Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today is Friday May 31st, 2014, TGiF to everyone! With the first weekend, since my blog disappeared, rapidly approaching I have been searching my brain for just what content might peak interest by you, My Dear Readers. First, I thought of presenting Part TEN of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ for your reading pleasure.
You see, I stayed up till nearly 3AM this morning working on that very story. However, to publish that work today would be to ‘Rob Peter to pay Paul’. Thursday is the day I have earmarked for my horror genre works, and I like it that way. So, I don’t want to scramble my schedule just to bring some entertaining content to you, My Dear Readers. Next, I thought about bring you an edition of ‘News from Around the World’. Unfortunately, a good deal of the news here domestically seems to center around the primaries in many of our states.
I have made a conscious decision to greatly limit my political works, as I understand they serve more to polarize my readership (and even hurt people’s feelings) more than add to the collective nature of my works. So, politics (for the time being) is out. Next, I stumble upon something I read earlier this month. I read… and read… and I am struck that I had not learned all there was to learn about the subject, when it originally hit the news cycle. I found that a good many talking-heads had not done their due diligence, either. Further, this event is based in a topic that I have promised to pursue here at The Other Shoe. Bingo! I think we have a winner!
Now, My Dear Readers, you can plainly see from the title above that I did decide to place this article under the heading ‘News From Around the World’, as it is ‘World News’ and the statements I will share have far flung impact and import. Among all of my readers, from all over America and the world at large, I think that I can safely say that a vast majority of you, My Dear Readers, understand that America (and much of the world) is gripped by inequality.
Inequality of all types and stripes, not just financial. We are all very familiar with Boko Haram and his kidnapping of over 219 women (originally leaving with 279 women and children now down to 219) and girls in Nigeria[1]. To the incident in Pakistan, this week, where a pregnant woman was stoned to DEATH by her FAMILY on the steps of the courthouse she was about to enter to fight for her right to marry the man she loved.[2]To the final topic of this article, gross financial inequality in America, and the world abroad.
For, it is this story that brought me to write this article today. Let me take us back to the early days of the month of May. May 9th, to be exact. The place? The Vatican, Rome Italy. Pope Francis has invited the Secretary General of the United Nations, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, to the Vatican for talks. It is in these talks that something remarkable happens. Before I jump on my band wagon, for once I do it is difficult for me to get off again, let me set up a little back story.
We humans live in a peculiar state we call reality. For many, this reality is a cold, hard, uncaring place given to; violence, anger, hatred and prejudice. Yes, even in this the twenty-first century, mankind still kills over religion and murders over petty differences. Yet, there is a redeeming quality to this reality. This quality leads many to see mankind as living in a ‘state of grace’. I neither agree, nor disagree with individuals that are of that opinion. However, there is a unique phenomenon that exists in our reality that might be behind their feelings of a ‘state of grace’.
In my short lifetime, I have born witness to this phenomenon on more than one occasion and have read about its occurrence more than born witness. I call this phenomenon the ‘Pandora’s Box Phenomenon’, because once it is opened there is no closing it behind you and in opening you change the world around you… forever. Let me share, with you My Dear Readers, just one of these ‘Pandora’s Box Phenomenons’. In 1799 a clergyman by the name of James Newton wrote, what is today, a very famous song; ‘Amazing Grace’[3].
John Newton was not always a clergyman, as a matter of fact he started his life as a sailor in the Royal Navy (he was pressed into service). Upon leaving the Royal Navy Mr. Newton began a very prosperous adventure in the Atlantic Slave Trade’. Mr. Newton spent many decades engaged in transporting slaves from Africa to Europe and the Americas. At some point, later in life, he felt the severe wrong he had been a part of by assisting in the enslavement of his fellow man.
As early as 1799 there were strong sentiments against slavery, and John Newton spoke out! On January 1st, 1863, then, President Abraham Lincoln signed the ‘Emancipation Proclamation’[4]. In so doing, President Lincoln ended slavery in America. In 1799 John Newton set in motion the first event of the ‘Pandora’s Box Phenomenon’ that lead to the end of Americans enslaving African Americans. Further, on January 1st, 1863 (it could be said) that President Lincoln engaged in the first act of the ‘Pandora’s Box Phenomenon’ that lead to the ‘Voting Rights Act of 1965’[5]. Giving full membership in America to the African American people.
Women’s suffrage, beginning as early as the seventeenth century, finally gained a Woman’s Right to Vote in 1920. You see, My Dear Readers, as soon as one person gives voice, writes it in a song, or stands with the conviction of their beliefs and the strength of their convictions; they open the Pandora’s Box and set in motion the ‘Pandora’s Box Phenomenon’. Always resulting in an ideal becoming a reality! I do not know if you, My Dear Readers, were paying attention on May 9th, 2014… but it happened, again.
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This time Pope Francis opened the ‘Pandora’s Box’ and set in motion the ‘Pandora’s Box Phenomenon’ that will bring about the end of; financial inequality on our planet and (may well) bring about the end of ‘Free Enterprise’ and the ‘monetary system’ as we know it today. Yeah, didn’t see that one coming did you?
For me this is no longer speculation, this is a certainty. Yet, let me share some of what Pope Francis said to the Secretary General of the United Nations that he believes the time has come for a legitimate redistribution of wealth to the poor.
“Pope Francis recently called for a "legitimate redistribution" of wealth when meeting with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, saying governments should work to end the "economy of exclusion" that plagues the poor and the middle class from rising up the economic ladder.” From the Christian Post[6]
Pope Francis went on to day;
“"I do not hesitate to state, as did my predecessors, that equitable economic and social progress can only be attained by joining scientific and technical abilities with an unfailing commitment to solidarity accompanied by a generous and disinterested spirit of gratuitousness at every level,"[7]
“People should share the "material goods [as well as] intellectual and spiritual ones" they have received, and should "give back generously and lavishly," he said, according to a statement released by the Vatican.
He said that "equitable economic and social progress can only be attained by joining scientific and technical abilities with an unfailing commitment to solidarity accompanied by a generous and disinterested spirit of gratuitousness at every level."
"A contribution to this equitable development will also be made both by international activity aimed at the integral human development of all the world's peoples and by the legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the State, as well as indispensable cooperation between the private sector and civil society," he continued.”[8]
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This, My Dear Readers, is crystal clear for me as it should be for all mankind. Now, don’t get me wrong I am a firm believer that ‘Free Enterprise’ and our current ‘Market Structure’ were necessary evils to bring down the institutions of ‘Kings’, Monarchies, and the very small group of people that did control all wealth prior to the creation of our free market system. That our current monetary system and free enterprise have served mankind… well, and now it is time for; Americaand Americans to lead the human race to the next financial system.
I understand that for a great many people this idea is so foreign it is repellant. I must admit that I have a bit of an advantage when it comes to wrapping my head around these new ideals. For the better part of four decades, many science fiction writers have written of a futuristic world where ‘there is no money’! Even Gene Roddenberry created a world where the was no money. He called this fanciful world… ‘Star Trek’! You might have heard of it and the 70+ original TV episodes, the nine movies and the four other TV series of the later 20th century and the early 21st century.
We, readers of science fiction, have been fully aware that there was a very good chance that the world of the future would have no money. That, truly, the only genuine way to end poverty is to bring about the end of our current market system and our monetary system. But, don’t ask me… read; Gene Roddenberry, Arthur C. Clark, Isaac Asimov, and many many other science fiction writers. My Dear Readers, this has been an idea looking for the right time.
It is my humble opinion that, with his conversations with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Pope Francis has set in motion the ‘Pandora’s Box Phenomenon’ that will bring about an end to poverty in America. You might not have been paying attention, on May 9th 2014, but now you, My Dear Readers, know.
As always I welcome any and all comments and suggestions on this blog, the contents of my articles and anything else that you might like to discuss. You can leave comments (check the top of the article) and you can always find me on Facebook (click on that link and it will take you to my Facebook page), or you can just look for me on Facebook under Danny Hanning. As well, I am ALWAYS looking for MORE ‘Like’(s) for the Facebook Page for The Other Shoe. (Again, just click on that link to go to the Facebook page for The Other Shoe, or look up The Other Shoe on Facebook).
Thank YOU!
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[…] New From Around the World – May 31st, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today is Friday May 31st, 2014, TGiF to everyone! With the first weekend, since my blog disappeared, rapidly approaching I have been searching my brain for just what content might peak interest by you, My Dear Readers. First, I thought of presenting Part TEN of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ for your reading pleasure.” Here is a perfect example of what I was talking about, this article is a double edged sword. I start out talking about social inequalities (from around the world) that have occurred in just the past week, and then I quietly segway into financial inequality. You see, My Dear Readers, I will likely never tire of writing about the grave and widening gap between our (now) ‘Two Class’ system. Gone are the days of the ‘Middle Class’, today you either struggle ‘hand-to-mouth’ making it paycheck to paycheck, or you have so much disposable income you have to buy symbols of ‘vulgar displays of wealth’. In the month of May, Pope Francis had the courage of his convictions to tell the leaders of this world that the time has come for a “legitimate redistribution of wealth”. The Pope has hit the nail on the head, and with one breath has set in motion forces that will, in time, level financial inequality once and for all. Want to know ‘why’ I say that, you will have to read this article. […]