The videos I have shared generally show gameplay or me writing a mount (MMORPG slang for horse or War Mammoth’) somewhere. Now, MMORPGs do not just stop at quests and exploration. However, if world exploration is something you’d like, every single game I’m sharing with you here at The Other Shoe has a huge world to explore. For those of us that will never ‘globe trot’? Exploring one of these worlds can be nearly as satisfying as getting outside your own four walls. Like travel in real life only without; bag fees, long lines, TSA screening, and screaming children in the seat behind you.
In each and every game ,that I will share with you here, there are many large cities as well. In these cities you will find; trainers, merchants, merchandise, and what I’d like to talk about today ‘Auction Houses’. Now auction houses are player to player merchandise exchanges. Any every game you learn how to craft items (I will be talking about that in a future edition), and you find water called drops from NPC’s and bosses.
The auction house is the place where players can sell, often for huge profits, the items that you make and find in the game. First, a couple of things, in each of these games there are items that you will pick up from killing bosses or other NPCs that cannot be sold or traded. These items will either be character bound or account bound. What that means is that the item can only be used by the character that found it or can be transferred from one to the other of your tunes.
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Now that means a couple of different things to the average MMORPG player. First, the auction house is a great way for an average to poor player to end up wearing and using items of ‘Epic’ or ‘Legendary’ quality. That means an average player, like me and probably you can end up wearing some really nice duds and having very awesome weapons.
Second, and all of my games I have chosen to be an alchemist. An alchemist can make; potions, and mixers, healing potions, and got potions. These items, in the auction house, can command a high price. Now, do not let me discount to anyone that reading the value of tailoring clothes, making armor, or making swords. All of the crafting talents can be refined to the point where you can make epic or legendary quality items and sell them for huge profits at the auction houses.
Right now, today, I just introduced you, My Dear Readers to the world of ‘Virtual Commerce’. It is estimated that over $1 billion exchanged hands, last year, in and around virtual worlds. It is difficult for donations an expert to determine just how much is being spent in these virtual economies, often because much of the dealing is against game rules and in some countries illegal.
Here’s a thought; in World of Warcraft alone there are 8 million players. In any given single year is estimated that one in 10 will buy gold or currencies on Internet markets. These currencies are used to buy goods in these virtual economies. It is estimated that a given year a world of war client craft player will buy up to $100 worth of World of Warcraft gold. Quick math, that’s $100 million right there.
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Now, My Dear Readers, I do not engage in the sale or purchase of any virtual currencies or goods. On nor do I condone those who use these services. The biggest reason is? Many of these companies that engage in virtual currency exchange or the exchange of virtual items are located in China and take great advantage of their employees. From what I understand it is basically 21st-century slavery in a virtual workplace. However, I don’t judge. If you get into these games and start playing and you find that you need currency or an item to enjoy your game? Then I say if you have the resources to pay for bully for you.
The game that you’ve been seeing pictures and videos, above, as from the MMORPG ‘Age of Conan’. This MMORPG is based in the world of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As well, a lot of the characters the plot lines the story are lifted from the movie series starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. If, My Dear Readers, you enjoyed in the works of Doyle or the movies of Arnold Schwarzenegger this MMORPG is the one for you!
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Be Yee fair warned this MMORPG is laden in with; violence, bloodshed, boobies, horrific deaths, blood, gore, did I say boobies? Yes my dear readers this game was designed for young adults. However, that does not mean that an adult can get a great deal of enjoyment from this MMORPG franchise. There are; beautiful vistas, icy lands, great deserts, huge forest and regions, caves full of spiders, and some bees galore. It is a well-balanced game with terrific graphics.
As well, this game is easily playable on most home PCs, desktops, and laptops. Be sure to check the website prior to writing to make sure that your system is compatible with ‘Age of Conan’. If you would like any more information about age of Conan just click on any one of the links embedded in this article.
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Well, My Dear Readers, we’ve come to the end of yet another of the series ‘MMORPGs And YOU! As always, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for coming to the other shoe. I know that there are literally thousands of sources of news and entertainment and content and I am honored that you choose the other shoe. Thank you!
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