Since I was so happy to find this, better, camera I decided to make a video. One, to make sure that it had really survived the move and to show off my new apartment. I am very thankful to everyone that contributed to my most recent Indiegogo campaign to raise the funds to move. I wanted to show you, My Dear Readers, and everyone that contributed, the great apartment that I found and acquired with the funds you so generously gave me.
Later today I am hoping that Alexander shows his little fury face so that I can get a new video of him, too. I am waiting for all my auctions to end at eBay, Once they have I will start the process of generating new auctions and sales at Amazon. I am genuinely hoping that I can garner better bids and more money.
I am still panicked about the financial situation I find myself facing. However, it does no good to focus on the fall, just makes one fear the landing, more. I hope that I can sell some of the items, at Amazon. Until then, I will just eat Ramen noodles three meals a day and get by the best that I can. Allen had another second interview, yesterday. I am hopeful. He is out most every day putting in applications, and it is just a matter of time before he gets a job.
Again, thank you to everyone that gave and made this new home possible.
As always, I am hono9red that you come here and read my work.
Thank you!
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[…] Weekend Update October 26th, 2013 And A Tour! : “Welcome back My Dear Readers to The Other Shoe. I opened one of the final boxes to unpack, today, and found what I thought to be a lost 1080p video camera. I had used this camera for lots of videos during the last Indiegogo campaign. I had feared that the camera was lost forever. Overwhelmed with joy, I was, upon finding it today.” A very happy day for me, and one that I wanted to share with you, My Dear Readers. Seems I thought that I had lost my only 1080p camera for my computer. Alas, on this day I FIND my 1080p camera and am very happy at my find. I also include, in this post, a short Tour Of My New Home! ENJOY! […]