I am slowly, but surely, regaining strength and stamina. Whereas nothing in life would make me happier than to write a couple of 7, 10 or 12 page articles for you, My Dear Readers. I am completely bereft of the physical ability to use in my previous levels. Had I not been stricken with this disease I would have, likely, not realized just how much I had been writing in the past month. Prior to falling into the altered consciousness that comes with prolonged high fevers, I took a look back over the past several weeks at my work.
Much to my surprise, I quickly realized that in the past 4 to 6 weeks I have written, edited and published nearly 50 articles. Just last week we finally culminated the celebration of my 350th article here at The Other Shoe. We now, My Dear Readers, a rapidly approaching 390 articles. The fourth anniversary of this blog is in just over three weeks. As we luck may have it, it appears as though I could well be publishing my 400th article at the very same time we celebrate the fourth anniversary of this blog. Should that occur, My Dear Readers, at the same time as it appears it will I can guarantee you I will most likely have a seven part review and engage an entire week of reviewing all the 400 articles I have written, edited and published in the past four years.
This week, however, I have a story to tell you about the origin and nature of the disease I just baffled. An experience, for the lack of a better word a vision, I had while in the throes of 104 104.2° temperature. And, lastly, I hope to devoted article to a growing disease within our great nation. A disease, not much unlike cancer at first, many Americans choose to ignore… Are even claim it does not exist. I am not talking about the acute bacterial upper respiratory infection, and talking of a much darker much more insidious disease that is running rampant in our great nation.
The next two weeks may well challenge some of my readers. Challenge them with facts figures numbers charts proof of something gravely insidious. Unfortunately I have already encountered some that Stephen the discussion of this topic is an affront to their delicate sensibilities. I cannot be bothered with such ignorance. I cannot be hampered by the disingenuous nature of their Shocker Surprise. My Dear Readers I have faith that the vast majority of you will continue to read and continue to be followers of this blog and my writing. I have a great deal of faith in you, My Dear Readers.
Now, with what little strength and stamina I have waning going to do a quick introduction for the nine minute video I have embedded into this publication. The video is an update for all of you that concern yourselves with my safety my welfare and my health. Quite honestly I do not feel it was enough for me just to write a few words to let you know I was on the mend. Nay, that is not nearly enough for you My Dear Readers. You deserve more, and more is exactly what I will give you.
The video shows you the state that I’m currently in, and how this brutal disease is left me. I wanted to show everyone that I’m breathing I can set up right and that I’m ready just build strength beginning to gauge my readers. As well as the video, I would like to extend a deep and heartfelt “Thank you!” to my good friend Ian Cottier in England. Ian read that I was going without food, while battling this terrible infection. Without food and without hopes of obtaining any food least someone reach out and lend me a hand.
When my temperature reached 104.2, he reached out and lent more than just a helping hand. He assisted in me obtaining food, and went further. He helped me retire some debt that had plagued me, and removed a huge and crippling rock that had been pressing on me, and my health. It is a true friend indeed that sees a friend in need and puts aside their needs to help that friend, indeed. I did not call and ask him for help. I did not call anyone and ask for help. That is my greatest weakness, the ability to reach out from under extreme circumstance, and ask for assistance. He saw my need. He saw my deteriorating health. He reached out to me, from across a great sea, and lifted a tremendous weight away from me. I am forever in his debt.
Ironic, that in the same week I lost what I thought was a ‘good friend’… and in the same week found great friendship from thousands of miles away form a man I have never met face to face.
It is with that thought I leave you, My Dear Readers, to view the following video of a recovering me.
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