Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I am so very happy that I am here to introduce the eleventh part of my first endeavor in the horror genre, ‘The Horror in Smithville’! Now, My Dear Readers, you know that I write to give you the very best that I have to offer, as a writer. What you may not be aware of is that for the past two months, since the latter part of April, I have been working with a burden. The burden is complications with my health.
I try not to burden anyone with the details of my problems, as they just do not seem to fit with anything I write. However, I was just going over Parts Nine and Ten(of this wonderful series) and came to the realization that try as I might… my work has been effected by my poor health. My Dear Readers, in going back and reading the previous episodes I realized that I have made several… smallish... mistakes. Over the past two days I have corrected several of these… mistakes.
Here I thought that I could ignore the; fevers, night sweats, enlarged lymph nodes in my armpits, fatigue and loss of appetite and continue to write and publish. This was not the case, and my work… and you My Dear Readers, have paid the price. As I have explained, I have worked to fix several of the errors in the last two episodes of this series. Yet there are a couple of glaring omissions that will take more time to address and resolve. My Dear Readers, it was never my intention to have my failing health translate into shortcomings in the work that I share with you.
In the coming weeks and months, I am hoping to completely resolve all of the problems and omissions in my work. As far as my health… well, with Allen working two jobs five and six days a week. It has become increasingly impossible for me to schedule, and attend, the appointments I need for scans, tests and doctor visits. Yes, I have managed to meet the bare minimum of appointments. I have met with; infectious disease specialist, epidemiologist, and oncologist. Yet I still need to schedule and complete, a C.T. scan, meeting with a surgeon, and another meeting with my oncologist and infectious disease specialist.
There are grave and genuine concerns that I may have cancer. My Dear Readers, I work every day to keep that out of my mind. I really wanted to be honest and forthright with you, My Dear Readers. I will do my level best to keep writing and publishing six and seven articles every week. I will work to do my best to proof all my work, from this day forward. This blog… you, My Dear Readers, mean the world to me. Writing, here, and sharing my works… my dreams and my creative efforts… give meaning to my life.
Today, I am very proud to present you with Part ELEVEN of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! If any of you have seen the... typos, errors, timeline holes and plot holes? Know that I am working, diligently, to address all of these and hope to have all the episodes in this series corrected by the end of this month, June. You will know when this is accomplished because I will present the corrected work(s) as a review and republication.
Thank you, My Dear Readers, for your understanding, support and continued readership. I just know that I can continue the pace I have set for myself, and bring a better and more refined creative product for your reading pleasure. I look forward to the, weeks, months and years of writing and publishing to come.
Now, without further adieu… I bring you ‘The Horror in Smithville’ – Part ELEVEN!
Part Eleven
Now, with Mr. Champion out from behind his teacher’s desk, Archer got a better look at his substitute math teacher, and the apparent source of help Archer had been aching for since Timmy had taken ill. Mr. Champion had rather long blonde hair, down over his ears and past his collar in the back. In his hazel eyes, and from the back of the room, he appeared older, like a man of his late 40’s to 50’s. Now, up close, he did not appear to be that old. There were no crow’s feet around his eyes, no wrinkles in his skin, no ‘double chin’. Neither was there any gray in his long blonde mane of hair. Actually, the more Archer looked, the more Mr. Champion seemed to be of an indeterminate age! Under his suit jacket and shirt, Archer could just see, large masses of muscle through his tight fitting clothes. Whatever age Mr. Champion may be? He appeared to be as fit as an ox. Archer realized he was staring at Mr. Champion that ended now.
Archer wasn’t so sure about what Mr. Champion has just said. Because Archer, right then at that moment, could imagine a ton of ways Mr. Champion could help. Not the leas tof which, and the first to come to mind, was helping Timmy with the poisonous bite of the… what did he call them… Lupus mortui viventes? Archer was pretty darn sure that if nobody helped Timmy, like within the next couple of hours, Timmy would loose his left hand… and might even die. Archer didn’t realize it, but as he was pondering all of that he was standing motionless and staring at Timmy. Mr. Champion did notice, and decided it was best that he first put Archer’s mind at ease.
“Archer (Mr. Champion says, snapping his fingers in front of Archer’s starring face)… Archer! I can help Timmy, but I am going to need a little help from you, can you do that for me?”
Mr. Champion snapping his fingers, right in front of his face, brought Archer back to this world and struggle at hand. For the past several hours all, in the world,Archer wanted was someone to help Timmy. Help Timmy survive the bite from the zombie wolves, and get back to his old self. Now, it appeared that help had arrived in the form of the substitute teacher for Mr. Albright. The Mr. Albright that, just last night, he and Timmy had watched as ‘The Tall Man’ and pulled his head from his shoulders, his spine from his body, and then drank his blood like a ice cold Coke.
“Yes! Yes! Yes, Mr. Champion, I will help you out any way I can… I have been terrified… that I was going to loose Timmy. But, I have a lot of questions that I want… need to ask you before this is all over. Deal?”
Mr. Champion chuckled, under his breath, and then answered Archer…
“I can well imagine, Archer, well imagine that you have a lot of questions. As I am sure that Mr. Marref will, once he is conscious, have a lot of questions, too. Now, I haven’t had a lot of time to check out the whole school… yet. Did I see a science lab in the room across the hallway? If so, do you know if there are any Bunsen burners in the science lab? You do know what a Bunsen burner is Archer, yes?”
Not that anyone had taught it to Archer, yet, you don’t get science in the science lab until the seventh grade. Archer was curious, always had been curious, and he had often listened to the science teacherwhile in Mr. Albright’s class. Archer knew what a Bunsen burner was, and he knew that there were working Bunsen burners in the science lab.
“Yes, Mr. Champion, there are Bunsen burners in the science lab… they work… and the lab is in the classroom directly across the hallway from here.”
As Archer was answering Mr. Champion’s question, Mr. Champion was at the door and looking out into the hallway. He looked to the right, waited, then looked to the left. He took a few steps, into the hallway, and strained to look all the way to the end of the hallway. He smiled, then came back into the room with Archer and Timmy. Once beside them, Mr. Champion reached over and put his hand on Archer’s shoulder. Then he spoke to Archer.
“Hang in there, Archer. This part of your adventure is soon to be over. I am going to heal your good friend, Timmy, and then all three of us are going to have a talk. I am going to go over to the desk… and get a few things out of my bag. While I am doing that, Archer, I want you to do your best to answer a few questions for me. Is that OK?’
Archer, still a bit in shock, figured it was the least he could do to repay Mr. Champion… for saving Timmy’s hand, and likely his life. He didn’t know what Mr. Champion had to ask, but he would do his best to answer him.
“Yes, Mr. Champion, I will answer any questions you may have… it is the least I can do… for someone about to save the life of my best friend. What do you want to know?”
Mr. Champion as over at the desk, already, and shuffling through a large knapsack type bag Mr. Champion had under his desk. Funny, Archer hadn’t seen this bag during the last hour in class. It was almost like he had pulled it out of thin air. Archer walked over to the door, put his ear against the door, and listened to see if he heard any foot traffic in the hallway.
“Ok, Archer, first if you can tell me… about how long ago did Timmy get bit? Was he bit more than once? Have you done anything to treat the bite? You didn’t actually tell me… that you saw ‘The Tall Man’. I just assumed, since you had a fight with his Lupus mortui viventes, that you actually saw… him. At any time did either of you get struck… or cut by any weapon of his? Now, think hard on these next questions… How did you and Timmy end up in Nocturnus? If last night was the first time you were in Nocturnus… did you see or enter any oval shaped portals of light? Have you meet anyone except the Lupus mortui viventes, and ‘The Tall Man’? Oh… and, at this point, Mr. Champion is a little formal… you can call me David.”
Archer did his best to make mental notes of all the questions… David asked. David was still rummaging through his bag, every once in a while pulling out this or that cloth smaller bag. Archer wasn’t sure he was going to get all the answers in the right order, but he was pretty sure he had remembered all the questions.
“Timmy was bitten by the zombie wolf about six hours ago… best I can figure between this world and… the other… did you call it ‘Nocturnus’? Yes, I have seen ‘The Tall Man’ only once. Timmy, on the other hand, has seen him now... twice or three times. YES! As a matter of fact we have seen portals, just like you described, and I have gone through one… once. There… and I ‘say’ there… but when I went through the portal… it was like I was back here… but this world was… different… much more advanced… modern. There, rather here in the future I guess, I meet… a rat. A rat that; rode a ferret, wore clothes, carried weapons… and spoke to me. I think we have been to Nocturnus… now, twice. Once… we were only in a lake, or body of water… we were drowning… and he didn’t have… faces. David, is that all of your questions? Shouldn’t we be moving Timmy, now?”
Mr. Champion, David, was through rummaging in his bag and he made his way back over to Archer and Timmy. He stuff several cloth bags into the pockets in his pants, and walked over to the door. Again, he slowly opened the door… strained to look both directions… walked out into the hallway… looked both directions again, then stepped back into the room. Then, he sighed… heavily. He put his hand against Timmy’s forehead, and sighed again. He grabbed his right hand, and took his pulse. Then he opened both of Timmy’s eyes, pulling the eyelids back with his fingers, and looked carefully in Timmy’s eyes. Then… David spoke.
“Six hours, huh? Oh, you meet Prince Alexander? DANG! I got a feeling… when I first laid eyes on you and Timmy. A feeling that you two… were... special. You are very lucky to have met Prince Alexander. He is a great healer, and leader in Nocturnus. Only thing that might even impress me more.. is you telling me that you met King Nakita or Princess Nadia! You two boys are certainly favored by the forces that be… You forgot one important question, Archer. Did you put anything on, or into, the bite wound?”
Archer thought hard before answering David’s question. For the life of him, Archer could not remember putting anything on, or in, the wound… just water.. he thought.
“No… David, I didn’t put anything… the best I can remember, into or on the bite wound. I may have rinsed it off with water we found in the other world…. In Nocturnus. I thought about cleaning it with alcohol… and putting some triple antibiotic ointment on it… but I don’t remember actually doing that… Honest, since early last night… it has been frantic… But I am pretty darn sure that I didn’t. K?... Oh, and I didn’t meet any King Nakita… but.. Timmy did meet up with Princess Nadia. They both wanted to help us… What’s next, David?”
David pulled Timmy’s left hand out of the jacket pocket, with some effort. Archer was shocked at just how much it had gown, and how dark blueish/black it had become. Archer’s heart dropped, at the sight of Timmy’s hand… Archer almost started crying. Then David, spoke;
“OK! Now… you can color me impressed! In one night in Nocturnus… between the two of you… you met two of our land’s greatest leaders… BOTH Prince Alexander and Princess Ndaia. I am AMAZED! Now… that’s fine Archer… I am sure that you did fine. I really hope that you did not put alcohol on this bite. Alcohol would, actually, speed up the spread of this pathogen… triple antibiotic… would have a similar result. Honestly, the best thing you could have done for Timmy, in this situation, was nothing… and get him here to me. Next, we are going to carry/drag Timmy across the hallway into the science lab. I want you to take his right arm and put it over your shoulder… stand up tall… as I am taller I will stoop. We want to keep his body as level as possible, while we get him across the hallway. I noticed that Mr. Marref was, actually, more awake at the beginning of the period. Did you give him something.. sweet, candy or like an energy drink?”
Archer had totally forgotten about the homemade Red Devils… now he had to tell David.
“Oh… on the buss… just to get him awake enough so he could walk, on his own, into school. I gave him a big handful of some… locally made… homemade Red Devils. Believe it or not, they really woke him up and he got back some color, too! I hope that wasn’t wrong. It was the only thing around, and I needed him to be awake enough to get into school.”
“Take a deep breath, Archer. You did just fine. The sugar was the prefect idea to get him awake, without doing any further neurological damage to your friend. And... Actually, one of the medicines I am about to use on Timmy is similar to the cinnamon in the homemade Red Devils. Now, put Timmy’s arm over your shoulder, like I told you… I will go and open the door, ahead of us, when I get back I want you to help me rush Timmy across the hallway and into the science lab… Questions?”
Archer was gaining a lot of respect… and trust for Mr. Champion… David. Not bad for an adult! He did forget one thing, and Archer just had to tell him… before it was too late.
“Ummm.. Mr. Champi… David. They usually keep the science lab door locked. If we are going to keep from being seen? You might want to unlock the door, before we head out this door. That is if you have the key for the science lab, that is.”
David smiled… big. Again, he reached over and put his hand on Archer’s shoulder, and spoke.
“Timmy has a very good friend in you, Archer. No… I don’t have the key for the science lab… but… let me go over there and see what I can do.”
Archer squirreled his eye brows up, showing his disbelief, and walked up to the classroom door with Mr. Champion. Again, David repeated his earlier routine looking down the hallway. Then, David, stored out into the hallway… walked up to the door of the science lab, put his hand on the doorknob, and turned. From across the hallway, Archer saw David’s hand turn, slightly, then stop. A frown came across David’s face, then a smirky smile began to form. While holding the door know with his right hand, David brought his left hand above the door knob. He closed his eyes, as his left hand began to… vibrate!
Suddenly Archer saw a bright golden glow form around David’s left hand. Then the golden glow engulfed the doorknob. David opened his eyes, and turned the doorknob… all the way! David opened the door to the science lab, left the door ajar, turned around to Archer, smiled, and walked back over to Archer barely holding up Timmy.
“Let’s move quickly and QUITELY… Once we are in the room Archer, I will take Timmy and I want you to quietly close the door behind us… That is… after you take a look both ways down the hallway to see if anyone…. Saw us. Understand, Archer?”
At this point, Archer is still dumbfounded by David’s ability to open locked doors. The more and more Archer got to know Mr. Champion, David, the more he was happy with their chance encounter. Archer nodded his head, in agreement with David, shifted Timmy on his shoulder and the three of them walked out into the hallway. Leaving the math class, and all of the difficulties and confusion of the past eighteen hours, behind. Archer was rather amazed how he and David managed to quietly, and quickly, moved the unconscious Timmy across the hallway and into the waiting science lab.
Once Archer had checked the hallway, both directions, he gave David the ‘thumbs up’ and switched on the overhead lights in the science lab. As Archer walked up to Timmy and David… the sight there overwhelmed him waiting for him. David had removed Timmy’s hand from the jacket pocket, and it was so much worse. Timmy’s hand was not about the size of a basketball, and the blueish/purple color of an eggplant! As Archer chocked buck, what he was sure was vomit, Timmy regained enough consciousness to cry out in pain.
Archer got to Timmy’s side just in time to put his arm around his friend, and talk quietly to him in an effort to calm Timmy.
“Timmy! Timmy! It’s me, Archer… I am right here, Timmy. Take deep breaths, Timmy. Mr. Champion is right here! He is going to help YOU, Timmy! Just keep taking slow deep breaths, Timmy… I am right here beside you, we are going to help!”
Archer tried hard to choke back tears. In all the years he had known Timmy… he had never seen his friend in such obvious… apparent PAIN! David had set Timmy up on one of the long tables, in the science lab, right between a sink and a Bunsen burner. Archer hopped up, on to the counter, right beside Timmy. Then, Archer took Timmy’s head and leaned it over to rest on his shoulder. Archer was really happy that nobody saw them… like this, as for guys his age there would have been no end of insults and hurtful accusations. On the other hand, Mr. Champion.. David, seemed not to notice and just told Archer to do his best to keep Timmy quiet, and still.
“This won’t take long, Archer. However, there might be a moment… or two where Timmy… is uncomfortable… or feels more pain. Do your best to keep him from jerking around… moving his left hand quickly… put removing what I am about to put on his left hand.”
As he was speaking Mr. Champion… David, was pulling out the small burlap bags he had placed in his pants pockets. He laid out three burlap containers onto the science lab counter. David reached over and started running water from the faucet. He tested the water temperature, and adjusted the handles. Archer saw a small amount of steam rise from the water. Just them David took Timmy’s left hand and gently used the hot water to rinse off the bite wound.
It was obvious this was uncomfortable for Timmy, as he squirmed around on the counter, and whined under his breath. It didn’t appear that Timmy was in any real pain, it just looked like it was really uncomfortable. Then he took Timmy’s left hand, in his own, and with some paper towels he gently dabbed the water off. Then he placed Timmy’s hand in his lap, stroked Timmy’s hair off his face, out of his eyes, put his right hand under Timmy’s chin, and spoke.
“Ok, TIMMY?!? I want you to do your best to remain calm… and most of all… QUIET! You might feel some pain… and you might ‘see’… something disturbing. Just remain calm. Can you do that for me, Timmy? Remember, no matter what, just remain calm and quiet. OK?”
David opened the three burlap bags and removed their contents. The first bag contained what was obviously a root. It has been dried, and cleaned. Once it was out, for a moment, Archer smelled the root. It smelled, strongly, of orange. David took the root, rinsed it slightly under hot water, dried it gently with the paper towels, and set it back down on the burlap bag. The next item was less recognizable. It, too, was dried and very flaky. Honestly, Archer was no botanist, but it looked like… fungus! Then David opened the final bag and pulled out its contents.
This was cleaned and dried, too. However, this item was the most obvious of all the three. David was placing small pieces of white bark onto the bag. Now all three contents were rinsed and laid out on the bags from which they came. Before anything else happened, Archer just had to ask Mr. Champion what the items were and how he was going to use the to help Timmy.
“Ummm, Mr. Champion… I don’t want to seem ungrateful… but I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t ask just what these items are… and how you plan on using them to help Timmy. Sorry…. I just feel strongly I should ask… and I am really curious about stuff that heals.”
David looked over at Archer, nodded, and then spoke.
“Your natural curiosity reveals much about you, Archer. It also explains why it was Prince Alexander that you were destined to meet! You see, I am a healer… among may other talents and abilities. Not that you would know it by looking at him, so his Prince Alexander. So, Archer, it would appear as are you, too!”
Archer sighed a big sigh of relief. He had not offended the single person that might be able to save Timmy’s life… and he had confirmed something he had long thought, about himself. Archer had always been curious about… well, medical stuff and hospital television shows. He just couldn’t get enoughof knowing about medicine and healing. It made Archer feel very good and proud of his natural curiosity. Archer smiled, then David smiled and spoke.
“Let’s hurry, Archer, I want to finish up here before the lunch period is over. I will take them in the same order I took them out. The first item, here, is the root of the bergamot tree, aka Citrus bergamia . The bergamot is a kind of orange that only grows in the southern regions of Italy. Dried and broken up into small pieces or powder, it is powerful at helping to draw-out poisons. The next one here is ergot, and it is a fungus. Used improperly it can cause massive hallucinations, seizures, convulsions and death. Today we will be using its helpful properties in greatly reducing Timmy’s severe headaches, nausea and dizziness. Used with the bergamot root, together when applied with heat, they draw out the poisons inhand and bloodreplacing them with healthy alkaloids. The final item here is the bark of the White Willow Tree…”
Even before David can say the word, Archer quickly (and quietly) says…
David looks over at Archer, obviously impressed with how quickly Archer got it right. David was pretty sure that no other twelve year old, in all of the state, would have got aspirin as the answer that quickly… if at all. David nodded and went on to explain the last of his process.
“That’s correct, Archer, and I am pretty darn impressed that you knew that so quickly. Yes, there is aspirin in the bark of the White Willow tree… but it also, again, helps to draw out the poisons that are threatening Timmy’s life. Now, I need to get the Bunsen summer going… and we can get started here.. Last thing, Archer. During this process I want you to remain calm. No matter what you see… or hear please just remain calm and please stay quiet. I have treated these bites, before, but never have I treated and infection this bad… and this… advanced. I feel confident that we will be able to cure Timmy, just help hold Timmy up… help keep him calm… and quiet. Now, go over and turn off those darn florescent overhead lights, and come right back here to hold up Timmy.”
Archer went over, by the door, and turned off the overhead lights. He was actually happy that David had asked for those darn lights to be turned off. Archer just hated florescent lights. The light they gave off just wasn’t the right color, and (to him at least) all of them made this terribly irritating noise that kept him from thinking straight. He reached up, switched off the lights, and turned back to face David. Just as he turned back to face David… he saw David reach over, turn on the gas to the Bunsen burner. Then David did the strangest thing. David did not have a lighter in his hand, but when he reached out with his right hand and snapped his fingers? The Bunsen burner leapt to life!
With no visible source of heat or fire, David lit the Bunsen burner just by snapping his fingers over the gas outlet. There was no time for Archer to ask, or find out, about this trick right now. Yet, Archer put a ‘post-it’ note in his mind to ask Mr. Champion just how he starts a Bunsen burner with the snap of his fingers and no apparent source of heat or fire!
David waited till Archer came back over and helped hold up, and calm, Timmy before continuing. As soon as Archer had Timmy situated, David took the bergamot root and broke it up over the bite. David gently rubbed the root into Timmy’s left hand. Without missing a beat, David picked up the ergot fungus, and again broke it up into a fine powder sprinkling it over the bergamot root. Now Timmy began to move, shift, and whine in pain or discomfort. Nearly simultaneously Archer and David soothed Timmy saying; “It’s OK, Timmy… hang in there… this will be over soon… just stay calm, Timmy.”
David picked up some more of the ergot and, with one hand, squeezed it so hard oil dripped out. He drizzled the oil of the ergot over the bark of the white willow. Then David took the bark/oil mixture and put it on Timmy’s hand, just on top. Suddenly the room began to fill with a pungent smell. David took all the ingredients and tossed them, lightly, on top of Timmy’s hand. Timmy shifted… winced… and cried out quietly in pain. David pulled the Bunsen burner closer to Timmy’s hand.
Then David closed his eyes and slowly moved his right hand over the mixture, while holding Timmy’s left hand in his left hand. David began to chant, quietly, in a rhythmic chant in a language Archer had never heard. "Nosferatus Exumas Huamanus!" David’s head rolled back, and began to move in a circular motion. Just then, Archer looked down at Timmy’s hand! If he had kept looking at David’s rhythmic movements of his head, he would have never seen what transpired next!
As David chanted quietly under his breath, his left hand was moving in a circular motion over Timmy’s infected left hand. That was when Archer saw it happen! It started with David’s hand… a warm… golden glow began to form in David’s hand. Then the golden glow moved, slowly, from David’s hand over to Timmy’s hand. Timmy lowered his shoulders and took a deep sigh. Next, the golden glow engulfed both David’s left hand and Timmy’s left hand.
Within moments both hands were glowing! The golden glow became brighter and brighter. David’s chanting became louder and much more intense. Timmy’s head began to move in cadence with David’s head. The golden glow now completely engulfed both their hands, and the room was filled with an almost incense smell. Suddenly David stopped moving. Quickly he grabbed the mixture from Timmy’s hand, it was now black and purple, just like Timmy’s hand was just moments before.
In one quick motion David pulled the mixture off of Timmy’s hand, and tossed it directly into the flame on the Bunsen burner. Now, over the past day and a half Archer had seen the most amazing and disturbing sights of his entire life. They all paled in comparison with what he witnessed next! As David dropped the mixture into the flame on the Bunsen burner, he (could have sworn) he heard a frantic squeaking, like an animal caught in a trap. Then, a think black for the lack of a better word) smoke came up from the burning mixture.
The smoke quickly came together to make… a form. The form came into focus… and it was a black skull! The black skull raised up over the flame, as the mixture now caught completely in fire. The mouth of the skull opened wide… and it… SCREAMED! The black cloud-like skull opened its mouth wide and a great scream came out that caused Archer’s skin to crawl and the hair on the back of his neck to stand on end. Just as this was happening, Timmy’s head threw backwards… and he began to convulse! Archer grabbed Timmy and held him close. He looked over at the black screaming skull… and it was gone! As quickly as it all had come together, it dissipated into thin air. Timmy stopped convulsing, and his head dropped to his chest. Suddenly David dropped, dead weight, to the floor and the very air in the room… stopped!
Archer was holding up Timmy, when he spoke.
“Archer…. Where are we? What’s going on? Who is that on the floor? Are we at school? What the heck just happened?”
Quickly, Archer gave Timmy a hug, then reached down to help David up off of the floor. Timmy went to get up off of the counter, when David spoke to the now conscious Timmy.
“Ummm… Timmy? You don’t want to do that… just yet. Take a few moments, breath in, breath out… and just rest for a moment.”
Archer was looking over Timmy, when he noticed it. Timmy’s left hand was normal sized! He could still see the outline of the bite mark, and the skin on his hand was still red and irritated. But, for the most part, Timmy’s left hand looked better than it had… all day! David was getting his color back, and he pulled up a chair and sat down in front of the two boys. Archer was smiling from ear to ear! Honestly, if archer had smiled any bigger… well, the top of his head just might have fallen off!
It was David that spoke first, straight to Timmy.
”Hey there, Timmy. My name is Mr. Champion and I was your substitute teacher for the, now dead, Mr. Albright. I am sure that Archer will explain everything to you… when you both have a chance, but right now I just have to tell you that YOU… Timmy Marref… had the single worst bite of a Lupus mortui viventes I have ever seen in my entire life. If it wasn’t for the quick thinking and quicker acting of your friend, Archer, here… well you might just be in a pine box. We are in the science lab, and all the other students are in the lunchroom. I have to go… and get back to the other teachers… before I am missed. Before I do that… (he reaches into his pocket and brings out a small shinny stone in a think metal setting)… This is a talisman. This talisman has the ability to call to me. Archer… Timmy… I am here to help you young man, in your quest. If ever you need my help… just both hold this talisman and repeat these words… “___[Please bear with me, the Latin is giving me fits. I WILL have this in the FINAL cut]____” I will hear you… and I will come to help. Now, I have to return to the other teachers… The school day is ending shortly, due to a heavy winter snow storm. Archer, when Timmy is feeling better… explain to him what has happened… let him know who I am, and that I really do intend to help you both. Finally, gentlemen you adventure has just begun. Take heart… both of you have show more courage… faith in each other… than I have seen in humans in many generations. Our meeting was not by chance… Your meeting Princess Nadia and Prince Alexander was now by CHANCE. Your destiny is ahead… and I am here to help! Take care of each other… stay focused… stay strong and watch each other’s back!”
With that, Mr. Champion… David left Timmy and Archer in the science lab and went out the door. Now, it was Timmy that reached over and gave Archer a short… quick hug.
“Archer… I want to hear everything! But… first… Archer? Thank you for saving my LIFE!”
Archer was overwhelmed with positive feelings and a great felling of self-esteem. Archer reached up, held out his hand, and helped Timmy off of the counter. Timmy was, more than a little bit, wobbly when he got onto his feet. He grabbed a hold of the edge of the counter, and got his bearings. Timmy realized that they were in the science lab… ALONE with the lights off. JEEPERS… If ANYONE found THEM like THIS… they would never live down the insults… accusations … and humiliation. Then Timmy spoke.
“Archer, unless you want the whole school, for the rest of middle school and high school, to jibe us over being a Gay Couple!?! We have to get out of this dark room… as quickly as possible… and WITHOUT being seen! I just cannot stress that last part nearly enough!”
Either it was the relief of seeing his best and lifelong friend returned to life… or just the culmination of all the stress of the past day and a half… but Archer just broke down in laughter! It didn’t last long… it wasn’t really loud… but it did make tears stream out of his eyes. As soon as Archer stopped laughing, he went up to the classroom door. He opened the door, looked to the left… then looked to the right… stepped out into the hallway… looked both ways, then motioned for Timmy to follow him out into the hallway.
Archer and Timmy were now several doors down from the science lab, and had just turned the first corner, headed for the lunchroom. When their worst nightmare ever… happened! Timmy was about to head into the Boy’s Bathroom and archer was going to proceed to the lunchroom… when an all too familiar voice called out to them!
“Hey…. GAYWADS! What are you two doing in out in the hallway at LUCNCH!?! You gaywads out on a lunchtime boyfriend date!”
It was Gary Bartuska… the #1 bully of Smithville Middle School, and he had just caught our two heroes alone in a hallway… with all of the teachers several hallways away… in the lunchroom. Archer and Timmy had just made it out of the frying pan, and into the FIRE!
End Part Eleven!
WOOF! I had not really intended on writing this much! Honest, I thought that I would write and publish, like, six… seven… at the most eight pages (in Word) for this week’s episode. My Dear Readers, with all the pain I am in? Lymph nodes, under my arm pits, so big I simply cannot rest my arms on my sides… and fevers that just make me not want to do anything? I did not anticipate writing TWELVE PAGES!
Don’t know if I have ever mentioned this… BUT! A lot of the times when I write? I sit down… and something… happens! I sit down, almost anticipating a struggle to put words to paper, and frigging magic happens! The characters come to life, right before my eyes. They start speaking… and acting… and telling their story! All I have to do? Is to manage to keep up! Keep up with their antics, keep up with their rapier and dialogue and quick wits.
I will admit that on some days… I do not manage to keep up. Some days, my pain is too severe, my headaches too badly and my HANDS manage to do anything BUT what I want them to do. Fingers all over the keyboard and the keyboard ends up on the floor! NOT out of anger, or anything like that, just out of the fact that I have, like, no control over my hands. My Dear Readers, I simply cannot put into words (now that is saying a lot!) how frustrating… and terrifying that feeling… IS! Yet, I have to embrace my disability… look past my frustration, and calm myself so that I can work to bring you, My Dear Readers, that which I have promised… and the content that I know you enjoy. And, don’t read me wrong… I do not feel some awful negative responsibility.
I feel a desire to’ entertain, inform and distract! My overwhelming desire is to bring something to you that takes you away from your day. Takes you away from; office politics, demanding clients, overbearing bosses, insane deadlines, and lazy co-workers. I want to write something that will take you away from all that and to a place with; cheer, mirth, challenges, and overcoming adversities. I want to give you an escape that is fun and exciting… and, yes, even entertaining! THAT is what I LIVE for!
So, today… this evening, about 7PM PDT I sit down to write this, Part ELEVEN of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. Now, My Dear Readers, I have imagined what is going to happen in this episode since the moments shortly after I pushed ‘Publish’ on episode Ten. What characters are going to do what, when. How to introduce the new character. How to make that one special scene “come off he page”. I have thought about this next episode every single day, several times a day, since I published the LAST episode.
Yet, when I turn on the computer, open Word… find the document, open the document, find where I left off last… I am filled with hesitation and trepidation! Until I write the first few words, my heart and mind are gripped with that darn hesitation and trepidation. The next thing I know? Ninety minutes have passed… my neck is screaming at me in pain… and (nine times out of ten) I have missed taking a pain medication… missed the time, and I look down and five or six pages are done… and I am nowhere near ready to end the episode. THAT is how it happens, more times than not.
So, My Dear Readers, instead of five or six pages that I have strained to complete… painfully. Here I have TWELVE PAGES and it all just flowed out of me… like love.
I hope that everyone enjoys today’s adventure with; Timmy, Archer and (now) Mr. Champion… aka David. I have completely enjoyed writing this episode… and there are parts of it… that I will remember for years to come!
Thank YOU!
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Details Of The Healthy Skin Coat Starts
ReplyDelete[...] ipped out. He drizzled the oil of the ergot over the bark of the white willow. T [...]
[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part ELEVEN! : “Mr. Champion snapping his fingers, right in front of his face, brought Archer back to this world and struggle at hand. For the past several hours all, in the world, Archer wanted was someone to help Timmy. Help Timmy survive the bite from the zombie wolves, and get back to his old self. Now, it appeared that help had arrived in the form of the substitute teacher for Mr. Albright. The Mr. Albright that, just last night, he and Timmy had watched as ‘The Tall Man’ and pulled his head from his shoulders, his spine from his body, and then drank his blood like a ice cold Coke.”There’s nothing like a nice cold ‘Coke’, eh? In this episode Archer, finally, gets the help he needs with Timmy. None, too soon, either! Timmy was fading in and out of consciousness, his left hand as big as a catcher’s mitt, a fever that radiated off his body like a furnace, and a terrible sweat that caused pools of hot water wherever they boys went. But, what is it with this Mr. Champion… ‘David’ as he says he wants to be called. Where did he come from? How did he know that Timmy was in trouble? How did he open a locked science classroom door… without so much as touching the door? How does one start a flame on a Bunsen burner with NO source of heat or flame? Stay tuned, My Dear Readers, with the coming episodes all will be told, all will become clear! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part ELEVEN! : “Mr. Champion snapping his fingers, right in front of his face, brought Archer back to this world and struggle at hand. For the past several hours all, in the world, Archer wanted was someone to help Timmy. Help Timmy survive the bite from the zombie wolves, and get back to his old self. Now, it appeared that help had arrived in the form of the substitute teacher for Mr. Albright. The Mr. Albright that, just last night, he and Timmy had watched as ‘The Tall Man’ and pulled his head from his shoulders, his spine from his body, and then drank his blood like a ice cold Coke.”There’s nothing like a nice cold ‘Coke’, eh? In this episode Archer, finally, gets the help he needs with Timmy. None, too soon, either! Timmy was fading in and out of consciousness, his left hand as big as a catcher’s mitt, a fever that radiated off his body like a furnace, and a terrible sweat that caused pools of hot water wherever they boys went. But, what is it with this Mr. Champion… ‘David’ as he says he wants to be called. Where did he come from? How did he know that Timmy was in trouble? How did he open a locked science classroom door… without so much as touching the door? How does one start a flame on a Bunsen burner with NO source of heat or flame? Stay tuned, My Dear Readers, with the coming episodes all will be told, all will become clear! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part ELEVEN! : “Mr. Champion snapping his fingers, right in front of his face, brought Archer back to this world and struggle at hand. For the past several hours all, in the world, Archer wanted was someone to help Timmy. Help Timmy survive the bite from the zombie wolves, and get back to his old self. Now, it appeared that help had arrived in the form of the substitute teacher for Mr. Albright. The Mr. Albright that, just last night, he and Timmy had watched as ‘The Tall Man’ and pulled his head from his shoulders, his spine from his body, and then drank his blood like a ice cold Coke.”There’s nothing like a nice cold ‘Coke’, eh? In this episode Archer, finally, gets the help he needs with Timmy. None, too soon, either! Timmy was fading in and out of consciousness, his left hand as big as a catcher’s mitt, a fever that radiated off his body like a furnace, and a terrible sweat that caused pools of hot water wherever they boys went. But, what is it with this Mr. Champion… ‘David’ as he says he wants to be called. Where did he come from? How did he know that Timmy was in trouble? How did he open a locked science classroom door… without so much as touching the door? How does one start a flame on a Bunsen burner with NO source of heat or flame? Stay tuned, My Dear Readers, with the coming episodes all will be told, all will become clear! […]