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Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. My Dear Readers, I know that I haven’t published in several days, For that, there is a good reason that started Friday afternoon. I only have Allen as any kind of caregiver. As my disease state progresses, this is getting to be a less tenable situation. Case in point, this Friday afternoon, I was preparing to bathe… which in good circumstances is a difficult task. I had already bathed Alexander and he was drying in the front room.
When I had drained the tub, after Alex’s bath, I began to run it for myself, and left the bathroom with Alex in tow. For whatever reason… I get distracted… I was involved in getting Alex dried… For whatever reason, I took way too long. Suddenly I think the water is running in the bathroom!
Bye the time I get into the bathroom… it is flooded… as is the adjoining kitchen. I rush to the tub and turn off the water and pull the plug. How I am left alone in the house, with about an inch to two inches of standing water all over the bathroom and kitchen. Get everything off the floor… take off your slippers and socks… too late they are all ready ruined… still getting e3verything off the floor and into the front room… front room carpet is now getting wet… grab towels and begin this process – soak up water into large bath towel… lift bath towel from floor… rest half under my left arm at the shoulder… grip towel between upper left arm and shoulder and right hand… twist… repeat… about… ten THOUSAND times… Bye the time Allen got home, at 2PM, there was still about an inch of water all over the floors.
Now, did my best to clean up the mess I made. It left me in terrible pain for the past three days. It is Sunday morning, and I am still so very very sore. This, My Dear Readers, is why I have not published in several days. I hope that everyone understands, and returns to the blog… now that I am writing. It has been a very difficult and painful several days. Now, if I could actually afford a caregiver… anyway. Now, on with ‘A Week in Review’!
I must admit, and am very happy to announce, I managed to publish seven articles this week. Still keeping up this pace, for now the fourth month in a row!! I had a doctor’s appointment, this week, in L.A. and still managed to write and publish a full week’s work of seven articles. Yeah, I am pretty darn proud of that fact. Now, without further adieu I give you ‘A Week in Review’:
- Sunday Funnies – May 4th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. If it is Sunday, then it is time for ‘Sunday Funnies’! This week has been a difficult week for me, My Dear Readers. My neck is swollen… actually the lymph nodes in my neck are swollen. All day Thursday thru Saturday I was running fevers of between 101 – 102 degrees. I have a horrible raspy cough, that crackles in my lungs like gravel, and I ache all over.” No wonder it’s been a rough week, all around. This is how it started out… with fevers, chills, and being sick! I had totally forgot that I was sick, just one week ago. Now, it is Sunday again, and I am just so very sore all over. I can hardly lift my hands to type, and my back is in terrible pain from my neck to my butt. Once I am finished with this article… and then ‘Sunday Funnies’ I am taking the rest of the day off!
- The Mars Report – May 5th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. A big welcome back to ‘The Mars Report’ for May 5th, 2014. Tomorrow I must make a journey, by mass transit, from here in Orange County all the way into Los Angeles County, Rolling Hills Estates. I leave at 8:30AM and return home at 8PM. Yes, a twelve hour journey to see one doctor. Anywho, I am mentioning this because I am pressed for time, today. Therefore, this will be a shortened version of this storied series. Not to diminish this edition, because in this edition you will get to witness… … … Martian Dunes MOVE!” Amazing that while this was published and most of you , My Dear Readers, were reading this on Monday I was preparing for my visit, the very next afternoon. It HAS been a terribly eventful and stressful week, for Danny. Yes… I AM resting for the rest of this Sunday!
- Lost In Space – May 6th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. An amazing fact came to my attention, just today. You see… I have been In LOVE with; Space, Space Flight, Space Exploration, Space Images, Star Gazing, Star Maps… you get the idea, since I was like an aware human being. Like most star-nuts I have a favorite constellation. The amazing fact is that in all the editions of ‘Lost in Space’ I have not once featured my favorite constellation. Therefore, the image you see above addresses this shortcoming!” Truly AMAZING was while you all were reading THIS article I was in transit to and back from Los Angeles! It was a very good visit, and we are working to get to the bottom of my frequent fevers and illness. This edition of ‘Lost in Space’ ended up being a very good edition, in deed. In spite of the terrible frantic pace of the week, I was still managing to mange my workload and some private time… some. In this edition, there are some incredible images from millions to billions of light years away. I hope that everyone takes the time and gives this edition a good look-see. ENJOY!
- Notes from Behind the Keyboard – May 7th, 2014 : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Now, before I get started on today’s edition of ‘Notes from Behind the Keyboard’ I wanted to take a moment to express my ‘Thanks!’ to people, without whom, my journey yesterday would not have been possible. I would like to say “Thank you!” to: All the drivers and support people at Orange County Para-Transit Access, Los Angeles County Para-Transit Access, the good people at OCTA and MTA, all of the nurses and support people at Palos Verdes Medical Group, my Primary Physician Dr. L. Gorlick, the phlebotomist and technicians from Memorial Medical Services at PVMD, and my caregiver and significant other of 27 years Glen Allen. Yesterday was my quarterly follow-up visit to my primary care giver, and good friend Dr. Laurence Gorlick.” Always wanting, and working, to keep you, My Dear Readers, in the loop… here are some photos taken while I was on my journey, and a flayer from the mall where my doctor’s office… is. It was quite a difficult journey, but time well spent. Take a moment and read about my journey, and see the photos and the flyer.
- REVIEW – ‘The Horror in Smithville’ First Seven Parts! : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I am sitting here, in an apartment way too hot to work… or even live, trying to get cool enough to start writing Part Eight of ‘The Horror in Smithville’ when I had a great idea. Prior to returning to writing the next chapter… maybe I should present a review of the first Seven parts! This will give me a chance for the room to cool…. Hopefully… and a chance to review everything that has happened to Timmy and Archer in the first sixty-five pages.” Here are LINKS to ALL of the FIRST seven episodes of ‘The Horror in Smithville’. I, originally, published this article to fill in time, and to encourage people to check out this on-going series. Much to my surprise, a Facebook friend (and someone from my childhood and hometown, Pearland,) asked me, on Friday, is there was a single place where she could get caught up with the story. Where are the first seven episodes? She asked. I would it terrible coincidental that just days before, I had published an article with just such a list, and links to all seven previous episode. Now, here is your chance to get caught up in, and caught up on ‘The Horror in Smithville’… This story really is gaining traction! YEAH!
- The Horror in Smithville – Part EIGHT : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Just as promised, I have worked through the night, and most of this morning, to make sure I was able to publish the much anticipated (and slightly tardy) Part EIGHT – ‘The Horror in Smithville’! You know, My Dear Readers, I am really glad that I didn’t promise any particular; plot twists, character changes, plot lines or story lines prior to writing.” Here it IS!! After many readers having waited another week, just to read this episode, here is the much anticipated PART EIGHT of The Horror in Smithville’!!! I am not sharing any spoilers, here today… so if you want to know “what happens”? You will just have to take a few moments and read this great episode, yourself! ENJOY!
- The Deep Web – Review of First Three Issues : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today, Friday, I have decided to take the time to review the first three issues of ‘The Deep Web’ prior to continuing with this series. From what I am seeing in my traffic reports, a good many of my current readers are ‘new’ readers. New to The Other Shoe. Having said, I think it prudent that I review the very first three issues so that these ‘new’ readers can catch-up on this series.” After careful consideration, and much hand wringing, I decide to return to this series. Therefore, in order to get everyone up to speed, I have published this review of the first three articles. Be sure to check back, right here, nest Friday for Part Four, of this very controversial and informative series.
Well, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the very end of this week’s review. I hope everyone had enjoyed this romp through the collective works of the past seven days. I am simply amazed, looking back on the events of the week, that I managed to write and publish all this work. It just goes to show you, I really do want to share and inform.
Now, I a simply must rush. For I have, still, to publish this then write ‘Sunday Funnies’ and publish… before I can rest… again. Thank you for all your kindness and until we meet, again,…
Thank YOU!
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