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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As promised, I am here today to bring you the scoop on the newest edition to the storied MMORPG franchise, ‘World of Warcraft’! That’s right today you will get a peak at the upcoming expansion ‘Warlords of Draenor’. First, to get a little of the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way, ALL materials shared here are copyright of Blizzard Entertainment and not property of The Other Shoe. That means, I am just here to share what is already readily available at the web site I linked above. I am not to break any news, or share anything new.
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Now, to begin with, the image at the top of the page is a map of the whole new world that Blizzard has created for this their newest expansion. The land is Draenor, and Blizzard has opted to add a whole new land to the growing world that is Azeroth. If, by the end of this story, you My Dear Readers are ready to join the (nearly) twelve million subscribers to World of Warcraft and play in the new world Draenor? All you have to do is follow any of the links embedded into this article (especially the ones with the word Draenor) and it will take you to the site where, you too, can join and fight the good fight in Azeroth.
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AS I was saying, this expansion does include;
- A Whole NEW Land
- Level Cap RAISED to 100
- AUTOMATIC leveling to 90 (you don’t have to grind through the first 90 levels if you do not want to),
- Ability to BUILD your OWN Garrison
- NEW character models
- SEVEN new dungeons and TWO new raids
- NEW World Bosses
- NEW Battlegrounds
- NEW challenge modes and TONS more new features.
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As well, they have created a whole new WORLD that you see in the image at the top of the page. Now, in-between paragraphs you will see screenshots FROM the new expansion. There, again, are all Thanks to Blizzard Entertainment.
One of the new features is the ability to build your own garrison, and then defend it against attack! I first say this feature, in an MMORPG, in ‘Age of Conan’ back in 2012. This is a great feature for Blizzard to add to this storied franchise. You see, once you have built your garrison (FYI - You garrison levels WITH you) you can enlist followers that will act as citizens in your garrison. You followers will; operate your lumber mill, make potions in you Alchemy Laboratory, or make and craft magical components in your ‘Enchanter’s Study. All of your followers will have chores to accomplish, and all will work for the greater glory of your garrison.
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As I mentioned above, if you pre-purchase ‘Warlords of Draenor’, right now, you will get a ‘Level 90 Character Boost’. That means if you are starting with ‘World of Warcraft’ right now, for the first time, you can skip the (weeks long) hard work of leveling up to level 90! That is a feature, automatic leveling, that Blizzard has never offered before. This is a real treat for those thinking of entering the world of Azeroth for the first time! Players, like me, have worked every expansion, played every quest we could find. This is a real boon for the inexperienced MMORPG player, and an opportunity of a lifetime!
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For those of you that have never played an MMOPRG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) I have to tell you… it is an experience that you will not soon forget. For, literally, millions of people from all over the planet this game, ‘World of Warcraft’, is more than just a game… it is an escape! An escape after a long day, at a thankless job, you can some home for friends and adventure!An escape from the doldrums of reality,from office politics and the like… an escape to a beautiful land full of life and adventure.
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Let me take a moment to draw your attention to the many beautiful images that I have taken the time to share with you, My Dear Readers, here, today. These are just from the expansion ‘Warlords of Draenor’ but the entirety of the world of Azeroth is a sight to behold. A decade in the making you can, literally, spend weeks to months just exploring the world of Azeroth. As a matter of fact, there is an accomplishment for exploring and adventuring in the world of Azeroth! You can even become an archeologist within the game and dig up artifacts that can, then, be turned into powerful in-game items.
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There is really no limit on what you can do, in the world of Azeroth. The only limitations are your time and your imagination. I have been playing this game since January of 2005. Still I find unexplored areas, and each week I manage to master a new ability of level my characters. If anyone is interested, my toons live on the server Alexstraza and all my toons are Alliance faction. There are Horde characters to play, too! On the Alliance side there is; Human, Night Elf, Gnome, Dwarf Draenie, Worgen and Panderian races. On the side of The Horde there is; Undead, Troll, Tauren, Orc, Blood Elf, Goblin, and Panderian. Once, in game, you can choose between Alliance and The Horde then you can choose any of the above named races. Once the expansion it out… there will be more races from which to choose.
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All in all, it is an exciting time in the ‘World of Warcraft’ and the land of Azeroth. I just cannot think of a better time to join the game, and; adventure, explore, battle, complete quests, build and make new friends. I hope that everyone has enjoyed this expansion update and I look forward to seeing YOU in AZEROTH!
Thank YOU!
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My Dear Readers,
ReplyDeleteFor anyone who would like to meet up with me, in game, I am on the Alexstraza Server - Alliance. My toons names are; EnzoMatrix, Devonshire, EnzomatrixLT, EnzomatrixDK, and Goodgulf. Hope to see you there!
[…] World of Warcraft – Warlords of Draenor : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. As promised, I am here today to bring you the scoop on the newest edition to the storied MMORPG franchise, ‘World of Warcraft’! That’s right today you will get a peak at the upcoming expansion ‘Warlords of Draenor’. First, to get a little of the legal mumbo jumbo out of the way, ALL materials shared here are copyright of Blizzard Entertainment and not property of The Other Shoe. That means, I am just here to share what is already readily available at the web site I linked above. I am not to break any news, or share anything new.” Here we are! This is the article, the last of the triad, that is all about the all new expansion to WoW. I share many in game screen shots, a listing of many of the new features and upgrades, and a little of the back story behind the expansion. It is a great read and well worth the time and effort to learn all about the upcoming expansion. ENJOY! […]