Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I am making a departure from my usual faire, and format. Necessity dictates that I push the limits of my creativity, and what I am willing to part with… in order to pay rent, and perhaps to keep my cellular phone. I am posting this article, again, and the items for sale at eBay in hopes of doing just that, pay my rent and keep my cell phone. I am not greedy, nor is my heart filled with avarice. To merely desire three meals in a given day, instead of the one. That is not greed. To desire to keep one's only means of communication, with which to find solace of the soul by talking with long lost friends. Surely this is not greed?
My Dear Readers, I come here today to ask for your frogiveness. Forgiveness for seeking assistance, in a time where millions are in need. I know that many suffer, greatly. That, in comparison, my one meal a day is more than they. I ask for forgiveness that I seek to eat more healthy, and more often. That I seek to keep the roof, I fought so hard to obtain, still over my head this day. This is the reason that I come here and post this atricle, again. If it is in you, that you might share, and share alike. Share so that I might eat more healthy. Share that I might keep a line of communication open, to give solace to a mind bent with hurt and pain.
The year was 2005. The date was May 4th. Disney and Disneyland were kicking off a six-month Celebration. This was my friend Allen’s fifth year working for Disneyland at the Blue Bayou restaurant. For the next six months all employees were asked to postpone vacations, curtail sick days and come to work every day scheduled and not miss a beat.
If an employee did this, at the end of that six month period they would receive; a two week paid vacation, favored status for next promotion and a collection of Commemorative pins and plates. Allen made it to the end of the six months, and worked there another five years. He was quite proud of himself fpr the accomplishment he had undertaken. They bestowed the gifts, just as promised, with a commemorative plaque. He received Six Disneyland DESSERT PLATE Sleeping Beauty Castle 50th Anniversary Disney crownsand five of the pins (One - Disney 50th Anniversary Main Street Popcorn Cart Walt & Mickey Jumbo Easel Pin)
For the past eight years he has treasured these items like no other. They have been kept safely in their boxes, padded with their pads, and (most) never used at all. The plates have never been out of the boxes for more than a min. and never used to eat!
I am leaning toward setting the whole sets for higher price because of the rare items. With all the items and ‘sets’ what is posted is the ‘Suggested Contribution’ to get the corresponding perk. As a donor you always have the option of donating larger amounts and taking the desired perk.
This was a difficult decision for both of us and more so for Allen because he went six months without; being late once, calling in sick, over staying a lunch and accepting all offered open shifts. He really put his nose to the grindstone and is/was extremely proud when he was awarded these 50th Anniversary Annual Passholder Exclusive Commemorative items. I am hesitant to offer them for this purpose. However, this first week has given me grave concerns and I realize something has to change. I am hoping that this might be part of that change.
The first shot is of all six Disneyland 50th Anniversary Annual Passholders Exclusive Dessert Plates:
[caption id="attachment_1056" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(All Six 50th Anniversary Dessert Plates)
Next I will show each of the six dessert plates with notes on the special or rare plates. First will be the most sought of the six, Disneyland Sleeping Beauty’s Castle:
[caption id="attachment_1066" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Number Six Sleeping Beauty’s Castle Dessert Plate)
Next will be Number Five Tinkerbelle’s plate;
[caption id="attachment_1065" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Plate #5 Tinkerbelle’s Dessert Plate)
Next is one of the ‘Crowns’ dessert plates. I do not know of their rarity or special designations, like Blue Fairy or Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. This is plate number four;
[caption id="attachment_1064" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Plate Number Four – Crowns)
Next is my personal favorite, number three plate the ‘Blue Fairy’ plate;\
[caption id="attachment_1063" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Plate Number Three Blue Fairy)
Next is the number two ‘Crowns’ dessert plate;
[caption id="attachment_1060" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Number Two Dessert Plate)
Finally, plate number one the last of the ‘Crowns’ plates.
[caption id="attachment_1062" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Number One ‘Crowns’ Dessert Plate);
That finishes up the amazing dessert plates that I will have posted as perks. They each come with the Certificate of Authenticity pictured below;
[caption id="attachment_1059" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Certificate of Authenticity)
That completely wraps up the dessert plates that are going to be offered. They are all in pristine condition. Never out of the box for more than the time it took to take these pictures. Never used for eating, no chips or defects.
Really tired and a lot of pain. Last I am going to display the pins that are going to be available. They are all 50th Anniversary Annual Passholders Exclusive Frequent Diners Reward Pins. The first image is of the whole set, all four types of pins I have available.
[caption id="attachment_1054" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(All FOUR Types of 50th Anniversary APH Exclusive Pins)
First shot is of the Casa Mexicana pin; (there are two available)
[caption id="attachment_1057" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Casa Mexicana APH Reward Pin Full Box)
Next is Tomorrowland Terrace:
[caption id="attachment_1071" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Tomorrowland Terrace APH Reward Pin)
Next, the Tahitian Terrace pin;
[caption id="attachment_1068" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
Tahitian Terrace APH Reward Pin with Box)
Last, but the very best and rarest ‘Walt & Mickey Stand-Up Pin;
[caption id="attachment_1067" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(50th Anniversary APH reward Walt/Mickey Stand-Up Pin)
That, My Dear Readers, brings us (mercifully) to the end of this article, and the end of the work I have to do, today. Thank you. Thank you for your time and efforts. Thank you for your ‘Like’s and ‘Share’s. I am honored that you take the time to come here and read.
Thank you!
P.S. I am still without much food in my home. I do my best, honest I really do. I am not lying about how much money I make… I do not lie about the lack of food I suffer. I sincerely apologize for even mentioning this problem. However, it was a good friend that told me… “Danny, if you don’t tell people your needs… there is no way those that want to help, know when they CAN help.” I am asking for help. I have written in many articles how to help. One way is to click the link below to my eBay Store for The Other Shoe. Please… if you can… Please do help.
. [PayPal account is Daniel Hanning enzomatrix@earthlink.net all contributions are private and greatly appreciated Thank you]
Please Share!
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[…] Disneyland 50th Anniversary Annual Passholders Plates and Pins : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Today I am making a departure from my usual […]