(Video of Debris and Trash All Over @ The Cypress Lodge)
Any other normal American would have, likely, called 911 and taken pictures of the stairs. I mean it was debris on the steps that caused me to fall. These workers have been negligent to downright disrespectful of the residents here, and the need to keep the work area clean and clear of debris. However, not Danny… oh, no… not Boy Scout Danny. I just got up off the stairs, cursed myself and went into the house for a good cry. There are multiple bruises on my right leg, and my left knee is about the size of a basketball.
(My knee and bruises)
I twisted on my left leg and my right leg banged on the stairs. I really try to be careful. However, with the people working here, they are just not eve careful. They should sweep up, every day, at the end of the day. They never do. So, here I am trying to pack everything I own, by myself, and now I have to go without food.. because I just cannot walk that far with my left knee all messed up.
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(Bruising on my Right Leg From Fall)
I am not a litigious person, generally. I am going to make an exception this time. Tomorrow I am planning on packing all the rest of my belongings. I plan on leaving out my DVD player, and my TV. Also, I plan on leaving this computer out until Thursday night. As soon as I pack up this computer, I will have no way to post or communicate until I get moved and unpacked. I received a call form Allen, today.
He has received an answer to his ‘Early Release’ paperwork. He called to get; his phone number, the name and phone numbers of two personal references that he will not be living with and the phone number for his last job. That was the only number I could not get for him, when he called. He told me that he could be released as soon as tomorrow night. That would be Wednesday night. After I got off the phone, I immediately sat down and prayed. I prayed to thank God for Allen getting his paperwork back… and I asked… pleaded, that Allen get released before I am evicted.
I am having some difficulty finding a place to live. Every day I go to Craigslist and; repost my ad for ‘Housing Wanted’. Then I go to roommates and look at all the new listings. It is just shocking how much people want for; a living room, a bedroom that is 8x10… and I even saw one ad for “a sleeping place…” for $450 a month. I am looking for a place that will; accept Alexander and be open to me bringing my own bed and TV and furniture.
I am just amazed how many have “must have 9-5 schedule”... or “NO pets allowed”… or “Female only… college student only… must have regular schedule…” The majority of people just have so many hang ups. They do realize that they are trying to make, right? They have so many rules… so many unrealistic expectations that it makes every day an adventure in disappointment. However, for $1,000.00 I have found a very nice place available in Huntington Beach. They seem to be nice. Know that I am disabled, and I asked about Alexander and he responded “That shouldn’t be a problem…” I have to get back to them, tomorrow. I just have a problem handing over $1,000.00 prior to moving in… and with my theft from last week. “Once bitten, twice shy!”
I wrote my brother, Darrell, today. I explained that I have done my best to vet a 73 year old widower. I had talked several times via emails. Went to his house and met him in person. Had a nice hour long visit, and ‘Larry’ stole my $300 deposit. Darrell responded;
“You don't even make any sense. You give money to strangers and then wonder why you get screwed over.
I can't keep throwing money down a drain like that.
Figure it out for yourself.”
Now, let me be clear. This is how my email to Darrell started:
“Dear Darrell,
I need advice or maybe some guidance. I am not asking for money.”
I am not too sure how I could have been more clear. I stated that I did not want money, I just would have liked if my brother called Larry and asked him to return my money. See, the way I see it is… it is much more difficult for a “stranger” to sleep at night if they know the person they stole from has family that cares. So, I explained the situation to the best of my ability to Darrell and simply asked if he would pelase call this person and act like he gave a damn what happens to his little brother. I had no idea that would be a bridge too far. Nor did I forsee that even though I said I didn’t want money just some familial support… that we would just (on his own) go for the ‘Danny is begging for money again…’.
I knew that Darrell had already helped me out with money. I was completely embarrassed that the money he had generously given me, was taken by a 73 year old widower. It really did take a lot of courage to write the email and send it to Darrell. I mean… everyone is a stranger, right? If I am using craigslist, I am dealing with strangers. I am not sure just exactly how I am supposed to be renting or rooming with… friends. I mean I would much rather be rooming with a friend. I have even been offered to move in with a very good friend that I have known since 1995. However, he lives in Tennessee and I would loose; my doctor, my prescription drug coverage, and would have to leave all my belongings here in California.
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(Nails Outside Door at Cypress Lodge October 1st, 2013)
That is why I am really hoping that Allen does get his early release. That would solve a lot of problems. With Allen’s help I could; get everything in a storage that was large enough. I have already found a larger storage for less money. Only $30 a month for the first two months. That way I could put what I have here in the room now in the room on Friday. Then the next weekend, or the one after that, call my friend Tony and have him and Allen take everything out of the first storage and put it in the new storage area. Once Allen and I find a roommate situation that we feel will last? We can take everything out of the storage and move in to a new place to live.
Right now… I am doing the best I can. I do not think; having people steal deposit money, having my brother call me stupid (repeatedly), and hurting myself just trying to get the work I have been left alone to do, done… is asking too much. I really did trust Larry. Honestly? I think it was all a scam. I honestly feel that Larry worked me and had every intention to steal from me from the get go. I had another very good, and old, friend tell me that his take was that Larry had this planned all along. That he intentionally picked a disabled person, intentionally was open and supportive just so he could take as much money as he could from me.
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(More Garbage On Walkways At Cypress Lodge October 1st, 2013)
If that is the case, then it is a ‘Good Thing’ that I mailed the Certified Letter documenting the chronology of the theft, and how quickly he changed from supportive to thief. Allen has told me that he will help me file the lawsuit and make sure that I get to court in my power chair. I do not like to sue people. The neurosurgeon that did my operation… well, he took 4 ½ hours for a surgery that he scheduled for 3 hours. He told me that he would fuse C3-C4-C5 and instead he fused C3-C7. My next neurosurgeon told me that it was “the longest cervical fusion he had ever seen…” But, the first doctor was a “Stranger”… I was stupid to trust him, right?
Funny that, some people just have streaks of bad luck or misfortune… However, with Danny (according to his brother Darrell) it is not misfortune, it is just Danny being stupid… every single time.
Now, if Allen does not get his early release. I have a plan, too. I am going to get the larger storage, for only $30 for the first two months. I will put; my bed, TV, Firebird computer, DVDs, and all the furniture I have left into the new storage. Once I have a place to stay, and Allen does get out. I will have Allen and Tony help me combine the two storage area into the larger (cheaper) one. That will be the cheapest, labor wise, and I will not loose any of my belongings. I have located a cheap hotel, back in Stanton. Funny that, was the town Allen and I started out in when we moved to OC from Long Beach. Coming full circle.
That way I; have a place I can afford for Alexander and myself. Have all my belongings in storage (the first month is FREE at the smaller storage). The first one is FREE until October 27th. Either Allen will be out by that date, or I will have a definitive date of his release by the 27th. I was told that they can prorate my rent, if I tell them in advance of paying the first full month’s rent when I will be moving out. That means; FREE storage for the smaller unit until October 27th, $30 a month for the larger storage I will get for the 4th, and now all I have to do is find a place for Alex and I to live until Allen gets out.
That brings us to the end of today’s update. I hope that everyone realizes that I really am doing the best I can with what I have… and the situation that I have been… abandoned. I am not squandering any money. Heck, I haven’t eaten but one meal a day for the past two weeks. When I eat it is at night and most of the time it is one of those $1 Mother’s ____ Fettuccini Alfredo in the boxes, thingy. So, I have my food budget down to about $1 a day. I weighed 165 lbs. when I saw Dr. Gorlick last… I am betting that I am going to be about 160-150 when I see him November 5th, 2013. I can tell in the mirror, that I am loosing a lot of weight. I have never really had an appetite when I am under stress, or depressed. I haven’t been under this much stress… since I took my last (failing) property and turned it around in three months.
Just to toot my horn? I took a property with a 63% occupancy and a 40% resident retention and in just three moths? I raised rents, increased occupancy to 95% and resident retention to 100%. I was working from 8Am until 10 or 11PM every day for the first two months. I remember… I really liked property management… and I was quite good at it, too. While I was packing? I found a whole stack of my old Plaza Woods Newsletters! That was my first property to manage when I left pharmacy work. I wrote a monthly newsletter, collected rents, made deposits, kept the spreadsheet for all income and payouts and even did some light maintenance. I loved my work and was good at it, too.
Once I am settled and begin writing from my new home? I will scan some of the old newsletters and share them with you, My Dear Readers. You will be able to see what and how I wrote back in 1996-1999. Looking back, I really worked hard for Charlie Roy and Plaza Woods. I even designed the web site, and published and did all the photography. When I like something and put my mind to it, I can be very good.
That brings us to the end of today’s update. I hope that I have entertained… at least some.
As always, I am deeply honored that you come here and read my work.
Thank you!
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