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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today, I welcome you to the single shortest edition of The Mars Report, EVER! I am not too sure just what is going on, with the rover Curiosity but NASA/JPL have not posted any kind of update in the past six days! The very last Twitter update, from Curiosity on Mars, was back on June 17th, 2014. I keep going back, to the NASA/JPL Mars Science Laboratory web site, and all they have posted are ‘RAW Images’.
Not wanting to leave you, My Dear Readers, in the dark (so to speak). I keep scouring all of the RAW images to see if I can tell what is going on. Whereas there is no ‘Official’ news, as in from NASA or JPL, on the ‘condition’ of the Curiosity rover? I have stumbled upon some rather startling images in the RAW image directory. Now, again, I have nothing ‘Official’ on these images, I am just speculating. Yet, doesn’t that (the image below) ‘look like’ a ‘flat tire’ on the Martian rover Curiosity?
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(Hole in the ‘tire’ of Curiosity)
Now, as if that is not enough… when looking at the next image from Curiosity’s ‘Mastcam’? it ‘looks’ to me like that Curiosity just might be stuck in some Martian quicksand! If you look at the image above, then at the image below, it does ‘look like’ the rover tire is much lower in the Martian soil. Does it not?
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(Shot of Curiosity’s Tire Stuck in Sand? )
Upon scouring even more of the RAW images I found, yet another, shot of the hole in the tire of the rover Curiosity. I am pretty sure that this is the same tire and the same hole. Yet, if it is not, then maybe our intrepid rover Curiosity may well be suffering from two ‘flat tires’ and being stuck in some kind of ‘Martian Quicksand’! Check out the second image of a flat tire from Curiosity’s ‘Mastcam’.
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(Second Image of ‘Flat Tire’ from Curiosity)
Well, My Dear Readers, that is all that I have to share on this Monday June 23rd, 2014. There have been no (shared) transmissions from the Martian rover Curiosity since June 17th, 2014 when we received our last ‘Twitter Broadcast’. I will keep and eye on the web site, and an ear to the news. If I find out anything ‘newsworthy’ during the week, I will be sure to come right here to ‘The Mars Report’ and share it with you, My Dear Readers!
Until then…
Thank YOU!
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[…] The Mars Report – June 23rd, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today, I welcome you to the single shortest edition of The Mars Report, EVER! I am not too sure just what is going on, with the rover Curiosity but NASA/JPL have not posted any kind of update in the past six days! The very last Twitter update, from Curiosity on Mars, was back on June 17th, 2014. I keep going back, to the NASA/JPL Mars Science Laboratory web site, and all they have posted are ‘RAW Images’.” Well, My Dear Readers, the NASA/JPL web site was quite bereft of ‘new’ images from Curiosity. So, Danny not to be detoured, I started rummaging through the vast stores of ‘RAW’images. That is where I found the images for this edition of ‘The Mars Report’. Readers? If y9ou want to know just what these images are? You will just have to click on the link at the beginning of this review! ENJOY! […]