Today I received a call from Mr. Gay (I will refer to Mr. Gay as Allen for the rest of the article, just as I address him in life). Allen called and explained that on the 25th he had his first hearing. The hearing started with the judge indicating that he wanted Allen to serve three years! This is what I thought… feared when I approached Mr. Lawrence Hierlmeier about rooming.
I met with Mr…. I will call him Larry for the rest of the article… I am typing this article, as I have not been able to afford to replace my headset microphone, yet. When I met Larry, for the first time, and talked about moving into his home. I explained that I was without my caregiver. I explained that Allen had broken the law and that I did not expect him out for six months to a year. Larry said
“I understand, we all make mistakes…”
I indicated that when Allen was out of jail that I would coordinate, to the best of my ability, moving out when Allen was released. Larry said;
”Don’t jump the gun… we will be able to work something out…”
Larry was; kind, open, sharing and admitted that he had taken a liking to me. I was under the impression that Larry; understood my disability, found me truthful and said (while driving me home at the end of the interview)
“Don’t worry, Daniel, I everything is going to work out… we will all meld together… like family… “
I had a very good feeling about Larry, I had a very good feeling about living in the room he showed me. I express no hesitation when he asked about leaving a deposit, at the end of the interview. I handed Larry $300 CASH and went up to the room to make some measurements. Below is the receipt that Larry gave me, when I returned downstairs. I handed Larry his tape measure and took the receipt. I then indicated that I would call an OCTA ‘Same-Day Taxi’ and wait out front to be picked up.
That is when Larry offered to give me a ride home, and I accepted. That was September 23rd, 2013 (as indicated on the receipt below). Oh, I failed to mention. Larry told me that his grandson, he had raised the daughter and son of one of his daughters when she was killed by “a drunk driver´ and “the father just left the children with me…”. He informed me that his grandson was going to school for game design. I was excited by this sharing because I am an avid gamer and spent years writing reviews of PC games (here and at another web site ‘All-Out Gamers’).
I was quite happy thinking that I would be rooming with a person studying game design. As Larry told me, on the drive home;
“… we are going to be a good fit…”
That is why the events of today have me; upset, confused, injured and scared. At 9:50AM Pacific time, today, Allen called me from jail. I knew that the 25th was a court date… I was scared because he did not call me last night. However, Allen sounded… upbeat, and I soon found out why. Allen explained that he went into the court, waited six hours to have his case heard. Once his case has before the judge, the initial ruling was for Allen to spend THREE YEARS in jail… to be sent “up-state” to the long-term facility and that the judge had no desire to show any lenience. It was at this time that the Public Defender and the Assistant District Attorney brought my letter to the judge’s attention.
They made it clear, to the judge that the letter had been sent to them, and the Governor’s Office via Register/Return receipt mail. After some discussion, and to the chagrin of the judge, Allen received twenty-four DAYS, three years formal probation, and required to make an $800 donation to witness protection. My letter helped. I am sure… certain, that it was not just my letter… my words that swayed the court’s decision. As the public defender told Allen:
“You don’t belong here… you don’t belong in jail. I can tell just talking to you… that you do not belong.”
I do hope that in any way… any small way that my words and what I had to say about Allen; how he keeps me alive, how he has deep ties to the community, and that he is a kind and gentle person gave the court pause. I also think that the past two weeks to daily… nearly hourly prayer played a role. I was overjoyed that Allen will be out of jail in time for my next doctor’s appointment. I am overjoyed to have Allen back so soon!
As soon as I got off the phone with Allen, I began to think of the impact this knowledge would have on my living situation. Larry knew that Allen was my caregiver. Larry knew that, when Allen was released, I would want to live with him again. Larry KNEW that Allen and I had been living together for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS! I hid NOTHING from Larry about Allen and my desire to live with him just as soon as he got out of jail. That is why… what happened, next…. floored me!
I took me some time to get my thoughts together. As well, I was coordinating the people to help me move my belongings into storage, find a ‘self storage’ facility close to my new home and take a bath. Once I had picked a storage facility, and made a reservation. Met with Matt, one of the people I wanted to have help me move. I called Larry at 4:16PM.
Larry was out for a walk with his dog. I, briefly, explained that Allen would be out of jail by the 21st. I told Larry that I wanted to discuss the impact this would have on our room mating together. I even explained that if he was not comfortable with Allen living there I would find another place to live. Larry said:
“Don’t jump the gun,. Daniel. You know I do have another spare room… I want to work with this… I am sure that we can work things out… DO NOT WORRY!”
That was @ 4:16PM pacific time (today) September 26th, 2013. The very same day that I found out, and only three days since I gave Larry a $300 deposit. FYI Larry asked about the deposit, and I offered the $300 without hesitation. BIG MISTAKE on MY part!
At 4:50PM Larry called my number, I was unavailable and he left a very terse message. I called Larry back at 5:41 PM. It was at this time a extremely angry Larry answered and began to loudly browbeat me. Larry came directly to the point;
“You are not getting back the $300 deposit. You acted hastily and you have harmed both of us. You made an agreement, which you can no longer complete, and I do not feel that you deserve to get any of the deposit back…”
I said:
“Larry that $300 is ONE THIRD of all the money I get in one month! I apologize… I told you that I can move in… without Allen…”
(Larry) “No, you cannot complete the agreement, I will not allow you to… you cannot and I feel you do not deserve any of the $300.”
I am speechless, literally. I stand there, with my heart stopped in my chest. In one angry and antagonistic move Larry has; left me with only DAYS to find someplace to live and taken $300 away form me… when I need it the most! I plead with him:
“Larry I do not know what I have done to anger you… to upset you… to invoke your ire! PLEASE do not do this to me. I was prepared to give you $100 of the deposit for ‘days of rental lost’.”
(Larry) “That is not enough, you entered into an agreement that you can no longer keep and I am keeping the $300. There is nothing more to be said… “
I say what I think anyone would say to a thief;
“I am sorry but I am afraid that I am forced to call the Anaheim police and report…”
I am cut off by a, now, screaming Larry;
“What did you call it… my (sarcastically slurred) ire? Well you have raised my ire. You are not getting back one cent.”
And Larry hangs up on me.
I am standing in the parking lot… shaking. In just a matter of seconds I have; lost $300 of the money people gave me out of the kindness of their hearts and… I am without a place to live… with only a week or less to find another place. Never in my entire life have I ever been so completely harmed and offended by any human being. Larry knew of my disability and limited financial means. I was willing to pay RENT for the three days he held the room for me.
I called the Anaheim police. They said it was a civil matter and that I had to take it to court. I am without a home… out $300 and I am supposed to take the time to file suit? My Dear Readers I am not writing this to ask for anything. I am writing because… other than finishing packing… looking as best as I can for five days… I do not know what to do.
Larry contacted me on Craigslist. I have a sneaking suspicion that Larry may well be one of those that uses craigslist to prey on others. I was; used, taken advantage of… boned. What strikes me most odd? Until today, at 4:51 & 5:41 Larry was; understanding even supportive. Then, like a light switch Larry turned ugly, offensive and brutally hurtful and thieving. He yelled at me. He insulted me… called me “Stupid” and too impulsive…”
[caption id="attachment_1682" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
It was as though he was not satisfied with just stealing from me…. He had to hurt me in the process. I have never in my life witnessed a more drastic, ‘Dr. Jekyll, and Mr. Hyde’ switch in a person, ever. I have no place to turn and now $300 less than I had just three days ago and nothing to show for it. Below is the receipt that Larry gave me. I am going to make a short video, tonight…
As always, My Dear Readers, I am honored that you come here and read my words… my work. I apologize that tonight was not an entertaining article. I hope… that soon… I can bring you more of what you enjoy… and less of… this.
Thank YOU!
P.S. First, I WILL include a copy of the receipt later tonight. It is scanning and taking forever... I apoligize. I just REALLY wanted to get this published. Thank you.
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