Old Republic’ delivers a like experience. For sound (music) you have John Williams playing in your ears throughout the entire game. Everywhere you go, everywhere you fight and die… there’s John Williams playing in the background in huge orchestral style. It makes key moments, in the game, seem almost cinematic. See, right there… that is what Lucas Arts did with games. Lucas Arts made games that were larger than life.” If one ever needed proof that MMORPGs are THE gaming genre of the 21st century, you need look no further than these last two titles. Here are the two most successful Sci-Fi franchises in history, both represented in an MMORPG. Yes, there were PC Games from both of these storied franchises, but never before have two science fiction series been better rendered into reality. I consider myself fortunate to have been able top play both of these games. Writing this article, I do realize that coming only second to writing and publication, playing MMORPGs are my favorite past time. I watched the movies. I read the books. However, until you install one of these games you never really enter these worlds. This MMORPG is a great game, and great play and an investment in interactive entertainment.
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- · MMORPGs And YOU! Final Fantasy XIV – A Realm Reborn : “Now, My Dear Readers, I have been playing this storied franchise since the original Nintendo gaming system. I’m not talking about the Super Nintendo or the N64 I am talking about the original eight bit Nintendo gaming system. I’ve been playing this franchise for the better part of 25 years. Not only that, but I had the opportunity to be a Beta tester for Final Fantasy XI and XIV. I also played, extensively, this game before its redesign and “rebirth”. This gives me a unique perspective on this Realm Reborn version of this massively multiplayer online role-playing game.” Earlier, when writing about Guild Wars 2, I mentioned who that game had an advantage in that it was the second MMORPG of the same franchise… and that it was alone in that regard. I totally forgot about Final Fantasy, for good reason. Final Fantasy XI (11) was the very first MMORPG for the Final Fantasy franchise. However, 11 was just so bad… for the majority of gamers, that it just slipped my mind. Further, though few people outside gaming know Final Fantasy, this franchise now has over FORUTEEN titles. I remember playing this franchise on the Nintendo (original) gaming console… many many years ago. This MMORPG is still a little buggy, and I had hoped to still be playing… However, my membership lapsed just the other day and I am in no position to afford to renew my subscription. Still, this is a good MMORPG, not of the ease of play of WoW or Guild Wars 2, it is still a good game belonging to a great franchise.
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- [youtube=http://youtu.be/IT7q6XidJ74]
- (Enzomatrix Riding Rocket Mount in World of Warcraft)
- · MMORPGs And YOU! – World Of Warcraft : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. This is the eighth article of this series ‘MMORPGs and YOU!’ here atThe Other Shoe. Since the very first article of this series I have wanted to bring you screenshots and video of game play inWorld of Warcraft. However, it was not until this week that, through the kindness of an online friend, I had access to my World of Warcraft account. I was given a ‘Scroll of Resurrection’ from a good friend of mine in World of Warcraft. This ‘Scroll of Resurrection’ can be given to any player who’s been away from the game for more than three months to, quite literally, bring them back to life in the game.” Strong and found memories, I have for this title. This was the very first MMORPG that I ever played. Just thinking of this game brings back such strong and detailed memories. Yes, World of Warcraft has a very bumpy launch. However, it was the very first of the ‘Mega’ MMORPGs and still has the record for largest subscription base in the history of the genre. At one point, this title, all by itself, aided the ‘Gaming’ to eclipse MOVIES in gross profits. Yes, it was the 12 MILLION subscription member base that catapulted Blizzard from a small company to being bought and sold… and in so doing making and breaking whole corporations. Now, the game’s subscription base is much smaller. Less than half of what it was in its heyday. It is still ‘One-of-A-Kind’ among MMORPGs. This IS the game I think of playing, most often, when I long to play an MMORPG… again. Writing about WoW… makes me want to be able to play it, today.
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‘World of Warcraft’ ‘Warlords of Draenor’
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(Map of 'New World' in 'Warlords of Draenor' Expansion)
- World of Warcraft – Warlords of Draenor : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As promised, I am here today to bring you the scoop on the newest edition to the storied MMORPG franchise, ‘World of Warcraft’! That’s right today you will get a peak at the upcoming expansion ‘Warlords of Draenor’. First, to get a little of the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way, ALL materials shared here are copyright of Blizzard Entertainment and not property of The Other Shoe. That means, I am just here to share what is already readily available at the web site I linked above. I am not to break any news, or share anything new.” This is the fifth expansion to the single most; played, famous, profitable, and recognized MMORPG in the WORLD! I started playing WoW in January of 2004, and have only taken short breaks from playing over the past decade. I played 24/7/365 in the first years and, as a result, have a very rare title ‘Lieutenant Commander’! It was a ‘Battlefield Commission’ that I earned during the ‘Burning Crusades’ expansion... often playing the PvP ‘Alertec Valley’. Since my neurological disease has progressed and now has done serious damage to my use of my left hand, I do not participate in PvP anymore. I just am too slow with the W-A-S-D keys and that makes for easy pickings for the Horde. I, like many others, am eagerly anticipating this upcoming expansion. That is why I choose to include this article in the Five Hundredth Article Celebration and Review. I hope to meet up with some of you, My Dear Readers, in WoW. I am on the Alexstraza Server, Alliance side, EnzoMatrix, EnzomatrixLT, EnzomatrixDK, Goodgulf, and Devonshire. Drop by and give me a shout… Oh, yeah, and I am Champion and Founder of the Guild – ‘Legion of Dragonslayers’. Hope to see you there, soon!
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- · MMORPGs And YOU! – Requiem : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I present number Nine in my ridiculously popular series ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’ Requiem. Requiemis a FTP (Free-To-Play) MMORPG that launched in June of 2008 by Gravity LTD. Gravityis game developer located in South Korea and is known for such titles as; Ragnorok On Line, Dragonsaga, Steal Fighter, and Requiem. I was still writing for a gaming web site, as Lead Gaming Writer and Editor, when Requiem went into Beta.” The ninth, and final, MMORPG in this series of articles. This ‘horror based’ MMORPG occupies a special place in my collection of games of this genre. I was contacted by the development team and offered a (much desired) opening in the Closed Beta in exchange for exposure on our web site. I, of course, jumped at the chance to get into (yet another) Beta and had the opportunity to help guide the final development of this game. IF you like horror movies and you want a VERY easy MMORPG to download and play? You need go NO further than the web page for this title. It can be downloaded, and updated, in just a couple of hours. It is completely ‘Free-to-Play’ and you will be involved and flying by dinnertime. I heartily indorse this game, and still play it myself, from time to time. IF you decide to check it out, let me know. There is only ONE server, and I would be happy to show you hoe to play.
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Well, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the end of today’s ‘Celebration and Review – FIVE HUNDREDTH Article’ for The Other Shoe. Now if you are one of My Dear Readers from three to four years ago? You will have seen this article series when it was originally published, and you will notice that I have made several improvements! I have taken more time, this time, to integrate the screenshot images and the in-game videos.
As well, I have combined two different conclusion articles so that I now have the best of two worlds (so to speak) in this the completed conclusion! I have done my best to make sure I included all of the MMORPGs that I reviewed for this series. Remember, later next week I will be working to publish another edition (addition) to this series! I will be writing and publishing a review for the ‘Brand New’ MMORPG – ‘Elder Scrolls – Online’! I am, now, recording the videos and taking the in game screenshots, as I play the first ten levels of the game.
My Dear Readers, I simply cannot put into words the; excitement, happiness, pride and humility that comes with the publication of the FIVE HUNDERDTH ARTICLE right here at The Other Shoe! I am rather surprised that, after nearly five years, that I am still writing and publishing for this blog. I never thought that I would continue and continue and continue to write and publish. Never thought that I would be celebrating Five Hundred articles published!
I just could not have done this without you, My Dear Readers! Your readership is my strength, your ‘Likes’ are wind beneath my wings, your ‘Shares’ my reason to get up out of bed and keep trying to walk… facing the pain!
Thank YOU!
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