In between chills and headaches, I managed to make this short video of Alexander playing with Allen’s hat from Wendy’s. Alex always makes me laugh, as you can hear in this video. I really think that he was trying to hide in the hat and go with Allen to work. He really misses Allen when he is gone to work .
Now, without further adieu, I give you ‘Sunday Funnies’.
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[…] Sunday Funnies – May 4th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. If it is Sunday, then it is time for ‘Sunday Funnies’! This week has been a difficult week for me, My Dear Readers. My neck is swollen… actually the lymph nodes in my neck are swollen. All day Thursday thru Saturday I was running fevers of between 101 – 102 degrees. I have a horrible raspy cough, that crackles in my lungs like gravel, and I ache all over.” No wonder it’s been a rough week, all around. This is how it started out… with fevers, chills, and being sick! I had totally forgot that I was sick, just one week ago. Now, it is Sunday again, and I am just so very sore all over. I can hardly lift my hands to type, and my back is in terrible pain from my neck to my butt. Once I am finished with this article… and then ‘Sunday Funnies’ I am taking the rest of the day off! […]