Mr. Gay was not release, yesterday. I have till the end of the month to; either fight the eviction (alone), or move (alone). Quite honestly, I am not physically capable of either. Fate, the harsh mistress that she is, sees fit to make this a battle I fight alone. I have no friends here in California to help or assist me. The only help I have received, so far, I have been forced to pay for their assistance.
Every dollar I pay to; have food brought to me, pay to get a ride to the pharmacy or grocery store. Is a dollar less I have to move and put my belongings in storage. I do not have a way to go and talk to people renting rooms. I do not have a way to get anywhere except via my wheelchair alone and OCTA access. I do not think I am getting all of my mail.
Therefore, I am going to go… somehow, to the post office and get a post office box and have all my mail sent there for the time being. I am running low on; food, water, and most everything. I am going to call Orange County Social Services today. I will ask them for any assistance they can spare. With all; Federal, State, County and local budgets cut to the bare bone. I am not expecting any help what so ever.
I am going to do two things, over the next ten days. First, pack everything that I am able to pack. Second, make arrangements to find a storage facility and get a storage room. I will then fight the unlawful detainer. If I win, I will keep my room here until Mr. Gay gets out or 60 days pass, which ever comes first. If I loose, I will pay to have everything I have managed to pack placed into storage and seek shelter.
.It is already getting cooler, here, at night. Fall and winter are approaching. I do not look forward to be without a home (homeless) during the fall and winter… not at all. However, it is Southern California so I will not get snow… just rain and nights down into the 40’s and 50’s.
I cannot get to places to rent a room, alone. I am too proud to ask anyone to come to California and help me. Texan pride is strong. You can take the boy out of Texas, you cannot take the Texas out of the boy. I will keep all monies in the bank or storage, as with all my medications. I will know, by the end of the month, just how long Mr. Gay will be in jail.
Once Mr. Gay gets out of jail, I will have assistance to find a place to live and get back to writing and living a normal life. Contrary to what some might have imagined, I will not be able to blog on the streets. I know that readership will die off… I will likely loose all of you, My Dear Readers.
However, I am going to keep my phone service. Therefore, I will be able to blog snippets occasionally. I will be able to post vides taken from my cell phone. See where this is heading?
My Dear Readers, barring the worst possible outcome? YOU, My Dear Readers, will be witness to the whole fall from grace! You will bear witness to the first (that I am aware of) blogging homeless person. It will not be regular, it will (most likely) not be pleasant. Living on the street is not ‘pleasant’. For those weak of heart? I suggest that in ten days, to two weeks, you stop reading my blog and watching my YouTube videos. For everyone else? Stand by for the most… jarring personal narrative of our time.
FYI, I am already sick. I have this terribly raspy cough that just won’t leave. I have fevers every day. OH GOOD NEWS!!! My doctor, Dr. Laurence Gorlick (a tremendous physician and… well, a man I trust implicitly) is/was very concerned with my fevers and weight loss (down to 163 @ my last visit… and I am sure it is still falling as I cannot prepare meals… and really have little food here). So, he ran some tests. One of which was an HIV/AIDs test. Now, I told my good doctor that I am completely monogamous! I love Mr. Gay and I deeply respect the sanctity of MARRIAGE! He, however, was unconvinced and ran the test… as that was the only reason he could thing of for my symptoms I have another way, I will impart shortly). The test came back yesterday, to me. It was… …. …. (drum roll, please!) NEGATIVE!
I do not have AIDs! I knew as much, in my soul. Therefore, the only remaining reason for my symptoms? Extrusion (rupture) of several discs of my cervical spine. (See image below)
[caption id="attachment_1655" align="aligncenter" width="382"]
(I am in the THIRD stage from the left)
When a herniated (or prolapsed) disc is ground down by bone spurs (osteophytes) the disc cover (nucleus pulpous)’leaks’ into the spinal canal or this mixes with the cerebral spinal fluid. Either action results in; fevers, loss of appetite, weight loss, inability to lift hands and arms. Sound familiar? It is my personal opinion that at least one cervical disc has moved on the sequestration (that sounds familiar… Congressional sequestration = sequestration of my cervical discs?!?!?)
[caption id="attachment_1653" align="aligncenter" width="250"]
(The parts of Discs and Spine)
Now, that does not explain the cough, raspy sound in my chest and general feeling of illness. That, I think, is just me coming down with a bad chest cold. Chest cold + living on the streets = pneumonia. JOY!
I told you that the next weeks to months would be exciting! I refuse to beg, My Dear Readers. No matter how far I fall I will not beg for help. I have asked. For six weeks I asked… yea, I even at times… shamefully begged. That is over. I will find my way out of this… one way or another. I would appreciate any assistance from anyone. I am Danny Hanning on Facebook. There is a link, above, to my YouTube channel. Then, there is this blog. There are many ways to reach out and talk to me or help.
I am going to be very busy, the next ten days. I do not know if I will have time to write or promote my work. I look to you, My Dear Readers, to share my words… share my works… share my plight. I will accept help from anyone that wants to help. I do not know how I am going to get everything I own… packed and into storage. The more I can get done = the less I have to pay to have others help.
California is on the other side of the nation, from most of the people I know and love. However, here in California? I have the best health care coverage I could hope for in these Untied States outside Massachusetts (thanks to ‘Romney Care’). I have been (graciously) asked to move to ‘Southern’ states. I regret to inform all that if I would do that I could no longer afford the medical care I need and deserve. Our nation has divided itself… and health care has become a battleground. I need to stay in a state that covers ALL medical costs for the poor. California does this.
Enough ‘politics’ I have no time, nor desire to talk politics… I am falling between the cracks in our society and I have to focus on the fall. I will write when I can. I will make videos of living on the streets and upload them to YouTube as often as I can.
I sincerely apologize for leaving you, My Dear Readers. If I was in better health… able to lift, move, walk… I would have a better outcome… a softer fall. I will not lie. I am scared to death. Homelessness is not safe. I will not be safe. I refuse to break laws. I will do my best not to; loiter, panhandle, beg, or bother anyone in any way. I will, likely, take my wheelchair and a grocery cat-thingy I bought long ago at Home depot.
I will take Alexander with me, as much as I can as often as I can. I will keep his cage in the storage room when I cannot take him with me But I do not want this to upset him or make him scared, too. He deserves better.
As always, I am honored by you coming here and reading my words… my works. I promise that I will do everything I can to avoid being homeless… and if that happens I will work hard to get back off the streets.
Thank YOU!
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