Today is completely different for my ‘Sunday Funnies’ feature. Alexander performs in many ways, and each week is more and more enjoyable. However, today is much different in that I have never seen any rat perform… quite like today. Today… Alexander plays!
Just like a dog or a cat, Alexander is playing ‘Tug-of-War’ with me. He is a set of ‘Dog Tags’ that came with some PC FPS game, ‘War Rocks’. That somehow I have managed to keep these fake dog tags over the years. Alexander wants to play with these dog tags. Now, in all the years I have owned rats, and ‘Fancy Rats’ I have never encountered one that actually plays.
Not only the type of playing, My Dear Readers, but also how long he played! Alexander showed an attention span that I find exceptional. He played, with these dog tags, and me for nearly fifteen minutes! In human time, that would be equivalent of playing for about four hours.
‘Fancy Rats’ are changing. There I said it, you can all now call me crazy. The fact remains, and I am the first one to put it into print, ‘Fancy Rats’ are evolving for the better. During my time in college and I think in psychology I learned that the act of play is a sign of a higher consciousness, or being self-aware. Rats play with each other, all the time. You can see it in the pet stores, you can see it (even) among street rats. However, a rat playing with a human for an extended period of time, and to develop a bond with a particular object as a ‘play toy’ … well, that is something more.
So, without further adieu here is ‘Sunday Funnies’ and Alexander playing Tug-of-War!
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[…] Sunday Funnies – February 9th, 2014 : “Just like a dog or a cat, Alexander is playing ‘Tug-of-War’ with me. He is a set of ‘Dog […]