Friday, September 20, 2013

Daniel Update and More September 20th, 2013

            Welcome back My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Just a little update and touching base… with my base. J I awoke this morning coughing and running a fever. The cough is deep in my chest and quite raspy. My temperature was 100.2 degrees… so, stress and poor diet have conspired and I must have the flu. I knew that I shouldn’t wait till October 22nd to get my flu shot. October 22nd is my next appointment with Dr. Gorlick.


Unfortunately I will not have a place to live when that date arrives. At least, right now it does not appear that I will have a place to live. I find myself in a bit of a quandary. Whereas I have used little of the funds I have raised. The amount I have left is not enough for storage and a place to live. My possessions need to be safe. I have found a place that is close by and the rental is $100 a month. I plan on putting most of my possessions in storage next Friday.


I will pay for two or three months. That should leave me with $400 - $500 left. I have a doctor’s appointment, so I am going to need a place to clean up, charge my power chair, and an address to be picked up. I am thinking I will stay on the streets until October 21st. That afternoon I will get a room for two days, a ground floor room. There is a hotel across the street from where I live. That way I can get my power chair out of storage, clothes, take a bathe and have them pick me up. Go see the doctor. Come back and spend another night in a bed, prior to rerunning the power chair to storage and heading back to the streets.


I simply cannot miss my doctor’s appointment. I desperately need my medications. See, the way I see it Mr. Gay should be out and able to help me, again, by the end of October. That is, if he is not released on the 27th of this month. I have written, and sent  via ‘Registered’ mail letters to; Orange County District Attorney’s Office, Orange County Public Defender’s Office and The Office of the Governor explaining the circumstances Mr. Gay faced at the time of his arrest. I explained the impact his continued incarceration will have on my health, too.


If you would like to help me help Mr. Gay? PLEASE CALL:   Mr. Glen A. Gay Booking #2785848 TO

The Orange County District Attorney's Office

West Justice Center 8141 13th Street Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 896-7261


West Justice Center Office of the Public Defender

14120 Beach Blvd., Suite 200 Westminster, CA 92683-4593 T

Tel.: (714) 896-7281 FAX: (714) 896-7368

Toll Free: (866) 634-6225


Martin Schwarz, Assistant Public Defender


I know… you don’t have to tell me. It is just that I cannot afford an attorney for Mr. Gay. Hell, I will be doing well to; get my belongings in storage, file to halt or retard the Unlawful Detainer and feed myself for the next three weeks. My Dear Readers, I am spending the monies I received form you very sparingly. No splurging on pizza or eating out in fast food places. I take all my meals at home. I generally eat tuna or hot dogs and sometimes some beans. That is IT!


I will admit, I have been forced to pay a friend, on three occasions, for his time and efforts helping me to get food and medications home. I am frugal with the monies I have been blessed. However, I cannot afford… nor can I really physically accomplish getting out and looking for another place to live. I need help. I am afraid that this weekend I will be calling a family member… maybe, and a friend asking if they can come out here and help me find a place to live… if I get the courage.


I do NOT want to interrupt anyone’s life. However, I am just incapable of doing anything beyond getting my belongings into a storage facility… by myself.  I put that in the letters I wrote, too. If Mr. Gay were here, I could get everything moved and myself. Without his assistance, I am greatly hampered.


So, the plan is that on September 27th, 2013 I will have help putting most everything I own into a storage facility here in the city of Cypress. I will pay several months, in advance. I will pay for a post office box… then I will take my little friend Alexander and I will head out to see where I can… live. Shelters are mostly out of the question. First, I am on two pain medications and oral and a transdermal patch. The patch that I wear? Saw a television show about ‘addicts’. Well, evidently that patch I wear to live in intractable pain? Some addicts use for injection and are worth… well, more that I will put in print.


Needless to say, my patches are worth more than my life. Second, Alexander. I cannot find a place for him, and I refuse to make him suffer any more than need be. He is scared, already. I want… need to have him with me. I am without Allen… without a roof over my head… please I just need to keep someone I love nearby. That is not too much to ask, is it? I have figured out how to construct a temporary cage that will fit into the grocery cart I have purchased. I refuse to get harassed or arrested for using a grocery store cart.


Cypress police just love harassing the homeless already; I plan on giving them no reason to bother me. When I need to shop, or go into some place. I will drop Alex off at the storage facility and put him in his cage, for a few hours. During my doctor’s appointment I will leave him in his cage in the room I rent for a few days.


I am praying that Mr. Gay gets out ROR. If not, I plan on staying here in Cypress the best I can until he gets out. Once out, I hope that he and I can find a place to live and continue or lives, together.


I am not really sure just how often I am going to be able to write, here. I will take videos, frequently at first, of my life on the streets. You can follow my videos at my YouTube channel. (Just click that link and it will take you to my channel… home of 115 videos). When I am able I will post articles, and post article with the videos. Honestly, I do not think I am going to feel like communicating… once I am homeless.


Crazy, huh? I am talking so calmly about being a statistic… homeless. No use crying… no use getting mad… Did I tell you? Mr. Gay was out the Friday he made his indiscretion going to the Unemployment office. See, he had not received a check in more than ten days and we could not get through to the office on the phone. There is a reason why here: Upgrade to California's unemployment system causes problems for thousands’ [1] TWENTY THOUSAND people were without checks for over two weeks. (Late adddition it was FIFTY THOUSAND[2]Californians without their Unemploymnet... 75% of which WORK!)


Not an excuse… “Just the facts, Ma’am.” Joe Friday – Dragnet.


Thing of it is? Without that snafu Mr. Gay would never been out that day. Right now? I WOULD HAVE HIM HELPING AND $500 MORE TO HELP ME!


That is a FACT. Anyways, anyone that might want to help me? Contact me via Facebook or this blog. I do need help. I cannot walk, far, without assistance. I do not have a place to live. Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated. I am not a criminal… I did nothing wrong… yet… my life is going to be horribly damaged, too.


As always, I am deeply honored that you come here and read my works… my words.


Thank YOU!


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