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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I hope that everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day three-day weekend! I am spending mine waiting to see if and when I will be able to publish at the primary location for my publications… the other The Other Shoe. JWhile I am waiting I am playing a little World of Warcraft and catching up with some old online friends.
Yes, from what I have seen (over at blog dot com) it appears as though they are working to bring back my blog. If that is the case, you should ‘see’ me ramping up production on a large number of articles, including (but not limited to) ‘The Horror in Smithville’! I have about the next five of six episodes already plotted out in my head. It is just a matter of sitting behind the keyboard and taking the adventure with Timmy and Archer… Oh, yeah, and writing it down as we go along. J
By now, I am sure that NASA/JPL have provided a good deal more images from Curiosity on Mars. So, just as soon as I have sorted through all the images they have posted I will be bringing you at least one edition of ‘The Mars Report’. Not to leave out the universe beyond our Solar System, I will be wandering over to the Hubble Space Telescope web site and digging through all the newer images there, too.
Once that venture is complete you can expect to see an ‘All NEW’ edition of ‘Lost In Space’! That should take us to about Thursday or Friday… which segways me nicely to the next subject at hand. My Dear Readers, I am having some second thoughts about the series ‘The Deep Web’. Here is my thinking: I would just hate for any of you, My Dear Readers, to venture into the ‘Deep Web’ and end up getting harmed. I would/could not forgive myself. With that in mind I am, for the time being, mothballing the entire series. Until I can share with you, My Dear Readers, a better and more secure way to venture forth into this other part of the World Wide Web? I cannot, in good conscience, share information on how to get there and play in that world.
That leaves me, us, with a big hole at the end of the week in our line up. I am knocking around a lot of ideas of what to put at the end of the week. I am really thinking of adding a regular article series on PC Gaming! I enjoy PC Gaming so very much… and the series ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’ was a resounding success. I am going to toss around ideas, for the rest of the week, but do not be surprised if (come Friday) you do see a reposting of ‘MMORPGs And YOU!’ here at The Other Shoe. That would mean that I have decided to make Fridays PC Gaming days here at The Other Shoe.
That brings us to the end of this little update and venture Behind the Keyboard. Again, I hope that everyone is taking the time to relax and enjoy this three-day weekend. Spend it with people you love, doing something that you enjoy. It is times, like these, where we make the memories that last a lifetime. If you have the chance? Make a New Friend! One can never have too many good friends, eh?
Thank YOU!
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