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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. First, I would like to take a moment and say ‘Thank You!” to everyone that enjoyed yesterday’s gargantuan article ‘Lost in Space – Tour of Our Solar System #3’ which, at last count, had nearly 20 ‘Likes’ already! I really poured my best into that article, hoped for the best and you My Dear Readers appreciated my efforts. For next week’s edition I will be writing about the ‘Dwarf Planets’ that exist at the very edge of the Kuiper Belt. Now back to today’s article and some startling news out of Iraq!
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(ISIS Control Areas in Iraq)
In an unexpected escalation of the conflict in Iraq, Syrian warplanes have attacked targets within Iraq![1] Now, I have confirmed this news from three news sources; CNN[2], ABC News[3], and The Wall Street Journal[4]. All three are reporting the, in essence, same tory that on Tuesday June 24, 2014 several Syrian Warplanes did carry out attacks in western Al Anbar. The target of the Syrian warplanes was ISIS forces that, just recently, moved into the area bordering with Syrian. This is no only an escalation of hostilities; this action puts Syrian President Assad backing “Baghdad's Shiite-dominated government fight*(against) Sunni insurgents”[5]. The attacks have, reportedly, killed 50 or more people and injured up to 132. At first Iraqi news agencies reported that “U.S. air strikes had hit ISIS forces at the Iraqi Syrian border.”[6] Rather rapidly the Pentagon denounced these reports as “false”.
In other news from Iraq, Tuesday saw the arrival of the first 130 members of American Military Advisors to Baghdad. That is 130 out of a potential 300 America military advisors headed for Iraq and Baghdad. Tuesday also saw the arrival of Iranian troops. Iranian ‘Special Forces’ were deployed to help protect the capital (Baghdad) as well as the Iraqi cities of Najaf and Karbala, which Shiites revere[7].
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(Map of Iraq’s Ethnic Divisions)
My Dear Readers, looks like everybody now has their fingers in the Iraqi pie. To many Conservative; writers, anchors, and pundits this is a “terrible development” and Rush Limbaugh has said that “the Obama administration is giving out engraved invitations for Iran to take over Iraq…”[8] It is my humble opinion that, with all the different forces currently in Baghdad, it would be pretty darn difficult for that scenario to take place. The proof is in the pudding… meaning nobody is going to know how this is all going to turn out… well, until it does. ‘Reading Tea Leaves’, at this point in the game, would be difficult at best and disingenuous at worst.
My two cents? This just might be an opportunity for; Syria, Iran, Iraq and America to find some… solidarity. Seems we all have the same goals in mind:
1) Repel the forces of ISIS
2) Keep the current (elected) government in power in Iraq.
Shared misfortune makes for strange bedfellows. I reserve my judgment on just how this situation plays out, however, My Dear Readers, I will do my best to keep you informed.
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(Spain’s Princess Cristian de Borbon)
Last week I wrote about Spain’s former King, Juan Carlos, abdicating so that his son, King Felipe VI, could take over the Monarchy. These actions were meant to ‘shore up’ Spain’s faltering economy and overall approval of the Monarchy. Well, the paint on King Felipe VI’s ‘royal portrait’ is not even dry, and there is trouble in the court. Seems that Princess Cristian de Borbon, sister to King Felipe VI, is now facing corruption charges in Spain![10]
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(Princess Cristian de Borbon Leaving Court Saturday)
The image, above, is of the Princess leaving the court in Palma de Mallorca, capital of the Balearic Islands on Saturday morning after answering questions. The charges are that she, and her husband Urdangarin (a former Olympic handball player), used their ‘royal influence’ for graft and theft. These accusations, and some of the ways the two are responding to the charges, have caused the new King’s national approval ratings to plummet. Nearly two-thirds of Spaniards want the new King to abdicate and hand the crown over to his son. I’ll keep you posted on this palace intrigue.
It seems that the U.S. Supreme Court has given a ‘death Blow’ to Aereo's ‘Streaming TV Service’ in several major American city’s outlets[9]. Started just about a year ago, Aereo offered a service whereby a (paid @ ~ $8 a month) subscriber could stream broadcast programs on their mobile device(s). Immediately the nation’s major broadcast networks filed suit claiming that Aereo infringed on their copyright protections by illegally retransmitting their cotnent without paying. BINGO! IN a 6/3 ruling the court sided with the nation’s broadcasters and Aereo is (now) a thing of the past. My Two Cents – You can’t get something for nothing, Aereo!
Now, yesterday’s gargantuan seventeen page edition of ‘Lost in Space’ really ‘put the hurt’ on yours truly. I really wanted to get out this edition of ‘News from Around the World’. Having done, I will be cutting things a little short, here today. Again a BIG “Thank YOU!” to everyone that came by and ‘Like(d)’ my gargantuan edition of ‘Lost In Space’ (click there < to see!). It made my heart beat pitter-patter to see all of those many ‘Like(s)’! I was very moved by your show of appreciation for my efforts. I worked rather hard, on that edition, I tried something new… and I am glad I made the gargantuan effort, and took the chance. “Thank YOU!”
That will wrap it up for this edition of ‘New from Around the World’. If anything… more happens? I will work to bring it to you, My Dear Readers, right here at ‘The Other Shoe’!
Thank YOU!
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[…] News from Around the World – June 25th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. First, I would like to take a moment and say ‘Thank You!” to everyone that enjoyed yesterday’s gargantuan article ‘Lost in Space – Tour of Our Solar System #3’ which, at last count, had nearly 20 ‘Likes’ already! I really poured my best into that article, hoped for the best and you My Dear Readers appreciated my efforts. For next week’s edition I will be writing about the ‘Dwarf Planets’ that exist at the very edge of the Kuiper Belt. Now back to today’s article and some startling news out of Iraq!” My Dear Readers, I cannot tell you just exactly how happy I am that this series of articles have found there success! Each and every week I scour through the week’s news and find articles that many have missed! I take these ‘missing’ articles and bring them to you, My Dear Readers. If you haven’t? Take a moment and read! ENJOY! […]