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Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today is Wednesday June 18th, 2014, and it is about 5PM PDT here on the West Coast. I have just shot a short ‘video update’ of me, about my health, my blog, and life in general. With all good fortune, I will have this video edited, uploaded, and published by the end of the day. Most hopefully, I will have it ready for viewing before everyone I know and love in Texas is asleep.
If not, I will be promoting the video and this article for the rest of the week. I just might, even, pay the $6.99 to have it ‘promoted’ of Facebook. It would be nice if, like, everyone (back home) knew about the video and had/took a chance to view. There is really nothing (of note) new in my life, my world. Oh, there is this pesky illness… fevers, night sweats, lack of appetite, and a lump on my jawbone and swollen lymph nodes. They (my doctors) have run all sorts of blood tests. All of the ‘usual suspects’ have been ruled out. No, I do not have AIDs. Yes, they do keep running the darn test… year after year. Each year, it comes back negative.
My infectious disease physician wants a C.T. scan (Computerized tomography) of my; face, jawbone, upper cervical spine. They are looking for the source of the infection and the source of the lumps. My primary care physician has already weighed in, with a possible diagnosis. He believes that I am suffering the results of an infection brought about by; a) the rejection of bone tissue used in my cervical surgery b) an infection secondary to the rejection of or metal poisoning from the hardware that was used in the cervical surgery. My money is on the bone rejection, and I have my reasons.
The single best reason is; the neurosurgeon went in with the expressed desire to fuse three discs into one mass. However, once he got in to my neck he discovered that the (many): MRI(s), X-Ray(s) and other scans had not done justice to the extent and damage my cervical spine had endured from four years of moderate-to-severe degenerative disc disease. What he found was; extensive damage to half-a-dozen nerve roots, one cervical disc was completely desiccated and nearly “fell out” of its place between two discs, severe damage to two other discs, and moderate damage to two more, large amounts of “bone chips” resulting from “Bone-on=bone” grinding (like a mortar against a pestle) resulting from the loss of discs, severely ‘damaged and bruised” nerve roots (up to six were “worse than I have ever seen”), and severe degenerative disc disease all through the cervical and thoracic spine. He had prepared for the removal of two cervical discs. He ended up removing (I believe) three to four.
He had reserved the operating room for three hours; I was in surgery for four and a half hours. Resulting in my neurosurgeon having to request more bone grafts during the surgery! Now for a little known factoid; prior to this type of surgery the surgeon ‘orders’ the number of ‘bone grafts’ he needs for the intended surgery 36 to 48 hours prior to the surgery. The bone grafts are then ‘prepared’ for 24-26 hours prior to a surgery. They are ‘prepared’ by (for one) being put into a bath of steroids and human growth hormone bath and a recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein solution. These aid in the bone, actually, grafting TO the surrounding bone, resulting in a sturdy and durable bond.
Since my neurosurgeon did not order the correct number of bone graft pieces prior to surgery, one or more bone grafts were not properly prepared prior to implantation into my neck. As seen in follow-up X-Rays the “bone grafts did not fully knit” the my bones. This is the reason that, now, seven years later I still have popping, and grinding sounds coming from my cervical spine, shooting pains in; my upper chest, face, upper left arm, lower left arm, left hand. What this means is that the bone grafts never “completely knit” with the surrounding bone (mine), that the structure is not solid and “durable”. Further, the lack of the bones completely grafting has resulted in raw bone material lying inside the bone grafts.
This material, since not healed and knit to other bones, is suspect to and frequently results in “opportunistic infections of the bones and bone grafts”. Aye, there’s the rub! With my limited medical education, I am putting my ‘money’ (I don’t really have any money… that’s why I put the parentheses). It is my opinion that the untreated bone grafts not only did not knit with my surrounding bone, but that they have fallen prey to an infectious state, resulting in the symptoms I am currently experiencing. Now, try and get one doctor to say that about another doctor.
Next, the was an “mistake” made by an (admittedly by the corporation) “untrained” medical vendor. I was to have a ‘Bone Growth Stimulator’ placed on my neck, post surgery. Now, according to the company that manufactures the device the bone growth stimulator is to be “Placed on the patient seven to ten days after surgery”. Get a load of this! My bone growth stimulation device was placed on me… … … (drum roll please!) Within MINUTES of me being wheeled out of surgery! That’s right, while I was still under anesthesia, and only moments after my doctor closed the incision, and “untrained” salesperson from the company came and put the bone growth stimulator on me! She removed my solid neck brace, moved my head and neck and shifted me around as the placed four conductive pads around my cervical spine. I awoke, from surgery, with the device already installed!
That is never supposed to happen, like ever! I figure that is a ‘contributing factor’ to the why my bone grafts “never fully knit”. Now, seven years later, I am having; fevers, night sweats, hot “lava feeling” pouring down my cervical spine, loss of appetite, dizziness, and fatigue. My Dear Readers, I cannot get to the scan that I really need done, for the lack of someone around to help me; get dressed, get into my power chair, get into transportation, get to an appointment, and reverse the process and get back home and back into bed. For all of those that have (reasonably) thought “Why doesn’t he get a lawyer?” I agree! I wish I had the help to get to a lawyer and see if I have a case.
So, that is what weighs on my mind and this is what is causing me great distress, loss of sleep, and depression. My Dear Readers, I really do not like talking about all this, that is why (after FOUR YEARS) I have never, once, mentioned it or explained it to you, previously. Yet, I figured that it was time I gave the information to you… and time I documented this problem in a public forum.
Regardless, I will do my level best to continue to write and publish on a regular basis. I will do my level best to bring you entertaining, and informative articles and content.
It, just now, is 6:00PM PDT. The movie that I made is just now finishing up saving to my computer. Just as soon as that is complete, I will begin the upload to YouTube. Just as soon as that is done I will upload this article, embed the video and BAAM! I will publish this edition of ‘Note from Behind the Keyboard – June 18th, 2014”. I will, then, go about promoting this article and posting on; Facebook, Tumblr, Pinitrest, and all the other media sites I belong in an effort to get it seen by as many people as possible. May I please, My Dear Readers, PLEASE ask you to ‘Share’ THIS article? I ‘think’ I may have a lawsuit… there is limited time to file… I cannot afford an attorney… However, IF this article is seen by LOTS and LOTS of people… maybe just MAYBE someone WILL see this article that… CAN… HELP… me.
Please… ‘Share’ this article on; Facebook, Pinintrest, Google, Tumblr… any and ALL ‘social media’ outlets that you belong to. PLEASE? I might just find someone that can help me… and maybe… just maybe I can file a suit… win… and never have to ask for help from anyone for as long as I live. I might even get enough to pay Darrell (my brother) back!
I wouldn’t ask… if I really didn’t need your help.
That brings us to the end of this edition of ‘Notes from Behind the Keyboard’. Below is a video, the one that I mentioned. It would mean the world to me if you would, please… kindly, please… ‘Share’ this article and this video. It might just help to change the course of my life… for the better. I appreciate all your kindness, support, understanding and continued readership.
Thank YOU!
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[…] Notes from Behind the Keyboard – June 19th, 2014 : “Since my neurosurgeon did not order the correct number of bone graft pieces prior to surgery, one or more bone grafts were not properly prepared prior to implantation into my neck. As seen in follow-up X-Rays the “bone grafts did not fully knit” the my bones. This is the reason that, now, seven years later I still have popping, and grinding sounds coming from my cervical spine, shooting pains in; my upper chest, face, upper left arm, lower left arm, left hand. What this means is that the bone grafts never “completely knit” with the surrounding bone (mine), that the structure is not solid and “durable”.” Long story short? (TOO LATE!) My neurosurgeon underestimated the extend of damage my degenerative disc disease had actually caused to my cervical spine, discs and nerve roots. This caused him to enter the OR less prepared than he need to be, and more overwhelmed by the severity of my condition. Combine that with an untrained vendor representative from the ‘Bone Growth Stimulation’ device and (unknown at the time) a severely diminished level of Vitamin ‘D’ in my blood stream? = Poorly knit bones, unstable construct resulting in spinal stenosis, more nerve root damage and possible growing pressure on my spinal cord. The last neurosurgeon I had a consult with, told me that ‘your condition will, likely, NEVER improve… you will spend the rest of your life on pain medications… you will loose more and more bodily functions until you will be unable to walk, use the bathroom, take a bath or brush your teeth without assistance…” That is NOT my image of what one’s ‘Golden Years’ should be like. I have no choice; I just pray and work hard so that just maybe I will earn enough money to make this terrible future more bearable. […]