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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As well, a very special welcome to you all to this the 12th episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! My Dear Readers this episode just about didn’t happen. Even to this very moment I am having severe shooting pains into my left arm and hand. Since 4 AM this morning I’ve been running a 100 to 102° temperatures, and dizziness has been frequent and often. Yet, My Dear Readers, I know that a great many of you are anxiously awaiting the publication of this, the 12th, episode of this horror story.
My Dear Readers a heck of a lot is fixing to happen in the next 12 pages. You are about to read of this the 12th episode of this wonderful horror story. Yet… I’m not going to give you even so much as a teaser as to what’s about to happen. This episode, My Dear Readers, has taken me nearly 3 days to complete. From first outlines, and rough drafts, to what you’re about to read here this evening on Friday, June 20, 2014 has been a journey in and of itself.
The adventures of Timmy and Archer are as real, and come from my own personal experiences, as any thing I have ever written. There are moments, several of them, which you will be reading today that were literally taken out of my memories as a young man. As an extra special treat, for everyone out there from Pearland Texas, (and everyone that has known me and my scholastic life) there is a very special ‘Guest Appearance’ in today’s episode by someone we all dearly loved.
Now, My Dear Readers, if at the end of this episode you know who the extra special ‘Guest Appearance’ was? I would very much like for you to; leave a comment on my blog, make a comment on Facebook, send me a message through Facebook, call me on the phone, let me and everyone out here know WHO the very special ‘Guest Appearance’ in this episode was devoted to. Now, if you don’t know me in real life. If you don’t know who my teachers were in school. You won’t know who this special appearance is. However, I am willing to bet that a great many of you My Dear Readers, a great many of you, will know and can tell who the very special ‘Guest Appearance’… was.
This man, the very special ’Guest Appearance’, meant a lot to me in a very troubling time in my life. He was like a father to me and I carry what he taught me through every day of my life. I give homage to this man by including him as an important character in this, my very first venture into the horror genre. I just can’t tell you how important this episode is. I just can’t tell you how hard I have worked on this episode, for you My Dear Readers. I hope that everyone makes an opportunity to come and read this today. And I do hope, sincerely and I say this heartfelt, that everyone that comes to read this today enjoys it and takes something with them when they’re done.
And now, My Dear Readers, without further ado I give you Part TWELVE of ‘The Horror in Smithville’!
Part Twelve
Well, Archer thought, the day had just turned around for the better… why not have the school bully find him and Timmy alone in the hallways? If things would go there way too much they might get a feeling of… entitlement! Archer need not turn around, to know that Timmy had heard is irritating and boisterous voice, too. Barry had been their personal bully now for the past three grades, at least! Not a week would pass that one, or both, would get a toilet bowl swirly, pants’ed in the hallway, or shoved into a locker.
Though, the getting shoved into the locker had, mostly, passed as they both had grown too big to have the door closed. Now, how could it be fun if you couldn’t close the locker door on your victim? Barry was closing in on Timmy and Archer, just as they turned the corner headed into the cafeteria. They could hear Barry’s footsteps race, in an effort to catch-up. Just as Barry turned the corner, the bell rang ending lunch. With Barry almost within reach of Archer, a flood of students came barreling out of cafeteria. As he was carried away from Timmy and Archer, he could be heard yelling at them…
“I’ll get you two! Just wait till class is over, I will get you!”
As the students came out from lunch, they pushed against Barry. Soon Barry was carried away on the tide of students and Timmy and Archer pushed into the lunchroom. There wasn’t enough time to sit, or have lunch, but they had totally missed a confrontation with their bully, Barry. The day had taken a decidedly good turn for our duo, Timmy and Archer. They took a few moments to sit on a lunchroom bench and look at Timmy’s hand. The swelling had gone done… a lot! It was no longer as big as a catcher’s mitt, more the size of a child’s toy mitt. Yet, all that fluid had to go somewhere!
“Archer… I really need to go… Help me get up and to the bathroom. K?”
Heck, Archer was so happy to have Timmy back to, nearly, normal he would have walked Timmy to the gates of Hell if he had asked right then. Archer helped Timmy get up, and let Timmy lean on his left shoulder as they made their way to the lunchroom boy’s bathroom. Archer kicked open the bathroom door, with one foot, leaned in to hold it open with his shoulder. Timmy limped into the bathroom and pushed through a stall door, quickly sitting down. Timmy was shaking all over, like he had a terrible fever. Thing was, he didn’t have any fever, just an overwhelming need to empty his darn bladder.
Timmy stood up leaned against one of the stall doors, and let the flood gates open. Timmy was pretty amazed that was he went, his hand (almost) seemed to get smaller and smaller with every passing moment. He didn’t realize it, but he must have been going for several minuets. Outside Archer called to him.
“Timmy, you trying to flood the school’s drainage system in there? You have been… in there for, like, five minutes! You ok?
Timmy didn’t respond, immediately, he just couldn’t stop if his life had depended on it. All Archer heard, outside, was Timmy laughing, ever so quietly, and the sound of gallons and gallons going down the drain. This went on for the better part of ten minuets, when Timmy finally stopped. He sat back down, on the toilet cover, and just took a moment to catch his breath. Timmy was sitting there, listening to his heart beat, feeling the cold of the metal fixture behind his back, when he, again,. Hear Archer’s voice from outside the stall.
“Don’t mean to rush you my bloated friend, but I would put even money on Barry coming back to see if we are here,… and the last bell for our last class of the day is about to ring. Maybe we should get the heck out of here?”
Archer’s right, Timmy though to himself, on both accounts. Yet, if he had his druthers, he would have sat there another hour or two. In this tall there were no zombie wolves. Mr. Albright’s death didn’t hang over his head, and for the first time in what felt like days, nobody was trying to kill them. Is this what life was like before the madness started? No wonder he loved his life, so very much… this was a life a person could relax, and enjoy.
Timmy screwed up his courage, stood up and opened the bathroom stall door. There, just outside the door, was his best friend in the world, Archer. Archer was always right there… Even with zombie wolves attacking and a ‘Tall Man’ thrashing at them hell bent on killing… Archer was always… right there. In retrospect, it might have seemed… well, kind of gay… happening in a bathroom and all. Yet, Timmy just walked up to Archer, reached over and put his arms around his friend, and gave him a hug.
“Thanks, Archer, for saving my life!”
Archer blushed, and for a split-second he stood there and reveled in Timmy’s thanks. Then reality kicked in and Archer spoke.
“Now, Timmy, don’t get me wrong or anything… I appreciate… like, you showing appreciation and all. Yet, if someone… anyone was to walk into this bathroom… right now? Well, the next six years of our lives would be a living hell. You do realize that, right?”
Timmy let go of Archer, and started laughing. It felt good to laugh! Timmy reached over and rustled Archer’s hair, then went over to the sink to wash his hands. He was drying his hands when he and Archer heard the north side door to the bathroom open. Barry! Jeepers, Timmy thought, seems we just cannot catch a break, today. He darted a look over at Archer, then to the south-side bathroom door. Their only chance was to; make it out the other door, down the hallway, and into class before Barry caught up with them. Timmy looked to Archer and said, all he ever needed to say.
“Archer… RUN!”
As two lightening blots just let out of a jar, our boys ran, just as fast as they could for the other door, and their freedom from Barry. Not taking the second to actually open the bathroom door, Timmy (in the lead) pushed through the door with a Bam!They, then, blew out the bathroom door so hard that it caused the door to slam against the wall behind it. If anyone would have been watching, it would have looked like Timmy and Archer literally blew out of the boy’s bathroom. Not slowing one bit, Timmy and Archer barreled through the lunchroom, and out the closet door into the school hallway.
Hot on their heals, Barry, fell flat on his face as he made the transition from bathroom to lunchroom. Under his breath, could be heard, a expletive when he hit the floor. Barry got right back up, and redoubled his efforts to catch up to Timmy and Archer before that made it to the classroom, and safety. Timmy was back to his self, and bolted for there third period… English class. Archer was falling behind… and it looked like Barry might just catch up to Archer, if Timmy didn’t do something to ‘save’ his friend. There was a water faucet, just outside of the English class, this gave Timmy an idea of how to even the odds. Without missing a beat Timmy called out to Archer.
“Keep heading to class… do not stop when I do… I have an idea!”
Now, this gave Archer some concern. Was Timmy going to sacrifice himself to Barry? That just did not seem like Timmy, he must have something up his sleeve. Nevertheless, Archer pumped his legs harder and made his way to the English classroom door. BRRRIIIINNNNNGGGG! The last bell for third period had started to ring. In just thirty seconds more, there would be a final bell. They had to be in their desks, or they would be tardy. As the boys approached the water fountain, just according to plan, Timmy stopped. What Archer didn’t know was that this water faucet… was broken. Someone had stuck a pencil into one of the holes. So, that when you pressed for water? It came shooting out into your face.
A great joke for Middle school and it happened all too often for the staff. Yet, Timmy knew something more. If you held your finger over the hole... Just so it would shoot out into the hallway, right were people walked. Timmy stood, calmly (something had changed about Timmy… there was a casual strength about him... Archer saw it as he passed). No sooner had Archer passed the fountain, Timmy pressed the button, water came streaming out, Timmy the thumb of his (now working) left hand over the hole. Sure enough, the water was now wetting just where he and Archer had just run!Now, the next five things happen… all at once in this world.
Unfortunately, I cannot write them that way, so I leave it up to you, My Dear Readers, to visualize all three as one.
1) Archer and Timmy feel through the English classroom door, and into their seats.
2) The final bell rang, for the tardy third period students.
3) Barry came around the corner, at a high rate of speed. He hit the water…. Just right and, like a cartoon character who’s world just went wrong, Barry slid on the water like ice and went flying! Flying, literally, through the air! The English classroom door was opened, letting Archer and Timmy in… so everyone in the classroom saw what you are about to read.
4) Someone opened the door to the next classroom over… Spanish, I think.
5) Barry, now airborne, with his head where his legs used to be… went flying right into that dorr! With a BAM, that echoed down three doors more, Barry hit the classroom door !
All of this was witnessed, by the half of the English class Archer and Timmy were in, that sat closest to the door. It happened all at once, and seamlessly, just like in a cartoon.
The English teacher, Mr. Dunahoo, sat calmly at the head of the classroom while this all happened just outside his door. He turned his head to the side, lowered the book he was reading, looked at our Heroes Duo, and said.
“From the ruckus outside… I take it that Archer and Timmy have quite a tale to tell… in the paper you all have due at the end of this hour.”
Then, Mr. Dunahoo returned his face to behind the book, which he read. A groan went up from the classroom, and then they all broke into whispers and laughter. Seems our boys, again, evaded capture by the bully name Barry.
Timmy and Archer told two people… and they told two people…, so on, and so one. By the end of the class everyone in English knew what had happened in the hallway, with Barry. Seemed, as they all piled out of the classroom, the incident was on everyone’s lips that left English that day. Luckily, for our Heroes Duo, there was no next period. For certainly, had there been, Barry would have heard that everyone knew. If Barry had known… that everyone knew how he flew through the air (butt first) into a door and came crashing down on his head. Well, the events later this day… out by the buses, could… would have been much worse.
Once the story had made its way around the room, and back again, everyone settled down to write their story for Mr. Dunahoo. As Timmy sat their, writing his version of the events that transpired with Barry (from the bathroom on, nothing of what came before), he wondered just how many versions of the same story Mr. Dunahoo would have to read. Timmy was quite content that his version as the only one that really mattered, his and Archer’s. Archer… as Timmy sat and wrote the story, he thought of Archer. How Archer had managed to drag his body; onto the bus, off the bus, into classrooms, out of classrooms, and finally into the science lab with Mr. Champion. Frankly, Timmy thought, he owed his life to Archer, and Archer’s quick actions and decisions. He couldn’t think of a better person to face… whatever was to come.
That was the other thing. Timmy had felt it since two days past working in the barn. A sense of foreboding, and of loss. A sense that, somehow, his life and Archer’s… for whatever reason, for some time to come… their lives were not their own. That destiny had stepped into their lives, and taken the reins to their immediate futures. This was not a ‘Good Feeling’. Matter of fact, it had Timmy quite on edge. Jumping at the slightest sound and living every moment with a exaggerated sense of reality, and the world around them. Them… that was the other part. Even though, when this feeling first overcame him, he was alone. He had always felt that this was a shared destiny with Archer.
Timmy did not like that aspect of this… situation. If he, Timmy, was to ‘suffer the slings and arrows of an outrageous fortune… and by opposing, end them!’? That was cool, Timmy could handle himself and if he failed? It was only Timmy that might get hurt, or worse yet… die. Archer was his best friend. The best friend any person could ever ask for in whatever, whichever reality they may live. The thought that his, Timmy’s, failure might… might cost Archer! Cost him his… life! Well, that was completely unacceptable! Timmy guessed that that was the ‘where’ of the sense of hyper-vigilance he had been feeling for the past two days.
Whatever happened… Archer would not pay for Timmy being ‘asleep at the wheel’. The more the thought about this, the more he kicked himself for getting bit. He knew he was too close to those zombie wolves. He knew that he should have moved up the tree, the way Archer had suggested. Two things to learn from this; 1) Keep a good distance between yourself and any undead. 2) Listen to Archer, he obviously has my back… and my welfare at heart. Just as this thought had finished in Timmy’s mind, he heard the bell ring.
It was the final bell of the day. As each student passed Mr. Dunahoo’s desk, they turned in their papers. As Timmy laid his one his desk, Mr. Dunahoo put down his book and looked at Timmy, and Archer. He smiled… Mr. Dunahoo rarely smiled in class, but he was smiling now.
“My guess is that I should read you two boy’s papers, first. Would I be correct in that assumption? You two were the only ones actually in the hallway when Barry… had his accident. That is correct, Mr. Marref?”
Timmy noticeably blushed, and Archer began to nervously push Timmy towards the door. Timmy smiled, first, then answered.
“Mr. Dunahoo, Archer and I were the only ones in the hallway… when Barry took, flying lessons, yes. Now, if he hadn’t been chasing us… running so fast in the hallway? He might have seen the water on the floor… and none of this would have happened.”
Again, Mr. Dunahoo smiled, even bigger, and even laughed (slightly) under his breath.
“’Flying lessons’… Did you just come up with that, or will I be treated with this metaphor when I read your paper?”
Timmy had included that in his story… Archer was already in the classroom when Barry took flight. Archer was now pressing very hard against Timmy’s back… it was obvious that Archer was really uncomfortable and wanted to get home. Timmy cut things with Mr. Dunahoo short.
“It’s all in there, Mr. Dunahoo. Anything more and you would have needed to be in the lunchroom bathroom when he started after us or in the hallway when he decided to take flying lessons. Have a great three-day weekend, Mr. Dunahoo!”
In his deep baritone voice Mr. Dunahoo said ‘You, too… you two!” then laughed, in an equally deep bass. You could hear Mr. Dunahoo laugh all the way outside, it made Timmy and Archer, both, smile to hear him laugh at their exploits. However, both boys knew one person that was not laughing, Barry! They, too, both knew that he would likely be laying in wait near the buses. They didn’t stop by their lockers, on their way out of the building. Every second might make the difference between missing a ‘meeting’ (more like beating) with Barry, or making it home safe. With that, Timmy and Archer left the building and headed to the buses.
As it was, Barry was on the prowl for our Duo; Timmy and Archer. His head still hurt, nearly as much as his pride. Barry knew that Timmy and Archer took the same bus home, and he knew which one, too. All Barry need do, is reach the bus before them, and lie in wait. Barry darted out of the door, when the last bell of the day rang. He knew where he was headed; he knew what he wanted to do. By the end of this day… little Mister Marref, would look worse than he felt.
All of the buses, that took all the children home, all lined up behind the gym building. Now, Barry did not take the same bus home as Timmy and Archer. That meant he had only one chance to get even with this gaywad duo before a long weekend. There was no way he was going to let them get away with what they did to him, no frickin’ dippin’ way! His Dad had taught him one thing, well over the years. When you have your chance? You get even with people, and you get even... good! Sitting there, behind the gym bleachers hidden from view, he thought. He had never seen that little Marref kid’s head bounce. But he was willing to bet, that given enough force? His little fathead would bounce real fine. That little short kid?
Arker… Archer, he had no fight with him, today. He best just keep away, he didn’t want to have to put the hurt on him, too. But… if’n he had to, he would see if his head bounced, too. Sitting there, thinking about watching Timmy’s head bounce made him feel all warm and fuzzy. It, also, made him want a smoke. NO! If’n he went further under the bleachers to smoke… he might miss Timmy, and the pleasure of seeing his little fat-head, bounce. After. After he was done with this little fat-headed gaywad… then he would smoke. He would really enjoy that cigarette!
Timmy was feeling right as rain, now. Not at all like this morning and the ride into school. Come to think of it, he really couldn’t remember the ride into school this morning. Not at all! Well, the ‘good thing’ was that he was feeling himself again, and he would remember the ride home! With Archer at his side, and his hand back to normal, Timmy was ready to face whatever the night, and the other world had to throw at them. So long as he had Archer at his side, as a team they could face anything!
Archer was remembering the ride into school, as they approached the busses behind the gym. How he had to struggle to get Timmy on to the bus. How he managed to find something to wake Timmy enough to get him off the bus. This ride, home? Was going to be a breeze compared to the ride this morning. Timmy was back to his old self, with Timmy at his side (Archer thought) there is nothing that their ‘dream-world’ or a bunch of zombie wolves could throw at them… that together they could not face!
‘face’ That was the word going through Archer’s mind, when it happened. Timmy was to Archer’s right. Archer to Timmy’s left, as always. When suddenly, and in his peripheral vision, Archer saw Timmy suddenly… stop! Timmy’s head, and neck, stopped where they were. Timmy’s body and legs.. just kept moving forward! Now, again out of his peripheral vision, Archer sees Timmy’s legs go flying up into the air! Timmy’s head is still stationary and his face… in one place, but all twisted… in pain!
Archer stops dead in his tracks and turns to his left. What he sees… what Archer sees, right now, he will keep seeing (in his nightmares) for the next several weeks. Archer sees an arm at Timmy’s throat. His feet are flying up into the air, with a big burly arm wrapped around his throat. Archer follows the arm, up to the body, and he sees his face. Barry! It has taken several seconds for Archer to realize just what has happened. Barry, lying in wait behind the gym class bleachers, has clothslined Timmy! As Archer is realizing just what is happening, Timmy’s body comes crashing down to the ground with a dull thud, head first!
All the children, that just seconds before we walking within feet of Timmy and Archer, are now running off in all directions. Like frightened gazelle, seeing a loin take down a brother, the children run away from the predator… screaming in fear! Archer is frozen… he just cannot move. His best friend in all the world… is lying on the ground on his back… and he just cannot move out of fear. Now, Barry jumps up on to Timmy’s chest, and begins wailing on his face with both hands!
End Part Twelve
And with that, My Dear Readers, I leave you standing at the edge of a cliff waiting for next Friday in the upcoming episode, episode 13! My Dear Readers, the way I left the episode today is the way you can anticipate I’m going to leave you every single episode for the rest of this story. As a young boy I used to watch the horse operas in the movie theater. Every week they would take you to the edge of a clef, take the character to the very brink of death, and then ended a sharing that you would be back there next Friday or Saturday to see what happened to the hero. That, My Dear Readers, is going to be my modus operandi for the rest of this thrilling tale.
Now, I don’t feel completely right leaving lots of people not knowing who the very special guest stars this episode… Wise. The very special guest star for this episode was Mr. Truman Dunahoo. Truman came in my life my freshman year of high school, just after my father had exited my life. Truman taught me most everything I know about acting, and writing. This story, what you’re reading right here right now, could very well be the very first novel I ever have published. That is the hope, that is my prayers, and with all good fortune they will both become a reality.
I wanted, very much, for Truman to be a part of that experience… That reality. So I will him into the fabric of the story. This is the first time you’ve seen Truman, in the story or my writings, but I assure you it will not be the last. Like my father before him, Truman’s hand is left mine. However, I will never forget the man, and I will never forget the lessons he taught me.
That, My Dear Readers, brings us to the very end of this part 12 of the horror in Smithville. I have to tell you, I really do look forward to Fridays again, this Friday’s I get to write and share this wonderful and thrilling tale. I look forward to seeing you all to hear for reviews over the weekend, for stories on Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, and I look forward to seeing you all again here next Friday. For next Friday I will unveil, what is working up to be, the single most; exciting, thrilling, exciting, bloody, violent, and intense episode of this story so far. If you like roller coasters your dinner rock you’re going to love the next 100 pages of this tale. As always thank you for coming and reading my work time deeply honored by your readership.
Thank you!
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[…] ← The Horror in Smithville – Part TWELVE! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part TWELVE! : “The adventures of Timmy and Archer are as real, and come from my own personal experiences, as any thing I have ever written. There are moments, several of them, which you will be reading today that were literally taken out of my memories as a young man. As an extra special treat, for everyone out there from Pearland Texas, (and everyone that has known me and my scholastic life) there is a very special ‘Guest Appearance’ in today’s episode by someone we all dearly loved.” In this episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ Timmy and Archer jump out of the pan and directly into the fire! Barry has, finally, caught up with our intrepid heroes and he has blood on his mind! Barry has clotheslined Timmy and is sitting on his chest! Archer, frozen by fear cannot manage to respond or think of just how to help is fallen friend. What will come? Only way to find out? READ the upcoming episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ right here at ‘The Other Shoe’! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part TWELVE! : “The adventures of Timmy and Archer are as real, and come from my own personal experiences, as any thing I have ever written. There are moments, several of them, which you will be reading today that were literally taken out of my memories as a young man. As an extra special treat, for everyone out there from Pearland Texas, (and everyone that has known me and my scholastic life) there is a very special ‘Guest Appearance’ in today’s episode by someone we all dearly loved.” In this episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ Timmy and Archer jump out of the pan and directly into the fire! Barry has, finally, caught up with our intrepid heroes and he has blood on his mind! Barry has clotheslined Timmy and is sitting on his chest! Archer, frozen by fear cannot manage to respond or think of just how to help is fallen friend. What will come? Only way to find out? READ the upcoming episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ right here at ‘The Other Shoe’! […]