Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to another issue of ‘Sunday Funnies’ right here @ The Other Shoe. Last week this article took a lot of hits. [I just found out that the Other Shoe @ blog.com did NOT post ‘Sunday Funnies’ on this Sunday! I have, hopefully, fixed that!]
Here we are another week past, it’s time for a good guffaw it’s time for a good laugh. This week I bring you more of Prince Alex and his household antics.
The Other Shoe - Home to; 'Lost in Space', 'The Mars Report', 'News From Around the World', 'A Week In Review', and 'Sunday Funnies'.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
A Week In Review - June 30th 2013
Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to the second edition of ‘A Week In Review’. Today I will post links and a short excerpt from all my articles posted between June 23rd and June 30th. I was really wanting to have as much material, to share, as my very first edition of ‘A Week In Review’. However, the spirit was willing, the mind was sharp and quite willing and my flesh was weak. Isn’t that always the way it is, be it cleaning the garage or clearing out rain gutters. Huh? This week was just packed full of news and subjects that I wanted to weigh in on. However, (probably) because of how hard I pushed myself last week I now find myself in too much pain to meet last week’s level of content.
Originally, I had planned to start and finish ‘MMORPGs and YOU!’ this week. One game, per day, ending tomorrow (Sunday) with an article tying them all together. The article would also; sum up my feelings about this genre, relay the financial dominance one MMORPG had on gaming, and how I feel MMORPGs have a substantial role to play in an ageing society. Just a little spoiler; World of Warcraft (the dingle most popular MMORPG of all) had, at one point, Twelve Million subscribers @ $14.99 a month = $180,000,000 A MONTH = $2,160,000,000 A YEAR! [Check my math I did round from $14.99 to $15].
Little known fact, in 2011 video game sales OUTBEAT Hollywood ticket sales.[1] That trend did fade in the following years. However, between 2009-2011 the market did show that gaming (PC Gaming made the most thanks to WoW) could beat out Hollywood film making profits. I have a feeling that this is a trend we will se again. Just as soon as everyone tires of how little tablets really do and move back to desktop PCs. [Mark my words, right here right now that I predicted this would happen]
Now, without further adieu ‘A Week In Review’ June 23rd 2013.
Busy Week, Two! : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to another week here @ The Other Shoe. Last week was fantastic, we had several ‘firsts’, this week proves to be even better as I have things in the works. And let us a recap those first, from last week, and then will move on. On to what I have in store for this week and maybe beyond.
The 1st first(s) will be my favorite to come, ‘A Week In Review’ is already one of my most popular articles here @ The Other Shoe. Looking at the traffic report it is easy to see, that this article series will be a big hit. I have received some feedback, and it I will apply. Seems the traffic report is best published separate, seems it took something away, from the overall success of the ‘A Week in Review’.”
Sunday Funnies (the FIRST) : “I get so serious; I have to admit, so focused on the topic, and how to present. I often forget, I often neglect, to stop find some light at the end. I forget to share happiness I forget to share love. I forget to be humorous I forget to have fun. No better time than the present, eh?”
MMORPGs and YOU! – First Edition – Rift : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today we start a series that should last all this week. The subject matter is dear to my heart, PC Gaming. To be more precise MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Online role Playing Game. A little background; IO started (again) playing online games back in 1998. Then I was playing (later hosting) FPS (First Person Shooter) games of Quake. I had only one computer, until 2002, so until 2002 I could only really join multiplayer games on the web. The ping, at firs, caused single frame rates. However, with time and with money that did improve.”
America’s Future is NOT in its Past! : “That is true, America’s future does not lie in its past. Today the Untied States Supreme Court has made the worst decision since I’ve been alive. They have gutted the will of the American people to favor a party ready to die. Don’t be fooled by the numbers, of the SCOTUS decision. Because the ONLY woman (Justice Sotomayor recued herself due her ruling on a similar case) wrote the Dissenting Opinion on today’s ruling from this absurd court. Here’s a clue, that what I say is right, the dissenting opinion was LONGER and contained more Evidence and PROOF than the one written by Chief Justice Edwards.”
My Deepest Regrets : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Right now it is late Saturday evening, about 8 o’clock, and I am coming to you to express my regret. Regret that I was unable to provide what I promised. Regret I find myself unable to share what I want.”
MMORPGs And YOU! – Part Two – Age of Conan : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to ‘MMORPGs and You’- Part Two’ here @ The Other Shoe. Tonight I will be sharing with you the MMORPG ‘Age of Conan’. Like all of the other MMORPGs I will share this game is free to play. You can download the client at the link name above. However, this edition will not just be about Age of Conan. Tonight I will explain to you more about him in the world of MMORPGs.”
The South is More Racist? Is THAT True?!? : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to an article from the heart. This might be the shortest, but it means so much to me I am willing to chance offending the people I love… in order to save them from themselves. My name is Daniel Hanning I was born in Texas while Ike was still President and the U.S. just had 48 states. I was born to wear braces, on my little tiny legs, till I was two. I didn’t really speak till I was two and didn’t walk until three or four.”
That brings us to the end of the week. Tomorrow you will see another issue of ‘Sunday Funnies’ and then we will start all over again. It has been a thrill to share all this with you, My Dear Readers, and I cannot put into words the joy that I feel with every ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ that you do. Every time I see you share on Facebook or ‘Like’ the article @ The Other Shoe I feel a sense of accomplishment and joy. I cannot tank you enough.
However, this next week might not be as productive. As I mentioned on Facebook, the building I live in has been SOLD. This might mean I have to move, with little notice. I do not know, but the manager here told me they may move everyone out to ‘remodel’ the building. IF that happens… well, I do not have enough money to move… even to another shitty hotel/motel. This is weighing on me very heavy… I have not slept. I will try to keep everyone informed over Facebook and The Other Shoe. However, if you do not see me… then you know I probably ended up on the street. That is my greatest fear… and it might just be coming true.
I know you have so many sources for news and entertainment. I am honored you choose The Other Shoe. “Thank you!”
[1] http://www.uproxx.com/gaming/2011/06/infographic-of-the-day-videogames-pwning-hollywood-in-release-week-sales/
Originally, I had planned to start and finish ‘MMORPGs and YOU!’ this week. One game, per day, ending tomorrow (Sunday) with an article tying them all together. The article would also; sum up my feelings about this genre, relay the financial dominance one MMORPG had on gaming, and how I feel MMORPGs have a substantial role to play in an ageing society. Just a little spoiler; World of Warcraft (the dingle most popular MMORPG of all) had, at one point, Twelve Million subscribers @ $14.99 a month = $180,000,000 A MONTH = $2,160,000,000 A YEAR! [Check my math I did round from $14.99 to $15].
Little known fact, in 2011 video game sales OUTBEAT Hollywood ticket sales.[1] That trend did fade in the following years. However, between 2009-2011 the market did show that gaming (PC Gaming made the most thanks to WoW) could beat out Hollywood film making profits. I have a feeling that this is a trend we will se again. Just as soon as everyone tires of how little tablets really do and move back to desktop PCs. [Mark my words, right here right now that I predicted this would happen]
Now, without further adieu ‘A Week In Review’ June 23rd 2013.
Busy Week, Two! : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to another week here @ The Other Shoe. Last week was fantastic, we had several ‘firsts’, this week proves to be even better as I have things in the works. And let us a recap those first, from last week, and then will move on. On to what I have in store for this week and maybe beyond.
The 1st first(s) will be my favorite to come, ‘A Week In Review’ is already one of my most popular articles here @ The Other Shoe. Looking at the traffic report it is easy to see, that this article series will be a big hit. I have received some feedback, and it I will apply. Seems the traffic report is best published separate, seems it took something away, from the overall success of the ‘A Week in Review’.”
Sunday Funnies (the FIRST) : “I get so serious; I have to admit, so focused on the topic, and how to present. I often forget, I often neglect, to stop find some light at the end. I forget to share happiness I forget to share love. I forget to be humorous I forget to have fun. No better time than the present, eh?”
MMORPGs and YOU! – First Edition – Rift : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today we start a series that should last all this week. The subject matter is dear to my heart, PC Gaming. To be more precise MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Online role Playing Game. A little background; IO started (again) playing online games back in 1998. Then I was playing (later hosting) FPS (First Person Shooter) games of Quake. I had only one computer, until 2002, so until 2002 I could only really join multiplayer games on the web. The ping, at firs, caused single frame rates. However, with time and with money that did improve.”
America’s Future is NOT in its Past! : “That is true, America’s future does not lie in its past. Today the Untied States Supreme Court has made the worst decision since I’ve been alive. They have gutted the will of the American people to favor a party ready to die. Don’t be fooled by the numbers, of the SCOTUS decision. Because the ONLY woman (Justice Sotomayor recued herself due her ruling on a similar case) wrote the Dissenting Opinion on today’s ruling from this absurd court. Here’s a clue, that what I say is right, the dissenting opinion was LONGER and contained more Evidence and PROOF than the one written by Chief Justice Edwards.”
My Deepest Regrets : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Right now it is late Saturday evening, about 8 o’clock, and I am coming to you to express my regret. Regret that I was unable to provide what I promised. Regret I find myself unable to share what I want.”
MMORPGs And YOU! – Part Two – Age of Conan : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to ‘MMORPGs and You’- Part Two’ here @ The Other Shoe. Tonight I will be sharing with you the MMORPG ‘Age of Conan’. Like all of the other MMORPGs I will share this game is free to play. You can download the client at the link name above. However, this edition will not just be about Age of Conan. Tonight I will explain to you more about him in the world of MMORPGs.”
The South is More Racist? Is THAT True?!? : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to an article from the heart. This might be the shortest, but it means so much to me I am willing to chance offending the people I love… in order to save them from themselves. My name is Daniel Hanning I was born in Texas while Ike was still President and the U.S. just had 48 states. I was born to wear braces, on my little tiny legs, till I was two. I didn’t really speak till I was two and didn’t walk until three or four.”
That brings us to the end of the week. Tomorrow you will see another issue of ‘Sunday Funnies’ and then we will start all over again. It has been a thrill to share all this with you, My Dear Readers, and I cannot put into words the joy that I feel with every ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ that you do. Every time I see you share on Facebook or ‘Like’ the article @ The Other Shoe I feel a sense of accomplishment and joy. I cannot tank you enough.
However, this next week might not be as productive. As I mentioned on Facebook, the building I live in has been SOLD. This might mean I have to move, with little notice. I do not know, but the manager here told me they may move everyone out to ‘remodel’ the building. IF that happens… well, I do not have enough money to move… even to another shitty hotel/motel. This is weighing on me very heavy… I have not slept. I will try to keep everyone informed over Facebook and The Other Shoe. However, if you do not see me… then you know I probably ended up on the street. That is my greatest fear… and it might just be coming true.
I know you have so many sources for news and entertainment. I am honored you choose The Other Shoe. “Thank you!”
[1] http://www.uproxx.com/gaming/2011/06/infographic-of-the-day-videogames-pwning-hollywood-in-release-week-sales/
The South is More Racist? Is That True?!?
Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to an article from the heart. This might be the shortest, but it means so much to me I am willing to chance offending the people I love… in order to save them from themselves. My name is Daniel Hanning I was born in Texas while Ike was still President and the U.S. just had 48 states. I was born to wear braces, on my little tiny legs, till I was two. I didn’t really speak till I was two and didn’t walk until three or four.
Family and friends thought I might be ‘retarded’. That was until I did speak. My mother (when I did finally speak) said this of me; “I guess he was just waiting till something important he had to say.” I ‘failed’ the third grade, and for forth I was put in a ‘Special Needs’ class. Where I stayed until one day, that teacher, did notice I was helping her teach the other children. I was taken to the principal, and then to the school counselor. Draw pictures of your family… does any one hurt you, or touch you down there?
No, and NO! Then suddenly I realized, I was the only one that could right a wrong that had been done to my classroom of children. It was one of the single most difficult decisions I had ever made (at six), but I told the counselor and later the principal what I saw on my last day of the third grade. My last day of the third grade Mrs. Coon lined us up in the classroom. She was showing us who would move on to the forth grade, and who would be left behind. On the left side of the room, there were only white girls. On the right side of the room were; all the boys and one African American girl. Seems Mrs. Coon had gone off her rocker, in the year I was third grade. And I had the misfortune of being in her class that year.
Mrs. Coon suddenly retired, no one would say Why. Yet reading this today, I am sure you all understand why. Mrs. Coon was a racist (and a closet lesbian I fear), and being a life long teacher (at Madding Elementary) I guess she thought she could get away. Away with institutionalized racism and if it had not been for little ol’me, she might have succeeded at least that one time more. This is the single reason I did graduate in 77’, and not with the Bicentennial class of 1976. Honest, it really doesn’t bother me all that much, I am just imparting this story as a relevant segway.
Just one more story, and then I will move on, this one happened just months after I entered the third grade, for the second time. I was in a Madding Dugan Drug Store, just down the street from my boyhood home. My mother was in the back part of the store, and I was where I always was… at the ‘tube tester’ near the front door. I was playing with the machine, even though I had been told not too, when suddenly I hear behind me:
“Turn around slowly… and move to the back of the store.”
Now, I thought that I had been busted, for playing where I was not supposed to be, but when I turned around I realized I had a different problem, indeed. I turned around and the first thing I saw? Was a gun, pointed at me. However, my point and my realization was what was behind the gun. It was the very first African American man I had ever really met. He looked no different than I, except he was sweating horribly and the gun was shaking. I had seen enough movie, so I did what was right, I held my hands up really high and said:
“I am sorry for playing with the tube testing machine!” (I knew that was not the problem, but his hand shaking had scared me… so I said something I thought might be funny.. or at least disarming… and I did). This man he did laugh, and slightly lowered the gun. He then addressed me and said (in a rather calm voice):
“I am not hear to punish you, I am here to steal money, do you have any?”
I was glad that he thought it funny, what I had said, and it obviously made him calmer and realized I was certainly no threat. With my hands still held high, he mentioned to the back of the store. Telling me not to look around at him and
“Get on the floor!”
We were back by the soda counter (Gosh, HOW I MISS those), and on the floor was ten or twelve women that had been shopping in the store. All the women looked and saw I was a child and started to scream.
“Don’t hurt him, don’t hurt him he is just a child!”
This made him a little nervous, so I (laying with my face on the cold floor) said:
“I’m OK, he didn’t hurt me… but my Mom is in the back. Is she alright? I am just scared; I don’t want to get hurt.”
The African American robber then said:
“Nobody’s gonna get hurt, if you do what your told. Now shut up your crying and screaming so I can talk to my girl.”
Evidently he had an accomplice in the back of the store, yes they were robbing the pharmacy for pills, money and more. So, next he did yell and quite loudly, too.
“Hey, can you hear me? Is this boy’s Mom with you?”
Right then and there I heard my mother’s voice scream:
“Danny, be quiet and good and don’t say a word (even at that time… I had a bit of a mouth on me. I am sure my mother thought I might mouth off and make matters worse) I am fine and not hurt!”
The rest of the story I will save for another day. However, the crux and the reason of this story should be clear. My first impression of an African American man? Was of one holding a gun to my tiny boy head. Now, if any one on this planet has reason to be afraid, of people of color… why it simply must be me.
I was raised in a ‘Whites Only’ neighborhood and when that did change. My father moved our family to Pearland, and when I asked he only said:
“It’s dark night and day here, and we simply must leave.”
My freshman year in high school I befriend (the?) an African American girl that was in a class of mine. I walked to classes with her, for a time. Until I started to hear over my shoulder; ‘N___er lover!’ and worse. I hate to admit it, I hate that it is now in print. But I could not stand up to that racism… not on top of all the bullying I already endured for just being me.
Last, in 1977 I left for Alvin, to go to college and make my father proud. Driving from Pearland into Alvin, I did see something that shocked me to the core. Right under the city limits sign was posted for all to see. A sign that just said this, and nothing more:
‘Ni___r, don’t let the sun set on your ass in this town.’
Four decades have passed, since I saw that sign. Yet yesterday I did read something that brought it all back to me. “This Study Said the South Is More Racist Than the North”[1]
Later I will provide a link to the PDF of the study for anyone to read. Why am I writing this? Why am I taking a real chance of alienating many people I love. People, who until Facebook, I have not seen or talked to for decades, but mean the world to me!
Aye, there’s the rub. That is why I am writing this article today. Because I do care. I care about my friends and family still living in the south. I care about the people who reached out to help me in my time of need. I am writing, also, because I do not live still in the south and I can write without fear. Nobody is going to drive 2,000 miles to show me how this piece made them feel.
Now, I just might loose some Facebook friends. That I do not want! I treasure each and every one of you, and believe it or not? 99% of you, I remember… and fondly. I will be something I am constantly accused of, out here, I will be “brutally honest”. One of the reasons I left Pearland, when I did? I was afraid someone would find out I was gay.
I lived in terror, I lived in fear. I just knew that if my friends and family knew this about me, I would be all alone. However, it did not (mostly) turn out that way. I did loose people I loved dearly… one that matters more than all others. Nevertheless, I could no longer live a lie, nor can I willing lie to people I love. See, I may have acted in my youth, but even on that stage I never said a word I didn’t believe in… I felt was the truth.
I have never been good at lying, or even telling half-truths. As a boy my father could see right through me, and I could never hide anything from him… except that I was gay. The reason I left Pearland, and have not returned to stay, is because of prejudice.
Prejudice is everywhere. Here in Orange county California the most prejudice there is? Is based on money and wealth. I saw that in Beverly Hills, too. But it is still judging another by some outside affect. Something non-indicative of who or what you are. Financial prejudice still stings, but at least they do not knock me for loving another man. Baby steps.
I am not going to point fingers or make accusations. I do not know of anyone I call a friend that is prejudice. I am not asserting that all southerners are racially prejudice. However, I will say that several state Legislatures are passing legislation that is directed at lowering the voting of people of color. Instead of a conservative party trying to make inroads and change, instead they are passing laws trying to force elections to turn out they way they think they should.
They are working to diminish the power of the vote, depending on the color of your skin. The conservative party knows; they only received 23% of the Hispanic vote (in 2012 for President) and only 7%-12% of the African American vote. I fear that they think that they will loose their base, if out reach they do to Hispanics and African Americans. All of the mainstream media, after the Presidential Conventions, did show; footage of the supporters on the convention floor.
If you saw this footage on one of the mainstream sources, you would have seen a stark difference in the mixture of white Americans and Americans of color. This is not spin, it was obvious to see so that any open-minded American could clearly see. I found these stories very hard to watch, as they brought up old wounds and old fears.
I am NOT here to judge, I love too much for that (and I really hope someday I can go back… and spend some of what time I do have left… with these people I love and miss so much). I am… I am here… as a warning. I am here just to tell. Kind of like a canary in a coal mine, I just want to warn. Warn the people I love and care for so deeply to be aware. Aware of just how the country they love so much… might be seeing them.
I do not want people to be defensive, or post how I am dumb. I am not judging anyone I know or love. I hope that this article does not have a negative effect. I love all my friends dearly, and do NOT mean to offend. I just wanted to share, and tell a little story of my past. Please, do not judge each other. Please do not ‘Unfriend’ me or The Other Shoe. I did not write this article out of hate or out of judgment. I wrote it out of fear.
Thank you for coming to The Other Shoe. I know that you have hundreds of sources of content and news, and I am honored that you come here. “Thank You!”
P.S. Here is the link to the PDF of the Study: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID2262954_code1220854.pdf?abstractid=2262954&mirid=2
Family and friends thought I might be ‘retarded’. That was until I did speak. My mother (when I did finally speak) said this of me; “I guess he was just waiting till something important he had to say.” I ‘failed’ the third grade, and for forth I was put in a ‘Special Needs’ class. Where I stayed until one day, that teacher, did notice I was helping her teach the other children. I was taken to the principal, and then to the school counselor. Draw pictures of your family… does any one hurt you, or touch you down there?
No, and NO! Then suddenly I realized, I was the only one that could right a wrong that had been done to my classroom of children. It was one of the single most difficult decisions I had ever made (at six), but I told the counselor and later the principal what I saw on my last day of the third grade. My last day of the third grade Mrs. Coon lined us up in the classroom. She was showing us who would move on to the forth grade, and who would be left behind. On the left side of the room, there were only white girls. On the right side of the room were; all the boys and one African American girl. Seems Mrs. Coon had gone off her rocker, in the year I was third grade. And I had the misfortune of being in her class that year.
Mrs. Coon suddenly retired, no one would say Why. Yet reading this today, I am sure you all understand why. Mrs. Coon was a racist (and a closet lesbian I fear), and being a life long teacher (at Madding Elementary) I guess she thought she could get away. Away with institutionalized racism and if it had not been for little ol’me, she might have succeeded at least that one time more. This is the single reason I did graduate in 77’, and not with the Bicentennial class of 1976. Honest, it really doesn’t bother me all that much, I am just imparting this story as a relevant segway.
Just one more story, and then I will move on, this one happened just months after I entered the third grade, for the second time. I was in a Madding Dugan Drug Store, just down the street from my boyhood home. My mother was in the back part of the store, and I was where I always was… at the ‘tube tester’ near the front door. I was playing with the machine, even though I had been told not too, when suddenly I hear behind me:
“Turn around slowly… and move to the back of the store.”
Now, I thought that I had been busted, for playing where I was not supposed to be, but when I turned around I realized I had a different problem, indeed. I turned around and the first thing I saw? Was a gun, pointed at me. However, my point and my realization was what was behind the gun. It was the very first African American man I had ever really met. He looked no different than I, except he was sweating horribly and the gun was shaking. I had seen enough movie, so I did what was right, I held my hands up really high and said:
“I am sorry for playing with the tube testing machine!” (I knew that was not the problem, but his hand shaking had scared me… so I said something I thought might be funny.. or at least disarming… and I did). This man he did laugh, and slightly lowered the gun. He then addressed me and said (in a rather calm voice):
“I am not hear to punish you, I am here to steal money, do you have any?”
I was glad that he thought it funny, what I had said, and it obviously made him calmer and realized I was certainly no threat. With my hands still held high, he mentioned to the back of the store. Telling me not to look around at him and
“Get on the floor!”
We were back by the soda counter (Gosh, HOW I MISS those), and on the floor was ten or twelve women that had been shopping in the store. All the women looked and saw I was a child and started to scream.
“Don’t hurt him, don’t hurt him he is just a child!”
This made him a little nervous, so I (laying with my face on the cold floor) said:
“I’m OK, he didn’t hurt me… but my Mom is in the back. Is she alright? I am just scared; I don’t want to get hurt.”
The African American robber then said:
“Nobody’s gonna get hurt, if you do what your told. Now shut up your crying and screaming so I can talk to my girl.”
Evidently he had an accomplice in the back of the store, yes they were robbing the pharmacy for pills, money and more. So, next he did yell and quite loudly, too.
“Hey, can you hear me? Is this boy’s Mom with you?”
Right then and there I heard my mother’s voice scream:
“Danny, be quiet and good and don’t say a word (even at that time… I had a bit of a mouth on me. I am sure my mother thought I might mouth off and make matters worse) I am fine and not hurt!”
The rest of the story I will save for another day. However, the crux and the reason of this story should be clear. My first impression of an African American man? Was of one holding a gun to my tiny boy head. Now, if any one on this planet has reason to be afraid, of people of color… why it simply must be me.
I was raised in a ‘Whites Only’ neighborhood and when that did change. My father moved our family to Pearland, and when I asked he only said:
“It’s dark night and day here, and we simply must leave.”
My freshman year in high school I befriend (the?) an African American girl that was in a class of mine. I walked to classes with her, for a time. Until I started to hear over my shoulder; ‘N___er lover!’ and worse. I hate to admit it, I hate that it is now in print. But I could not stand up to that racism… not on top of all the bullying I already endured for just being me.
Last, in 1977 I left for Alvin, to go to college and make my father proud. Driving from Pearland into Alvin, I did see something that shocked me to the core. Right under the city limits sign was posted for all to see. A sign that just said this, and nothing more:
‘Ni___r, don’t let the sun set on your ass in this town.’
Four decades have passed, since I saw that sign. Yet yesterday I did read something that brought it all back to me. “This Study Said the South Is More Racist Than the North”[1]
Later I will provide a link to the PDF of the study for anyone to read. Why am I writing this? Why am I taking a real chance of alienating many people I love. People, who until Facebook, I have not seen or talked to for decades, but mean the world to me!
Aye, there’s the rub. That is why I am writing this article today. Because I do care. I care about my friends and family still living in the south. I care about the people who reached out to help me in my time of need. I am writing, also, because I do not live still in the south and I can write without fear. Nobody is going to drive 2,000 miles to show me how this piece made them feel.
Now, I just might loose some Facebook friends. That I do not want! I treasure each and every one of you, and believe it or not? 99% of you, I remember… and fondly. I will be something I am constantly accused of, out here, I will be “brutally honest”. One of the reasons I left Pearland, when I did? I was afraid someone would find out I was gay.
I lived in terror, I lived in fear. I just knew that if my friends and family knew this about me, I would be all alone. However, it did not (mostly) turn out that way. I did loose people I loved dearly… one that matters more than all others. Nevertheless, I could no longer live a lie, nor can I willing lie to people I love. See, I may have acted in my youth, but even on that stage I never said a word I didn’t believe in… I felt was the truth.
I have never been good at lying, or even telling half-truths. As a boy my father could see right through me, and I could never hide anything from him… except that I was gay. The reason I left Pearland, and have not returned to stay, is because of prejudice.
Prejudice is everywhere. Here in Orange county California the most prejudice there is? Is based on money and wealth. I saw that in Beverly Hills, too. But it is still judging another by some outside affect. Something non-indicative of who or what you are. Financial prejudice still stings, but at least they do not knock me for loving another man. Baby steps.
I am not going to point fingers or make accusations. I do not know of anyone I call a friend that is prejudice. I am not asserting that all southerners are racially prejudice. However, I will say that several state Legislatures are passing legislation that is directed at lowering the voting of people of color. Instead of a conservative party trying to make inroads and change, instead they are passing laws trying to force elections to turn out they way they think they should.
They are working to diminish the power of the vote, depending on the color of your skin. The conservative party knows; they only received 23% of the Hispanic vote (in 2012 for President) and only 7%-12% of the African American vote. I fear that they think that they will loose their base, if out reach they do to Hispanics and African Americans. All of the mainstream media, after the Presidential Conventions, did show; footage of the supporters on the convention floor.
If you saw this footage on one of the mainstream sources, you would have seen a stark difference in the mixture of white Americans and Americans of color. This is not spin, it was obvious to see so that any open-minded American could clearly see. I found these stories very hard to watch, as they brought up old wounds and old fears.
I am NOT here to judge, I love too much for that (and I really hope someday I can go back… and spend some of what time I do have left… with these people I love and miss so much). I am… I am here… as a warning. I am here just to tell. Kind of like a canary in a coal mine, I just want to warn. Warn the people I love and care for so deeply to be aware. Aware of just how the country they love so much… might be seeing them.
I do not want people to be defensive, or post how I am dumb. I am not judging anyone I know or love. I hope that this article does not have a negative effect. I love all my friends dearly, and do NOT mean to offend. I just wanted to share, and tell a little story of my past. Please, do not judge each other. Please do not ‘Unfriend’ me or The Other Shoe. I did not write this article out of hate or out of judgment. I wrote it out of fear.
Thank you for coming to The Other Shoe. I know that you have hundreds of sources of content and news, and I am honored that you come here. “Thank You!”
P.S. Here is the link to the PDF of the Study: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID2262954_code1220854.pdf?abstractid=2262954&mirid=2
Friday, June 28, 2013
MMORPGs and YOU! - Part Two - Age of Conan
Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to ‘MMORPGs and You’- Part Two’ here @ The Other Shoe. Tonight I will be sharing with you the MMORPG ‘Age of Conan’. Like all of the other MMORPGs I will share this game is free to play. You can download the client at the link name above. However, this edition will not just be about Age of Conan. Tonight I will explain to you more about him in the world of MMORPGs.
The videos I have shared generally show gameplay or me writing a mount (MMORPG slang for horse or War Mammoth’) somewhere. Now, MMORPGs do not just stop at quests and exploration. However, if world exploration is something you’d like, every single game I’m sharing with you here at The Other Shoe has a huge world to explore. For those of us that will never ‘globe trot’? Exploring one of these worlds can be nearly as satisfying as getting outside your own four walls. Like travel in real life only without; bag fees, long lines, TSA screening, and screaming children in the seat behind you.

In each and every game ,that I will share with you here, there are many large cities as well. In these cities you will find; trainers, merchants, merchandise, and what I’d like to talk about today ‘Auction Houses’. Now auction houses are player to player merchandise exchanges. Any every game you learn how to craft items (I will be talking about that in a future edition), and you find water called drops from NPC’s and bosses.
The auction house is the place where players can sell, often for huge profits, the items that you make and find in the game. First, a couple of things, in each of these games there are items that you will pick up from killing bosses or other NPCs that cannot be sold or traded. These items will either be character bound or account bound. What that means is that the item can only be used by the character that found it or can be transferred from one to the other of your tunes.
[caption id="attachment_869" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
Enzomatrix- Age of Conan at Resurrection Point[/caption]
Now that means a couple of different things to the average MMORPG player. First, the auction house is a great way for an average to poor player to end up wearing and using items of ‘Epic’ or ‘Legendary’ quality. That means an average player, like me and probably you can end up wearing some really nice duds and having very awesome weapons.
Second, and all of my games I have chosen to be an alchemist. An alchemist can make; potions, and mixers, healing potions, and got potions. These items, in the auction house, can command a high price. Now, do not let me discount to anyone that reading the value of tailoring clothes, making armor, or making swords. All of the crafting talents can be refined to the point where you can make epic or legendary quality items and sell them for huge profits at the auction houses.
Right now, today, I just introduced you, My Dear Readers to the world of ‘Virtual Commerce’. It is estimated that over $1 billion exchanged hands, last year, in and around virtual worlds. It is difficult for donations an expert to determine just how much is being spent in these virtual economies, often because much of the dealing is against game rules and in some countries illegal.
Here’s a thought; in World of Warcraft alone there are 8 million players. In any given single year is estimated that one in 10 will buy gold or currencies on Internet markets. These currencies are used to buy goods in these virtual economies. It is estimated that a given year a world of war client craft player will buy up to $100 worth of World of Warcraft gold. Quick math, that’s $100 million right there.
[caption id="attachment_870" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
Enzomatrix_-Age of Conan City Center with Undead Minions[/caption]
Now, My Dear Readers, I do not engage in the sale or purchase of any virtual currencies or goods. On nor do I condone those who use these services. The biggest reason is? Many of these companies that engage in virtual currency exchange or the exchange of virtual items are located in China and take great advantage of their employees. From what I understand it is basically 21st-century slavery in a virtual workplace. However, I don’t judge. If you get into these games and start playing and you find that you need currency or an item to enjoy your game? Then I say if you have the resources to pay for bully for you.
The game that you’ve been seeing pictures and videos, above, as from the MMORPG ‘Age of Conan’. This MMORPG is based in the world of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As well, a lot of the characters the plot lines the story are lifted from the movie series starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. If, My Dear Readers, you enjoyed in the works of Doyle or the movies of Arnold Schwarzenegger this MMORPG is the one for you!
[caption id="attachment_871" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
Enzomatrix-Age of Conan Riding War Mammoth With Minoins Snow-Capped Mountains in the Background.[/caption]
Be Yee fair warned this MMORPG is laden in with; violence, bloodshed, boobies, horrific deaths, blood, gore, did I say boobies? Yes my dear readers this game was designed for young adults. However, that does not mean that an adult can get a great deal of enjoyment from this MMORPG franchise. There are; beautiful vistas, icy lands, great deserts, huge forest and regions, caves full of spiders, and some bees galore. It is a well-balanced game with terrific graphics.
As well, this game is easily playable on most home PCs, desktops, and laptops. Be sure to check the website prior to writing to make sure that your system is compatible with ‘Age of Conan’. If you would like any more information about age of Conan just click on any one of the links embedded in this article.
[caption id="attachment_868" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
Enzomatrix-Age of Conan Riding Blue Snow Mammoth[/caption]
Well, My Dear Readers, we’ve come to the end of yet another of the series ‘MMORPGs And YOU! As always, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for coming to the other shoe. I know that there are literally thousands of sources of news and entertainment and content and I am honored that you choose the other shoe. Thank you!
The videos I have shared generally show gameplay or me writing a mount (MMORPG slang for horse or War Mammoth’) somewhere. Now, MMORPGs do not just stop at quests and exploration. However, if world exploration is something you’d like, every single game I’m sharing with you here at The Other Shoe has a huge world to explore. For those of us that will never ‘globe trot’? Exploring one of these worlds can be nearly as satisfying as getting outside your own four walls. Like travel in real life only without; bag fees, long lines, TSA screening, and screaming children in the seat behind you.
In each and every game ,that I will share with you here, there are many large cities as well. In these cities you will find; trainers, merchants, merchandise, and what I’d like to talk about today ‘Auction Houses’. Now auction houses are player to player merchandise exchanges. Any every game you learn how to craft items (I will be talking about that in a future edition), and you find water called drops from NPC’s and bosses.
The auction house is the place where players can sell, often for huge profits, the items that you make and find in the game. First, a couple of things, in each of these games there are items that you will pick up from killing bosses or other NPCs that cannot be sold or traded. These items will either be character bound or account bound. What that means is that the item can only be used by the character that found it or can be transferred from one to the other of your tunes.
[caption id="attachment_869" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
Now that means a couple of different things to the average MMORPG player. First, the auction house is a great way for an average to poor player to end up wearing and using items of ‘Epic’ or ‘Legendary’ quality. That means an average player, like me and probably you can end up wearing some really nice duds and having very awesome weapons.
Second, and all of my games I have chosen to be an alchemist. An alchemist can make; potions, and mixers, healing potions, and got potions. These items, in the auction house, can command a high price. Now, do not let me discount to anyone that reading the value of tailoring clothes, making armor, or making swords. All of the crafting talents can be refined to the point where you can make epic or legendary quality items and sell them for huge profits at the auction houses.
Right now, today, I just introduced you, My Dear Readers to the world of ‘Virtual Commerce’. It is estimated that over $1 billion exchanged hands, last year, in and around virtual worlds. It is difficult for donations an expert to determine just how much is being spent in these virtual economies, often because much of the dealing is against game rules and in some countries illegal.
Here’s a thought; in World of Warcraft alone there are 8 million players. In any given single year is estimated that one in 10 will buy gold or currencies on Internet markets. These currencies are used to buy goods in these virtual economies. It is estimated that a given year a world of war client craft player will buy up to $100 worth of World of Warcraft gold. Quick math, that’s $100 million right there.
[caption id="attachment_870" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
Now, My Dear Readers, I do not engage in the sale or purchase of any virtual currencies or goods. On nor do I condone those who use these services. The biggest reason is? Many of these companies that engage in virtual currency exchange or the exchange of virtual items are located in China and take great advantage of their employees. From what I understand it is basically 21st-century slavery in a virtual workplace. However, I don’t judge. If you get into these games and start playing and you find that you need currency or an item to enjoy your game? Then I say if you have the resources to pay for bully for you.
The game that you’ve been seeing pictures and videos, above, as from the MMORPG ‘Age of Conan’. This MMORPG is based in the world of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As well, a lot of the characters the plot lines the story are lifted from the movie series starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. If, My Dear Readers, you enjoyed in the works of Doyle or the movies of Arnold Schwarzenegger this MMORPG is the one for you!
[caption id="attachment_871" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
Be Yee fair warned this MMORPG is laden in with; violence, bloodshed, boobies, horrific deaths, blood, gore, did I say boobies? Yes my dear readers this game was designed for young adults. However, that does not mean that an adult can get a great deal of enjoyment from this MMORPG franchise. There are; beautiful vistas, icy lands, great deserts, huge forest and regions, caves full of spiders, and some bees galore. It is a well-balanced game with terrific graphics.
As well, this game is easily playable on most home PCs, desktops, and laptops. Be sure to check the website prior to writing to make sure that your system is compatible with ‘Age of Conan’. If you would like any more information about age of Conan just click on any one of the links embedded in this article.
[caption id="attachment_868" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
Well, My Dear Readers, we’ve come to the end of yet another of the series ‘MMORPGs And YOU! As always, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for coming to the other shoe. I know that there are literally thousands of sources of news and entertainment and content and I am honored that you choose the other shoe. Thank you!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
My Deepest Regrets
Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. Right now it is late Saturday evening, about 8 o’clock, and I am coming to you to express my regret. Regret that I was unable to provide what I promised. Regret I find myself unable to share what I want.
In the past two weeks, My Dear Readers, I have been hell-bent to provide you with more content. Last week I added ‘A Week in Review’ to The Other Shoe. And, last Sunday I shared with you my ‘Sunday Funnies’. As I wrote in on Monday it was my intent to make these weekly articles and add to my content. I even started a series of articles very close to my heart. It’s going to be about my other hobby computer gaming, specifically MMORPG’s.
What I failed to anticipate however was the extent of damage I was doing, to my body, working as hard as I was. I pushed and pushed myself, I awoke every day with a plan and a goal and I met them for two weeks. Yesterday I could barely get out of bed. My pain was tremendous my nick and neck was stiff and sore my hand I could hardly use and I was infuriated at myself.
Thursday came, today, and it was laundry day. I had someone here to help me so I could not postpone. I started early postcard the best I could and by noon I was finished. I had help getting bathe and I got out of the tub. My friend left to go to work, and I thought I would be fine. But, My Dear Readers, I did underestimate. I underestimated just how hard at been pushing myself over the past two weeks. I underestimated how hot it was today doing laundry and how much I’d sweat.
Shortly after my caregiver left I took a bit of a fall. I wrenched my neck something fierce and something popped in my neck. I found myself now and even more pain in my left hand and arm are on vacation again. Please don’t worry, I’m sure it will return, my hand and arm that is, they always do however, I anticipate this time as with others when it does return it will just be less.
Honestly, that’s what I hate most about my disease. It takes from you in bits and pieces nearly every single day it whittles away. It whittles away at my dexterity. It whittles away at my boat ability. It whittles away at my body each and every day. I did not want to write this, My Dear Readers, I did not want to admit. The regret that I feel for not being able to keep up with my goals.
I am not committing admitting defeat I am not giving in. Everything that I’ve said that I will bring to you I will do everything in my power to bring to this blog and you. Tomorrow I might feel a whole lot better, and that is my hope. If this is the case then my weekend articles will appear right here. If tomorrow I wake up in the same pain and in the same condition I sheer I will fail. There, My Dear Readers, is the source of my regret
I was really looking forward, and I’m really hoping I still will, share with everyone that comes here all the beauty, joy, and challenge that comes with the games that I play. Besides writing, and reading, and politics, and friends these virtual-reality games bring me happiness. That is why I wanted to share them with you, My Dear Readers, is to share some of that joy.
As well, each day I look at the traffic reports for these blogs. Today I looked at them again with regret. The traffic is waiting and for me that means I’m failing. And that’s something I just can’t accept. I’m going to do my best to figure out a way to provide that content and articles I have promised without damaging my health. I want to write, and write, and write so you can enjoy stop I also write because they help stave off the loneliness. I just wanted to write you. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for not being able to provide you with all the content that I know I can’t.
As if this were not enough. Today I was told by the manager of the building this building is being sold. The new owners want to remodel every apartment and it looks like they might force all of us to leave. I’ve been here 10 years, and I don’t like living here, but I thought I would have more time to prepare. Right now I don’t have the financial resources are the strong bodies to assist if these new owners decide they want me to move out. I just found out about this for hours ago and it’s left me kind of really kind of unhinged. I will share more as soon as possible, as soon as I know more, but that’s all I know. So on top of everything else that’s happening and everything else that I’m losing I might only have a short period of time to find a new place to live.
Well, My Dear Readers, I have to go. I hate to leave you hanging, and I apologize for that, but this is the best I can do right now. As always, thank you for coming I am honored that you come here and read. I look forward to seeing you again soon in providing you with everything I have promised.
In the past two weeks, My Dear Readers, I have been hell-bent to provide you with more content. Last week I added ‘A Week in Review’ to The Other Shoe. And, last Sunday I shared with you my ‘Sunday Funnies’. As I wrote in on Monday it was my intent to make these weekly articles and add to my content. I even started a series of articles very close to my heart. It’s going to be about my other hobby computer gaming, specifically MMORPG’s.
What I failed to anticipate however was the extent of damage I was doing, to my body, working as hard as I was. I pushed and pushed myself, I awoke every day with a plan and a goal and I met them for two weeks. Yesterday I could barely get out of bed. My pain was tremendous my nick and neck was stiff and sore my hand I could hardly use and I was infuriated at myself.
Thursday came, today, and it was laundry day. I had someone here to help me so I could not postpone. I started early postcard the best I could and by noon I was finished. I had help getting bathe and I got out of the tub. My friend left to go to work, and I thought I would be fine. But, My Dear Readers, I did underestimate. I underestimated just how hard at been pushing myself over the past two weeks. I underestimated how hot it was today doing laundry and how much I’d sweat.
Shortly after my caregiver left I took a bit of a fall. I wrenched my neck something fierce and something popped in my neck. I found myself now and even more pain in my left hand and arm are on vacation again. Please don’t worry, I’m sure it will return, my hand and arm that is, they always do however, I anticipate this time as with others when it does return it will just be less.
Honestly, that’s what I hate most about my disease. It takes from you in bits and pieces nearly every single day it whittles away. It whittles away at my dexterity. It whittles away at my boat ability. It whittles away at my body each and every day. I did not want to write this, My Dear Readers, I did not want to admit. The regret that I feel for not being able to keep up with my goals.
I am not committing admitting defeat I am not giving in. Everything that I’ve said that I will bring to you I will do everything in my power to bring to this blog and you. Tomorrow I might feel a whole lot better, and that is my hope. If this is the case then my weekend articles will appear right here. If tomorrow I wake up in the same pain and in the same condition I sheer I will fail. There, My Dear Readers, is the source of my regret
I was really looking forward, and I’m really hoping I still will, share with everyone that comes here all the beauty, joy, and challenge that comes with the games that I play. Besides writing, and reading, and politics, and friends these virtual-reality games bring me happiness. That is why I wanted to share them with you, My Dear Readers, is to share some of that joy.
As well, each day I look at the traffic reports for these blogs. Today I looked at them again with regret. The traffic is waiting and for me that means I’m failing. And that’s something I just can’t accept. I’m going to do my best to figure out a way to provide that content and articles I have promised without damaging my health. I want to write, and write, and write so you can enjoy stop I also write because they help stave off the loneliness. I just wanted to write you. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for not being able to provide you with all the content that I know I can’t.
As if this were not enough. Today I was told by the manager of the building this building is being sold. The new owners want to remodel every apartment and it looks like they might force all of us to leave. I’ve been here 10 years, and I don’t like living here, but I thought I would have more time to prepare. Right now I don’t have the financial resources are the strong bodies to assist if these new owners decide they want me to move out. I just found out about this for hours ago and it’s left me kind of really kind of unhinged. I will share more as soon as possible, as soon as I know more, but that’s all I know. So on top of everything else that’s happening and everything else that I’m losing I might only have a short period of time to find a new place to live.
Well, My Dear Readers, I have to go. I hate to leave you hanging, and I apologize for that, but this is the best I can do right now. As always, thank you for coming I am honored that you come here and read. I look forward to seeing you again soon in providing you with everything I have promised.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
MMORPGs And You! - 1st Edition - Rift
Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe. Today we start a series that should last all this week. The subject matter is dear to my heart, PC Gaming. To be more precise MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Online role Playing Game. A little background; I started (again) playing online games back in 1998. Then I was playing (later hosting) FPS (First Person Shooter) games of Quake. I had only one computer, until 2002, so until 2002 I could only really join multiplayer games on the web. The ping, at firs, caused single frame rates. However, with time and with money that did improve.
By the time I was in Westwood I had three computers built; one was used for game hosting, one for my roommate to play and one computer for me to own on. I was quite good, back in the day. At the time of F.E.A.R. and it’s sequel (playing in tournaments over GameSpy) I was nationally ranked #1 (for ten days) and ended @ #10. My hands, then both worked, and moved faster than light. While in a shooter I was in my element. I went by (back then); Dominator Dann (on a PC platform called HEAT), Dan the Man, and Enzo Matrix (I still use that name).
[caption id="attachment_857" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
My toon, Enzo Matrix, at the Intro Screen for Rift. This is where you choose which toon you want to play.[/caption]
Those were the days, days of triple digit runs and others players crying foul! Because they did not understand the advantages of single digit ping (the server was on my Home network and three feet away) and a very fast home built computer. 2003, which was the last time I ever competed in an FPS Tournament. My hands were already messed up, I had already had one surgery (Carpal Tunnel release). Not till later that year did I find out why.
[caption id="attachment_855" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
This is a screenshot of Enzo riding his Spider Mount in Sanctum, the major city.[/caption]
I then moved to trying (then avidly playing) MMORPGs. I didn’t start with World of Warcraft. Though I will be honest in that, WoW was the first MMO that I played with intent, ran a Guild, and got involved in PvP (Player vs. Player in mortal combat). By the end of the week, you will notice that ONLY World of Warcraft got left out. In this week I will not have an article just for WoW.
So, in the 90’s and early 200_’s the trend, I was involved in, was playing FPSs online. I did well and enjoyed the games. When my hands no longer functioned enough I moved to the MMOs because they can be more forgiving. I STARTED WITH Guild Wars the original one. I played anything beta testing (this is select players on select PC platforms playing a beta-Test build of a game and reporting all problems hitches or falls). I played soooo many betas and short-lived games. IT was fun, but I knew I wanted more depth and involvement. I found that with WoW.
This is the Introductory Issue of this article series, but the rest of today’s article will be about the MMORPG RIFT!
Rift was born of a culture already brimming with MMORPGs. There was the primary MMORPGs like; WoW and Everquest. The next tier of MMOs would include; Aion, Rift, Lord of the Rings Online, and Star Trek Online. These round out the middle of the market. Next would be the user designed games like; Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. Then finally you have MMOs for children to cut their teeth on. They are generally referred to as ‘Family’ MMORPGs. You have seen them advertised on Cartoon Network and children’s programming; Wizard 101 and another about Pirates.
Today Rift is our game, and what a game it is. I started playing Rift right when it came out. I had heard/read about it for months and it looked to be what WoW started out. It had depth in the game (Good vs. Evil) and it was based on my favorite MMORPG of them all, WoW. Basically you are a; Mage or a Warrior, a Hunter or a Healer. You either heal you friends and party members or you fight the many monsters and Bosses that stand in your way. Mages and Hunters are ‘ranged’ fighters. They shot things at the targets while standing well back. The one up front, taking all the damage, are you Warriors and Tanks.
[caption id="attachment_853" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
This is a screenshot of Enzo riding his Spider Mount in the Trade & Trainning Area.[/caption]
My preference is Mages and Warlocks as my hands will not permit, the fast and often furious key pushing required to stand at the front. In all these games there are Individual Quests that you complete all alone (but you can work with others, or even bring a friend) and then there are Dungeons and Instances where 7-25 players work together as one to beat the very meanest, the very strongest Bosses. They give the best loot and the most treasure, but also it gives a whole lot of pleasure. Yes, the bragging rights of owning a Boss is not to be underestimated at all.
Rift started as a monthly subscription service game. I purchased the Collector’s Edition prior to launch, so I enjoyed being a part of the Beta of this game, too. Now Rift is ‘Free To Play’ meaning just anyone can sign up and play. Just download the client and install, then update. These games they do GUIDE you on everything you do. They explain it by starting simply and making quests out of simple things to do. Get used to an interface and all of the keys.
[caption id="attachment_854" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
This is a screenshot showing the User Interface (UI) and Chat Box. Easy to use and very well organized.[/caption]
Sitting here, writing about this, I wonder if there is a market in teaching older Americans (like myself) how to play these games, to win. They really are fun! They really do challenge and in the end you create a you in another world that can perform near miracles.
Rift is a story driven MMORPG. It has deep plot involvement and you are pitted against an invader group. You can play either the peace loving people, or the evil twisted race. This is true for many of these games. Two species pitted against one another in a world wide war. Rift does that in spades. There are PvP (Player vs. player) arenas but it Rift they did even more. Just walking around you can bump into a rift and bad guys com flying out.
That will be all for today, my hands are tired and my neck is so very sore. I hope that you enjoy the images and videos. I enjoyed preparing this for you. As always, I know there are many places to go to read and be informed. I am deeply honored that you choose The Other Shoe.
By the time I was in Westwood I had three computers built; one was used for game hosting, one for my roommate to play and one computer for me to own on. I was quite good, back in the day. At the time of F.E.A.R. and it’s sequel (playing in tournaments over GameSpy) I was nationally ranked #1 (for ten days) and ended @ #10. My hands, then both worked, and moved faster than light. While in a shooter I was in my element. I went by (back then); Dominator Dann (on a PC platform called HEAT), Dan the Man, and Enzo Matrix (I still use that name).
[caption id="attachment_857" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(EnzoMatrix in Rift Intro Screen)
Those were the days, days of triple digit runs and others players crying foul! Because they did not understand the advantages of single digit ping (the server was on my Home network and three feet away) and a very fast home built computer. 2003, which was the last time I ever competed in an FPS Tournament. My hands were already messed up, I had already had one surgery (Carpal Tunnel release). Not till later that year did I find out why.
[caption id="attachment_855" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(EnzoMatrix on a Spider mount in Sanctum the Main City)
I then moved to trying (then avidly playing) MMORPGs. I didn’t start with World of Warcraft. Though I will be honest in that, WoW was the first MMO that I played with intent, ran a Guild, and got involved in PvP (Player vs. Player in mortal combat). By the end of the week, you will notice that ONLY World of Warcraft got left out. In this week I will not have an article just for WoW.
So, in the 90’s and early 200_’s the trend, I was involved in, was playing FPSs online. I did well and enjoyed the games. When my hands no longer functioned enough I moved to the MMOs because they can be more forgiving. I STARTED WITH Guild Wars the original one. I played anything beta testing (this is select players on select PC platforms playing a beta-Test build of a game and reporting all problems hitches or falls). I played soooo many betas and short-lived games. IT was fun, but I knew I wanted more depth and involvement. I found that with WoW.
This is the Introductory Issue of this article series, but the rest of today’s article will be about the MMORPG RIFT!
(A Video of Enzo Leaving Town and Running Afoul of a RIFT!)
Rift was born of a culture already brimming with MMORPGs. There was the primary MMORPGs like; WoW and Everquest. The next tier of MMOs would include; Aion, Rift, Lord of the Rings Online, and Star Trek Online. These round out the middle of the market. Next would be the user designed games like; Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. Then finally you have MMOs for children to cut their teeth on. They are generally referred to as ‘Family’ MMORPGs. You have seen them advertised on Cartoon Network and children’s programming; Wizard 101 and another about Pirates.
Today Rift is our game, and what a game it is. I started playing Rift right when it came out. I had heard/read about it for months and it looked to be what WoW started out. It had depth in the game (Good vs. Evil) and it was based on my favorite MMORPG of them all, WoW. Basically you are a; Mage or a Warrior, a Hunter or a Healer. You either heal you friends and party members or you fight the many monsters and Bosses that stand in your way. Mages and Hunters are ‘ranged’ fighters. They shot things at the targets while standing well back. The one up front, taking all the damage, are you Warriors and Tanks.
[caption id="attachment_853" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Enzo on Spider Mount in Tade and Trainning Area in Sanctum.)
My preference is Mages and Warlocks as my hands will not permit, the fast and often furious key pushing required to stand at the front. In all these games there are Individual Quests that you complete all alone (but you can work with others, or even bring a friend) and then there are Dungeons and Instances where 7-25 players work together as one to beat the very meanest, the very strongest Bosses. They give the best loot and the most treasure, but also it gives a whole lot of pleasure. Yes, the bragging rights of owning a Boss is not to be underestimated at all.
Rift started as a monthly subscription service game. I purchased the Collector’s Edition prior to launch, so I enjoyed being a part of the Beta of this game, too. Now Rift is ‘Free To Play’ meaning just anyone can sign up and play. Just download the client and install, then update. These games they do GUIDE you on everything you do. They explain it by starting simply and making quests out of simple things to do. Get used to an interface and all of the keys.
[caption id="attachment_854" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
(Screen Caputre Showing User Interface and Chat Box)
Sitting here, writing about this, I wonder if there is a market in teaching older Americans (like myself) how to play these games, to win. They really are fun! They really do challenge and in the end you create a you in another world that can perform near miracles.
Rift is a story driven MMORPG. It has deep plot involvement and you are pitted against an invader group. You can play either the peace loving people, or the evil twisted race. This is true for many of these games. Two species pitted against one another in a world wide war. Rift does that in spades. There are PvP (Player vs. player) arenas but it Rift they did even more. Just walking around you can bump into a rift and bad guys com flying out.
That will be all for today, my hands are tired and my neck is so very sore. I hope that you enjoy the images and videos. I enjoyed preparing this for you. As always, I know there are many places to go to read and be informed. I am deeply honored that you choose The Other Shoe.
America's Future Is NOT in Its PAST!
America’s Future Is NOT in its Past!
That is true, America’s future does not lie in its past. Today the Untied States Supreme Court has made the worst decision since I’ve been alive. They have gutted the will of the American people to favor a party ready to die. Don’t be fooled by the numbers, of the SCOTUS decision. Because the ONLY woman (Justice Sotomayor recued herself due her ruling on a similar case) wrote the Dissenting Opinion on today’s ruling from this absurd court. Here’s a clue, that what I say is right, the dissenting opinion was LONGER and contained more Evidence and PROOF than the one written by Chief Justice Edwards.
I will share as much as I can, from the dissenting opinion, today. However, I am so very much pain I wonder just how much I will be able to accomplish. Right now I will share, the single most salient and intelligent sentence in either opinion:
“Throwing out preclearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.”
I am going to post this, right now, so that I have something out. I am working, as you are reading, to finish this piece. There is so much to be shared, so much to be said!
Continued -
! Right now I have come back, to this article I write. For I have had a moment with out pain, and I must take advantage of that.
Here is more from Justice Ginsburg’s dissent:
“But, the Court insists, the coverage formula is no good; it is based on “decades-old data and eradicated practices.” Ante, at 18. Even if the legislative record shows, as engaging with it would reveal, that the formula accurately identifies the jurisdictions with the worst conditions of voting discrimination, that is of no moment, as the Court sees it. Congress, the Court decrees, must “star[t] from scratch.” Ante, at 23. I do not see why that should be so.”
SEE, there is a salient point, that will be missed by most. That, in this decision, the Court has directed Congress to go back to the drawing board. However, this is NOT 1964 and the roles have changed. Justice Ginsburg put it best when she said:
“Congress’ chore was different in 1965 than it was in 2006. In 1965, there were a “small number of States . . . which in most instances were familiar to Congress by name,” on which Congress fixed its attention. Katzenbach, 383 U. S., at 328. In drafting the coverage formula, “Congress began work with reliable evidence of actual voting discrimination in a great majority of the States” it sought to target. Id., at 329. “The formula [Congress] eventually evolved to describe these areas” also captured a few States that had not been the subject of congressional fact finding. Ibid. Nevertheless, the Court upheld the formula in its entirety, finding it fair “to infer a significant danger of the evil” in all places the formula covered…”
“The situation Congress faced in 2006, when it took up reauthorization of the coverage formula, was not the same. By then, the formula had been in effect for many years, and all of the jurisdictions covered by it were “familiar to Congress by name.” Id., at 328. The question before Congress: Was there still a sufficient basis to support continued application of the preclearance remedy in each of those already-identified places? There was at that point no chance that the formula might inadvertently sweep in new areas that were not the subject of congressional findings. And Congress could determine from the record whether the jurisdictions captured by the coverage formula still belonged under the preclearance regime. If they did, there was no need to alter the formula. That is why the Court, in addressing prior reauthorizations of the VRA, did not question the continuing “relevance” of the formula.
Consider once again the components of the record before Congress in 2006”
Some FACTS and NUMBERS before we continue: In 2006 The Senate voted 98-0 in favor of reauthorization and a Republican controlled House voted 398-3. It wasn’t like any other legislation, passed that year. It has near unanimous support from both sides of the isle. Yet SCOTUS (NOT elected representatives of the COUNTIES and States) expresses Judicial Hubris by placing their very limited experiences (outside their Ivory Tower), and total lack of knowledge of what happens on the streets, and inflicted a wound to our Republic, our nation.
America’s Future Is NOT in its Past!
That is true, America’s future does not lie in its past. Today the Untied States Supreme Court has made the worst decision since I’ve been alive. They have gutted the will of the American people to favor a party ready to die. Don’t be fooled by the numbers, of the SCOTUS decision. Because the ONLY woman (Justice Sotomayor recued herself due her ruling on a similar case) wrote the Dissenting Opinion on today’s ruling from this absurd court. Here’s a clue, that what I say is right, the dissenting opinion was LONGER and contained more Evidence and PROOF than the one written by Chief Justice Edwards.
I will share as much as I can, from the dissenting opinion, today. However, I am so very much pain I wonder just how much I will be able to accomplish. Right now I will share, the single most salient and intelligent sentence in either opinion:
“Throwing out preclearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.”
I am going to post this, right now, so that I have something out. I am working, as you are reading, to finish this piece. There is so much to be shared, so much to be said!
Continued -
! Right now I have come back, to this article I write. For I have had a moment with out pain, and I must take advantage of that.
Here is more from Justice Ginsburg’s dissent:
“But, the Court insists, the coverage formula is no good; it is based on “decades-old data and eradicated practices.” Ante, at 18. Even if the legislative record shows, as engaging with it would reveal, that the formula accurately identifies the jurisdictions with the worst conditions of voting discrimination, that is of no moment, as the Court sees it. Congress, the Court decrees, must “star[t] from scratch.” Ante, at 23. I do not see why that should be so.”
SEE, there is a salient point, that will be missed by most. That, in this decision, the Court has directed Congress to go back to the drawing board. However, this is NOT 1964 and the roles have changed. Justice Ginsburg put it best when she said:
“Congress’ chore was different in 1965 than it was in 2006. In 1965, there were a “small number of States . . . which in most instances were familiar to Congress by name,” on which Congress fixed its attention. Katzenbach, 383 U. S., at 328. In drafting the coverage formula, “Congress began work with reliable evidence of actual voting discrimination in a great majority of the States” it sought to target. Id., at 329. “The formula [Congress] eventually evolved to describe these areas” also captured a few States that had not been the subject of congressional fact finding. Ibid. Nevertheless, the Court upheld the formula in its entirety, finding it fair “to infer a significant danger of the evil” in all places the formula covered…”
“The situation Congress faced in 2006, when it took up reauthorization of the coverage formula, was not the same. By then, the formula had been in effect for many years, and all of the jurisdictions covered by it were “familiar to Congress by name.” Id., at 328. The question before Congress: Was there still a sufficient basis to support continued application of the preclearance remedy in each of those already-identified places? There was at that point no chance that the formula might inadvertently sweep in new areas that were not the subject of congressional findings. And Congress could determine from the record whether the jurisdictions captured by the coverage formula still belonged under the preclearance regime. If they did, there was no need to alter the formula. That is why the Court, in addressing prior reauthorizations of the VRA, did not question the continuing “relevance” of the formula.
Consider once again the components of the record before Congress in 2006”
Some FACTS and NUMBERS before we continue: In 2006 The Senate voted 98-0 in favor of reauthorization and a Republican controlled House voted 398-3. It wasn’t like any other legislation, passed that year. It has near unanimous support from both sides of the isle. Yet SCOTUS (NOT elected representatives of the COUNTIES and States) expresses Judicial Hubris by placing their very limited experiences (outside their Ivory Tower), and total lack of knowledge of what happens on the streets, and inflicted a wound to our Republic, our nation.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Busy Week, Two!
Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to another week here @ The Other Shoe. Last week was fantastic, we had several ‘firsts’, this week proves to be even better as I have things in the works. And let us a recap those first, from last week, and then will move on. On to what I have in store for this week and maybe beyond.
The 1st first(s) will be my favorite to come, ‘A Week In Review’ is already one of my most popular articles here @ The Other Shoe. Looking at the traffic report it is easy to see, that this article series will be a big hit. I have received some feedback, and it I will apply. Seems the traffic report is best published separate, seems it took something away, from the overall success of the ‘A Week in Review’.
So in future editions, that appear on the weekend, the article ‘A Week In Review’ will appear separately from any traffic reports. Next is another success, from this weekend, ‘Sunday Funnies’ was also a huge success. The ‘hits’, on the featured video this weekend, went up quite a lot. For this summer Alex will be the ‘Star’ of my funnies. Everyone commented that they loved him, and wanted to see more. So, every Sunday from now on, you will see Alex play and have fun! I already have several, videos of him and his antics, and each and every Sunday I will share one with you. My Dear Readers I am really quite excited. Not since my Indiegogo campaigns have I been so engaged.
Not since that three months, and the month the blog began, Have I had this much fun writing and sharing my work. Now my weekends will be full, of Sunday Funnies and A Week In Review will be busy and productive and focused on You!
Now for the end of teasing and pimping last week’s work. Now comes This Week and what I have planned. I will be covering the SCOTUS decision(s), be they one or be they two. I will write about that, and share my feeling and point of view. However, better than that I have something new! I am going to share something personal, something I simply LOVE to do! I love gaming, no not the gambling kind. I love leaving my little room, full of pain and humiliation, and venture far away. I go to other worlds, and then I play!
This week I hope to bring you some info and pictures! (Honestly I am trying to make some videos from within the games. Show you what it is like to fight another player, or make something to wear.) IF all goes as planned I will review and share FOUR games. They will be; Rift, Aion, Star Trek Online, and Age of Conan (IF I have the time, and my pain is subdued, I will include another game Guild Wars 2!).
Everyone of these games ahs given me hours of fun. I have hours of fun and enjoyment and even escapism, too. Through all of my illness and all my physical loss. These games have given me something that no doctor ever could. They gave me a place where I WALK without cruch or cane or power chair. Heck, I can even RUN! In these games there are no limits, on what I can do. No disability to prevent me from riding a horse or climbing a mountain. No pain from working too hard or walking too far. Just enjoyment and challenges and even friends, too.
So, later today I hope to begin. With posting some art, and photos (from within the game) and maybe a video or two. I am looking forward to this series, I think we will have fun. And, don’t worry, I will be publishing The Mars Report, A Week In Review and Sunday Funnies. All you, My Dear Readers, need do? Drop by and ENJOY!
The 1st first(s) will be my favorite to come, ‘A Week In Review’ is already one of my most popular articles here @ The Other Shoe. Looking at the traffic report it is easy to see, that this article series will be a big hit. I have received some feedback, and it I will apply. Seems the traffic report is best published separate, seems it took something away, from the overall success of the ‘A Week in Review’.
So in future editions, that appear on the weekend, the article ‘A Week In Review’ will appear separately from any traffic reports. Next is another success, from this weekend, ‘Sunday Funnies’ was also a huge success. The ‘hits’, on the featured video this weekend, went up quite a lot. For this summer Alex will be the ‘Star’ of my funnies. Everyone commented that they loved him, and wanted to see more. So, every Sunday from now on, you will see Alex play and have fun! I already have several, videos of him and his antics, and each and every Sunday I will share one with you. My Dear Readers I am really quite excited. Not since my Indiegogo campaigns have I been so engaged.
Not since that three months, and the month the blog began, Have I had this much fun writing and sharing my work. Now my weekends will be full, of Sunday Funnies and A Week In Review will be busy and productive and focused on You!
Now for the end of teasing and pimping last week’s work. Now comes This Week and what I have planned. I will be covering the SCOTUS decision(s), be they one or be they two. I will write about that, and share my feeling and point of view. However, better than that I have something new! I am going to share something personal, something I simply LOVE to do! I love gaming, no not the gambling kind. I love leaving my little room, full of pain and humiliation, and venture far away. I go to other worlds, and then I play!
This week I hope to bring you some info and pictures! (Honestly I am trying to make some videos from within the games. Show you what it is like to fight another player, or make something to wear.) IF all goes as planned I will review and share FOUR games. They will be; Rift, Aion, Star Trek Online, and Age of Conan (IF I have the time, and my pain is subdued, I will include another game Guild Wars 2!).
Everyone of these games ahs given me hours of fun. I have hours of fun and enjoyment and even escapism, too. Through all of my illness and all my physical loss. These games have given me something that no doctor ever could. They gave me a place where I WALK without cruch or cane or power chair. Heck, I can even RUN! In these games there are no limits, on what I can do. No disability to prevent me from riding a horse or climbing a mountain. No pain from working too hard or walking too far. Just enjoyment and challenges and even friends, too.
So, later today I hope to begin. With posting some art, and photos (from within the game) and maybe a video or two. I am looking forward to this series, I think we will have fun. And, don’t worry, I will be publishing The Mars Report, A Week In Review and Sunday Funnies. All you, My Dear Readers, need do? Drop by and ENJOY!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Sunday Funnies
I get so serious; I have to admit, so focused on the topic, and how to present. I often forget, I often neglect, to stop find some light at the end. I forget to share happiness I forget to share love. I forget to be humorous I forget to have fun. No better time than the present, eh?
One of my fondest memories, from my childhood, was sitting with the Sunday newspaper (with the lovely news ink smell) and read the comics and have a smile and laugh. It gave me a little light at the end of the week, at the end of the tunnel as it were.
So, out of the past and into the present, I take an idea and bring it to you. While I am making videos for The Other Shoe, they don’t always go as planned. This leaves me with a good amount of ‘outtakes’. Well, what better than a marriage of my outtakes and the end of the week. After a week of being critical and playing with thought. To take a few moments to laugh and to smile.
I hope this brings a smile to your face. There are many more to come… many more to share. Keep checking back for ‘Sunday Funnies @ The Other Shoe’.
One of my fondest memories, from my childhood, was sitting with the Sunday newspaper (with the lovely news ink smell) and read the comics and have a smile and laugh. It gave me a little light at the end of the week, at the end of the tunnel as it were.
So, out of the past and into the present, I take an idea and bring it to you. While I am making videos for The Other Shoe, they don’t always go as planned. This leaves me with a good amount of ‘outtakes’. Well, what better than a marriage of my outtakes and the end of the week. After a week of being critical and playing with thought. To take a few moments to laugh and to smile.
I hope this brings a smile to your face. There are many more to come… many more to share. Keep checking back for ‘Sunday Funnies @ The Other Shoe’.
A Week In Review - June 23, 2013
This is something new here @ The Other Shoe, a ‘Week In Review’. Today I am going to share the traffic reports, for both of the ‘Shoe’(s) and then I will review what I have published of late. We will see how this goes, but I am hopeful people will like a review. [Too many readers don’t have time to check by during the week, this review will touch on all the stories we have covered and the topics we represent.]
First, on my agenda today, is something I am kind of proud of, the Mid-June traffic report. Now first I will explain that all the traffic reports that I post here @ The Other Shoe all show a-month-in-review. They extended from March 23rd until today June 23rd 2013. A thirty day cycle is what we will be looking at, although you can see the traffic for this month is better on both blogs. First is my traffic report from the ‘Other’ The Other Shoe.
[caption id="attachment_826" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
The Other Shoe @ Word Press Mid-June Traffic Report[/caption]
I must profess, that with this, I am quite content. Considering the fact, that singlehandedly I; research, document, write, edit (well, I try) and publish everything you read. All by myself in a room 13x20 feet I create what you read. On each of these charts you will quite easily see, that there are big lulls in traffic. These are created by my level of pain. Funny that, my traffic is always ‘Bell Curved’. I produce a lot of content, in usually a short time. Then I plunge into the darkness, created by my pain. I try so hard to work through it, I try to put it aside (taking more pain meds just doesn’t work… because then I cannot write! Next is the traffic layout for my primary blog @ The Other Shoe.
[caption id="attachment_825" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
The Other Shoe @ Blog.com Mid-June Traffic Report[/caption]
How that is all done, and finished quite nice. Move forward, I will, to the ‘Week In Review’. In the past week, here @ The Other Shoe we covered many topics. Here are but a few; The Sequester, Martian 3D Views, and Brown Water and not a drop to drink.
Here is the listing, with links to them included:
And, that’s ‘A Full Lid!’ As always I am deeply honored that you choose The Other Shoe for your entertainment and news editorial. “Thank You!”
First, on my agenda today, is something I am kind of proud of, the Mid-June traffic report. Now first I will explain that all the traffic reports that I post here @ The Other Shoe all show a-month-in-review. They extended from March 23rd until today June 23rd 2013. A thirty day cycle is what we will be looking at, although you can see the traffic for this month is better on both blogs. First is my traffic report from the ‘Other’ The Other Shoe.
[caption id="attachment_826" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
I must profess, that with this, I am quite content. Considering the fact, that singlehandedly I; research, document, write, edit (well, I try) and publish everything you read. All by myself in a room 13x20 feet I create what you read. On each of these charts you will quite easily see, that there are big lulls in traffic. These are created by my level of pain. Funny that, my traffic is always ‘Bell Curved’. I produce a lot of content, in usually a short time. Then I plunge into the darkness, created by my pain. I try so hard to work through it, I try to put it aside (taking more pain meds just doesn’t work… because then I cannot write! Next is the traffic layout for my primary blog @ The Other Shoe.
[caption id="attachment_825" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
How that is all done, and finished quite nice. Move forward, I will, to the ‘Week In Review’. In the past week, here @ The Other Shoe we covered many topics. Here are but a few; The Sequester, Martian 3D Views, and Brown Water and not a drop to drink.
Here is the listing, with links to them included:
- · My Dad – A Father’s Day Tribute: “This is a tribute to my father, Ken Hanning. Not until the past two years, did I find out I hardly spoke about him in high school and college. Not sure ‘Why’ I didn’t talk about my father, at that time… most likely because it came after the divorce. My father was very talented; he mastered more technologies and sciences that, in another time, he would have been thought a genius. The image below, I just recently pieced together where it was taken”
- · Much Ado About Nothing: “Employees of the IRS choose to scrutinize applications by obvious Tea Party organizations. That was wrong. That is not “Nothing” (wooo weee I finally properly used a double negative), not to me not to the American people. However, not everything is Watergate. Not every problem with the many tentacles of the Federal government reaches the White House”
- · Cypress Lodge w Brown Water, STILL!: “For the past several years (the last two working with the current manager, Kevin) I have tried to get the Cypress Lodge to provide drinkable water to the residents. As of today, June 19 2013, the Cypress Lodge and Satellite Management have refused to adequately or properly (or professionally, their last ‘solution’? To flush the rust and calcium out of one of the hot water storage tanks into the street and storm drains!”
- · The Mars Report – In 3D! : “Welcome, My Dear Readers, to the 3D issue of The Mars Report here @ The Other Shoe. This entire issue will contain nothing but three-dimensional images from curiosity on Mars. I have wanted to bring a three-dimensional issue to you, My Dear Readers, but until this week the NASA JPL website just did not have enough images. That situation changed this week.”
- · A House, Upside Down! : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and ‘A House Upside Down’. House Speaker Boehner suffered, yet another, public and humiliating defeat in the House of Representatives. The Farm Bill Authorization Act, Boehner’s bill he sponsored it, and it failed to get enough votes to pass the House of Representatives. This most recent setback for Speaker Boehner, and the Republican Party, should serve as a signal to the rest of America that the United States House of Representatives(at least the Republicans) are ‘A House, Upside Down’.”
- · June 2013, A Republican Waterloo? : “The question is, My Dear Readers, will June 2013 turn into the Republican Party’s Waterloo? Let me take a moment to outline the; blunders, failures and problems the Republican Party has made in just the past 20 days. So grab a cup of coffee and maybe a little nosh and let’s spend the next three minutes discussing Republican loss.”
And, that’s ‘A Full Lid!’ As always I am deeply honored that you choose The Other Shoe for your entertainment and news editorial. “Thank You!”
Saturday, June 22, 2013
June 2013 A Republican Waterloo?
The question is, My Dear Readers, will June 2013 turn into the Republican Party’s Waterloo? Let me take a moment to outline the; blunders, bloggers, failures and problems the Republican Party has made in just the past 20 days.
So grab a cup of coffee and maybe a little nosh and let’s spend the next three minutes discussing Republican loss.
. I would like to start from the most recent and I feel largest loss of the Republican Party and the speaker of the House of Representatives John Beohner. The complete and utter failure of the farm aid/food stamp act this week. In just one day of taking floor amendments in the House of Representatives 103 amendments were added to this food aid/food stamp legislation. As I have explained in my article ‘A House, Upside Down’ this Farm Aid/Food Stamp (SNAP) is a yearly authorization or 'housekeeping ' legislation. That has been passed, without incident or comment, for decades.
However, Speaker Boehner could not get his Republican members to walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. This failure also falls into the lap of the House Majority Whip Rep. Eric Cantor. It is the responsibility of the Whip to work with Republican members of the House of Representatives to bring the will of the Speaker to the floor. They all should (and under Speaker (D) Pelosi the Democratic Majority worked in unison and passed 400+ bills in just one year). The Speaker writer the bill, with support from the Majority Whip and senior members of the party, and it gets voted out of the subcommittee.
Now, it is the job of the Majority Whip to make sure Republican representatives do not tack on too many stray amendments that will kill the bill in the House or kill it in reconciliation. That is what did not happen today. Mind you, this Farm Bill came out of the Senate with overwhelming support, bipartisan support to the tune of 70+ votes. Now, this bipartisan bill comes to the House and it dies a death on 103 cuts. All at the hands of the ‘all for one and just for me!’ of the ‘new’ hedonistic self-interested far right wing of the Grand Old Party.
I am a Reagan-Democrat. Yes, I voted for Ronald Reagan. I spoke to him, over ham radio, when I was just a boy. It made an impression, and so did he. I have voted with the Republican party, before, and this scares the pants off of me. This is, at this very moment, rippling through foreign markets. Our debtors and allies are viewing this, poorly.
This is a very public failure, on an international stage, a failure by Republican representatives to take the time to add only pertinent amendments. By the speaker of the House of Representatives. It really is debacle’s like this, and the entrance intransigent party members knee-jerk reaction over raising the debt limit, that cause creditors and international markets to take pause when looking at America.
The next failure, the Republicans had, this week was in court… way over in SCOTUS Land! The Republicans have, since 2008, thought that aliens and people of ‘different’ decent, should at the polls, have papers to present. This very week that very body, SCOTUS, has decided that states simply cannot. Demand at/for polling proof of citizenship. This bodes well for our citizens of Hispanic decent. It works well for Arabs, Hindu and Jew. These ethnic groups, these American immigrants, they tend to vote with the Democrats. They believe in equality they believe in fair play. They seek, one day maybe, to stand equal with all Americans. They know that their chances, with Democrats side-by-side, that they will be accepted and their sons and daughters, too. We are a nation of immigrants, from our very birth. My grandfather came here, form across the great pond. And if her hadn’t, I would have never been an American at all!
That makes two failures/blunders for the Republicans this week. Next, another most public, another most foul. The Republicans did blunder, only this time if was Rep. Issa. On Thursday Rep. Cummings did make public the evidence, that in the IRS office the Republican Supervisor said; no conversations or orders, no phone calls or email did they ever receive from the White House. What they did, they did without direction. What they did, they did out of diligence for the job. It was not about politics, it was about a exponential explosion of applications for non-profit and all of them, in their titles, was a political comment. They had to determine if these tax status seekers where genuine or fake. The amount of politics too much or too great is difficult to determine and they went foul by going too far.
This no makes the (Solyndra, Fast& Furious, Benghazi, IRS) forth failed investigation, the forth failed conspiracy, the forth failed “Watergate”, and the forth how many millions of tax payer dollars spent?
And now for my least favorite, my most dreaded failure to date. This week the Republicans, from miles away and on another street, they took aim at the High Court. Roe v Wade they want reversed, the Republicans it seems. And they are willing to do, pretty much anything to get what they want. So this week they passed a law, that went against the Great Court, and said that twenty weeks, would be for abortions the limit. Now, Speaker Beohner, and all of the tea party representatives. Know full well in their hearts and souls, that never through the Senate will this bill get. Never to the desk of President Obama, and never into law.
However, for the very last I have saved the most powerful of all, the one thing that can be a kryptonite for Republicans in the fall. Immigration. If today is any measure, if today bodes what’s to come. Then Immigration will be dead there, just as quick as it comes. If Republicans cannot pass a Senate Immigration bills, before the 2014 elections, they can hang up national dominance for a long time to come. They can forget the White House, and the Speakership too. They can forget about purity and that darn tea-party, too. Because, if they do not make the ten million part of the one. Then when it does happen (and I can assure you, it will) then all these peoples will blame Republicans for it not happening, this year. They will be, reasonably, angered and they will tell it to their sons. They will tell it to the daughters, and grandchildren, too. That the Republicans kept citizenship form them for too many years. They will remind them of the hardship, the inequality too. Of the underpaid wages and humiliation as well.
Now, that is only part, that is only some. And only half through June, have we come. They still have two plus weeks, to drill themselves more. To insult more women, and Hispanics, too. Time to dwell in the past, and ignore all science. Time to tell the American public, that you can cut taxes and the poor will then pay. Give the money to the wealthy, and forget. Everything will get better, if you just wait. Just keep electing them, time and time and again. Now decades have passed, and the rich are more rich and the poor are more poor. And somehow, by trick or by magic the middle class did disappear. Oh well, don’t worry, they were not meant to survive. Or in the end, they would have, now isn’t that right?
There were other setbacks, in Texas and other states. These Republicans just keep talking about rape. That and babies… but no food once they are born. Well, My Dear Readers, that will make a full lid. That brings us to parting and that I regret. I love our time together, I enjoy that you read. I hope that you can come back often, and read. Thank you. I know that you have a lot of choices when it comes to news and entertainment. I am honored that you choose The Other Shoe.
So grab a cup of coffee and maybe a little nosh and let’s spend the next three minutes discussing Republican loss.
. I would like to start from the most recent and I feel largest loss of the Republican Party and the speaker of the House of Representatives John Beohner. The complete and utter failure of the farm aid/food stamp act this week. In just one day of taking floor amendments in the House of Representatives 103 amendments were added to this food aid/food stamp legislation. As I have explained in my article ‘A House, Upside Down’ this Farm Aid/Food Stamp (SNAP) is a yearly authorization or 'housekeeping ' legislation. That has been passed, without incident or comment, for decades.
However, Speaker Boehner could not get his Republican members to walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. This failure also falls into the lap of the House Majority Whip Rep. Eric Cantor. It is the responsibility of the Whip to work with Republican members of the House of Representatives to bring the will of the Speaker to the floor. They all should (and under Speaker (D) Pelosi the Democratic Majority worked in unison and passed 400+ bills in just one year). The Speaker writer the bill, with support from the Majority Whip and senior members of the party, and it gets voted out of the subcommittee.
Now, it is the job of the Majority Whip to make sure Republican representatives do not tack on too many stray amendments that will kill the bill in the House or kill it in reconciliation. That is what did not happen today. Mind you, this Farm Bill came out of the Senate with overwhelming support, bipartisan support to the tune of 70+ votes. Now, this bipartisan bill comes to the House and it dies a death on 103 cuts. All at the hands of the ‘all for one and just for me!’ of the ‘new’ hedonistic self-interested far right wing of the Grand Old Party.
I am a Reagan-Democrat. Yes, I voted for Ronald Reagan. I spoke to him, over ham radio, when I was just a boy. It made an impression, and so did he. I have voted with the Republican party, before, and this scares the pants off of me. This is, at this very moment, rippling through foreign markets. Our debtors and allies are viewing this, poorly.
This is a very public failure, on an international stage, a failure by Republican representatives to take the time to add only pertinent amendments. By the speaker of the House of Representatives. It really is debacle’s like this, and the entrance intransigent party members knee-jerk reaction over raising the debt limit, that cause creditors and international markets to take pause when looking at America.
The next failure, the Republicans had, this week was in court… way over in SCOTUS Land! The Republicans have, since 2008, thought that aliens and people of ‘different’ decent, should at the polls, have papers to present. This very week that very body, SCOTUS, has decided that states simply cannot. Demand at/for polling proof of citizenship. This bodes well for our citizens of Hispanic decent. It works well for Arabs, Hindu and Jew. These ethnic groups, these American immigrants, they tend to vote with the Democrats. They believe in equality they believe in fair play. They seek, one day maybe, to stand equal with all Americans. They know that their chances, with Democrats side-by-side, that they will be accepted and their sons and daughters, too. We are a nation of immigrants, from our very birth. My grandfather came here, form across the great pond. And if her hadn’t, I would have never been an American at all!
That makes two failures/blunders for the Republicans this week. Next, another most public, another most foul. The Republicans did blunder, only this time if was Rep. Issa. On Thursday Rep. Cummings did make public the evidence, that in the IRS office the Republican Supervisor said; no conversations or orders, no phone calls or email did they ever receive from the White House. What they did, they did without direction. What they did, they did out of diligence for the job. It was not about politics, it was about a exponential explosion of applications for non-profit and all of them, in their titles, was a political comment. They had to determine if these tax status seekers where genuine or fake. The amount of politics too much or too great is difficult to determine and they went foul by going too far.
This no makes the (Solyndra, Fast& Furious, Benghazi, IRS) forth failed investigation, the forth failed conspiracy, the forth failed “Watergate”, and the forth how many millions of tax payer dollars spent?
And now for my least favorite, my most dreaded failure to date. This week the Republicans, from miles away and on another street, they took aim at the High Court. Roe v Wade they want reversed, the Republicans it seems. And they are willing to do, pretty much anything to get what they want. So this week they passed a law, that went against the Great Court, and said that twenty weeks, would be for abortions the limit. Now, Speaker Beohner, and all of the tea party representatives. Know full well in their hearts and souls, that never through the Senate will this bill get. Never to the desk of President Obama, and never into law.
However, for the very last I have saved the most powerful of all, the one thing that can be a kryptonite for Republicans in the fall. Immigration. If today is any measure, if today bodes what’s to come. Then Immigration will be dead there, just as quick as it comes. If Republicans cannot pass a Senate Immigration bills, before the 2014 elections, they can hang up national dominance for a long time to come. They can forget the White House, and the Speakership too. They can forget about purity and that darn tea-party, too. Because, if they do not make the ten million part of the one. Then when it does happen (and I can assure you, it will) then all these peoples will blame Republicans for it not happening, this year. They will be, reasonably, angered and they will tell it to their sons. They will tell it to the daughters, and grandchildren, too. That the Republicans kept citizenship form them for too many years. They will remind them of the hardship, the inequality too. Of the underpaid wages and humiliation as well.
Now, that is only part, that is only some. And only half through June, have we come. They still have two plus weeks, to drill themselves more. To insult more women, and Hispanics, too. Time to dwell in the past, and ignore all science. Time to tell the American public, that you can cut taxes and the poor will then pay. Give the money to the wealthy, and forget. Everything will get better, if you just wait. Just keep electing them, time and time and again. Now decades have passed, and the rich are more rich and the poor are more poor. And somehow, by trick or by magic the middle class did disappear. Oh well, don’t worry, they were not meant to survive. Or in the end, they would have, now isn’t that right?
There were other setbacks, in Texas and other states. These Republicans just keep talking about rape. That and babies… but no food once they are born. Well, My Dear Readers, that will make a full lid. That brings us to parting and that I regret. I love our time together, I enjoy that you read. I hope that you can come back often, and read. Thank you. I know that you have a lot of choices when it comes to news and entertainment. I am honored that you choose The Other Shoe.
Friday, June 21, 2013
A House, Upside Down
Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and ‘A House Upside Down’. House Speaker Boehner suffered, yet another, public and humiliating defeat in the House of Representatives. The Farm Bill Authorization Act, Boehner’s bill, he sponsored it, and it failed to get enough votes to pass the House of Representatives. This most recent setback for Speaker Boehner, and the Republican Party, should serve as a signal to the rest of America that the United States House of Representatives(at least the Republicans) are upside down. They are unable to function and completely out of sync with the vast majority of hard working Americans.
This farm bill is a piece of legislation that passes through the House of Representatives on a yearly basis. Inside the Beltway they call this a yearly authorization bill. The people ‘in the know’, known it as ‘housekeeping’ legislation. For decades this farm authorization act has passed the House of Representatives, and the United States Senate, and gone to be signed by the President of the United States without notice mention or problem. Hence, the name of ‘housekeeping’ legislation meaning something done out of rote. Like vacuuming or doing the dishes.
This farm authorization bill has a sister. Its sister’s name is The Debt Ceiling. Later this year I’m going to have plenty of time to write about it. Therefore, I’m not going to get everybody confused and discuss two pieces of legislation in one article. For my followers on Facebook, my friends in Texas that read my articles and post frequently, and My Dear Readers this is the bill I was talking about that would not knock millions off of food stamps. (as well as your truly)
I will be completely upfront and tell you, My Dear Readers that I’m very happy this bill failed. That it would have taken food off my table. I will be honest, this was the very first reason I would hope that it failed. But something happened, in the United States House of Representatives, this week that’s spelled disaster for this legislation. The floor of the House of Representatives was open for a process of amendments to be added to the farm bill. This is a normal step in the legislative process. Actually this farm bill originated in the United States Senate. It was voted on by a majority of senators if I’m not mistaken 70. And was handed past if you will over to the House of Representatives for approval.
If it had passed the House of Representatives this bill than of what would’ve gone into the reconciliation [Reconciliation is a legislative process of the United States Senate intended to allow consideration of a budget bill with debate limited to twenty hours under Senate rules.[1] Reconciliation also exists in the United States House of Representatives, but because the House regularly passes rules that constrain debate and amendment, the process has had a less significant impact on that body.] part of the legislative process. Late last week a Senator from Texas said that this process was “secretive” and “done behind closed doors”. Neither statement is anywhere near the truth. The process of reconciliation has been done since the Founding of our Democracy, it occurs under the watchful eyes of the cameras from CSPAN and can be attended by any American that suffers from insomnia. This statement is not only disingenuous, it is offensive.
Later that day Senator McCain (from the floor of the Senate) expressed surprise that the other Senator was unaware the reconciliation process is not secret, anyone who wants to attend a boring meeting can attend, and that CSPAN cameras record all reconciliation meetings.
[This isn’t like me… I have just finished publishing the 3D Mars Report. I am in tremendous pain, but I need to have this up while I just might catch some traffic due to the subject matter. Please excuse that I do not provide links, as I usually do, and will try to research ALL the names and provide linkage just asap. Thank you for your understanding.]
So, what killed the farm bill? I will tell you what killed the farm bill. Radical amendments by French representatives elected from gerrymandered districts. I, like many Democrats, screamed and yelled that one day gerrymandering would bite America and that tookus. That day has now arrived. Let me share the amendments I heard about.
Those are seven of the 103 proposed in just one day. I was reading these there’s an amendment defining what in Indian tribe is. There’s an amendment to expand broadband. There is an amendment limiting the EPA from defining spills uncertain farms. I read through the whole list and I for the life of me cannot think of a Speaker of the House, in the past 50 years that would allow this kind of nonsense. This farm bill became an omnibus bill, a catchall bill, and a nightmare for House Speaker Boehner.
The United States House of Representatives is proving that it is no longer a functional body. This bill was sponsored by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, yet it died a death of 103 cuts. To me this proves that the Speaker of the House of Representatives has no control whatsoever over either party. The 85 tea party backed Republicans are pulling the United States House of Representatives to the extreme right. Moreover, just in an effort to avoid being primaried for 2014, they are tacking to the far far right.
This spells certain death for any immigration legislation that might make it out of the Senate. House Speaker Boehner can’t even shepherd his own food and farm subsidy legislation through a House of Representatives controlled by his party. To say that Speaker Boehner is superfluous is a gross over estimation of his abilities and a gross underestimation of the tragedy about to befall our great nation. This signals a lack of communication and coordination within the party in control of the House of Representatives. They are the controlling party, the nation rises and falls with their actions, and THIS is the best that Congressional republicans can muster? This is complete and utter failure, My Dear Readers, this is an international embarrassment!
I hope it all my Republican readers of checked out this article. I hope that all my Republican readers are listening carefully and reading carefully, understanding fully the great many forces that are rending their great party asunder. Because, My Dear Readers, and my Republican readers don’t understand this is a very distinct possibility their party will bring about ruin for our Republic. That’s not partisan Daniel talking, that’s now a reality on every front page of the face of this planet.
I’d like to say thank you to everyone who’s drop by and read my article. I know you have a lot of places to get your content, news, entertainment and I’m honored that you come here to the other shoe. Have a great weekend!
This farm bill is a piece of legislation that passes through the House of Representatives on a yearly basis. Inside the Beltway they call this a yearly authorization bill. The people ‘in the know’, known it as ‘housekeeping’ legislation. For decades this farm authorization act has passed the House of Representatives, and the United States Senate, and gone to be signed by the President of the United States without notice mention or problem. Hence, the name of ‘housekeeping’ legislation meaning something done out of rote. Like vacuuming or doing the dishes.
This farm authorization bill has a sister. Its sister’s name is The Debt Ceiling. Later this year I’m going to have plenty of time to write about it. Therefore, I’m not going to get everybody confused and discuss two pieces of legislation in one article. For my followers on Facebook, my friends in Texas that read my articles and post frequently, and My Dear Readers this is the bill I was talking about that would not knock millions off of food stamps. (as well as your truly)
I will be completely upfront and tell you, My Dear Readers that I’m very happy this bill failed. That it would have taken food off my table. I will be honest, this was the very first reason I would hope that it failed. But something happened, in the United States House of Representatives, this week that’s spelled disaster for this legislation. The floor of the House of Representatives was open for a process of amendments to be added to the farm bill. This is a normal step in the legislative process. Actually this farm bill originated in the United States Senate. It was voted on by a majority of senators if I’m not mistaken 70. And was handed past if you will over to the House of Representatives for approval.
If it had passed the House of Representatives this bill than of what would’ve gone into the reconciliation [Reconciliation is a legislative process of the United States Senate intended to allow consideration of a budget bill with debate limited to twenty hours under Senate rules.[1] Reconciliation also exists in the United States House of Representatives, but because the House regularly passes rules that constrain debate and amendment, the process has had a less significant impact on that body.] part of the legislative process. Late last week a Senator from Texas said that this process was “secretive” and “done behind closed doors”. Neither statement is anywhere near the truth. The process of reconciliation has been done since the Founding of our Democracy, it occurs under the watchful eyes of the cameras from CSPAN and can be attended by any American that suffers from insomnia. This statement is not only disingenuous, it is offensive.
Later that day Senator McCain (from the floor of the Senate) expressed surprise that the other Senator was unaware the reconciliation process is not secret, anyone who wants to attend a boring meeting can attend, and that CSPAN cameras record all reconciliation meetings.
[This isn’t like me… I have just finished publishing the 3D Mars Report. I am in tremendous pain, but I need to have this up while I just might catch some traffic due to the subject matter. Please excuse that I do not provide links, as I usually do, and will try to research ALL the names and provide linkage just asap. Thank you for your understanding.]
So, what killed the farm bill? I will tell you what killed the farm bill. Radical amendments by French representatives elected from gerrymandered districts. I, like many Democrats, screamed and yelled that one day gerrymandering would bite America and that tookus. That day has now arrived. Let me share the amendments I heard about.
- Felons it would no longer receive food assistance. If you had ever been convicted of, found guilty of, and served your time for a felony of murder rate on child molestation. You would be refused food stamps based on that fact alone. One of the basic tenets of the United States of America is want any man served his time for the crime he’s been convicted and sentenced for he shall not be punished for that crime again. Republicans kicked the Constitution and the cojones and tact an amendment to the farm approach appropriation bill that prevented any felon from America from getting food stamps. (#1056 by Rep. Vitter)[1]
- Urine testing. That’s right and unfunded mandate for the states to run $150 drug tests on every food stamps recipient. Just a little back-story for those that don’t make policy there wonkie obsession. This urine testing has been tried by Michigan, and by Florida in just the past decade. Michigan implemented this policy for one year and it ended up with 8 to 12 pot smokers caught at the cost of nearly $150,000. In Florida this was used for welfare recipients and again you find a handful of pot smokers at the cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars, taxpayer dollars. (Republicans Doug LaMalfa of California and Ted Yoho of Florida)[2]
- Third that I will talk about is a work requirement that is already in place in many states but not universal. In California this work requirement already exists. However, many religious organizations have come together with several civil rights organizations to try and overturn this action in California.
- Defunding portions of Obamacare. (#927 Rep. Heller)[3]
Ending Food Subsidies for illegal aliens: “To require the use of the systematic alien verification for entitlements program in the administration (#946 Rep. Sessions) of the supplemental nutrition assistance program. (#947 Rep. Sessions) |
- "To amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp…” (#952 Wyden)
- Too eliminate junk food purchases on SNAP (#1000 Rep. Coburn)
- Excluding individuals with “extreme tax debt…” (#1003 Rep. Coburn)
Those are seven of the 103 proposed in just one day. I was reading these there’s an amendment defining what in Indian tribe is. There’s an amendment to expand broadband. There is an amendment limiting the EPA from defining spills uncertain farms. I read through the whole list and I for the life of me cannot think of a Speaker of the House, in the past 50 years that would allow this kind of nonsense. This farm bill became an omnibus bill, a catchall bill, and a nightmare for House Speaker Boehner.
The United States House of Representatives is proving that it is no longer a functional body. This bill was sponsored by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, yet it died a death of 103 cuts. To me this proves that the Speaker of the House of Representatives has no control whatsoever over either party. The 85 tea party backed Republicans are pulling the United States House of Representatives to the extreme right. Moreover, just in an effort to avoid being primaried for 2014, they are tacking to the far far right.
This spells certain death for any immigration legislation that might make it out of the Senate. House Speaker Boehner can’t even shepherd his own food and farm subsidy legislation through a House of Representatives controlled by his party. To say that Speaker Boehner is superfluous is a gross over estimation of his abilities and a gross underestimation of the tragedy about to befall our great nation. This signals a lack of communication and coordination within the party in control of the House of Representatives. They are the controlling party, the nation rises and falls with their actions, and THIS is the best that Congressional republicans can muster? This is complete and utter failure, My Dear Readers, this is an international embarrassment!
I hope it all my Republican readers of checked out this article. I hope that all my Republican readers are listening carefully and reading carefully, understanding fully the great many forces that are rending their great party asunder. Because, My Dear Readers, and my Republican readers don’t understand this is a very distinct possibility their party will bring about ruin for our Republic. That’s not partisan Daniel talking, that’s now a reality on every front page of the face of this planet.
I’d like to say thank you to everyone who’s drop by and read my article. I know you have a lot of places to get your content, news, entertainment and I’m honored that you come here to the other shoe. Have a great weekend!
The Mars Report - In 3D!
Welcome, My Dear Readers, to the 3D issue of The Mars Report here @ The Other Shoe. This entire issue will contain nothing but three-dimensional images from curiosity on Mars. I have wanted to bring a three-dimensional issue to you, My Dear Readers, but until this week the NASA JPL website just did not have enough images. That situation changed this week.
First I need to explain to you that you will need three-dimensional glasses in order to see the images properly. You can find these three-dimensional glasses and any number of DVD releases of movies and a three-dimensional format. They can also be found in Xbox 360 games like Batman Arkham Asylum. The red lens will need to be on the left side of the glasses for them to work with these NASA JPL images.
A word of caution. Do not wear the three-dimensional glasses outside of viewing these images. Do not attempt to try your car wearing the three-dimensional glasses. Do not attempt to prepare food while wearing three-dimensional glasses. Do not operate heavy machinery or landscaping devices while using three-dimensional glasses. That should about cover all the legal stupidity that I might get involved in writing this article this way.
Next, My Dear Readers, I have to clarify a little terminology used in this article. I will be referring to these images as three-dimensional, as when used with three-dimensional glasses they do appear three-dimensional. However, NASA JPL refers to the ease images as stereo images. Stereo images in that they are a composite of two different image sources and multiple exposures. NASA JPL is absolutely correct in stating that they are merely stereoscopic images. Three-dimensional just sounds so much cooler.
I have decided to share these 3D images from oldest to newest. Seems NASA/JPL have been developing these images for going on nine years. Our first image is from the Martian Lander Phoenix. .
- 3D Image of Phoenix's Firstr Shovel of Martian Soil
“The robotic arm on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander enlarged a trench beside a rock called "Headless" during the mission's 115th Martian day (Sept. 20, 2008) in preparation for sliding the rock into the trench. The Lander’s Surface Stereo Imager took the two images for this stereo view later that afternoon, showing the enlarged trench and the rock.
The robotic arm successfully moved the rock two days later.” [1]
I know I went back pretty far to get this first stereoscopic (3D) image for this issue of The Mars Report, but I wanted to show an evolution in the process and be comprehensive. This image was taken on Mars on September 23, 2008 by the stereoscopic cameras aboard the Phoenix Mars Lander.
(Opportunity 3D Image of ‘Copper Cliff)
Our next 3D image comes from the Martian Lander Opportunity on its 3153rd day since leaving Earth. Nine years the Opportunity Martian Lander has been working for Americans. Opportunity has been providing more and more science, every day, about our sister planet Mars. This proves that the little money NASA and JPL get, from the American taxpayer, continues to work long after the project is forgot.
Above is a 3D panorama of 'Matijevic Hill' for Opportunity’s Ninth Anniversary. This area does not provide the same landscapes, and geologic features, as our images from Curiosity. NASA/JPL was far more daring in the placement of Curiosity, with fantastic results. Below is the same image only without 3D effect and ‘White Balanced’.
I included the above image for one reason. When I viewed the 3D image I felt like it lost the size and scope. Therefore, I share the above image for you to go back and forth with the 3D.
Finally we come to images from our current Martian rover, Curiosity. This is an image just 100 days from launch. It is a composite of many images taken from the two navigation cameras. You can see Mount Sharp in the background upper right. The image quality and clarity is far superior to our first few images.
The above image was produced by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The time frame was between August 12, 2012 and September 8, 2012. The rover and its tracks are seen at the far left, from the latter (left eye) image. I included this image because I was taken by it during the review process. However, I also included this image because I wanted to share the information that these 3D (or stereoscopic) images are taken and made from orbit as well as by rovers.
This image (above) is of the Curiosity discovered ‘river bed’. This discovery made the nightly news on most major networks, and all the PBS and BBC broadcasts. I found the 3D version of this image much more convincing than the 2D version. If you have ever walked down a riverbed, or close to the edge of a river, these rounded rocks are familiar. Finally mankind has proof that there was flowing water on Mars. A cautionary tale for Earth and those who still do not believe in large-scale climate change, and that it is happening now.
As always, I have saved the best images for last. The above image is of Mount Sharp as Curiosity approaches Mount Sharp. I like this image best because it shows us the 3D characteristics of the rove in the foreground and of Mount Sharp in the background.
This is the very same image, only ‘White Balanced’. This gives the image of the Martian landscape as if it were seen in Earth light. I enjoy the balanced views as they take a foreign landscape and make it more ‘Earth-Like’.
I am going to wrap up this 3D edition of The Mars Report with an older landscape 3d image. This is taken by Opportunity.
Well, My Dear Readers, that brings us to the end of the very first 3D Version of The Mars report. I hope that you have enjoyed viewing the images and reading as much as I have enjoyed putting this together for you. I know that you have many sources for content and entertainment and I am honored that you choose The Other Shoe. Have a great summer weekend and I will see you, again, soon.
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