Never before, in the history of our nation, have there been so many hyper-partisan voices. Never before has there been disingenuous claims of such a personal and insulting nature leveled at a President of the United States. In my lifetime there has never been a more determined and uninformed group of Americans, literally, Hell-Bent on public ridicule of a Presidential candidate nor sitting President. It is this terrible shrill of hate-filled and hyperbolic rhetoric that motivated me to start this blog.
Today, I saw the ugly culmination of nearly a decade drumbeat of angry rhetoric, in the demand for blood of our sitting President! It is this of which I speak:
““Obama is not president as far as I’m concerned," the woman can be heard saying in the clip. "He should be executed as an enemy combatant.”[1]
Uninterrupted, the woman went on to say:
“He is shipping Muslims into our country…”
“he (President Obama) has no authority, NONE!”
Now, this is happening at a ‘Town Hall’ held by Rep. Jim Bridenstine ® Oklahoma. (See video of this Town Hall here: http://youtu.be/Wxr4cEC9IXw or just below, here)
(Woman Demands Execution of President Obama)
At no point did Rep. Bridenstine attempt to stop this woman’s call for blood. Actually he sought to build on this woman’s delusional rant by proffering (as a Congressman of The United States of America):
“Everybody knows of the lawlessness of this President… he picks and chooses which laws he’s going to enforce or not enforce…”
Hang on… can we get some clarification here for everyone. The President is the head of the Executive Branch of our government. There are three branches to our Federal Government;
- 1. The Legislative Branch – Charged with passing legislation and ‘holding the purse strings’ of our Federal Government. This branch works as a legislative body to pass pieces of legislation that are made into our nation’s laws.
- 2. Executive Branch – As the Head of the Executive Branch our nationally elected President takes Legislation passed by Both Houses of Congress and signs them into Law. The Chief Executive, President, oversees a Cabinet. The Cabinet is made up of the 14 Secretaries from the executive departments and the Attorney General.
- 3. The Judicial Branch - Made up of the Courts System and in charge of ENFORCING THE LAWS.
Now, anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of our Three Branches of government understands (as you do now) that it is the Judicial Branch that is charged with “enforce or not enforce…” laws, and not the President of the United States.
I am flabbergasted that this elected and duly sworn Congressional Representative made no effort, whatsoever, to correct this woman or attempt to stop this woman from demanding the blood of our President. I have actively watched Presidential politics for as long as I can remember. I have distinct memories of watching speeches from President Eisenhower, and clearly remember a televised debate between Senator Kennedy and Richard Nixon.
Never in my life have I ever witnessed such bloodlust. For the past three years, I have used this blog to warn. Warn against this type of hyperbolic and hyper-partisan rhetoric. Rhetoric and the potential damage it does to our political dialogue and our government. Let me give you a little comparison in contrast. .
During the Presidential campaign between Senator Obama and Senator McCain I distinctly remember a ‘Town Hall’ that Senator McCain held, in I believe Arizona. Senaotr McCain was taking questions from many of the people in attendance. He walks up to a woman, a woman clearly of an age we would refer to as a senior. The woman starts out saying:
“President Obama is an Muslim… and I do not think… “
To his credit, and to make my point, Senator McCain STOPS the woman in mid-sentence and corrects her!
“President Obama is not an Arab, he is a decent family man that I happen to have disagreements with…”[2]
That happened in October 10th 2008. I am deeply disturbed at how far we, as a nation, have fallen in just five years and four months. My Dear Readers, I apologize… but it is only one political party… one party that seeks to garner and hold political office… this way. It is just elements of the Republican Party that resort to these low-handed tactics to endear voters. It is just the Republican party that allows such hyperbolic rhetoric to have become the bread and butter of their party.
When I started this blog, this was the concern that motivated by actions. I genuinely feared the day when this kind of hyperbolic and antisocial behavior be seen as the ‘politically correct’ way to register one’s discontent for a Presidency. I appeal to you, MY Dear Readers, to see this woman’s action (and the inaction of Rep. Bridenstine) as reprehensible and unacceptable. When you; speak in your community, post on Facebook, write in any social media and even in conversations with friends and family never allow hyperbolic rhetoric (like this call for bloodlust by this woman) to gain purchase. To strongly resist the infection of your; community, political circles, and/or your home by this disease. We the People must stand United against this kind of social disease, this bloodlust.
We must, together, stand against the spread of this kind of socially reprehensible behavior in our homes and in our communities. You see, My Dear Readers, that if you remain silent… your silence will be seen as acceptance. We cannot allow our nation’s political dialogue to be so poisoned. There is no intrinsic value to this woman’s words. There can be no acceptance for these bitter and deeply disturbing demands.
As Senator McCain said, “we disagree on a great many policies” but we cannot allow disagreement to be so deeply warped into some kind of ignorant hatred. As Americans we owe it to our posterity to keep our national political dialogue free from such bloodlust and angry ignorance. Our nation is strong. Our nation is proud. That strength can be tapped by allowing angry bloodlust to flourish. Our pride can quickly turn to shame, if we ignore or even support such hyperbolic and hyper-partisan hate filled rhetoric.
I am in terrible pain, My Dear Readers, and I am in real need of rest. I could not rest until I made an effort to publish… and speak strongly about this injustice to our nation, and our political dialogue. I so much love my country, that I could not find rest before I addressed this terrible injustice. You may well think “this is jus the words of one woman….” What is the big deal? Where is the real need?
That is now it starts, My Dear Readers. It starts with us just looking away. Then while our backs are turned.. it grows… and in the darkness it grains power. Then it becomes larger than any of us ever imagined, and then it is too late to stop. I have made my stand, I have written as much as I possibly can… I have made every effort I am capable… and I have appealed to every American’s better nature. Do not let thoughts and words like these gain a foothold in your community. Do not allow this kind of bloodlust for a President take root in your community, your family, your life and your heart.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank YOU!
P.S. I am still without much food in my home. I do my best, honest I really do. I am not lying about how much money I make… I do not lie about the lack of food I suffer. I sincerely apologize for even mentioning this problem. However, it was a good friend that told me… “Danny, if you don’t tell people your needs… there is no way those that want to help, know when they CAN help.” I am asking for help. I have written in many articles how to help. One way is to click the link below to my eBay Store for The Other Shoe. Please… if you can… Please do help.
. [PayPal account is Daniel Hanning enzomatrix@earthlink.net all contributions are private and greatly appreciated Thank you]
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