Wednesday, July 30, 2014

'The Horror in Smithville' - The Story, So Far...

[caption id="attachment_2489" align="aligncenter" width="500"]The Horror in Smithville The Horror in Smithville[/caption]


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today, Wednesday July 30th 2014, I am going to write and publish this review of my most favorite work (right now); ‘The Horror in Smithville’! You see, my head is still just not in to my usual course of writing. I have checked out the ‘new’ images from Curiosity on Mars, and there is only a couple, right now. So, even if I was ‘of the mind’ to write and publish a new edition of ‘The Mars Report’ there is just not enough new material to make up a new edition.


Now, I know that there are still…. ‘weak points’ in the first ten or twelve episodes of this story. I have yet to have the time, or focus, to look back and make the simple corrections that are needed. However, I have (recently) gone back and read some of the earlier episodes. All I can say, My Dear Readers? I do truly enjoy my writing! Honestly, every time I go back and read some of my creative works I always find that I enjoy reading what I write     .


That is not all that common, among modern day writers. Hemmingway really enjoyed reading his work. He equated reading, and re-re-re-reading, his own works to honing the blade on a sword. That each, and every, time he went back and read something he wrote he would find ways to improve his work. I know that there are a lot of corrections that I need to make to the first thirteen episodes.


There are; typos, grammatical errors, and even some truly jumbled words and sentences in the earlier episodes. Most readers can get through these errors and still enjoy the work that I have written. Yes, I do get messages and emails from people going on and on about “you really need to ‘fix’ your story…” “I just couldn’t get past this error…”. Everyone is a critic! Well, everyone can be a critic, and I am very happy that most of you, MY Dear Readers, enjoy my writing, my stories, and my publications just as they are.


Today, I am publishing this review of the first thirteen episodes of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ so that you can all get caught-up on this wonderfully entertaining tale of horror and suspense. For the past two weeks I have taken you, My Dear Readers, on a bit of a side-trip. What I have labeled, as ‘The Missing Chapters’ is a cleaver way for me to interject some very important material, and add a whole other plot line and character development.


As well, My Dear Readers, I am experimenting with literary techniques and learning from the results. What I have learned, over the past two weeks? That readers really enjoy ‘new’ and ‘different’ techniques and experimentation, when it comes to their reading. Trying new things… experimenting with writing techniques and taking readers for an adventure are things that (most) readers find enjoyable and challenging. Therefore, you My Dear Readers can expect that I will be pushing the limits, taking chances, and engaging in all sorts of experimentation and toying with my work on a regular basis.


So, now without further adieu… I give you this review of ‘The Horror in Smithville’!


[caption id="attachment_3239" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The Horror in Smithville The Horror in Smithville[/caption]



  • The Horror in Smithville : “Timmy Marref lived on a farm outside Smithville. Smithville was a little town smack dab in the middle of America. Timmy’s father, Kenneth Marref, worked the family farm. As his father did before him, and his grandfather did before that, and his great-grandfather did before him. From what Timmy could gather the Marref’s had worked this land for more than 100 years. Timmy didn’t mind living on a farm. As a matter of fact, more times than not Timmy just downright loved living on the farm.” THIS is how the whole story started. It was March 6th, 2014 and I was thinking on “what NEW can I bring to The Other Shoe’?” I am always thinking of how to improve the blog, what more series or articles can I bring to you, My Dear Readers, that will bring smiles to your faces and joy to you souls. I, at this point, had written articles about world news, Mars, the Hubble Space telescope, financial inequality, and even some politics here and there. What, pray tell, could I cook up in my little head that might tickle your collective fancy? Then, it hit me, like a ton of bricks coming at my head. The idea of a lifetime landed in my lap. ‘A Horror story meant for young adults! The great thing was, if I wrote it well then adults as well as young people, will enjoy reading the story. That was how it all began, back in March. :0

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part Two : “Now Timmy’s Mom weren’t no fool, nor was she born yesterday. Margaret knew Timmy had just been on the phone, for the past half hour, with his best Archer. Margie also knew, and she loved her son Timmy for this, that he was mighty accustom to hug her at any given time. However, Timmy creeping up on her to put his arm around her waist and hug her while she’s frying chicken? That was a sure fire sign that Timmy wanted something, and he wanted it something mighty strong. This made Margie smile ear to ear. She could hardly wait to hear the yarn her son was about to spin. Just in the nick of time though Margie bit her upper lip to make herself stop smiling, right as Timmy looked up into her face with those doleful hazel eyes.” Well, I have said it before, and I will (likely) say it again and again. At this point, the story was nearly writing itself! The characters had come to life, and each and every time I closed my eyes and thought about; Timmy and Archer they began to perform and act right before my eyes. I had the easiest job in the world, all I had to do was watch and write down what they did each day. Even this early in the story the characters of Timmy and Archer had started to leap off the pages of the story. ‘Character Development’ was as easy as letting the boys speak! The plot was a simple one… two young men out for an adventure at Halloween. BAM! It wasn’t until two or three weeks later that ‘The Tall Man’ came to life and the story started developing a ‘Darker’ side.

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part Three : “Just as Archer had anticipated, when dinner was served there was; deep fried chicken (at least one chicken if not two), mashed potatoes with a pad of butter still melting on the top of the potato mountain, what looked to be buttermilk biscuits, a gravy bowl filled to the brim with hot and fresh (made from scratch) chicken gravy, and both green peas and corn on the cob. Archer was drooling with anticipation, but before lifting a single eating utensil he gave Timmy’s Mom her much deserved praise.“Everything looks just great, Mrs. Marref! I don’t know which is better, how good it all smells or how great it looks on the table!” This was about the time that the ‘sleep-over’ idea was flowering in my head. The idea of having ‘his’ first appearance not happen during the fateful ride on the Haunted House. How to build the suspense for the ride, how to incorporate character development with a three day long sleep-over. It was in parts two and three that I truly developed the ‘Home Spun’ feel of the story. How I was to take two rual young men, and throw them out of their world of feeding chickens and milking cows and hurl them head long into a world with ‘zombie-wolves’ and the undead. It was, also, about this time that I feel in LOVE with this story and its potential. What was meant to be a really short story, lasting no more than a month, now had the potential to run for several months. Timmy and Archer had found a way into my heart.

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part Four : “Lightening filled the room with brilliance that shown like daytime. The room was plunged into darkness, followed by the low rumblings of thunder. The time between the two events, the lightening and the thunder was decreasing. Timmy knew that meant the heart of the storm was yet to arrive. Another flash of lightening, it filled the room. Geeze, it was so bright you could read your math homework with it. It was followed by deepening darkness, then the low rumble of thunder. All the time the sound of the rain, pounding on the back porch and the barn, grew louder and louder. This was going to be a heck of a storm!” To this day I am still unsure just where the lightening storm came from in this story. No where, in the first month’s notes, did I even mention a lightening storm. However, once I wrote it down… once I worked it into the story… and once ‘The Tall Man’ appeared with the storm… well there was no turning back and it felt as natural as a spring rain. You see, My Dear Readers, it was as if; the Carnival, the Haunter House Ride and ‘The Tall Man’ ALL ‘blew into town together’! See how it all just fits? Honest to goodness I am not fibbing when I tell you that it was not originally thought up tied together, it must have just happened one night when the pain robbed me of sleep. Now, looking back? Well, I just cannot see it working any other way. THAT is what makes my job…. A JOY!

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part Five : “Standing there, Timmy felt a cool breeze passing under the door. Now, he knew that he and Archer had kept the window in his bedroom closed. As hard as it was raining, outside, an open window would have drenched the bed and sleeping bag. He leaned over to the right, slightly, looking at the space between the bottom of the door and the sill below. Sure enough, there was a light on in the room. It was lighter that what his ‘Adventures of Princess Nadia’ nightlight created, too. Timmy screwed up his courage, wrapped his hand around the doorknob, and turned the knob.” ANOTHER great ‘Behind the Scenes’ story relates to the creation of this, Part Five. You see, Part Five NEVER EXISTED! When I wrote part four, then looked back over it getting ready to write (what is now Part Six)… well, I just did not like how it ended, Part Four. Something was missing. I gave it a great deal of thought… then it hit me! In ending Part Four, the way I did, I have deprived myself of a Grand Entrance for ‘The Tall Man’! Once I experienced that inspiration, well there was no ‘going back’. I simply had to re-write Part Four, and have it segway right into THIS Part Five. Part Five exists solely for the purpose of the introduction of ‘The Tall Man’ to his Protagonist = Timmy. It was all falling into place, just like a prefect shuffle in cards, each person (card) was stacking right on top of the other person (card) to form a ‘dove-tail’ of characters. My Dear Readers, this was not ‘planned’… this just happened to me, and I can never express just how happy I am that it… did!

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part SIX : “And we are not talking about a really nice graveyard, eight. This graveyard looked to be from long long ago. The headstones were mostly broken, the names of the dearly beloved long ago forgotten to time. Gnarled trees, leaning half out of the ground, were the only remaining landscaping. Above, the moon hung full in the sky while a deep rolling fog moved over the ground.. It just then that Timmy felt the first deep chill, it was very cold and damp outside.” This, My Dear Readers, THIS is when it all started coming together. In THIS chapter… the MAGIC started happening. Let me explain a little. First, in part six I started interweaving the boy’s reality with their dream world! Things, and people, from one part of their lives began showing up in the other part of their lives! This gave me all sorts of creative opportunities. NEXT? Next the boys were taken to a different dream world! More than one ‘dream world’ freed me up, as a writer, and gave me the opportunity to begin interweaving their “Dream Worlds’! This was a huge gift to me, as a writer… but the best I saved for LAST. In Part Six… I did something that reached off the page! Now, My Dear Readers, if you are a frequent readers then you have (no doubt) hear about my most favorite… my PRIZED novel; ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’ book ONE to be ‘The Healing Light’. I have written about this upcoming work for the better part of the past FOUR years. In Part Six, I managed to create a ‘Trademark’ writing dynamic exclusive to Daniel Hanning. IN part Six… I brought Princess Nadia and Alexander into the ‘dream world’ of Timmy and Archer! That’s RIGHT My Dear Readers, it will be a trademark of my writing style that MY characters Cross Over into other literary works of mine! Never before have I read of this being done by another writer. Not only that, but it is not just a chance encounter! That’s RIGHT Princess Nadia and Alexander will have full roles in ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and Timmy and Archer WILL APPEAR in ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’! My Dear Readers, when I made this happen on the page… and it WORKED! I was just THRILLED at the possibilities! I am not going to give any spoilers… but this is going to happen… and BIG!

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part Seven : “Timmy had directed Archer to climb to the highest branch of the old gnarled tree he could manage. There he would do his best to; bleed, slow down and/or maim as many of these zombie-wolves as possible. You see, that is a common misnomer about archers, and archery, among the larger populous. Archers rarely ‘kill’ someone with an arrow to the heart. Archers are best to bleed your opponents, causing them to slow and reducing strength. Timmy had explained all this, to Archer, as they climbed the gnarled tree.” My Dear Readers, at FOURTEEN PAGES in Word, this Part, Part Seven, is the single LARGEST of all the parts so far. In it I tie together all the new tools, tricks, characters, and ‘trademarks’. I interweave just about every aspect of this story, and this story begins getting dark. By becoming dark the story firmly plants itself into the Horror genre and leaves no doubt to the readers. This is a horror story, and one of a different and terribly original style and feel. This final part, for the first ¼ of the book, sums up Timmy and Archer’s experience in their ‘Dream World’, so far. Now, not only are characters from different IPs showing up in other intellectual properties? Events, and people, from reality are showing up in Dream World (OTHER THAN Timmy and Archer), events are carrying over from one reality to another. Now, I really do not want to tip my hand… I REALLY want you to READ THIS STORY… if you haven’t already… and (here is the REAL problem with reviews) I want to do this without giving away any of the surprises and without diminishing the suspense. However, weighing in at 14 pages THIS part of the story… is monumental! That is why I am taking my time working on, out, Part EIGHT! I do plan on its release TOMORROW… May 8th, 2014. Barring any totally unforeseen circumstances… like the A/C going out completely… I WILL PUBLISH ‘part Eight’ Thursday may 8th, 2014.

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part EIGHT: “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Just as promised, I have worked through the night, and most of this morning, to make sure I was able to publish the much anticipated (and slightly tardy) Part EIGHT – ‘The Horror in Smithville’! You know, My Dear Readers, I am really glad that I didn’t promise any particular; plot twists, character changes, plot lines or story lines prior to writing.” Here it IS!! After many readers having waited another week, just to read this episode, here is the much anticipated PART EIGHT of The Horror in Smithville’!!! I am not sharing any spoilers, here today… so if you want to know “what happens”? You will just have to take a few moments and read this great episode, yourself! ENJOY!

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part Nine : “Timmy was pale, in color, in his face and arms. Almost like he had been drained of blood. Archer pulled Timmy’s jacket up around his face and over his ears. As Archer’s hands passed Timmy’s face, he felt heat radiating from Timmy’s face. Jeeze! Archer had never felt a fever that hot before in his life. Timmy had to have a fever well over 100 degrees, and he was standing in a foot of snow by the edge of the road. The more Archer thought about it, the more he realized that taking Timmy to school in his current condition was not the best idea.” In this, the ninth episode of the series, we find Archer struggling to get Timmy to school. Honestly, going to school had to have been the single worst idea of young Archer’s life. Yet, if they had stayed at home… well, Timmy’s illness would have been readily apparent and that would lead to too many questions. This way, Archer thought, was the best way to avoid his parents finding out… Finding out that their young son, Timmy Marref, had fallen prey to a bite from a zombie wolf. Archer thought avoiding that confrontation, at any cost, was the best choice. Archer did not know of anyone, at school that would be able to help Timmy, yet something inside him pushed him forward. Little did Archer know that help was there, at the school, just waiting to lend a helping hand.

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part TEN: “The final bell for homeroom rang just as Timmy and Archer had sat down in their seats. Timmy really didn’t feel like sitting quietly for the next hour. Actually, he had so much energy he felt like going out and running or playing in the snow. Timmy was daydreaming about just that when he heard his name called out, Ms. Steward was calling roll.” Archer had made good on his promise to Timmy, they were at school, and no one was the wiser. However, it was becoming increasingly more difficult for Archer to hide Timmy’s condition… and more difficult moving Timmy from place to place. Timmy needed help and Archer had no idea where to turn. IN this episode we follow the boys through two classes at school… and an surprise announcement! Time is running short for Timmy. Will Archer find the help that Timmy so desperately needs? Will our duo be ‘found out’, or will help arrive from a very unexpected source? All this, and more, awaits you in this, the TENTH episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’!

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part ELEVEN! : “Mr. Champion snapping his fingers, right in front of his face, brought Archer back to this world and struggle at hand. For the past several hours all, in the world, Archer wanted was someone to help Timmy. Help Timmy survive the bite from the zombie wolves, and get back to his old self. Now, it appeared that help had arrived in the form of the substitute teacher for Mr. Albright. The Mr. Albright that, just last night, he and Timmy had watched as ‘The Tall Man’ and pulled his head from his shoulders, his spine from his body, and then drank his blood like a ice cold Coke.”There’s nothing like a nice cold ‘Coke’, eh? In this episode Archer, finally, gets the help he needs with Timmy. None, too soon, either! Timmy was fading in and out of consciousness, his left hand as big as a catcher’s mitt, a fever that radiated off his body like a furnace, and a terrible sweat that caused pools of hot water wherever they boys went. But, what is it with this Mr. Champion… ‘David’ as he says he wants to be called. Where did he come from? How did he know that Timmy was in trouble? How did he open a locked science classroom door… without so much as touching the door? How does one start a flame on a Bunsen burner with NO source of heat or flame? Stay tuned, My Dear Readers, with the coming episodes all will be told, all will become clear!

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part TWELVE! : “The adventures of Timmy and Archer are as real, and come from my own personal experiences, as any thing I have ever written. There are moments, several of them, which you will be reading today that were literally taken out of my memories as a young man. As an extra special treat, for everyone out there from Pearland Texas, (and everyone that has known me and my scholastic life) there is a very special ‘Guest Appearance’ in today’s episode by someone we all dearly loved.” In this episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ Timmy and Archer jump out of the pan and directly into the fire! Barry has, finally, caught up with our intrepid heroes and he has blood on his mind! Barry has clotheslined Timmy and is sitting on his chest! Archer, frozen by fear cannot manage to respond or think of just how to help is fallen friend. What will come? Only way to find out? READ the upcoming episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ right here at ‘The Other Shoe’!

  • The Horror in Smithville – Part Thirteen : “If you find this episode too disturbing, too violent, too bloody or what-not? Then, what is to come will, most certainly, curl your blood. While writing this (prose? Did you hear this episode? Could you feel the beat under the words?), I got a glimpse of many of the chapters to come. This. My first venture into the genre of horror, is going to be far more horrific than I first imagined.” Well… THERE is a ‘spoiler’ if ever I saw one! I am not going to say too much about this episode, because I do not want to give anything away. Just one thing… don’t read this on a full stomach. K?




And THAT My Dear Readers is ‘The Story So Far…’! I know that it is pretty… well, cruel to have left the ‘main story line’ where I did. With Timmy a bloody mess from his beating at the hands of Barry Gartuska, his bloody body in Archer’s lap. I know that there are a great many readers that really want me to get back to the main story line, and Timmy and Archer. I will! I promise you, My Dear Readers, that just as soon as… well, all this ‘plot points’, ‘character development’, and stuff gets put to bed I will return to Timmy and Archer.


Those two boys have so many more adventures, ahead of them. Ooopppsss! That was a ‘spoiler’ and I deeply apologize for letting that out. Suffice to say that, within the next two weeks, we all, My Dear Readers, will be getting back to the main story line and the events and adventures that initially captured your attention. Can I be completely honest with you, My Dear Readers?


I am getting a kick out of writing, and publishing, this story. When I first imagined this story, first started writing down notes and developing the characters? I never (in a million years) imagined; how well received, the incredible traffic, the incredible success that this story (and Timmy and Archer) has received. I am very proud of the following, the ‘Likes’ and the ‘Shares’. I will not let you, My Dear Readers, down! This story is just getting started!


Now, I am really in a lot of pain. I had not planned on writing or publishing, today. I just could not ‘stay away’! Thank you all for; your time, your support, your ‘Likes’ and ‘Shares’ and… most of all, Thank you for being My Dear Readers!




Thank YOU!


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[caption id="attachment_2866" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014 Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014[/caption]


© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx for The Other Shoe


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It's A 'Family Thing'

[caption id="attachment_3275" align="aligncenter" width="507"]New Mexico Map New Mexico Map[/caption]


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. It is a common human phenomenon, when faces with one’s (believed) end of life to look backward with clarity. Now, My Dear Readers, I have not received any new news. I have not, yet, had the surgery or biopsy. Yet, I find myself engaging in that behavior. Just today, while talking with one of the few best friends I have… that still calls me… still talks with me… that my condition has not scared away. We were talking and, somehow, I digressed and told James about how my parents met.


More precisely, where they met and fell in love back before the end of the Second World War. MY father never spoke of this time of his life, and with good reason. My father was an X-Ray technician, during the Second World War, and until he was taken away from work by cancer. It has taken me years and years to piece this together, from old pictures taken of my father and mother. One taken the day they got married on the streets of Los Alamos, and one taken of my father standing outside the building he was housed while stationed during the Manhattan Project[1].


[caption id="attachment_3271" align="aligncenter" width="509"]My Father @ The Manhattan Project Housing 1943 My Father @ The Manhattan Project Housing 1943[/caption]

(My Father @ The Manhattan Project Housing 1943)


My mother was born, in 1903, on one of the three Indian Reservations located near the Black Mesa and White Rock Canyon. All three; San Ildefonso[2], Tesuque[3]and the Nambé Pueblo[4] Indian Reservations are located right around the Los Alamos National Laboratory. She left the reservation, as a teenager, and got a job as a waitress in a little diner just off the Los Alamos base. This is where she met my father, and once his tour of duty was complete, they married.


[caption id="attachment_3268" align="aligncenter" width="427"]Dad and Mom in Santa Fe New Mexico circa 1943 Dad and Mom in Santa Fe New Mexico circa 1943[/caption]

(Dad and Mom in Santa Fe New Mexico circa 1943)

They were very much in love and, like many other couples at this time, found the events at Los Alamos drew them together. My mother often told me about how she served breakfast, or lunch or dinner to J. Robert Oppenheimer[5], my father and dozens of the others that came off the base to eat at this diner. Now, it wasn’t because the food was all that great at this diner, it was just that this diner was the single closest to the Los Alamos base during the time of the Manhattan Project.


[caption id="attachment_3274" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Map of Los Alamos and Surrounding Reservations Map of Los Alamos and Surrounding Reservations[/caption]

(Map of Los Alamos and Surrounding Reservations)


My father worked on ‘Fat Man’[6] (the implosion type bomb project) that was later drop on Nagasaki, Japan August 9th 1945. My father never spoke of his work on this project, and it is only through much research, study of pictures and comparisons of historical documentation that I was able to put together; my mother’s recollections, the narrative of their early life together, family photos and historical photographs.


[caption id="attachment_3270" align="aligncenter" width="453"]Dad at the Los Alamos Barracks 1944 in X-Ray Tech Uniform Dad at the Los Alamos Barracks 1944 in X-Ray Tech Uniform[/caption]

(Dad at the Los Alamos Barracks 1944 in X-Ray Tech Uniform)


The ‘Fat Man’ bomb was the only device (designed, created and constructed) at Los Alamos that employed X-Ray technicians. These technicians were needed to X-Ray the parts of the spherical ‘shell’ that housed the explosive material. There could be NO weak spots, hairline fractures of defects of any kind in the shell, least the concussive force would escape the shell and not result in the chain reaction of the fissile material in the center.


[caption id="attachment_3269" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Dad and Mom Just Hours Before Getting Married Dad and Mom Just Hours Before Getting Married[/caption]

(Dad and Mom Just Hours Before Getting Married)


Like I explained, at the beginning of this article My Dear Readers, the events of the past several weeks and the (strong) possibility that I might be diagnosed with cancer have caused me to look back. Look back at my life, and at the wonderful turn of events that lead to the marriage of my father and mother, and eventually, my birth. The single greatest destructive device, in the history of mankind (at that point), was being constructed in Los Alamos. My father was a part (yes, a small part… just an X-Ray technician) of the team that built ‘Fat Man’ that was dropped on Nagasaki.


Yet, in the shadow of the creation of the great destructive device, a great love was born. Out of that love a thirty year marriage was forged and I, my brother Darrel and my brother Ken were born. It really is… well, almost poetic how the Manhattan Project and the ‘Fat Man’ are responsible for my life! If it were not for my father getting stationed at Los Alamos? He and my mother would have never met. My mother, often, told me how “Ken got me out of that God Forsaken place…” and gave her the opportunity to be more than just a ‘Half-breed Waitress’ at little diner in the middle of nowhere.


[caption id="attachment_3272" align="aligncenter" width="512"]Dad Los Alamos Barracks 1944 Dad Los Alamos Barracks 1944[/caption]

(Dad Los Alamos Barracks 1944)


That my father excelled, during his training, as an X-Ray technician was the reason he was picked to his assignment to Los Alamos for the Manhattan Project. They truly were ‘Star-Crossed Lovers’ and I am so very fortunate to be the son of the wonderful Americans and… a product of American History. I often wondered… just why my father passed away so very wuickly from cancer. Why it spread so very fast, in his body, compared to other men who smoked that were his age. Now, when I realize where my father worked… and on what he preformed X-Rays… well, massive environmental exposure to radioactive materials, at Los Alamos, that would certainly explain why!


I have no hard feelings. I have no time for, nor any desire, for negative feelings or hatred or animosity. How could I possibly curse where my father was exposed… and bless the union that flowered in that desert? I honestly believe that their meeting was nothing short of a miraculous set of circumstances, that resulted in my birth. Well, the birth of myself and my brothers Darrell and Ken. Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the ‘project’ and regardless that the bomb my father worked on… was one of the single greatest destructive forces ever released by mankind.


If it were not for The Manhattan Project, and my father’s work on that project, my parents would have never met, and I would not be here to write these words and share my stories. I am happy and grateful for the events that transpired which brought me, to you, My Dear Readers. Yes, if it could have happened any other way… if they could have met… if the war could have neded without the use of the ‘Fat Man’ bomb? Of course that would be a better world. Yet, we do not live in that world, we live here in this one.


Well, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the ned of that late-night creation. Yes, it is (right now) 2:33AM Pacific time, Tuesday morning July 29th 2014. I just could not seem to stop my mind from racing over the events of the day, today. I just could not get it out of my mind that… well, the results of my biopsy… just might… tell me I have cancer. It just keeps swirling around in my mind… and I just had to spend some time with my mind engaged elsewhere. So, I will publish this article… and then it is off to bed! I am hoping that I can get to sleep… and not have any nightmares. Well, at least not nightmares that I couldn’t turn into a story, that is!


Thak you for sitting with me and helping me get my mind off of things. I hope that you have a wonderful day. Until my next publication…




Thank YOU!


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[caption id="attachment_2866" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014 Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014[/caption]


© 2010 – 2014 Hanning Web Wurx for The Other Shoe

Monday, July 28, 2014

Notes From Behind the Keyboard - July 28th 2014

[caption id="attachment_2868" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014 Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014[/caption]


Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I have, just now, sat down to write this edition of ‘Notes From behind the Keyboard’ for today and it is nearly 7PM Pacific Time. That means that, for all my readers in Mid-West and Texas, it is already 9PM. This is not how I had things planned out, for today. I really wanted to have this puppy published by 9PM Central time. Regardless I am going to write this and publish, tonight. Most likely I will promote this article tomorrow, Tuesday July 29th 2014.


Well, My Dear Readers, today was my first visit to the surgeon. This is the surgeon that I was referred to by my Infectious Disease & Oncologist, Thursday of last week. Here’s what I managed to find out, today. First, the ‘growth’ on my jaw line is not; a lymph node, an infected salivary gland, or anything “normal” or “naturally occurring”. Bottom line? There is more of a probability of this “growth” being cancerous than not. Still, there is no evidence (so far) to definitively state that I “have cancer”. Conversely, there is no definitive evidence that I do not have cancer.


This is about the point, in the conversation with a doctor, where they ‘remind’ you that ‘medicine is more of an art than a science…”. Between you, My Dear Readers, and me? Horsefeathers! Next, the ‘placement’ of this growth is “highly problematic”. In that it is actually sitting right between my parietal gland and the ‘nerve bundle responsible for movement of the left side of my face’! JOY! Translation: one ‘false move’ and I ‘could’ find the left side of my face… … … (drum roll, please) “Paralyzed”!


It is about this time that I start inspecting (what soon be) my surgeon’s hands. I quickly notice; he does not have his fingers manicured (nor maintain them well on his own), his fingers (on both hands) are dry and slightly chapped, and that just between the knuckles of his third and forth finger there is a good sized scrape on his hand. I express my concerns on the maintenance of his hands, being a surgeon and all. [Remember my father worked for three orthopedic surgeons for more than 30 years].


I, respectfully, express my concerns noting the scrape on his left hand. At this point Dr. Nguyen start a conversation that ends up lasting nearly and hour. I discuss my medical history; father X-Ray technician worked towards Radiologist prior to his death to cancer, mother who (at age 58) became an R.N. and my five years as a ‘Level Five’ Pharmacy Technician at Long Beach Memorial Hospital


(FYI the clinic I am in at this time, and the all the doctors I have seen about this problem so far are all Memorial Hospital doctors)


And I explain my medical background and knowledge, as well as my story of the typewriter dropping on my head in August of 1987. After the hour-long conversation ends, I am more comfortable with Dr. Nguyen being my surgeon for this ‘lump removal’. We have reached an understanding that if the placement of this lump is such that he is concerned that there could be nerve damage that he is to “just get needle biopsy of the growth and close”. We have reached an ‘understanding’ that has left me confident that I will not come out of this surgery… ‘damaged’ to the point I would have to stop making videos.


As well, Dr. Nguyen tells me that I am a ‘very astute’ patient, and he is somewhat impressed with my “outlook on life” considering the adversities I have faced. I express my deep and heartfelt thanks for his kind and generous comments. Hang on, let me backtrack… The whole conversation about the surgery, today, STARTED with Dr. Nguyen asking me “how are we going to put you under?” This is a question couched in his serious concerns about the state/condition of my cervical fusion.


He expressed, to me, his concerns that I might (under general anesthesia) I might relax my neck and cause my (damaged) spine to… stop my breathing. We, later, conclude that he is not going to ‘put me under’ but rather just get me “really relaxed” and use local anesthesia, instead. I agree with his decision… this is also a ‘Good Thing’ for him keeping his distance from the nerves in this area. I really do not want to end up with a lopsided smile… or face. I am working against enough ‘deficits’ right now… I certainly do not need my face to look like I have experienced a stroke!


So, My Dear Readers, I am scheduled to have my surgery at Memorial Coast Hospital on Friday August 1st, 2014 at 12:30PM. I will check into the hospital about 10AM so that they can get a chest X-Ray… (YES, my doctors have concerns about me having cancer… I smoked for thirty years… and nobody has called for a chest x-ray in more than two years!... Brilliant, yes?), and they want to run a cardiogram. These are very good ideas to have these tests done prior to any surgery. I expect to be discharged later Friday evening, Friday night.


I will make sure that I have finished writing and published ‘The Horror in Smithville – The Missing Chapters – Part Three’ prior to leaving to the hospital Friday morning. I know how many of you, My Dear Readers, are… ,like, addicted to this intellectual property and I do not want to put anyone through an uncomfortable weekend! However, quite honestly with all this cancer stuff and surgery on the mind I am not too sure just how much ‘other’ writing and publishing I will get done… this week. Honestly, My Dear Readers, I just cannot (right now with the ‘cancer’ thingy hanging over my head) get excited about ‘The Mars Report’, ‘Lost In Space’ or ‘Sunday Funnies’.


I am NOT abandoning any of my regular article series. However, I am going to take a bit of a step… away, and devote more of my time to writing ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and… well relaxing and trying to get my head wrapped around… ‘Cancer’. I really want to be mentally prepared for the worst-case scenario. I do not want any ‘Bad News’ to send me into a spiral of depression. Seriously? If I am diagnosed with any kind of cancer?


I want to; engage the best resources that I can get on Medicare and Medi-Cal, spend any & all spare time writing and finishing ‘The Horror in Smithville’ so that I might be able to send it out to publishers, and spend as much time as is humanly possible engaged in the pursuit of writing ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia – Part One – The Healing Light’! You see, My Dear Readers, I really want to make sure that (if I am diagnosed… and I find that my time here is limited) I have finished writing as much and as many of my intellectual properties as I can! I do this for several reasons, not the least of which is that I really want to provide for Allen (my partner for the past 27 years) to the best of my ability.


I am hoping that I am found CLEAR of Cancer! That is my deepest hope and dream! However, if I am found to have cancer… I would like to get enough (quality) cancer treatment so that I might have several – five years of life. You see, My Dear Readers, I have given this whole situation a great deal of thought. If I were to have three to five years I could finish all the intellectual properties that I have planned, at this time. I have (in my head) the workings of; three novels based in/around Timmy & Archer of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. The very next book, after the one I am currently sharing here at The Other Shoe, will take place later that year around Christmas.


I have, right now, three books outlined in my head based in/on ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and ‘Timmy & Archer’. I, also, have the plot lines, and outlines for three (of the five I want to do) novels based on/around ‘The Adventures of Princess Nadia’. Just to make it all fun, and to add some commercial viability to these IP(s)? I have intertwined the two intellectual properties, at several points, in ‘The Horror in Smithville’ and have plans to do the same within the first two books of the ‘Adventures of Princess Nadia’ series, too. This is why I would prefer to have some time… for to be found cancer free!


I mean, honestly, everyone wants to be cancer free! That is a given… It is just that I am thinking about this a lot… and (now) two doctors have expressed their (grave) concerns that I may have cancer. I know it is ‘reckless’ for doctors to express concerns about a patient having cancer before they know. It is, also, kind of ‘reckless’ for a neurosurgeon to express his concerns about me becoming a Para Quadra pelagic from a simple slip-and-fall… and that has happened, too. Honestly, I would rather my doctors feel comfortable expressing their concerns.


I would rather hear that my neurosurgeon thinks that my previous surgeon, the one that performed the cervical fusion, “created a hinge in your cervical spine between your cervical and thoracic spine”. I would rather know these things. I would rather be prepared, than not. Thing of it is? By August 7th I will know if I have cancer, or not. Further, just as soon as I know, My Dear Readers, I will publish and let you know too. I no more want to keep you all in the dark, than I want to be in the dark myself.


That brings us to the end of this edition of ‘Notes From Behind the Keyboard’. In closing, I would like to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude that Dr. Thang Nguyen is to be my surgeon, this week. I was very flattered by the compliments he paid men, while we were talking today. I have the utmost confidence in his abilities, and hope that if I am diagnosed with cancer… and need further surgeries that he would continue to be my surgeon, in the future.


My Dear Readers, I want to express my deep and heartfelt thanks to all of you for your time, your ‘Likes’ your ‘Shares’ (on social media) and your continued support in this, my time of greatest need. I look forward to continuing this great and fruitful relationship for just as long as it is possible. Even with the worst possible outcome, I want you to understand that I will press myself to provide the best and most entertaining and enjoyable content and writing as long as I am able.




Thank YOU!


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[caption id="attachment_2866" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014 Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014[/caption]

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Horror in Smithville - 'The Missing Chapters' Part Two

[caption id="attachment_3239" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The Horror in Smithville The Horror in Smithville[/caption]


                 Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As well, welcome to the second part of ‘The Missing Chapters’! This is a very special series of additions to the mains story of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. Right about the time I penned episode twelve? I realized that I had totally missed the opportunity to add, and develop, several characters that would soon be very important to the main story line. Rather than try to just, like, jam them in? I decided to start this series of chapters… ‘The Missing Chapters’!


Last week I introduced you, My Dear Readers, to Ralph Simner – father to Archer and husband to Becky Simner (Margie’s best friend). Until… well, about two weeks ago, Ralph had been nothing more than… a cutout. A simple cardboard cutout that was “Archer’s father” and little more. As I was flushing out the second half of this novel (funny how that happened… how a simple ‘Short Story’ back in May has turned into… my first full novel) I realized that I needed Archer’s father to be more than just a placeholder. Ralph Simner, Archer’s father, needed his own story. His own troubles and his own character development      .


I had to take, what initially was, a simple placeholder and turn him into somebody the reader would relate to and like! That was going to be no easy task, and if I limited myself to just jamming it into the story… where I was at the time was, like, episode 12 or 13, it would not feel ‘natural’. So, I strained my little head and thought about the task that lay ahead. I was sitting, one afternoon, and I was thinking and thinking about just how to introduce Ralph… how to get his story… his problems… his difficulties to overcome into the novel.


Then, it dawned on me! This was not already in print! I had a unique opportunity, here, with you My Dear Readers. Unlike a book, already published, you were IN the process! You were ‘along for the ride’ so to speak. That gave me a unique opportunity to ‘roll back the clock’ and inject, into the already spun tale, an ‘all new’ character! It would be a unique opportunity for the BOTH OF US! For reader and writer alike, we would be a part of an experiment together!


At that moment I was no longer confined by the normal limitations of writing a novel. No longer did I have to think in a linier fashion! Not only could I think ‘Out of the box’ my whole story could exsist ‘outside the box’! So, I grabbed you, My Dear Readers, and we took off on an adventure… together! I have to tell you… I have never felt so free! Not only could I do this with Ralph Simner… if you, My Dear Readers, went along with this radical experiment? I could do this very same thing with other characters! Suddenly? The sky was the limit!


Suddenly I was free to take any turn or avenue my heart desired. So far, Ralph Simner has been well received by all of you, My Dear Readers. It does not appear that anyone was ‘so taken aback’ by this injection of another character, that they left the process and turned their backs on this work. If anything? It appears that my whole experiment has been a complete and total success!


Ralph Simner has been adopted by you, My Dear Readers, just the same as he had been introduced at the beginning of the story. That is a “Good Thing’! It is a good thi8ng because Ralph is going to play a very important part… and integral role in the unfolding of my story. It is good because now Archer has a father that you, My Dear Readers, know about. That Archer comes from a full and complete family.


So, here is a little ‘spoiler’ (if you don’t want to know? Just skip ahead to where there is a ‘Part 8 B’ and read from there ;) . This is not going to be the only time that I do this… I have been thinking and there just might be somebody else that missed the ‘boarding call’ when I started penning this novel. I am not going to tell you who… or when… Just be prepared. J


My Dear Readers, this novel has been the most fun I have experienced, writing, in a long time. Since I was a boy of nine I have always wanted to write a horror story. YOU, My Dear Readers, have helped make that dream a reality! Just this week Allen, my roommate/caregiver/+ just started reading this story. I value his opinion of my work, my writing. Allen likes this story! He is already to chapter five, and he is really enjoying the story, the characters, the setting and… the suspense.


I have to admit… this story… this tale, it is going much better than I had thought, or hoped. Each and every time I sit down to write? It is kind of strange… but it is like I have already written… it. Each time I sit down to write it all comes out… naturally. With so little effort and thought. I ‘see’ the characters in my mind’s eye. I see them talk... I see them interact... I see them run and fight. Out of everything I have ever written? This story is just happening to me, and I am just sharing it as it happens.


Now, without further adieu I give you Part 8-B of ‘The Horror in Smithville’!



Part Eight B



The ‘janitor’ job at the Elementary (That is how it had turned out, when he finally got started at the job) There was little-to-no work doing ‘repairs’, or taking advantage of Ralph’s skills in construction and mechanical works. Most of his time was spent; taking out trash, cleaning up after the kitchen workers, emptying lockers at the end of the school year, and putting sawdust on puke. Kids puke lots and often! He had never realized just how much, nor how often, children throw-up, till he was the one in charge of cleaning it up.


This went on for year after year, as Archer grew-up and out of the elementary school. Funny thing was? While Archer was attending the elementary school, where Ralph was ‘stationed’ and spent most of his day, he didn’t mind the disgusting and humiliating work. He was near his son. Everyday he got to ‘see’ Archer; going from class to class, eating lunch in the munch room, or out playing on the playground with Timmy and his other classmates. Yet, once Archer had graduated from elementary school, and moved over to the Middle School, life for Ralph took a turn for the worst.


The hours of the day just seemed to drag by, he found himself looking at his watch more and the minutes felt like hours. To help to pass the time, Ralph had started… eating. It started the moment he got to the school, and being a school with its own kitchen, there was always food about. Ralph would offer to help out around the kitchen; taking out the spent cooking oil, working on racks in the ovens, and even sometimes helping out doing dishes. It helped keep the day moving, but his waistline suffered terribly. When Ralph came to Smithville, we sported a healthy 32” waistline on a six foot two frame.


Since Archer had left the elementary school Ralph’s waistline had blossomed to 46” and was growing every week. Now, well over 200 lbs. Ralph’s health was declining nearly as fast as his self-esteem. Ralph knew that things between he and his wife, Becky, were not going well… either. A, once healthy, sex life had turned into uncomfortable encounters at his birthday and anniversaries. Even Archer had pulled away from Ralph, since he left the elementary school. Ralph understood that a good deal of that separation was that Archer was ‘becoming a man’ himself, and enjoyed spending more time with friends like Timmy. Ralph tried not to feel resentment, but time had taken its toll and Ralph was looking for a way to regain self-esteem.


That was when the ‘new job’, literally, walked into his life. One day Ralph was out at the dumpsters, taking out the trash from the kitchen, and eating a little something the cook had shared. It, at first, struck Ralph as odd. This tall man walking up to him at the back of the elementary school. The man was dressed all in black, from his head to this toes, with a large tall hat sitting on his head. Under the hat the man wore a suit jacket over, what appeared to be, a hoodie. The man had pulled the hood, of the hoodie, up and around his face so that you could hardly make out any features of his face. Ralph was, still, about six foot two, and this man towered over Ralph, once he was standing next to him. A very tall dark man, dressed all in black, with a very soft spoken voice. Ralph had to strain to hear the man speak, but once he could hear Ralph has transfixed by his voice.


`”Good afternoon Mr. Simner. You are Ralph Simner, janitor and general repairman for this elementary school, correct?”


‘General Repairman’ Ralph liked the sound of that, nobody had ever called him that before. If this man was selling something, then Ralph thought, he certainly knew how to get people buying!


“Yes, Mr. Simner, I am here to offer you some work. I am with the Carnival, that is coming to town shortly, and I am looking for experienced workmen and construction workers. There is much work to be done, in very little time. I am willing to pay you double what you earn, here, and I will be needing your assistance for one week. There will be several days where I will need your help long into the night. Is that a problem for you… for your family?”


Standing there, honestly, Ralph wondered if his ‘family’ would even notice that he was gone. Yes, things at home were… well, more than strained. Ralph spent many a night wondering if Becky was going to come home, one day, only to pack her things and leave him. Take Archer and head to a better man. It hadn’t happened, yet. But the fear lived inside of Ralph every single day. He knew that Becky loved him, she always had and always would, but he knew that love just wasn’t enough. A good relationship had to have more. There was little affection left, in their relationship, and Ralph was at a loss as to how to rekindle that part of their relationship.


This! Ralph thought to himself, this, could be that thing to help him get back his self-esteem and help him rekindle the love he so longed for. Double his currently hourly wage would mean that he could take home two weeks pay in just one week. He would give the principal some lame excuse and Becky would not even hear about it for some time. Now, Ralph was thinking fast and hard.


“Will this be very physical work? Heavy lifting and the like?”


Ralph’s mind was racing. With a solid week of back-breaking work, limiting what he ate and how often. Ralph thought that he could ‘kill two birds with one stone’. He could make lots of extra money and at the same time drop ten to twenty pounds of that extra weight! Heck, by the end of the week he could be well under 200 pounds, and have a bulging wallet instead of bulging belly! That would certainly get Becky’s attention!


“Yessss (the man’s ‘s’s just seem to go on forever…) there will be much heavy lifting and “back breaking work” Mr. Simner. Is that a problem?”


‘Problem?’ Ralph thought to himself. Not even! It is exactly what the (love) doctor ordered! Who would have known that the solution to all of Ralph’s problems would (literally) walk up to him, while he was eating donuts by the school’s dumpster!?! Ralph could double his pay and shed ten to twenty pounds in one week! This was going to turn his life around, Ralph just knew it! Yet, Ralph thought that he just might get more from this mysterious tall man. Ralph was going to, for one of the first times in his life, press his luck with this tall man. Ralph was going to see if he could get a promise of more than eight hours a day. Just one thirty or forty-hour week, at twice is rate of pay? He could earn nearly a month’s pay in just one week! Ralph was going to try and press his luck.


“Look, Mister…. I didn’t catch your name…” (Ralph left that hanging in the air waiting for this tall man to answer)


“Darken… Mr. Darken, you can call me Mr. Dark Mr. Simner. “


“Look, Mr. Darken, I am not trying to look a gift-horse in the mouth, but what do you think about me working… extra hours each day? Hell, I’d be willing to put in thirty or forty hours in this here one week!”


Ralph’s words hung, with his anticipation, in the air for what felt like forever. At one point Ralph could clearly hear his own breath… but nothing from this tall man. Except for one second when he could have sworn that he had heard him… laugh. Ralph discarded that thought, this was a serious negotiation there was no way that this man was laughing. Without speaking, first, the tall man stuck out his hand. Then spoke.


“Mr. Simner, I will work you night and day as much as you can stand for the week. Shake on it?”


Ralph stuck out his hand, top shake Mr. Darken’s, without thinking. However, just as soon as his hand met Mr. Darken’s… Ralph did think. He hand was so very thin… and his fingers freezing cold to the touch. Just as soon as their hands met, Ralph felt dizzy all over and woozy. For a moment Ralph thought that he would fall down in a dead faint, but he didn’t. Ralph shook Mr. Darken’s hand vigorously almost pumping it.


“Thank you… Thank you! Mister, you have no idea just what this means to me and my family! I have been working myself to death, around here, and never really getting ahead. This one-week and I will finally get ahead! Thank you!”


The tall man, Mr. Darken, pulled his hand away as quickly as he offered. Soon, Ralph was just standing there with his hand stuck out into the middle of the air. Quickly resolving the (visually) uncomfortable moment, Ralph pulled his hand back and shoved it into this pants pocket. Ralph was quite anxious to not mess things up now that he had a chance to turn his life around. Ralph was standing there, smiling from ear-to-ear, as the tall man turned and started walking away. Ralph realized that he had no idea just when or where this work was!


“Excuse me, Mr. Darken? I need to know just when you are going to need me to work… and where!”


Mr. Darken, the tall man, stopped walking and, without turning around, spoke to Ralph.


Your work, Mr. Simner, will begin Thursday night… This Thursday night. Mr. Simner, you do know where the old Marsch farm is, right? The work begins there, Thursday night. Be there at nightfall... and bring your own food. You will be there at least one day. Plan on not returning home… until sometime Friday. Is that acceptable?”


Good grief! The first day and it sounds like he would get more than twenty hours! ‘is that acceptable’? That is FANTASTIC!


“Yes sir, Mr. Darken! That is very acceptable! I know where the old Marsch farm is, and I will be there at disk, ready to work… and work hard!”


The Tall man began walking away, again, when Ralph managed to get in one more thanks.


“Oh… and Mr. Darken… THANK YOY! Thank you for me, thank you from my family… THANK YOU!”


Mr. Darken just kept walking away… almost drifting as he moved away from Ralph. Ralph turned to throw the last of the donuts away, thinking there is not better time than now to start dieting. When he turned back, in the direction of Mr. Darken… the tall man was gone! Ralph looked to the left, and then to the right. There was no dign of him at all! Ralph hadn’t heard a car. Hadn’t head a car door open, or close. Hadn’t heard a engine start, or a car drive away. Ralph hadn’t heard a single sound since he turne4d away, but that darn tall man was gone!


Well, Ralph thought, I could stand here and wonder where that tall man vanished too, or I can go back into the school and start making plans for all the money I am going to earn. A few seconds passed, and Ralph walked back into the school. Thinking of just how many roses he would buy for Becky! There was almost a skip to Ralph’s walk, as he entered the elementary school… for one of the last times, ever.


The new job, out to the Carnival site, paid FOUR TIMES what the janitor job paid. Ralph could earn, in one week, what he used to get paid in one month! It was unfortunate that this job would only last a few scant weeks. Ralph enjoyed the work he was doing at the Carnival. There was putting the rides together, connecting lighting and setting up stages. It was good honest work, work he did with his hands! Ralph could feel the difference, and he could see the difference in the mirror in the morning. This work was making Ralph PROUD!


For the first time, since they had arrived in Smithville, Ralph felt proud! It was Thursday afternoon, about 4:30PM, and every since he had left the school that day, Ralph had been unable to stop thinking about this new job… and the money! He had given the Principal, of the elementary school, some story about needing the week off because of Archer’s ‘failing health’. Everyone knew that Archer suffered with Asthma and, often, would miss school for days because of it. Ralph knew that he just had to make the story good enough to pass muster, when he asked. It was not like they would fire him for taking a week off to make a month’s pay!


Once Ralph had the money in hand, all sins (and lies) would, certainly, be forgiven. Ralph had put together some bottled water, and some bread. He didn’t want any food around! He was determined to loose as many pounds as was humanly possible, in the week he would be working at the carnival site. Ralph had it all figured out. A whole week away form Becky would make her pine for him. The loss of ten to twenty pounds would make him desirable again. That, and the wad of cash he was going to earn, well that would give him his elf-esteem back!


In just one week Ralph was going to take back his life, his wife and his son’s love and admiration. He was going to prove that Ralph Simner is worth their love and affection! Ralph had done a good job of avoiding Becky, since he had arrived home. He had, carefully, packed; extra clothes, an extra pair of work boots, a jacket, the bottled water and the bread all without being seen. Now he had all of these items in a box and was about to leave to put them in the car, when he heard Becky call his name.


“Ralph? RALPH! Where are you? I am on the phone with Mrs. Marref, Timmy;s Mom, and she wants to know if Archer can spend the rest of the week over there, with them!?!”


Ralph could tell by the tone of her voice that was not what she wanted. Becky hung on to Archer like a mother bear to a cub. Problem was? Archer was eleven going on twelve, and he needed his time with friends and away from the ‘Mother Bear’. Archer was already smaller than most of the boys in his class. All he needed was the impression that he was a ‘Mother’s Child’ to ruin his remaining years in Middle School and High School. As much as it pained Ralph, and he realized that without Archer there Becky would be more likely to notice his absence. He just had to take sides with his son!


“Hon! I don’t think it is all that big a deal! It isn’t like he is going away too far. The Marref’s farm is just next door! Let Archer have this time with Timmy and his family. He have him all the time!”


Just as Ralph was speaking the words, he saw Archer’s head peak around the corner. There was a big smile on Archer’s face, and he winked at his Dad as he spoke. Well, at least Ralph was well on his way to winning over his son, he knew that Becky would not like Archer away, all that time, but it was good for Archer.


“Ralph?!? I KNOW where the Marref’s live! That’s not the point! What if Archer has an asthma attack? What is he needs me, Ralph? Ralph? Are YOU listening to me?”


How could he not? Becky took drama and speech, in high school, and when she wanted? The whole town could hear every word she said! Ralph really needed to get the box of clothes and goodies into the truck, before Becky saw. He put the box down and headed to the bottom of the stairs, so Becky could hear that he was closer. Just as he put the box down, Archer came over to him and whispered in his ear; “Dad, you want me to put this in the truck for you?”


Ralph smiled big and winked at Archer. Archer grabbed the box and headed out the back door to the truck. Ralph headed over to the stairs, making it to the bottom of the stairs just as Becky appeared at the top.


“Now, Becky, you know that Margie is ‘like’ a second Mom to Archer. She has had all the same training you had about the asthma. She knows how to administer the injections, if he needs them, and what to not give him to eat… and all that stuff. Heck, Becky, she probably knows more than I do, about the medication and his asthma. Tom and Margie really care for Archer, and that Timmy’boy treats him like his younger brother!’


At that, Becky smiled. Ralph stood there and he, honestly, could not remember the last time he had seen her smile. Now he hadn’t told her anything about the ‘extra money’ for him trying to loose weight. But, maybe… just maybe she could sense that Ralph was working to make some serious changes. Maybe.


OK. Ok, Ralph. Archer can go and spend the night at the Marref’s. But I want him home after school on Friday! Understood? You want to tell him? I know it would mean the world to Archer to hear it from you, Ralph.” (smile! There it is, again!)


Maybe things can turn around, Ralph! Maybe there is a chance for your family to be whole, again. Ralph felt great! He went back into the kitchen, just as Archer was returning from the truck. There was a concerned look on Archer’s face, and Ralph just knew that he had looked into the box. Ralph had to put a stopper on Archer talking to his Mom, about the contents of the box. He walked right up to Archer, and explained…


“Archer? I got the ‘OK’ from your Mom to spend TONIGHT with Timmy. Now, she wants you back just as soon as school is over tomorrow, k? Now, about what you saw in the box. First, everything is ‘ok’ between your Mom and I. There is nothing wrong. I am just going to go away,. For a few days, to work at and for the carnival. I got a great paying job… and I might be gone for a couple of days. I took the week off from the elementary school… and this tall man is going to give me twice what I usually earn. PLUS? He is going to let me work 12 to 16 hours each day! That means I will, likely, bring home a month’s pay in just one week!”


Archer was a smart boy, and he knew what that would mean to the family. Without saying a word, Archer just reached up and gave his Dad… a hug! Now, Archer, being eleven going on twelve, hadn’t hugged his Dad in more than a year! That he just had, without somebody dying meant the world to Ralph!


“I’ll do my best to keep Mom distracted while you are gone, Dad. Don’t work too hard, k? I hope that it works out for you really well, Dad.”


Archer took off, at that point, up the stairs to get himself ready to go over to Timmy’s for his overnight stay. Becky was upstairs, likely grading papers, and Archer was getting ready to leave for his sleepover. The sun was going down, and it was time for Ralph to leave. Ralph left the house every day. Yet, this time when Ralph left… it felt different. It almost felt like it was the last time Ralph was leaving his house… and his previous life… behind.


Ralph got behind the wheel of the truck, slowly pulled out of the driveway, and smiled… big as he pulled away. Looking at his house.. his home, in the rearview mirror, Ralph just smiled really big.





(The Horror in Smithville Animation with Sound!)

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[caption id="attachment_2866" align="aligncenter" width="630"]Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014 Danny Hanning of The Other Shoe - May 6th, 2014[/caption]