What most people do not know is that the problem affecting both states is right here in Southern California. Now, before I get into all the science and meteorology involved in our current situation, and how that will instigate the single greatest migration from California in America’s history. I would like to share a little Californian history.
California was a desert. Let me say that again, the area we now call California was a desert. In just the past millennium (actually dating back to 850 AD) California has experienced; one drought that lasted two-hundred-forty years (240) followed, just fifty-years (50) later by another drought lasting one-hundred eighty years! A little quick math will tell you that in a single period of four-hundred-seventy (470) years the area known as California spent four-hundred-twenty (420) in drought!
“Through studies of tree rings, sediment and other natural evidence, researchers have documented multiple droughts in California that lasted 10 or 20 years in a row during the past 1,000 years — compared to the mere three-year duration of the current dry spell. The two most severe megadroughts make the Dust Bowl of the 1930s look tame: a 240-year-long drought that started in 850 and, 50 years after the conclusion of that one, another that stretched at least 180 years.”[1]
Granted, this all happened long before European man had reached the North American continent, and long before the creation of America. Yet, this has only been America since Columbus arrived in 1492. Before the colonization buy European immigrants, California had spent most of the past millennium uninhabitable. Unfortunately for the current habitants of the Great State of California, it appears that history is set to repeat itself. Let me repeat myself “it appears that history is set to repeat itself”.
There is the little history that I am going to share, today. For, now, I have so much more to share. Share about the problem today and now! Little do the inhabitants of; California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas know, but a high pressure system FOUR MILES HIGH AND 2,000 MILES LONG has parked itself off of the California coast…. For the past THIRTEEN MONTHS! (Since December 20th, 2012!)
[caption id="attachment_2327" align="aligncenter" width="500"]
(Barometric Pressure Map of West Coast USA)
Now, My Dear Readers, I have thrown myself into research mode since last Friday. I wanted to have as much of this verified as possible prior to publishing this work. To my knowledge science has never recorded a high pressure system parking for thirteen months on one place. Let me repeat myself for those just skimming this article. From my research, I have found no recorded evidence of another high pressure system ever parking off of a coast for thirteen months and not moving. This is the very first time, in recorded history, that a four mile high and two-thousand mile long ridge of high barometric pressure has remained stationary for thirteen months!
“But meteorologists have fixed their attention on the scientific phenomenon they say is to blame for the emerging drought: a vast zone of high pressure in the atmosphere off the West Coast, nearly four miles high and 2,000 miles long, so stubborn that one researcher has named it the "Ridiculously Resilient Ridge."[2]
“The current high-pressure ridge is even stronger and more persistent than a similar ridge that parked over the Pacific Ocean during the 1976-77 drought, one of the worst in the 20th century.”[3]
The current ridge of high pressure, parked off of the west coast, is; higher in altitude, longer in distance, and been parked for ten months longer than the ridge that caused the 1976-77 drought. So, My Dear Readers, there is this huge dome of high pressure (no one knows where it came from… my speculation? The Sea of India because I remember reading, several years ago, how the temperatures in the Sea of India were TEN DEGREES higher for many months) sitting parked off the California coast. This ridge of high pressure has caused 95% of our annual precipitation to head north, then east. That includes all the snow for the; Northern, Central and Southern Sierra Mountains. Want proof? Check out the images from NASA below:
[caption id="attachment_2328" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Comparison Photos from Orbit of Sierra Snow Pack 2013/2014)
“Statewide, the water content of snowpack was measured at about 20 percent of average for this time of year, and only 7 percent of the average April 1 measurement, the California Department of Water Resources said Friday.
Readings were 11 percent of average for the date for the northern mountains, 21 percent of average for the central Sierras and 30 percent of average for the southern Sierras.”[4]
Next, The Drought. Some scientists are forecasting that the current drought, in California (and Texas);
“scientists believe that this year may end up being the driest in the last half millennium, according to University of California-Berkeley professor B. Lynn Ingram. Californians are scared, with good reason: Fire danger in the state is high, and drinking-water supplies are low.”[5]
Now, for a little visual aid:
[caption id="attachment_2330" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
[caption id="attachment_2329" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(California Drought Map and Key 2014)
California has the largest population of any state in the United States, with:
“The United States Census Bureau estimates that the population of California was 38,332,521 on July 1, 2013, a 2.9% increase since the 2010 United States Census.”[6]
Just over thirty-eight million residents and the least amount of; snowfall, rainfall, and precipitation recorded since 1850. That just seems, to me, to spell disaster. A disaster resulting in the single largest shift in population (exodus) in American history. Possibly even greater than during the ‘Dust Bowl’ of the early twentieth century. Now, I had a very good friend (Bobby Duncan) I discussed this article with, over the weekend. He tells me “You know where they will all head, right?” Bobby (understandably) believes that the vast majority of the fleeing residents of California will head to Texas. (Thus turning Texas a very bright Blue) However, I am of a different opinion. Texas is suffering with a like drought, too.
You see, when California experiences a La Nina the rain passes over California and heads to Texas. Leaving California dry as a bone, and Texas a little greener. Conversely, when California experiences an El Nino the rain falls mainly here, in Southern California. Leaving Texas rather parched. However, this is entirely different. There is no La Nina, nor is there an El Nino. There is no precipitation making it past this stationary high-pressure ridge to; New Mexico, Arizona or Texas. NONE!
With this ridge of high pressure, reaching four miles high and 2,000 miles long, all the precipitation is moving north, then east. I fear that, if this high pressure ridge remains stationary, that this drought will parch; California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. Quite honestly, My Dear Readers, we could be looking at a migration of tens of millions of Americans from FOUR states… Northward.
Now, you have the science. Now, you have the facts. I have shared the images that I currently posses, and links to all the articles I have scoured. I am in extreme pain… and I want to publish this work... before I loose my nerve.
My Dear Readers, I am gravely concerned, and from what the scientists are writing and telling us… I am gravely concerned with good cause. This is not something that will just pass in the night. It has been parked here for thirteen months with no sign of it leaving. It has stolen more than a year’s worth of snow and rain, and there is no sign of it leaving. This ridge of high pressure is a freak of nature the likes of which has never been recorded in the history of California or America.
I do not mean to alarm… but, perhaps… alarm is the correct response.
I will keep you informed, just as soon as I have more information or more science.
As always I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank YOU!
P.S. I am still without much food in my home. I do my best, honest I really do. I am not lying about how much money I make… I do not lie about the lack of food I suffer. I sincerely apologize for even mentioning this problem. However, it was a good friend that told me… “Danny, if you don’t tell people your needs… there is no way those that want to help, know when they CAN help.” I am asking for help. I have written in many articles how to help. One way is to click the link below to my eBay Store for The Other Shoe. Please… if you can… Please do help.
. [PayPal account is Daniel Hanning enzomatrix@earthlink.net all contributions are private and greatly appreciated Thank you]
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[…] The Great Californian Exodus : “California was a desert. Let me say that again, the area we now call California was a desert. […]