First, on my agenda today, is something I am kind of proud of, the Mid-June traffic report. Now first I will explain that all the traffic reports that I post here @ The Other Shoe all show a-month-in-review. They extended from March 23rd until today June 23rd 2013. A thirty day cycle is what we will be looking at, although you can see the traffic for this month is better on both blogs. First is my traffic report from the ‘Other’ The Other Shoe.
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I must profess, that with this, I am quite content. Considering the fact, that singlehandedly I; research, document, write, edit (well, I try) and publish everything you read. All by myself in a room 13x20 feet I create what you read. On each of these charts you will quite easily see, that there are big lulls in traffic. These are created by my level of pain. Funny that, my traffic is always ‘Bell Curved’. I produce a lot of content, in usually a short time. Then I plunge into the darkness, created by my pain. I try so hard to work through it, I try to put it aside (taking more pain meds just doesn’t work… because then I cannot write! Next is the traffic layout for my primary blog @ The Other Shoe.
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How that is all done, and finished quite nice. Move forward, I will, to the ‘Week In Review’. In the past week, here @ The Other Shoe we covered many topics. Here are but a few; The Sequester, Martian 3D Views, and Brown Water and not a drop to drink.
Here is the listing, with links to them included:
- · My Dad – A Father’s Day Tribute: “This is a tribute to my father, Ken Hanning. Not until the past two years, did I find out I hardly spoke about him in high school and college. Not sure ‘Why’ I didn’t talk about my father, at that time… most likely because it came after the divorce. My father was very talented; he mastered more technologies and sciences that, in another time, he would have been thought a genius. The image below, I just recently pieced together where it was taken”
- · Much Ado About Nothing: “Employees of the IRS choose to scrutinize applications by obvious Tea Party organizations. That was wrong. That is not “Nothing” (wooo weee I finally properly used a double negative), not to me not to the American people. However, not everything is Watergate. Not every problem with the many tentacles of the Federal government reaches the White House”
- · Cypress Lodge w Brown Water, STILL!: “For the past several years (the last two working with the current manager, Kevin) I have tried to get the Cypress Lodge to provide drinkable water to the residents. As of today, June 19 2013, the Cypress Lodge and Satellite Management have refused to adequately or properly (or professionally, their last ‘solution’? To flush the rust and calcium out of one of the hot water storage tanks into the street and storm drains!”
- · The Mars Report – In 3D! : “Welcome, My Dear Readers, to the 3D issue of The Mars Report here @ The Other Shoe. This entire issue will contain nothing but three-dimensional images from curiosity on Mars. I have wanted to bring a three-dimensional issue to you, My Dear Readers, but until this week the NASA JPL website just did not have enough images. That situation changed this week.”
- · A House, Upside Down! : “Welcome back, My Dear Readers, to The Other Shoe and ‘A House Upside Down’. House Speaker Boehner suffered, yet another, public and humiliating defeat in the House of Representatives. The Farm Bill Authorization Act, Boehner’s bill he sponsored it, and it failed to get enough votes to pass the House of Representatives. This most recent setback for Speaker Boehner, and the Republican Party, should serve as a signal to the rest of America that the United States House of Representatives(at least the Republicans) are ‘A House, Upside Down’.”
- · June 2013, A Republican Waterloo? : “The question is, My Dear Readers, will June 2013 turn into the Republican Party’s Waterloo? Let me take a moment to outline the; blunders, failures and problems the Republican Party has made in just the past 20 days. So grab a cup of coffee and maybe a little nosh and let’s spend the next three minutes discussing Republican loss.”
And, that’s ‘A Full Lid!’ As always I am deeply honored that you choose The Other Shoe for your entertainment and news editorial. “Thank You!”
I don't normally do this.. commnet on my own posts. However, this week I proved it, I showed I could get it done. Seven articles in seven days, adn not ONE a 'dud'. Brothers and Sisters, and nieces and nephews too... LORD I am in PAIN from the top of my head and down to my shoes. I am going to hide now, for a little bit. I might not return... in time (next week) to do this all over again.