Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Funnies

I get so serious; I have to admit, so focused on the topic, and how to present. I often forget, I often neglect, to stop find some light at the end. I forget to share happiness I forget to share love. I forget to be humorous I forget to have fun. No better time than the present, eh?


One of my fondest memories, from my childhood, was sitting with the Sunday newspaper (with the lovely news ink smell) and read the comics and have a smile and laugh. It gave me a little light at the end of the week, at the end of the tunnel as it were.


So, out of the past and into the present, I take an idea and bring it to you. While I am making videos for The Other Shoe, they don’t always go as planned. This leaves me with a good amount of ‘outtakes’. Well, what better than a marriage of my outtakes and the end of the week. After a week of being critical and playing with thought. To take a few moments to laugh and to smile.


I hope this brings a smile to your face. There are many more to come… many more to share. Keep checking back for ‘Sunday Funnies @ The Other Shoe’.  

1 comment:

  1. […] · Sunday Funnies (The First): “I get so serious; I have to admit, so focused on the topic, and how to present. I often forget, I often neglect, to stop find some light at the end. I forget to share happiness I forget to share love. I forget to be humorous I forget to have fun. No better time than the present, eh?” […]
