I did not come out and scream that I was without food, or proclaim that I was not eating (even though… I was not). I dropped a hint and worked to post many of my personal belongings and hoped that they would sell. Once I saw that eBay had become the ‘Dirt Mall’ of the internet, I explained that I would be moving all the articles to sell over at Amazon… once again, to get some food in my home. FYI I have not listed at Amazon, yet, because they demand the weight of each item I am posting… and I do not have a scale of any kind. Therefore, once I get my disability at the first of the month I am going to purchase a scale. That way I can continue to try to raise funds to help my family.
Allen went to his first day of work, at his new job @ Khol’s. He was hired late last week, and today he is working his first full day at his new job. I am very proud of Allen. Proud that at 47 he managed to land a job so quickly. He was very busy looking for work, and this had been a very difficult time for Allen. My condition is bothering him, I am waking a lot at night… unable to breath. My pain is much worse, and the pain medication (that I have been on now for ten years) just isn’t doing the trick anymore. My depression grows, with every passing day.
I am hoping that my doctor changes my pain medication when I see him next week. Now that I have all of that out of the way, I would like to share a series of videos I have made today… of my Halloween Crock Pot Stew.
This first video shows the staging of all the contents of my Halloween Crock Pot Stew;
(Staging For The GREAT Halloween Crock Pot Stew)
This next video shows all the contents in the crock pot, all cut and combined, waiting for me to turn on the heat and begin the 10-12 hour process.
(Stew All Ready For Cooking!)
This next video is about two hours into the cooking process. You can see that the veggies are beginning to cook.
(Two Hours Into The Slow Cooking)
This is the last video I have made, today, About six hours in, it is really beginning to look (and smell) like a great stew.
(My Wonderful Halloween Crock Pot Stew @ Hour Six)
Now, I have to take a moment to give credit, where it is due. After all my efforts to make money on eBay. After all my mentions on Facebook and my blogs. One person did come to my aid. Again, Ian Cottier worked tirelessly to get food to me. First, he went to Von’s Home Delivery web site and picked out a whole bunch of food for me, and was ready to have it delivered to me at home. Once Ian was faced with the road block of Von’s not accepting European Credit Cards on their web site. Ian went yet another step and sent me funds via Paypal.
Thanks to Ian I am going to have a wonderful ‘Halloween Crock Pot Dinner’ and more than a week’s worth of food. This could, easily, take me right up to the date I get my SNAP funds. I am in debt to Mr. Ian Cottier, for his generosity and his diligence in getting food to me. .
“Thank you Ian!”
As always I am honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank you.
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Reblogged this on Allen's World and commented:
ReplyDeleteDanny Hanning of The Other Shoe (www.theothershoe.blog.com & www.theothersshoe.wordpress.com) made this WONDERFUL Halloween Crock Pot Stew and FOUR videos of the process.