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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I am very happy to introduce today’s edition of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! My Dear Readers I am so very happy to have, for this Thursday, another episode of this adventure for all of you to read and enjoy. I know that I… well, I missed a couple of weeks. I deeply regret that I faltered and failed to provide the continuation as planned. Believe it ot not, it keeps me up at night. Later, today, I am penning another edition of ‘Notes from Behind the Keyboard’.
In it I will explain… some of the… difficulties I have faced, in the past few days and over the past three weeks. I really don’t want to get into it, here… it is kind of a bummer. SO! I am here to introduce ‘ Part TEN’ of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ for today’s publication and your reading enjoyment. I must admit, My Dear Readers, that I am a bit surprised that this story has grown to ten episodes and over eighty pages in length! We have had some fun, gone on a few adventures… Yet, the best is yet to come!
This, the month of June, will see some of the best adventures, the most excitement and the biggest thrills! So, My Dear Readers, I am building to some really exciting adventures for Timmy and Archer. Not to say that today’s episode is not adventuresome or exciting. Well, before I ‘let the cat out of the bag’ and drop any spoilers let’s get on with the story!
Without further adieu, Part Ten of ‘The Horror in Smithville’!
Part Ten
The final bell for homeroom rang just as Timmy and Archer had sat down in their seats. Timmy really didn’t feel like sitting quietly for the next hour. Actually, he had so much energy he felt like going out and running or playing in the snow. Timmy was daydreaming about just that when he heard his name called out, Ms. Steward was calling roll.
“Timmy Marref! Timmy I see you right there, beside your side-kick Archer. Now, answer roll so we can get this day started!”
“Here!´ Timmy answered to Ms. Steward’s roll call.
“Well, Mr. Marref I don’t know what you did, but you are looking better than when your friend Archer dragged you onto my bus earlier this morning. I guess he was right… try to eat only one piece, at a time, of your mother’s blueberry crunch. I know it is quite good, but try not to make a pig of yourself!”
Everyone in the class broke out in laughter. Everyone at the front of the class turned around to check out the star of today’s roll call, and Timmy’s color made a final change of the morning… to blush. Archer, sitting to Timmy’s right side, got a poke from Timmy’s one good arm right in the upper arm muscle! Archer looked shocked, at first, then smiled really big at Timmy. It was good to have Timmy back among the living. Now, Archer knew that sooner or later, the homemade ‘Red Devils’ would wear off and he would likely be hauling Timmy’s feverish half-aware body around. Yet, right now, he felt good and it felt good to have Timmy back to his old self.
No sooner had Archer enjoyed the good feeling that he turned to his left and saw Timmy with a pained look on his face. Timmy had pulled his left hand out of his jacket, some, and it scared and upset Timmy. It was written all over his face. This made Archer start the process of figuring out just who he could call on the help with Timmy’s zombie wolf bite. The nurse, also Ms. Steward, was not going to be much help if any at all. Truthfully, Archer could think of no one within the school that he could tell any of their stories. There was nobody that would believe a word of their adventure, and nobody that could get past the story and help with this otherworldly bite and infection.
Yet, failure was not an option. For all Archer knew, not finding Timmy the help he needed, soon, may well result in the loss of his best and dearest friend. Homeroom was almost over, that meant that Timmy and Archer would soon be heading over to their first period class, MATH! Yes, they would be heading to their math class to turn in their math homework to man… a man they had watched ‘The Tall Man’ rend skull and spine from his body. Archer, in dealing with Timmy’s grievous zombie wolf bite, had completely forgotten about watching their math teacher… eaten (right before their eyes) by ‘The Tall Man’!
Now Archer looked over to see Timmy had put his head down onto his desk. It appeared that the effects of the homemade ‘Red Devils’ were already wearing off. Archer had really hoped that the sugar rush would have lasted at least until lunchtime. Then he had planned on spending the last of his money on as many sugary snack cakes and desserts he could stuff down Timmy’s gut. It would, likely, not have as strong an effect on Timmy but it would buy him so more time to look for a viable avenue of help.
Well, Archer needed to get Timmy awake for the walk to math class. What better way than to remind him that they were about to walk into a class taught by a man they saw… killed and eaten less then twelve hours ago. This news might not put a spring in Timmy’s step, but the curiosity alone should keep him awake until they were done with roll call. When Ms. Steward was not looking Archer reached over and jostled Timmy by his right shoulder. It worked, Timmy looked up at Archer with a glare in his eyes and sppke.
“WHY are you waking me up, Archer. The first bell, for first period, hasn’t even rang yet! What couldn’t wait?”
Archer ignored the glare and the caustic questioning and merely answered with this…
“Ummm, I just wanted to remind you, Timmy, that we are about to go into Mr. Albright’s math class. The Mr. Albright that we watched ‘The Tall Man’ drink his blood! Did you forget about that from last night?”
Timmy still had some color left to his face. That was until Archer had finished his question to Timmy. Just as soon as what Archer had said had sunken in, the color immediately left Timmy’s face. Timmy graoned, rolled his eyes to the back of his head, and dropped his head so hard onto his desk it got the attention of Ms. Steward.
“Is there a problem Mr. Marref?”
Timmy groaned into the top of his desk, not so loud Ms,. Steward would hear, but loud enough Archer and all the students close by… did. Timmy lifted up his head and looked directly at Ms. Steward.
“No Ms. Steward, there is no problem… I’m sorry I just felt a little faint and I had a problem holding up my head.”
Ms. Steward just shook her head and scoffed, again. There was less than five minutes before the first bell for the next class. She didn’t want to get started with something there was no time to finish. Timmy, satisfied there would be no follow-up questions from Ms. Steward, slowly lowered his head back down to the desk. He closed his eyes, only to be met with the images of “The Tall Man’ licking blood from the bottom of Mr. Albright’s skull and spine. Quickly Timmy realized that as long as his eyes were closed, the images were just going to replay and replay on the inside of his eyelids. He opened his eyes and looked over at Archer, and spoke.
“Archer? You just couldn’t wait until we were about to enter his math class, now could you? (Groan) Well, I guess we are about to find out something pretty darn important, huh Archer. We are about to find out if you die in that world… do you die in this world, too! Archer, I am really hoping that Mr. Albright is there for me to turn in my homework. For the very first time ever, I will be glad to turn in homework to a teacher!”
No sooner had Timmy finished his observation the first bell rang for first period. Archer got up first, reached over, and helped Timmy out of his seat. Again, as soon as Archer put his hand on Timmy’s right arm, he felt the intense heat coming off of his friend. It wasn’t as bad as when he sat down beside Timmy on the bus, but it was so hot that it made Archer gravely concerned… again today. They made their way out into the hallway and over to their lockers. Archer opened his locker, then he reached over and opened Timmy’s locker for him. Timmy looked up, and smiled, then spoke.
“Hey, Archer… I am… well, I am sorry for, like, barking at you earlier. I know everything you are doing to, like, help me… today and last night. I really don’t mean to be… mean… it’s just that I feel like something the tractor ran over and the dog dragged through mud to bring into the house. I am not mad at you… or even upset with you. I want you to know that… and I wanted to tell you, like, while I still can. Are we.. cool?”
Archer had not expected that! I mean, he and Timmy had no problems talking to each other. Expressing themselves and keeping honest and truthful with each other. I mean for American boys… they had pretty open lines of communication. Long ago they had decided, together, that they were not going to fall prey to social ideals about how guys should and/or shouldn’t talk with each other. It’s not like they hug each other in the Wal Mart, or yell “I love you!” Across the track during gym class… they didn’t have a death wish. But, for two pre-teen American boys, they communicated very well. It was just that Archer didn’t think Timmy has genuinely aware of just how he had been treating Archer. It made Archer blush, at first, then he shook it off and spoke to Timmy.
“Hey, thanks for mentioning it Timmy. I mean, I figured as much… with the balloon for a left hand and black veins of poison… but it was really nice for you to, like, say it to me. Now, try and conserve your energy. I am still trying to think of someone… ANYONE that we could talk to… about your hand, and not end up with more problems in the end. Thanks… it’s moments like that, Timmy, that make me glad I have you for a brother.”
Timmy was struggling with his backpack and his math book, when Archer reached up and took the backpack and book out of his hand. Timmy looked up and all Archer said was that he would give the backpack and math book back to him once they got into class. Timmy nodded and the boys headed towards their destiny, and math class. With every step both boys pondered would Mr. Albright be there, or would Mr. Albright be dead!?!? Just as soon as they turned the corner, into math class, their answer was written in a strange hand on the blackboard.
The name Mr. Champion was written in large letters right in the middle of the classroom’s chalkboard. Mr. Champion was their substitute teacher, and that meant only one thing! Mr. Albright was not in school today and for good reason too. Mr. Albright was dead and Timmy and Archer had witnessed his death at the hands of ‘The Tall Man’! Now, Archer had every intention to question the substitute teacher about why Mr. Albright wasn’t there to teach math class, today. He really doubted he would get a straight forward answer, like, ‘Mr. Albright turned up dead this morning… you boys know anything about that???” Archer did think he could get some kind of answer, from this substitute, that might help establish that Mr. Albright wasn’t out for a family funeral or because he flew to Las Vegas to get married.
Archer helped Timmy get into his seat, put his backpack over the back of the chair and his math book and homework onto the desk. Then Archer put his backpack up and took out his math homework and math book. Mr. Champion took roll call, this time Archer didn’t even have to wake up Timmy when his name was called. Most likely, the suspense of finding out why they had a substitute was keeping Timmy awake, for the moment.
Just as soon as the last name was called out, and Rebecca White answered “Present!” Archer’s hand went right up in the air. Mr. Champion saw Archer’s hand blot up, and his head turned over to the side, like a confused dog does sometimes. Mr. Champion looked down at the seating chart and called out Archer.
“Yes, Archer is it? What is your question that just couldn’t wait until I gathered up last night’s homework assignment? Did a ‘dog eat your homework’ Mr. Archer?”
Everyone in the classroom got a laugh out of that one. Great, the brand new substitute teacher was already scoring points off of Archer. What a great way to start first period! It’s cool, Archer was getting better and better at thinking, and speaking, on the fly. He was more than ready for Mr. Champion!
“No sir, Mr. Champion… if that is your real name. Sounds more like a pseudonym for a wrestler, but I’ll take your word for it. I wanted to ask after Mr. Albright. Did he call-in sick? Is he out due to a family illness… or death? Or, did Mr. Albright finally find Mrs. Albright and they drove to Las Vegas to get married by Elvis?”
Now, that series of questions nearly brought down the house! Even Timmy was laughing, even kind of loudly. Much to Timmy’s surprise Mr. Champion was laughing, too! Laughing big and loudly, like he actually enjoyed Archer’s sense of humor! Archer had not expected this course of events, but it was a lot better than Mr. Champion not finding his questions amusing and sending him to the principal’s office. A lot better, indeed!
“Well, we now know who is trying for ‘Class Clown’ in Mr. Albright’s absence. Let me ask, is Mr. Archer always this funny, or is he making a special effort to impress me?”
The game was on, and Archer was hoping that it could be over before Mr. Champion got the better of him. Archer just laughed, too, at what Mr. Champion said and hoped that what followed would just be an answer and not another jab at him. Timmy was laughing so hard that it gave him the hiccups, and this brought the attention of the whole classroom. No sooner than Archer had notice Timmy’s hiccups, Mr. Champion answered Archer.
“Well, now look what you have done… You have given your friend (looking down at the seating chart) Mr. Marref the hiccups… as pale and weak looking as your friend Mr. Marref , is, I am thinking that hiccups could quickly turn into throwing UP! Could someone hand Mr. Marref a paper bag to hyperventilate into?”
Ourt of nowhere a paper bag appeared and it was handed back to Timmy. Just as soon as Timmy got the bag in his hands, Mr. Champion went on to explain to Timmy just how to use it to get rid of the hiccups.
“Now, Mr. Marref, just breathe normally into the paper bag. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. We want you to hyperventilate with the CO2 you are breathing out. That should result in your diaphragm halting its spasm… is it working?” Timmy holds up his right hand with the ‘Thumbs Up’ and keeping huffing into the paper bag.
“Well, now that we have Mr. Marref’s hiccups in check, let me answer your questions Archer. No! No Mr. Albright did not call in sick today, nor did… to the best of my knowledge, any family member fall ill or die… and no not that anyone in the office knows did Mr. Albright drive all night long to get married by an Elvis impersonator. So far as I was told, nobody has heard a word from Mr. Albright. He did not show up this morning at 4AM to pick up the bus he was scheduled to drive, today. Someone went by his house, and knocked, only to have nobody answer the door. Nobody, from what I have heard, has seen or heard from Mr. Albright since dinnertime last night. Now, Archer, do you have any knowledge of Mr. Albright’s whereabouts since dinner time, last night?”
OK… that was all the proof Archer needed… and NO! Archer was not about to explain to Mr. Champion, or anyone else, that he saw Mr. Albright. He saw Mr. Albright less than eight hours ago as a darkly dressed twenty foot tall giant drank his blood! Yet, even with all of Archer’s convictions to not tell Mr. Champion… Archer had a strange feeling that Mr. Champion did not believe that Archer had not seen Mr. Champion since dinner last night. Mr. Champion was still looking at Archer, starting even, and it was like he was looking right through Archer. It was very unnerving. Mr. Champion’s stare was only broken by Timmy speaking.
“Mr. Champion, I am through with this paper bag, what should I do with it?”
As Mr. Champion began to answer Timmy, his eyes were still locked with Archer’s. It was not until he was almost through speaking that he broke eye contract and shifts his gaze to Timmy.
“Well, Mr. Marref, why don’t you pass the paper bag back up to me. I will keep it in this desk, just in case Archer, here, causes another student to laugh so hard he gets the hiccups. If anyone needs it, it will be in the top left hand drawer, Mr. Marref… that is the top LEFT HAND… drawer.”
Ok, that was just weird! The way Mr. Champion, twice, stressed left hand… while gazing at Timmy. It was almost as though Mr. Champion knew Timmy had a problem with his left hand! Yet, that was impossible! Timmy had not taken his hand out of his jacket pocket since they were sitting in homeroom, almost an hour ago. Timmy had not taken it out in the hall, or any place where he thought that Mr. Champion might have seen Timmy’s swollen and discolored left hand. Come to think of it, this Mr. Champion, was making Archer’s skin crawl. Not, necessarily, in a ‘Bad Way’… yet, there was a familiarity to Mr. Champion and a level of comfort… that didn’t usually come with a brand new never seen before substitute teacher.
Archer was mulling this, and the information that Mr. Champion had very easily shared with Archer about Mr. Albright’s absence, when the school intercom kicked on. The principal’s voice came over the intercom. The principal rarely gave any announcements. The principal handed off more times, than not, any and all announcements to the assistant principal. Everyone in middle school was very familiar with the voice of the assistant principal, and it was kind of disturbing to hear the voice of the principal over the intercom. This is what they heard;
”Dear Students of Smithville Middle school, I have just received notice from the School District’s office of the supervisor. Notice that they have been contacted by the Sheriff’s office upon notification by the National Weather Service. Smithville is now under a ‘WINTER STORM WATCH FOR HEAVY SNOW’. This ‘watch’ will extend until noon today. At 1PM this ‘watch’ will be upgraded to a ‘WINTER STORM WARNING FOR HEAVY SNOW’ for all roads and bridges within Smithville and the surrounding farms and buildings. He have been given until 1PM to get ALL students and teachers into buses and headed to your homes. This is how the rest of the day will be spent. Upon the ringing of the next bell, ALL teachers and students will report to the lunchroom. We will take our normal one-hour lunch. When the next bell rings, you will report to your regular second period classes. One hour after that the last bell of the day will ring, and all students will report to the buses, ready to be taken home early.”
Now, just as soon as the words “will be taken home early” were spoken the entire student body broke out into cheers and applause. Archer was pretty darn sure that the principal was not finished speaking. Pretty sure that there might have been even more important instructions for the students and the staff. Yet, everything was lost to the din of cheers and applause. Archer had stood up, like everyone else, and was clapping his hands frantically. Timmy, on the other hand, had no energy to get up and stand much less applaud an on coming snow storm. Timmy sat there, quietly, wondering if any of the children applauding right now had done the long math on this situation.
Yes! They would have only three hours of school, today. Yes, they were going home early and likely without any homework. Yes, It was Friday and that meant that, in essence, they were being handed a three-day weekend. Yet, there was something else they had not thought of that would change everyone’s weekend. If there was a snowstorm headed for Smithville. A snowstorm so bad that the kids had to be sent home early from school?
Then, what was to become of the first night of the Carnival? Yeah… the applauding children just hadn’t thought it through, yet. The pounding applause was vibrating something in Timmy’s head causing waves of pain, disorientation and pain. Thud, thud, thud, thud with every pulse of applause Timmy’s head shook and his stomach turned. With his right hand, Timmy reached up and pulled on the left arm of Archer’s jacket. Timmy looked up at Archer, Archer back down at Timmy, and with his all the energy he could muster Timmy said one-word “Help!”
With that, Timmy passed out and fell in a neat heap on the floor of math class. Archer saw Timmy’s eyes roll back in his head, it was an unsettling sight to say the least. Archer tried his best to grab Timmy before he fell. Archer was very lucky, everyone else in the classroom was facing forward and standing up applauding the announcement. Archer grabbed Timmy before he actually hit the floor. Quickly he made his way around to the other side of the desk, grabbed handfuls of Timmy’s jacket, and set him up straight in his desk. Then Archer darted back around behind Timmy’s desk and sat down before anyone had noticed.
That was just too close. Archer needed help, but he had nowhere to turn that wouldn’t lead to question neither he or Timmy was prepared to answer. The bell rang ending first period and signaling the start of , what was for today only, lunchtime at 8:30 AM. Just as Archer had pulled his backpack over his shoulder and went over to Timmy’s unconscious form Mr. Champion walked to the back of the class. ‘Oh, great… here we go, the end of everything… This substitute was going to bust him and Timmy… no Carnival any night!’ little did Archer know, at that point, but busting the boys was the last thing on Mr. Champion’s mind. He slowly, and casually, walked up to Archer and spoke.
“Looks like Mr. Marref is not feeling well this morning, Archer. Looks to me, like, you two boys could use some help. How had you planned to move Mr. Marref, Archer, now that he is unconscious?”
Now, Archer was not sure just what Mr. Champion was up to… but he wasn’t reacting to this situation the way he thought any teacher… would in this situation. Archer took a chance… a big chance with Mr. Champion and asked for help.
“Mr. Champion… Timmy isn’t feeling well… he has a high fever and keeps going in and out of consciousness. I don’t want to get him, or me, in any trouble… but we need help.”
Archer just said it, then let it hang there in the air. Slowly a smile formed on Mr. Champion’s face. It was a kind smile… a warm smile, the kind you get from a good friend or a longtime neighbor. Mr. Champion smiled, then he spoke to Archer. He spoke in a clam and soothing voice.
“Archer, you need not worry. The last thing I want to do is to get you two in trouble after the night you guys had, last night. Fighting off mortui viventes Lupus… (smile)’ Zombie Wolves’… then a go with ‘The Tall Man’… and all on your very first night in _______. No, dear Archer, I am here to help you and Timmy. Help you both in more ways than you can imagine.”
And, with that we come to the end of this week’s episode. Now, who among you saw that coming? I mean, really, most of us already knew that Mr. Albright was not going to be in class. We all sat there and watched as ‘The Tall Man’, like, drank him. No amount of clapping was going to bring him back, am I right? Yet, who saw that Timmy and Archer would find a friend substituting for Mr. Albright? Just who is this Mr. Champion? Why is he going to help Timmy and Archer? What will he do to help Timmy?
Will he help Timmy feel better, get better? Will Mr. Champion rat out the boys? Are they headed to be helped or turned in? All of that, and more, awaits you My Dear Readers right here, next Thursday! I can tell you that I already know how this turns out… hehehe because, you see, I have already written a lot of ‘Part Eleven’! I just can’t wait to drop the next episode in your lap! You are just not going to believe, what comes next!
So, My Dear Readers, I am off to pen another article for your reading enjoyment. I think I am going to write another ‘Notes from Behind the Keyboard’ for everyone to read. I have… some things that I would like to share. So, until I write and publish again… have a Great Week and remember to Share!
Thank YOU!
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[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part TEN : “Now, just as soon as the words “will be taken home early” were spoken the entire student body broke out into cheers and applause. Archer was pretty darn sure that the principal was not finished speaking. Pretty sure that there might have been even more important instructions for the students and the staff. Yet, everything was lost to the din of cheers and applause. Archer had stood up, like everyone else, and was clapping his hands frantically. Timmy, on the other hand, had no energy to get up and stand much less applaud an on coming snow storm. Timmy sat there, quietly, wondering if any of the children applauding right now had done the long math on this situation.” And, with that, you get all you are going to as a preview to this the TENTH episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. I am very happy with the following this article has garnered, and very happy with the direction the story is taking… us. Want to know more??? Quite simply, you will just have to read… and enjoy! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part TEN: “The final bell for homeroom rang just as Timmy and Archer had sat down in their seats. Timmy really didn’t feel like sitting quietly for the next hour. Actually, he had so much energy he felt like going out and running or playing in the snow. Timmy was daydreaming about just that when he heard his name called out, Ms. Steward was calling roll.” Archer had made good on his promise to Timmy, they were at school, and no one was the wiser. However, it was becoming increasingly more difficult for Archer to hide Timmy’s condition… and more difficult moving Timmy from place to place. Timmy needed help and Archer had no idea where to turn. IN this episode we follow the boys through two classes at school… and an surprise announcement! Time is running short for Timmy. Will Archer find the help that Timmy so desperately needs? Will our duo be ‘found out’, or will help arrive from a very unexpected source? All this, and more, awaits you in this, the TENTH episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part TEN: “The final bell for homeroom rang just as Timmy and Archer had sat down in their seats. Timmy really didn’t feel like sitting quietly for the next hour. Actually, he had so much energy he felt like going out and running or playing in the snow. Timmy was daydreaming about just that when he heard his name called out, Ms. Steward was calling roll.” Archer had made good on his promise to Timmy, they were at school, and no one was the wiser. However, it was becoming increasingly more difficult for Archer to hide Timmy’s condition… and more difficult moving Timmy from place to place. Timmy needed help and Archer had no idea where to turn. IN this episode we follow the boys through two classes at school… and an surprise announcement! Time is running short for Timmy. Will Archer find the help that Timmy so desperately needs? Will our duo be ‘found out’, or will help arrive from a very unexpected source? All this, and more, awaits you in this, the TENTH episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part TEN: “The final bell for homeroom rang just as Timmy and Archer had sat down in their seats. Timmy really didn’t feel like sitting quietly for the next hour. Actually, he had so much energy he felt like going out and running or playing in the snow. Timmy was daydreaming about just that when he heard his name called out, Ms. Steward was calling roll.” Archer had made good on his promise to Timmy, they were at school, and no one was the wiser. However, it was becoming increasingly more difficult for Archer to hide Timmy’s condition… and more difficult moving Timmy from place to place. Timmy needed help and Archer had no idea where to turn. IN this episode we follow the boys through two classes at school… and an surprise announcement! Time is running short for Timmy. Will Archer find the help that Timmy so desperately needs? Will our duo be ‘found out’, or will help arrive from a very unexpected source? All this, and more, awaits you in this, the TENTH episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Horror in Smithville – Part TEN: “The final bell for homeroom rang just as Timmy and Archer had sat down in their seats. Timmy really didn’t feel like sitting quietly for the next hour. Actually, he had so much energy he felt like going out and running or playing in the snow. Timmy was daydreaming about just that when he heard his name called out, Ms. Steward was calling roll.” Archer had made good on his promise to Timmy, they were at school, and no one was the wiser. However, it was becoming increasingly more difficult for Archer to hide Timmy’s condition… and more difficult moving Timmy from place to place. Timmy needed help and Archer had no idea where to turn. IN this episode we follow the boys through two classes at school… and an surprise announcement! Time is running short for Timmy. Will Archer find the help that Timmy so desperately needs? Will our duo be ‘found out’, or will help arrive from a very unexpected source? All this, and more, awaits you in this, the TENTH episode of ‘The Horror in Smithville’! […]